Wrestlemania XXX: Undertaker VS Brock Lesnar

This is a match people want to see. The seeds were planted after that MMA show when Undertaker started a pseudo beef. Plus you guys have to remember, there are egos. You can't just book shit. Maybe Undertaker requested Lesnar? It's a money match and the match itself will be good. Why not?
I can't read your posts. I just, I just can't!

So I'll interpret your thread title instead. You're bored of The Undertaker and you want to see something different from him? He shows up a few times a year and has achieved icon status in wrestling. He'd have to be in TNA for them to decide to dabble with his character now.

He's easy to avoid for the 6 weeks he's around for each year.

I cheated, I read the final like of your post. If Lesnar/'Taker can make me think for a second that Undertaker might lose during their match, then it will be on the same level as every other quality Undertaker match. The outcome isn't in doubt, but each year Undertaker manages to convince, if even for a moment, that he might lose.
I see somebody's on spring break this week and pretty bored, this is like your 100th post and each one is just as terrible. Go outside and play for a bit, you could use the exercise. Undertaker is awesome, I get that your bored but I doubt youre bored with him. Let's see, have you tried making crafts or you could watch an internet cooking class, or do some push ups...kinda fun, not really. I know my post will get deleted if I don't stick to the topic soooo umm undertaker is cool, he's not really boring, maybe a bit but not too bad. I'm obviously bored too cause I'm on here reading and responding to you so maybe we should be friends? Do you like stuff?
Other than the disrespect for Taker and his family I can see where the OP is coming from. It's the same exact thing every single time. And for the last few times I've never once thought Taker's streak was in any danger. The annual Undertaker return for Wrestlemania seems redundant at this point.
The original plan was rock vs brock and taker vs sting, but wwe and sting didnt get it enough time to build after sting left tna in jan when contract expired

Next year we may get the original planned two matches
You're bored of The Undertaker and you want to see something different from him? He shows up a few times a year and has achieved icon status in wrestling. He'd have to be in TNA for them to decide to dabble with his character now.

Nope, not at all. My issue with Taker has nothing to do with him showing up a few times a year.

I like Rock , I like Brock, I like Jericho, etc. and they're all part timers.

Taker comes back for the same storyline every year with the same ending.

He's too old, he's not increasing ratings or putting anyone over.

He's easy to avoid for the 6 weeks he's around for each year.

True but I have been attending every WM for the last couple of years and he's not easy to avoid there.

The outcome isn't in doubt, but each year Undertaker manages to convince, if even for a moment, that he might lose.

Sorry but Taker can't convince me whatsoever that The Streak is going to end.

Last year, I saw people next to me jumping out of their seats and going nuts for every "false finish" in the Taker-Punk match.

I didn't believe for one second that Punk was going to end the streak especially the way they made it about Taker fighting for Paul Bearer, no way was he going to lose.

After Taker kicking out of the Sweet Chin Music then the Pedigree at WM28, I was convinced The Streak will never end.
This thread should be titled "TheOneAndOnlyGOAT: Same Old S#!t."

Give me a break. I'm just stating my opinion.

Have I gone too far with insulting Taker? Probably but I'm trying to prove a point.

It's just absurd at this point for people to continue marking out for Taker.

It's the same story being repeated in front of our own eyes every year.
Give me a break. I'm just stating my opinion.

Have I gone too far with insulting Taker? Probably but I'm trying to prove a point.

It's just absurd at this point for people to continue marking out for Taker.

It's the same story being repeated in front of our own eyes every year.

But it's not absurd for you to mark out for Rock all the time? You go on and on about how Rock is greater than everybody, then trash anyone else, but get defensive when someone comments. You talk about the same thing from any particular wrestler, yet you don't find that Rock does the same exact thing every single time he appears? Rock's entire deal is I'm back, insult, insult, insult, promote my movie, trend on Twitter, insult, insult. He has the same routine every time.

Undertaker is a legend in wrestling and for what he has done, and what he means to WWE and wrestling as a whole, he is allowed to do the same stuff if he wants. He is the most respected guy in the business, and it is considered an honor if he chooses to do a program with you.

Oh and I almost forgot your comments about Taker taking a big check then leaving for the rest of the year. Why does that sound familiar, oh yeah, because that's exactly what The Rock has done. He comes back for a couple appearances, gets his check, and leaves. He only returns when it's time to promote a movie and he wants the WWE machine to do it.
WWE Fanboys are going to love anything WWE does and support it, as will Undertaker Fanboys that think he can do no wrong.

