Undertaker Wrestlemania XXX Reports, Rumors & Opinions: Keep It All Here!!!!

I wouldn't hold my breath on this happening. According to a report that was put out yesterday, and this is just a report so there's no telling if it's totally legit, is that WWE has an idea they want to do IF The Rock returns to work WM XXX next year. IF, IF, IF he does, then there's talk of having him feud with Brock Lesnar and using their 2002 feud as a background for building the match. If that happens, then there's talk of putting Taker against Ryback. As with many other past opponents, there's talk & speculation about Ryback being "the one" to end the streak. There was talk of it being CM Punk last year and there were talks of it being Triple H the past couple of years due to the question of Taker's health going forward.

I don't think it's going to go down this way, that is if all the various reports that've been put out in regards to The Rock post WM 29 are accurate. For one, The Rock's injuries had everyone from fans to wrestling insiders to Hollywood heavyweights giving their opinions on whether or not he should wrestle. Probably the one that sticks out the most is from director Michael Bay when he said, and I agree, that The Rock has too much to lose to risk wrestling again. His movie career is increasingly lucrative and the movies he's starred in over the past 2 years have made over $2.25 billion worldwide. A few months back, it was reported that WWE contacted the company responsible for making their merchandise and told it not to produce any new Rock stuff for 2014. WWE's ALWAYS had new Rock merchandise to go along with his returns so, if the report's true, then it's a strong indicator that he won't be back at WM XXX as a wrestler. A few days after SummerSlam, another report came out stating that the planned finish to Punk vs. Lesnar was changed a few days before the match. This report alleges that Taker contacted WWE officials during this time period and informed them that he would compete at WM XXX, prompting officials to change the finish of Punk vs. Lesnar, allegedly, due to not wanting Lesnar going into WM XXX with a 2-3 ppv record since his return.

When it comes down to dollars & cents, there's going to be a lot more money to be made off the streak at WM XXX if Taker goes up against a big name, marquee opponent. Unless a lot changes between now and the night after the Royal Rumble next year, that big name, marquee opponent won't be Ryback. Ryback is someone who, in my opinion, gets a good deal of undeserved hate. I don't believe he'll ever be the "face" of WWE or anything like that, but Ryback's become a pretty solid talker and his matches are often highly entertaining, especially now that they've done away with the more Goldberg-esque aspects of his character. When it comes to the streak matches, however, WWE needs someone who is a genuinely major, top level name to help sell the match. It's a standard that's been set by the WM matches with HBK, Triple H & CM Punk. Going from them to Ryback without a MASSIVE surge in Ryback's star power between now and WM will be a big step down for Taker's WM match. IF it does turn out to be Taker vs. Ryback, however, I highly doubt Ryback goes over unless Taker agrees to let it happen. Taker is damn near universally respected in pro wrestling, as well he should be, because he conducts himself like a pro is supposed to and gives it his best effort even if he's been handed a big, steamy, slimy pile of diarrhea to work with. If the streak ever comes to an end with Taker losing, I firmly believe that he'll decide who ends it because that's how much stroke he's got in WWE.

Taker vs. Lesnar is a guaranteed money match and one in which it'll be extremely easy to sell. Brock Lesnar's a legit badass, like him or hate him, the guy's a friggin' beast. By the time WM XXX comes about, Taker will officially be 49 years old and we all know how the wear & tear of the business has caught up with him the past 4 or 5 years. Lesnar is also probably the only major name in WWE the past 20 years or so who can claim to have ultimately gotten the best of Taker. They had a small handful of very physical matches back in late 2002. Their first match was at Unforgiven ended in a double DQ. Their next match was a classic HIAC match at No Mercy in which Lesnar scored a clean win over Taker and I think they had one more match on SD!, which was no DQ, with Lesnar getting the win due to interference from Heyman. If they build on their past feud coupling it with Lesnar's legitimacy and the common knowledge that Taker simply isn't what he used to be, they'll have no problem hyping him as the streak's biggest threat.
This thread isn't about whether or not it will happen or if it's a good idea, it's about the build up behind it and the ramifications of the possible result.

I am struggling with both aspects. I don't doubt it's ability to draw, it's a dream match. So what causes Cena and UT to fight? What happens if Cena wins? What happens if UT wins?

To me the storyline may have to revolve around HHH trying to book the match for the sake of 'best for business'. This way Cena can maintain some apprehension and level of respect for having match with a man that is in his late 40's, is the last ever WWE legend, doesn't exactly battle on the mic, has a Streak that's become bigger than the WWE Title, and will be ending the man's career. I think someone else has to be the catalyst for this match because Cena's character isn't the type to desire these things.

Now it's easy for HHH to book UT in any match he wants. UT is a stoic character who isn't going to back down from a fight. But how does HHH convince Cena that he is going to fight UT? I think in order to do this effectively HHH has to get UT to basically choose Cena. While Cena isn't the type to want to fight old men, end careers, and be the one to end The Streak he isn't one to avoid conflict and he isn't about to deny a request from a legend.

But that's all I got. It's weak in my opinion but then again so have a lot of WM main event builds have been weak in the past. I just can't get past the idea that it makes no sense for Cena to want this match. Maybe the match makes money on name recognition alone so it doesn't matter and WWE can be lazy.. How do you build the match or write the story? Straight respect angle, heel turn, my idea? Is there pre-match violence?

Now what happens on Raw the next night?

If Cena wins I think he is going to have to give the most inspiring "respect" speech of his career and the UT is going to have to come out and use his body language to let the fans know that it is ok that Cena was the one to beat him and end him.

This idea really sucks. I don't want UT to praise the man that ended him. To me the UT needs to disappear like the character he's always been. But I'm afraid if he doesn't tell the world it's ok that Cena beat him Cena will lose his cash cow status and he'll be completely exposed to even the youngest that he just Vince's chosen one again and again. If Cena wins, what is the aftermath? My idea, another feud with Kane, heel turn?

If UT wins I guess Cena comes out the next night and goes quickly in to another feud similar to the way he went straight from losing to The Rock at WM28 to getting taken out by Lesnar. Maybe we get another Lesnar/Cena feud.

I guess I like this better than my post-Cena wins idea but I am not sure Cena is the type to easily recover from a loss to a man in his late 40's that doesn't move so well anymore. If UT win, what is the aftermath? My idea, does Cena disappear like Punk did, heel turn?

So there it is, help me out. Please try to book with logic and not fantasy.
One guy will decide the course of the road to Mania, and that man is .................The Rock. If Dwayne comes back then we can expect Cena vs Taker, Rock vs Brock and Punk vs Bryan. If he decides it's not worth it, then I'd expect Brock vs Taker and Cena vs Bryan vs Punk
John Cena will face Undertaker at Wrestlemania before he retires - bank on that.

So for me, the question of who will face Taker at WM XXX is purely dependent on how many WMs Taker thinks he has left in the tank. Cena/Taker is the biggest match possible, wrestling's Mayweather/Pacquio, and would make no sense not to make it. As WWE has been big on WM rematches, you might be able to get more than one Mania match out of them. I've been telling anyone who will listen that if Cena ever does turn heel, it will be on the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

My gut says that this year, the honor will go to Brock Lesnar. These two will tell an incredible story and they have a ton of history, including their stare down at a UFC event. Lesnar is already contracted for the event so use your current signed resources until you have to book Taker against your franchise player.

Either way will be fun and a treat for us.
First of all, booking:
-The Raw after Royal Rumble, where Cena will make his return and lose it, he will come out and talk how he missed all of the WWE universe etc (typical Cena speech) and tries to announce his plans for WM, which will be the chase for the WWE title (depending on the situation, HHH storyline etc). Right before he ends his speech, the bell tolls and Undertaker shows up and says nothing.
Next week on Raw, Undertaker comes out and says that in 2 months, Wrestlemania comes and it is a tradition for Superstars to step up to the plate and try to break the streak. 21 tried and 21 have fallen. But this is the 30th anniversary of WM so it has to be big. "I have faced every legend at WM, every top-notch performer, and beaten them all, EXCEPT from John Cena". So, what's a better way to settle this and see if he has what it takes to be THE guy by stepping up 1-on-1 with me at WM30?
Then, Cena comes out and with some bla bla and him being indecisive, he finally accepts (after being talked into it about how he is the face of the WWE and how he is not a coward). The challenge was made, accepted and now we are going to see the match (which by the way I'd want to be an I Quit match, since none of them will utter those words).

Now, about the outcome, I'm really torn on this one, I can't really decide:

-If Undertaker wins: His streak continues, 22-0, he has beaten another incredible performer and gives the chance to someone else to possibly break it. He will carry on performing which is always amazing and awesome to see.
Cena will come out to the ring the following night and start his usual speech about how he went to a war, and in the end, it was Taker's night and he said "I Quit". He will say that he respects him and considers him the greatest performer / most iconic figure of all time etc. Undertaker won't make an appearance, as he proved what he needed to prove last night. Cena will carry on being a face and possibly be interrupted a the WWE champion (if he's a heel champion), saying that while he was quitting last night, I was stealing the show and becoming/retaining the championship. Then a feud starts, Cena moves on to a WWE title feud and the memory remains as a great match between Taker vs Cena and 22-0.

-If Cena wins (We riot :P ):
The most possible crowd reaction will be an arena filled with/screaming boos, especially in a city where it has hardcore wrestling fans. It can be the perfect place for a heel turn, if needs be, but Cena can also keep his face persona. He can say, depending on his character, that he is proud to make Taker say "I Quit" and break the streak, which will generate a huge amount of boos and turn him heel, or say how he knows why he was 21-0 for all those years, he is incredible and has a huge amount of respect for him. I still can't think what he can say to actually defend himself against the boos though, no matter how much he says he respects Taker. Afterwards, Taker comes out, stands on the stage while his music is playing, looks at Cena, nods his head and takes his hat off as a sign of recognition, turns around and leaves and disappears, never to be seen or wrestle again. This will be like a sign of the "Deadman", who all those years was "burying" people, but now it is his time to get "buried". Leaves, rides into the sunset in an epic stage and moment, while Cena stands there 100% appreciating him and applauding him. After that, he will just leave the scene and can start a feud next week, so that the moment won't be ruined.