I was a fan of Undertaker vs HBK, the first time, after that it was old. I wasn't liking Undertaker v HBK 2, or Undertaker vs HHH 1, or Undertaker vs HHH 2, you know why? They been done before, and the build up was very repetitive. I wasn't a fan of Punk vs Undertaker either, because again it was the same thing, I been watching since before Undertaker started in WWF, and I seen all his feuds as they happened, not many were good in he 90s until Mankind, and the attitude era. After he attitude era, most of his feuds been stale, because everyone wanted the deadman back. Well the deadman gimmick is old and stale.

Lets be honest Undertaker is long over due for a gimmick change. Or a gimmick improvement.

Say what you like, but this feud with Lesnar has been the same old crap over again, been done to death by the Undertaker. Its lame, its stale, the promos have been very bland.
Let me start up by saying that I was never truly excited to see Brock Lesnar feud with The Undertaker.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar was supposed to be the original planned match for WMXXX and a match like that would've definitely broken many records.
However, this isn't the case for this match.
Taker's drawing abilities are nowhere close to Rock's.

This match won't help further either men's legacy.

So basically why have this match in the first place?

The Undertaker has been returning for the last 4 years around the same time (Road to WrestleMania) only to roll his eyes, do his lame 40 minute entrance, talk on the mic for 1 minute before saying his lame catchphrase (RIP), beating someone at WrestleMania, taking his big fat paycheck and leaving the rest of the year to spend it on his bimb0 wife.

Taker is extremely boring.

His feud with Lesnar sucked.

He completely buried him, beating him up 4 weeks in a row then getting F5d and now will bury him at WrestleMania.

The Streak storyline is extremely boring. Same old #### for the last 4 years.

What are your thoughts on the Lesnar-Taker feud?

won't lie i would have been ALOT more interested after that heat between the two after the UFC match in which brock lost his title. Though now I am attending mania in the 10th row strictly to see HOW IN HELL THE WWE thinks its a good idea to put an EXTREMELY stiff worker (especially since he's back) against a part timer on his last leg ( literally) Undertaker can pull amazing matches out of people but I truly feel that there will be a lot of stiff moves and big OUCH moments during this match, Even the clothesline last night on raw to taker looked insanely stiff and like its force legit knocked taker on his ass. brock is a mad man in the ring, often seemingly not knowing when to harness his power and intensity. This along with heyman have made this a feud worth watching for me. Plus the rumors of their dislike for each other in the past. Do I think it will be better than HBK and HHH's matches with taker, not a shot in hell. Better than taker and punk last year.... very very high chance...
First of all let me just say right of the bat that Undertaker's matches have been the best matches on the card since the past 7 WrestleManias. He's been having the best match on the card since WrestleMania 23.

Also, what makes you say The Undertaker isn't a draw and doesn't get ratings? If the reports are true, then the reason WWE had Undertaker's segment first was BECAUSE he is a big draw and WWE were going up against How I Met Your Mother's finale. So, yeah, I guess that bubble has burst.

I'd also like to point out at the fans in the arenas today when The Undertaker was cutting his promo. They were literally hanging on every word of his.
Let me start up by saying that I was never truly excited to see Brock Lesnar feud withThe Undertaker.

The Rock vs Brock Lesnar was supposed to be the original planned match for WMXXX and a match like that would've definitely broken many records.
However, this isn't the case for this match.
Taker's drawing abilities are nowhere close to Rock's.

Says who? You know the inner workings of the wwe do you.

Oh wait I'm sorry. You read it on wrestlezone or another website told you. Cause they've never been wrong have they.

This match won't help further either men's legacy.
Yes it does. It furthers undertakers.

So basically why have this match in the first place?
Because its a draw. Brock lesner is world reknown for what he did in ufc. More people know who Brock leaner is than all but 2 or 3 of the wwe roster.

The undertaker is a household name. Whether you like it or not. If you ask non wrestling fans to name 3 wrestlers who have been in wwe most would say undertaker among those 3. Along with probably hogan and the rock.

The Undertaker has been returning for the last 4 years around the same time (Road to WrestleMania) only to roll his eyes, do his lame 40 minute entrance, talk on the mic for 1 minute before saying his lame catchphrase (RIP), beating someone at WrestleMania, taking his big fat paycheck and leaving the rest of the year to spend it on his bimb0 wife.
A nice mature statement there. The reason is....it works. Undertaker is a huge nostalgia act. Its what happens in wrestling. It gets repetitive. But people like taker so much they just don't care.

Taker is extremely boring.
That's your opinion, and I have mine. I think he's extremely entertaining.
In those few seconds you read those dots the first thing you thought was "this guys a fucking undertaker fanboy"

Well yes I am. I enjoy who I enjoy but I can understand why some don't like certain wrestlers like cena, punk, Bryan etc. I can also understand why some dislike undertaker. Just you have an idiotic approach to it.