All in all, the feud can break out pretty easily but the outcome depends on how much Taker can go and how long he can keep appearing. WM30 is a big stage and a very suitable one for the streak to end. That being said, Cena can add that victory and achievement to his list, but it would be better if someone who has shined but also needs something huge to break the streak. Someone like Ziggler, Ambrose, Bryan, Cody etc. Cena has left his mark on the wrestling industry, and will be remembered win or lose to the Undertaker. Those guys might not be big enough on just title victories to be in the top list, so the victory against Taker might be required in order to be put on that pedestal.
I'm going to get flamed hard for this, but if the Undertaker is going to lose at Wrestlemania, it's going to be somebody who is also undefeated at wrestlemania, to carry on the legacy of the streak. The Miz has won 3 years in a row at Wrestlemania and is undefeated, he was even hot shotted the IC title at wrestlemania this year to preserve the streak, and then it went right back to Wade Barrett the night after. The Miz is going to be the new streak, Undertaker probably wouldn't want to pass the torch to him though, you never know. A PR Guy with an undefeated streak at wrestlemania is kinda funny.
It's difficult to try to put together a logical way to book The Undertaker vs. John Cena at Wrestlemania 30 without it being completely cliche. If WWE were to go with this option, I can imagine they'd make The Undertaker interrupt John Cena during his return promo and base the storyline off of the fact that The Undertaker has never faced John Cena at Wrestlemania. This is very logical, yes, but it doesn't interest me. It doesn't seem like they can fit a lot of depth into that type of storyline over the course of 2 months. The Undertaker, or John Cena, has to make a drastic change in their personality or character for this storyline to really work, and work good at that.

I was thinking about the possibility of John Cena winning the Royal Rumble and, instead of using his win for a championship match at Wrestlemania, he uses it for a match against The Undertaker. I like the sound of it, but John Cena just came off of a Royal Rumble win last year, and I can't imagine him winning it again this year. Another storyline I considered was John Cena turning heel (and that's IF WWE can find a new "face" of the company by then, which I highly doubt, and yes, I doubt Daniel Bryan) and attacking The Undertaker upon his return. WWE has been posting these cryptic messages on Twitter about "#RestinPieces", which more than likely applies to The Undertaker, so I can see the timing being spot on.

I REALLY hope WWE books The Undertaker vs. John Cena. Neither of them can retire without facing off.
So I have been tossing around who the Takers opponent will be at WM XXX this year, and see no other option than John Cena for the WWE Championship.

All Dbry lovers who think he will have the strap at WM I think are a little misguided.

Dbry will have the strap headed into RR and will defend, and lose the strap that evening to JC.

Taker will win the RR and face JC for the title at WM....and win.

Taker can then come out the next night on Raw, and vacate the title, starting a whole new chase for the strap...

You may think I'm off the wall, but they always do what's right by the a Deadman, and what better way to send him off, and restart the title picture

At this point in Undertaker's career, there doesnt have to be much of a storyline leading into his Wrestlemania matches. The Streak is the storyline now. The list of viable challengers is rapidly shrinking. Cena vs Undertaker sells itself. Both of them love to kick out of every finisher known to man. Can SuperCena adjust Undertaker's attitude or will the doctor of Thuganomics rest in peace? Blah blah blah.
John Cena doesn't win the Royal Rumble.

The night after on Raw, he's giving his typical John Cena return/big win speech. In a face way he list off his accomplishments in the WWE (In a way that's thanking the fans for "having his back" through his 10+ WWE Title reigns, WM Main events, Rumble wins, MITB win, records broken etc) He says that he is a man who has never backed down from a challenge, which is why he returned early to compete for the opportunity to Main Event WrestleMania 30 for the WWE Title even though he didn't get it done at the Rumble, he will still find a way.

Then... *GONG*... Undertaker appears on stage, says "Cena.... If you want to stare a real challenge in the face... met me in New Orleans" and he does the whole throat slash thing.

That's how I would book it even though Undertaker vs John Cena almost books itself. The Face of the WWE vs The Streak.
The match would be a great draw. My only problem with Cena going over is that I question how many more full time years he has in the tank. In three years or so, he may start slowing down. He may be a part time sooner than what Vince McMahon wants to admit. Therefore, if Cena is merely a part timer, I question if it is worth putting him over Taker. I may have made that big decision a couple of years ago. Today I would hesitate. Now, time to directly address the topic at hand.

Here's how I think WWE is inclined to book the feud, and how I would book it. Firstly, WWE would probably make Cena the reluctant challenger. Cena respects WWE, and the streak is an institution of sorts. Plus, Cena may not see Taker as his equal because of the age difference. Taker may want to beat Cena at the biggest stage in wrestling history because Taker has never been the top dog, the "Face of the WWE." They square off, Taker wins. Cena gets his rematch at WrestleMania XXXI, and possibly ends the streak. It may sound like a mix of Flair/Michaels, Taker/HHH, and Rock/Cena. But this is WWE we are talking about. If something works, WWE will go to the well as many times as fans will let them.

How I would book it is Cena wants to end the streak, and Taker is hesitant to face Cena. Taker expresses self doubt in subtle ways. He knows Cena is a winner, the franchise player, and admits that Cena is his biggest threat. We walk into WrestleMania with Taker as the underdog, Taker somehow wins, and the show closes with Taker smiling from relief. Cena walks off, dejected yet somehow dignified, giving the Taker the spotlight as we fade to black. If the buyrate goes well enough, I might consider a rematch for WrestleMania XXXI.
I think this match would be so much better if it is a I quit match. Just given Cena's current character, it would add much to the match.
Easy storyline, Cena returns and states that his last few years have been rough and he's not getting any younger, I've done almost everything there is to do except one thing. Challenge the streak. don't need to have a heel turn the story writes itself, certainly better then the rumoured alternative of Crapback taking down or atleast challenging the streak.

The aftermath is Cena loses after several finishers on both sides and interferance maybe from Heyman's guys the following night on RAW he and Taker show respect blah blah blah, then BAM Cena drops Taker with an AA welcome to the new Paul Heyman guy hahahaha.
The match would be a great draw. My only problem with Cena going over is that I question how many more full time years he has in the tank. In three years or so, he may start slowing down. He may be a part time sooner than what Vince McMahon wants to admit. Therefore, if Cena is merely a part timer, I question if it is worth putting him over Taker. I may have made that big decision a couple of years ago. Today I would hesitate. Now, time to directly address the topic at hand.

Here's how I think WWE is inclined to book the feud, and how I would book it. Firstly, WWE would probably make Cena the reluctant challenger. Cena respects WWE, and the streak is an institution of sorts. Plus, Cena may not see Taker as his equal because of the age difference. Taker may want to beat Cena at the biggest stage in wrestling history because Taker has never been the top dog, the "Face of the WWE." They square off, Taker wins. Cena gets his rematch at WrestleMania XXXI, and possibly ends the streak. It may sound like a mix of Flair/Michaels, Taker/HHH, and Rock/Cena. But this is WWE we are talking about. If something works, WWE will go to the well as many times as fans will let them.

How I would book it is Cena wants to end the streak, and Taker is hesitant to face Cena. Taker expresses self doubt in subtle ways. He knows Cena is a winner, the franchise player, and admits that Cena is his biggest threat. We walk into WrestleMania with Taker as the underdog, Taker somehow wins, and the show closes with Taker smiling from relief. Cena walks off, dejected yet somehow dignified, giving the Taker the spotlight as we fade to black. If the buyrate goes well enough, I might consider a rematch for WrestleMania XXXI.

i certainly don't think Taker would show any self doubt over Cena when he's faced the best of the best the business has to offer and has always overcome it, Cena is no different, but maybe he just shows disinterest in fighting another match like he did with HBK the second time and Cena has to goad him into it that way.
The current situations of both Superstars already seem to be building to this, so we just have to extrapolate from what's already been shown. Indulge this scenario, if you wheel...

Months of healing from his injuries at home have driven Cena mad. Not because he has faded from the spotlight, not because he has been unable to regain his championship, and not even due to HHH running roughshod over the WWE landscape with his ill-begotten authority. No, Cena's descent into madness is from his own doing: his decision to advance his relationship with Nikki Bella.

Ever since moving into his house, Nikki has been a constant thorn in his side with her incessant nagging and criticism. Despite this, he lacks the heart to dump her. As alluded in future episodes of Total Divas, John feels inexplicably drawn to her in ways that reach far beyond normal attraction. He proposes marriage to her just before he feels ready to return to action, but Nikki has a huge requirement before she accepts. To win her hand, John Cena must defeat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Why? Glad you asked. Nikki Bella fancies herself worthy of a legendary superstar. She wants a man who can do the impossible, and only once the Streak has ended will Cena prove he is superb enough to deserve her undying pledge. On the night after Royal Rumble Cena lays out a heartfelt plea and challenges Undertaker to the match. Miraculously the Phenom appears in a purple fog and accepts, but before he fades away he mentions that this year he will have an apprentice to ensure his victory and John Cena's defeat.

As the weeks pass and Cena expresses doubt, Nikki remains by his side, reinforcing his confidence while at the same time remaining unsure herself. No one's beaten The Undertaker on the grandest stage, and as vigilant as Cena can be, he too may fall. We witness segments continuing to build this up, ultimately culminating in a face to face where he passionately states that he will not only end Undertaker's streak, but also thwart his mysterious unidentified apprentice and gain the unholy dark powers to reign eternal over WWE as the new Phenom.