That's my opinion

His feud with Lesnar sucked.

He completely buried him, beating him up 4 weeks in a row then getting F5d and now will bury him at WrestleMania.

Ahhh that word again. Buried. I do love when certain iwc members use that word and they have no clue what being buried is.

Taking one loss or a few losses in a feud does NOT mean they are buried. Leaner is still a threat and still relevant. He is still looking strong especially after the f5 this week. Here's how this storyline had panned out

Leaner is such a badass he believes he can beat the streak.
Taker accepts his challenge.
Taker proceeds to play mind games on Brock lesner to a point it looks like leaner is wondering if he can stop the undertaker.
Bam, lesner hits his finisher and makes it look like he can beat taker. He goes into wrestlemania full of confidence with people realising taker can be taken out.

Its basic story telling. Nothing over the top. Nothing complex but it works. But not for you. So tell me. How would you of booked it?
And don't do the standard game of one upsmanship as most people do. Cause that really is boring!

If taker beats Brock down and makes him look weak. That's being buried. Taking a loss is not a burial.

He's too old, he's not increasing ratings or putting anyone over.

He may not increase ratings. But no one does these days. Ratings don't matter now. Or they matter much much much less than they did 15 years ago

Ppv buyrates on the other hand. I guarantee more people buy wrestlemania knowing takers on the card than if he's not.

And he's been putting people over for 20 years. He has amassed a phenomenal legacy and will go down as the greatest character ever. Because he is that well known.

You don't need to win a match to be put over either. Look at what taker did with John cena in 2003. Lol at what he did with Jeff hardy in 2002. The shield last year.
He made them all look very good. Especially hardy. Hardy and cena didn't win their matches. But they came out looking amazing. And bigger stars than they were before.

Sorry but Taker can't convince me whatsoever that The Streak is going to end.

Last year, I saw people next to me jumping out of their seats and going nuts for every "false finish" in the Taker-Punk match.

I didn't believe for one second that Punk was going to end the streak especially the way they made it about Taker fighting for Paul Bearer, no way was he going to lose.

Its not takers job to convince you really. Its the opponents. And the booking.

They jump out of their seats do they? Do you know why? Its because they're not on a fucking pedestal and enjoying the programming in front of them. No one thought punk would win. But you know what, they are allowed to enjoy themselves and believe it may be broken.

You reallllly need to stop judging others for what they do to enjoy the show. Especially as it sounds like all you did last year was sit in your seat with your arms folded with a face like a slapped arse.

After Taker kicking out of the Sweet Chin Music then the Pedigree at WM28, I was convinced The Streak will never end

Good. IMO it never should end.

Give me a break. I'm just stating my opinion.

Have I gone too far with insulting Taker? Probably but I'm trying to prove a point.

It's just absurd at this point for people to continue marking out for Taker.

It's the same story being repeated in front of our own eyes every year.

Insulting taker doesn't prove a point. It just makes you look like a little twatbag

People Like undertaker. If you can't handle that, try watching cricket. Fans of that dont seem to get so pissed off about other teams.

They like it because its simple nostalgia. Which once a year with the biggest star of wrestlemania is perfectly fine.

In closing. Get off your high horse. You don't like undertaker. We get that. But he's here and will be at wrestlemania every year for the foreseeable future.

Have your little rants where you have no clue on how to formulate your arguments without resulting to little digs at his wife. At the end of the day, she's probably better than anything you may come or have come close to in your lifetime.

So here we have this year's Undertaker match. When I first heard that Brock was going to be Taker's opponent, I cringed a bit at first. I didn't want to see the match. I haven't wanted to see it for the past few years that it's been rumored. The build up for it has been pretty good. Not as good as the build up for last year's match with Punk or any of the Michaels and Trips matches before it, but I've enjoyed it. The segment with the casket and Brock kicking it was funny.

There is no way in hell that Brock ends the streak. Zero. Undertaker will win the match. The streak won't end unless they have found the perfect candidate to end it. Brock will be a monster heel forever no matter what he does, why have him end the streak when there are others who could benefit more from the colossal heel turn that it would result in.

I think it will go on around the middle of the evening leaning toward the second half. It is one of my predictions for the match of the night. Taker should get a good match out of Brock. It's going to be a step down compared to the matches with Michaels, Trips, Punk, and Edge. I think it could top the Batista match and several of the older streak matches.

Undertaker will defeat Brock Lesnar.
I just thought about this, but unless I'm missing something, this is a regular match without any No DQ or No Holds Barred stipulations attached. If it stays that way, then this is Lesnar's first regular match since his return to WWE, so it'll be interesting to see if Lesnar takes a more restrained approach for his offense.