The fateful night arrives, and the match does not disappoint. After dozens of close calls, near falls, and all-out brawls, Cena finally locks Undertaker in the dreaded STF, but as he is about to tap the arena goes dark and an ominous light shines above the entrance stage as a giant model of the Undertaker's symbol is lowered... with Nikki Bella strapped to it in a mock crucifixion.

Cena dashes to save her, climbing dangerously high into the rafters to reach his lady love. Just before he can untie her, Undertaker has caught up to him. Dragging his thumb across his neck, Undertaker Tombstones Cena through a piece of the stage and falls on top of him. The referee counts three, and the Streak remains... but Undertaker does not rise.

Several minutes later doctors revive John Cena enough for him to regain his footing, but he remains transfixed on Undertaker's lifeless body. Just then his symbol lowers and Nikki Bella unties herself, laughing maniacally at Cena's confusion. He rushes to comfort her from the trauma, but before they can embrace Nikki slaps her arm around his throat, chokeslams him onto the ground, and disappears along with Undertaker's body in a roll of fog. The whole arena stands speechless.

The next night on RAW, Cena demands answers, and they arrive in the form of Nikki Bella appearing in attire reminiscent of Undertaker's. She chides Cena for being a fool during their relationship, announcing that she was the unnamed apprentice. The Phenom had doubts he would be able to defeat John Cena on his own after withstanding decades of punishment, so he made a pact with Nikki to manipulate Cena's emotions enough to subdue his will to win. Now that she has ensured the Undertaker's final victory, she has been granted his full repertoire of abilities and shall continue to wreak destruction upon all as instructed by her dark master. John Cena drops to his knees crying, and this paves the way for Nikki Bellataker to continue the streak of amazing Wrestlemania victories in the legacy of the original Undertaker.

Sure, it's fairly predictable given the hints that have been dropped so far, but it's still the best shot WWE has at this point to give this match a solid, believable story.
The match would be a HUGE draw and would have the Main event without a shadow of a doubt. I don't understand why you are over-thinking it so much, the story line is the Streak of course. The Streak has taken on a life of its own, there does not need to be a story. John Cena vs The Undertaker sells itself and I have no doubt in my mind that it would be a great match IMO.

Whilst there have been no reports on this match happening, I believe the WWE are keeping it a secret so that we "smart fans" don't find out. At this point of Cena's career, who else can he face that he has NOT already faced? Randy Orton again? CM Punk again? The Undertaker is the only viable option. The Undertaker has faced most of the big stars in WWE history and has yet to face John Cena at WrestleMania and that IMO is enough reason to go ahead with this big money match.
I read everything you guys said, and I really wanna see this match, but I'd rather see Taker win for a lot of reasons (more likely I don't wanna see Cena win, not because I don't like him, but because someone else can use this opportunity).

As far as booking goes, having Cena vs Taker announced the night after Royal Rumble is a bad move. Cena and Taker can't have their characters clashed on the mic because they are both the ultimate good guys. Their story can't drag on for 2 months, in the same way as HHH vs Taker. It got dragged on and on and on and it being announced so early was a bad move. Punk's announcement this year like 3 weeks before WM was kinda bad too, because it didn't give the right feeling about the match and didn't let it build as well as I'd like to, but given that Taker will probably not get involved in any fight prior to the WM match, I can't see how anyone can make it that much bigger through a mic alone more than Punk did.
But the thing here is that Cena's character is not big enough to tell stories about Taker on the mic, especially drag them on for 2 months. If anything, they should announce their feud the night after the Chamber, or 1 week after, let them say what they wanna say, and get it over with. The streak doesn't need an explanation, so a "face of the company vs the most successful WM Superstar" match will sell itself.

All in all, I don't know how they can make their feud have heat and this whole "big battle feel" as Punk vs Rock had (where they got involved in a couple of brawls before their matches), but the announcers are there to make it big. Also a Cena heel turn is there to make it interesting.
I read everything you guys said, and I really wanna see this match, but I'd rather see Taker win for a lot of reasons (more likely I don't wanna see Cena win, not because I don't like him, but because someone else can use this opportunity).

As far as booking goes, having Cena vs Taker announced the night after Royal Rumble is a bad move. Cena and Taker can't have their characters clashed on the mic because they are both the ultimate good guys. Their story can't drag on for 2 months, in the same way as HHH vs Taker. It got dragged on and on and on and it being announced so early was a bad move. Punk's announcement this year like 3 weeks before WM was kinda bad too, because it didn't give the right feeling about the match and didn't let it build as well as I'd like to, but given that Taker will probably not get involved in any fight prior to the WM match, I can't see how anyone can make it that much bigger through a mic alone more than Punk did.
But the thing here is that Cena's character is not big enough to tell stories about Taker on the mic, especially drag them on for 2 months. If anything, they should announce their feud the night after the Chamber, or 1 week after, let them say what they wanna say, and get it over with. The streak doesn't need an explanation, so a "face of the company vs the most successful WM Superstar" match will sell itself.

All in all, I don't know how they can make their feud have heat and this whole "big battle feel" as Punk vs Rock had (where they got involved in a couple of brawls before their matches), but the announcers are there to make it big. Also a Cena heel turn is there to make it interesting.

I can sort of see your point about the match selling itself. But I wouldn't want to see WWE go on auto-pilot heading into the WrestleMania 30 main event. If WWE wants that match to break records, it has to be framed as absolutely MUST SEE. I want these wrestlers be more than WWE Superstars, I want them to become archetypal figures in the ultimate test of will vs. will. I want fans to question assumptions, suspend disbelief for a night, and view this match as bigger than professional wrestling itself.

I know that may sound overly ambitious. But WWE should be ambitious for this landmark show. Heck, in 1985 the idea of a show like WrestleMania seemed untenably ambitious. And yet, WWE exceeded expectations. This is bigger than an average WrestleMania. This is the culmination of all WrestleMania events. I don't want the match to simply sell itself. If we are approaching Vince McMahon's swan song as the lead showrunner, I would love to see McMahon sell this show in the spirit of the bow-tied promoter. I want this build to have McMahon's fingerprints on it, and to only have communications with Cena and Taker. Hey, a fan can dream!
The current situations of both Superstars already seem to be building to this, so we just have to extrapolate from what's already been shown. Indulge this scenario, if you wheel...

Months of healing from his injuries at home have driven Cena mad. Not because he has faded from the spotlight, not because he has been unable to regain his championship, and not even due to HHH running roughshod over the WWE landscape with his ill-begotten authority. No, Cena's descent into madness is from his own doing: his decision to advance his relationship with Nikki Bella.

Ever since moving into his house, Nikki has been a constant thorn in his side with her incessant nagging and criticism. Despite this, he lacks the heart to dump her. As alluded in future episodes of Total Divas, John feels inexplicably drawn to her in ways that reach far beyond normal attraction. He proposes marriage to her just before he feels ready to return to action, but Nikki has a huge requirement before she accepts. To win her hand, John Cena must defeat the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Why? Glad you asked. Nikki Bella fancies herself worthy of a legendary superstar. She wants a man who can do the impossible, and only once the Streak has ended will Cena prove he is superb enough to deserve her undying pledge. On the night after Royal Rumble Cena lays out a heartfelt plea and challenges Undertaker to the match. Miraculously the Phenom appears in a purple fog and accepts, but before he fades away he mentions that this year he will have an apprentice to ensure his victory and John Cena's defeat.

As the weeks pass and Cena expresses doubt, Nikki remains by his side, reinforcing his confidence while at the same time remaining unsure herself. No one's beaten The Undertaker on the grandest stage, and as vigilant as Cena can be, he too may fall. We witness segments continuing to build this up, ultimately culminating in a face to face where he passionately states that he will not only end Undertaker's streak, but also thwart his mysterious unidentified apprentice and gain the unholy dark powers to reign eternal over WWE as the new Phenom.

The fateful night arrives, and the match does not disappoint. After dozens of close calls, near falls, and all-out brawls, Cena finally locks Undertaker in the dreaded STF, but as he is about to tap the arena goes dark and an ominous light shines above the entrance stage as a giant model of the Undertaker's symbol is lowered... with Nikki Bella strapped to it in a mock crucifixion.

Cena dashes to save her, climbing dangerously high into the rafters to reach his lady love. Just before he can untie her, Undertaker has caught up to him. Dragging his thumb across his neck, Undertaker Tombstones Cena through a piece of the stage and falls on top of him. The referee counts three, and the Streak remains... but Undertaker does not rise.

Several minutes later doctors revive John Cena enough for him to regain his footing, but he remains transfixed on Undertaker's lifeless body. Just then his symbol lowers and Nikki Bella unties herself, laughing maniacally at Cena's confusion. He rushes to comfort her from the trauma, but before they can embrace Nikki slaps her arm around his throat, chokeslams him onto the ground, and disappears along with Undertaker's body in a roll of fog. The whole arena stands speechless.

The next night on RAW, Cena demands answers, and they arrive in the form of Nikki Bella appearing in attire reminiscent of Undertaker's. She chides Cena for being a fool during their relationship, announcing that she was the unnamed apprentice. The Phenom had doubts he would be able to defeat John Cena on his own after withstanding decades of punishment, so he made a pact with Nikki to manipulate Cena's emotions enough to subdue his will to win. Now that she has ensured the Undertaker's final victory, she has been granted his full repertoire of abilities and shall continue to wreak destruction upon all as instructed by her dark master. John Cena drops to his knees crying, and this paves the way for Nikki Bellataker to continue the streak of amazing Wrestlemania victories in the legacy of the original Undertaker.