I'm still looking forward to the match, but Brock is the indestructible and savage beast in the ring, and Lesnar delivered a few five star worthy matches (Cena and Punk) over the past two years in a No DQ environment.
The build up has been solid. The first encounter was incredible and every thing else has been good enough. I'm excited for this match because I know what these two can do. Taker is incredible and Lesnar is a machine.

This match is the most likely to steal the show. The result might be obvious but the target is to make us believe even for one second. That is something that Lesnar can do.

I'll say this will be the match of the night. There are a couple others that I'm really excited for but Lesnar vs Taker just cannot fail. Taker wins and I'm just going to enjoy seeing Taker continue his incredible Wrestlemania streak.
I havent enjoyed the build to this at all. Lesnar needed to be booked dominant and as a threat to the streak. He has looked weak, having Heyamn even getting physically involved makes Lesnar look cowardly. I honestly am piss breaking this match, Undertaker will win in a tight snug match that he wont get hurt in. Lesnar will look awkward pulling his offense so as to not hurt the old guy. I hope I am wrong, but I cannot see this match living up to anything they did in 2002/2003.
I actually don't mind the build up to this. I understand why it wasn't physical because Undertaker is frail at 49. I think putting Brock's name as an opponent to the streak is already a threat enough. Most (including myself) know that in reality Brock would mess the Undertaker up badly, but I think they want to be careful at least going into this match tonight. I think it would be pretty cool that when Taker salutes to the stage screen as it says 22-0 the screen cuts out and we see that Sting Vignette.
While it may be a pretty lame build up the feud between these two on the last weeks/month, the match is interesting. How this Taker, old and fragile, is going to confront Lesnar's very, VERY agressive style? How is Lesnar going to makes us thing for a split second that he can actually end the streak?

A physical match, probably we are going to witness a spanish anouncers broken table, but in the end, Taker goes 22-0.
WTF??? I'm shocked!!!
Of all people , this part-time nobody Brock Lesnar has broken the streak???
I can't believe it!
Damn...I have to say that I was not expecting this. Brock Lesnar has ended Taker's undefeated WrestleMania streak and he did it cleanly after hitting the third F5 on Taker during the match. This has to easily be the biggest shocker of the night, maybe the biggest one of any WrestleMania in history.
This was the biggest shocker and blunder in wrestling history. I am sorry but I feel just disgusted with what occurred here. The most powerful and marketable streak in wrestling ended in a mediocre midcard match with no buildup, no hype and against a guy who doesn't even like wrestling and will only stick around for 4-5 more matches at best. If they wanted someone to beat it, they should've had Bray do it. Triple H beat Brock like a chump last year, and now this guy is ending the streak. I just can't fathom why this decision was done.

Fuck this. I'm watching Game of Thrones. Sorry Bryan, but I'm just not in the mood for wrestling right now. I hope the show ends great and I'll catch it later. But right now, I just can't stand watching another second. I need to sit and reflect about this.
I just....I mean....of all the surprises that could have gone down tonight, this is the one that I wouldn't have seen coming in a million years. I was stunned beyond words. The only time I've ever been rendered completely shocked while watching pro wrestling was when Taker threw Foley off the HIAC structure back in '98. Nobody and I mean NOBODY saw this coming and I call 100% bullshit on anyone that tries to claim otherwise.

I'm just kinda numb right now, just a jumble of any sort of emotion. I honestly don't know whether I'm pissed at WWE or if I should give them credit for delivering the most unexpected ending to any match in any event since Hogan's heel turn back in '96.
This is the biggest wrestling swerve since Hogan's heel turn in 1996. I'm absolutely godsmacked due to how sudden it was and the fact that it went to Lesnar of all people. The rub could've easily gone to a guy like Reigns or Wyatt, but giving it to Lesnar was a miscalculation.

This is probably Taker's penultimate match with the WWE if the Sting rumours prove to be true. I've got a feeling Undertaker will have one final shout at WM31 to win his retirement match against Sting to avenge the loss of his streak and to leave on a high note.

Absolutely stunned though. I really don't know how to take this.
I'm glad the streak is finally over. It has been stale for quite a few years now. Hats off to Taker for putting Lesnar over although I wish it was Reigns who broke the streak rather than Brock. I believe Brock was booked poorly since his return but with this win, all that changes. He is THE biggest threat right now and I hope he gets into a title match at Summerslam.
If you want to see over 70,000 people in a state of shock rewind the end of this match!

I am gobsmacked. I just simply do not know what to say.

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