Sure, it's fairly predictable given the hints that have been dropped so far, but it's still the best shot WWE has at this point to give this match a solid, believable story.

what are u on and can i have some? lol
Thats pretty far fetched but original, the issue with it tho is Nikki is on the road not at home with Cena so she' wouldn't be nagging him and he hooked her already, she would be ******ed to suddenly put demands on marriage when he's worth millions and she's a relative nobody who's an obvious gold digger :) otherwise it's a perfectly logical and sound idea Hahaha.
I've always stated that it would be perfect time to turn Cena heel..
Cena's is the only guy Taker has yet to face at Mania..they could build it up as "inevitable"...promos go back and forth
after a monster match Taker does a rare thing in reaching to shake hands with Cena,they shake have a moment then an AA out of nowhere,
Cena then beats the holy hell out of him,rips off a Cena nation armband and leaves to the jeers of the crowd.....not even caring
John Cena returns from an extended period of time off due to injury. He returns at the Royal Rumble and he wins the event. The next night on RAW, he announces that as much as he treasures the WWE Championship and even the WHC title, he is after something more. Immortality. Respect. Something that's never been done before. He doesn't want either of the championship belts as a result of his Rumble victory. He wants to challenge the Undertaker in the main event at WM30, for a shot at ending the streak.

On the road to Wrestlemania, Triple H and his corporate cohorts have little to nothing to do with Cena. They remain involved with Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, and whoever else is in this scene. Meanwhile, an ever increasingly aggressive John Cena continues his pursuit of ending arguably the biggest feat in WWE history. While doing so, fan response is clear, whether it be at the arenas during episodes of RAW or SD, at house shows, online, etc., The fans do not want any part of Cena ending the streak. And they become increasingly vocal in expressing their displeasure at even the suggestion of Cena being the man to end the streak.

Finally Wrestlemania 30 arrives. The match happens and every time Cena grabs the upper hand, fan negativity escalates. The evening concludes with John Cena doing something at the very least questionable, if not flat out dishonest and cheating in nature, to defeat the Undertaker and end the streak. If this happens as a Casket Match, all the better. Taker gets stuffed into a casket in his specialty match, never to be seen (as an active competitor) in a WWE ring again (of course this doesn't include his obvious later induction into the WWE Hall of Fame).

The next night on RAW, Cena cuts a promo which is a giant "screw you" to the WWE Universe. After all he has done for the fans, after all he has sacrificed, after how much pain and suffering he had to endure during his injury, and how hard he had to work to get back, he continues to be disrespected by the fans. Disrespected and under appreciated. Fans who continue to cheer a part timer while he gives his heart and soul to the fans, for nothing. If you're going to boo me anyway, here's something to boo me about.

And the blasphemous John Cena heel turn is complete. The cash cow of the company does the unthinkable, but the interest generated by such an occurrence continues to make the WWE a shitload of cash. Cena gets his character freshened up a little, although several months later, he comes to see the error of his ways and returns to face status. But in the meantime, WWE gets rocked to a significant degree, with the frequently predictable WWE showing the world that after all, anything is possible and anything can happen.

That's all I got.
I have no problem having Undertaker vs John Cena, as long as the WWE Championship IS NOT involved in the storyline/feud. Neither guy needs it. Kepp the WWE Title in the CM Punk/Bryan/ Power struggle storylines. If Mania has Taker vs Cena plus The Rock vs Brock Lesnar, there are two headline matches without the WWE Title involved. So arguably CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in an iron man or some sort of "wrestling" match could easily sell Mania 30 along with the other two matchs
For the sake of the WWE and World championship and the history both belts or at least the WWE championship and the history it will have into the future, why have Cena win the Rumble only to shit all over the either title just to face the Undertaker. IMO it shits on both belts, but not only that its an EASY storyline comp out.

If Undertaker vs Cena is suppose to be the be all to end all matches at Wrestlemania, something like the modern day Hogan defeats Andre match, which makes sense. I want some build up worthy of that Wrestlemania 3 build up. I don't want an easy Cena winning the Rumble, I want to face Undertaker storyline. Thats just too easy, too quick, too short of a storyline and it wont be any good.

I wouldn't mind seeing something that sounds a little random. Let Undertaker return at the Rumble along with Cena, and have Cena shockingly just get eliminated half way though the match, late in the match Undertake is still left and its down to the last 2 guys and Undertaker is one of those guys, maybe have the lights go out, with Cena showing up in the ring knocking the Undertaker out of the Rumble or something like that in that regard.

Follow that up with the Undertaker changing his gimmick to the American Badass leading up to Wrestlemania while Cena says he wasn't out to screw over Undertaker or turn heel (play that card) but instead out to make sure Undertaker isn't winning the Rumble but facing him at Wrestlemania thus the whole lets make life for Cena hell by the American Badass gimmick. Follow that up with maybe some of the other Undertaker gimmicks coming out of the woodwork like the sinister Undertaker from the Ministry of Darkness

Then at Wrestlemania he returns as his old dead man gimmick.

For the aftermath, Cena doesn't turn heel, Cena doesn't get the win, Undertaker stays undefeated. But then on Raw the next night, Cena comes out and plays off the crowd, but says hes not out there to call out the Undertaker, but to call out Mark Calaway, with Undertaker finally putting his "Undertaker" gimmick to rest, finally ending his run and announcing his retirement. With Raw concluding with a Undertaker farewell show.

Either way I just hope the feud doesn't come down to Cena winning the Rumble and picking the Undertaker, just makes the Rumble weaker and takes away any value the storyline could have, as in most cases the Rumble winner vs the champion isn't usually the best build up going into Wrestlemania.
There are a lot of great and long ideas for the booking of a potential Taker/Cena match and what I propose is simple;

Cena returns @ The Royal Rumble, has interaction with the final contestants but ultimately loses the Rumble itself. He should then start building his match with Taker coming out on RAW the next night by cutting a promo claiming he has done everything there is to do in WWE except trying to break "The Streak". This of course, would bring Taker back for his usual bi-weekly appearances to hype up the match. I think the potential is there and this is coming from a guy who isn't that much of a Cena fan. But if the other speculated opponent for Taker @WM 30 is Ryback then I'd much rather see Cena/Taker. Or even Lesnar/Taker. But I think having Cena attempt Taker @ Mania would at least help Cena seem more legit in doing everything in his career that was possible to attempt. Plus, there would be the respect factor involved if Cena loses and Taker keeps the streak alive yet another year. I'll be honest, the idea of Ryback ending Taker's streak is insulting and horrific. Especially since it is too early to be giving him that kind of boost with his failure in the main events this entire last year. Cena & Taker would be the kind of big name match that anyone could get behind since Cena would be a legit threat to ending it.
This is a must for Wrestlemania 30. If the undertaker is going to have a match at Wrestlemania 30, then it needs to be with John Cena. Cena is the only (arguably) full time wrestler that is on equal footing with the Undertaker in terms of popularity and drawing power. Cena is also, as much as I hate to admit it, a legend. As for how this match would build up, there lies the problem. Cena has stated many times before that he has no interest in facing the UT for his streak, and thats exactly where the story will begin.

Cena will return at the royal rumble and be in the final two men left. He and the other guy will fight for a few minutes before Cena gains the advantage and is about to eliminate him but just before Cena can get the guy over the top rope, the lights go out and one single gong hits. When the lights come back on, Cena is out cold in the middle of the ring. The other guy then eliminates him.

The next night everyone is talking about what happened...except for Cena. For some reason, he wont even acknowledge it, because he knows what it means. Over the next several weeks, Cena keeps on receiving hints of the UT. Lights flickering, smoke magically appearing from under the ring in one of his matches, etc...

Eventually, he wins a match and gets into the EC match at EC. During the match he is once again one of the final two men remaining and once again right when he's about to win, the gong hits and the lights go out but this time something else happens to. On the titantron, a video showing highlights from the UT's streak is shown counting up from 1-21. At the end of the video it displays Cena's name followed by '22-0'. The video ends and the lights come back on and we see Cena staring at the screen. This distraction allows the other person to roll Cena for a 3 count and win the chamber match.

The next night on Raw, Cena comes out and says that he's left with no choice but to address the situation that has developed between him and the UT. He tells the UT that he has no interest whatsoever in facing him for the streak. Cena then tells the UT that it will never happen and to leave him alone. The Gong then hits and the lights go out again. This time, the UT comes to the ring and stares at cena. Cena immediately leaves the ring when UT enters it and doesn't look back as the UT keeps staring at him.

The next week, Cena comes out to (again) tell the UT to leave him alone. Once again the gong hits and the UT magically appears in the ring but when he does Cena is nowhere to be found. Cena keeps trying to dodge UT for about another week until he's finally had enough.

On the first (or second) Raw of march, Cena will come to the ring and say that he has had enough of the UT and calls him out. Of course the UT shows up. Cena talks about his legendary streak and how much respect he has for the UT. Cena says that the reason he doesn't want to face the undertaker at WM is because he respects the UT too much and he knows that when the streak ends, so does the UT. And that he doesn't want to be the one who was responsible for the UT's end. Cena tells the UT that he will give him another chance to think about this and back down before Cena will be forced to end the UT. Taker takes offense to this and and chokeslams him. UT then picks up the microphone before saying:
"You're not the one I'm after..."
after saying this, he leaves. Leaving all of us thinking, what the hell does that mean?

UT isn't after Cena, he's after Cena's legacy. John Cena is a legend, the number 1 guy in the company, so what better way than to end your career by beating him at the biggest event of the year and proving once and for all, you are the best to ever lace up a pair of boots and step foot in that ring.

Over the next few weeks, UT's real motives become more clear and Cena accepts his challenge. The point of this is for the feud to become more personal. UT would be attacking the most important thing that Cena possesses; his honor. And Cena would be attacking the most important thing that the UT possesses; his character. UT has been so serious and dedicated to this character and developing it to become one of (if not the) best gimmicks of all time. What a slap in the face it would be if Cena disregarded the entire character. He could start referring him to "Mark" and even mentioning his marriage to Michelle Mccool. All of this would lead up their match at WM of course.

As for the match result and aftermath; I think that the UT needs to win. Cena doesn't need the victory and the UT has invested too much of his own life, sweat, tears, and blood in this business for him not to go out on top. I say have him inducted into the hall of fame the night before, to make people believe that he might lose at WM. I think it would be a good little swerve to have him inducted into the HoF and then win his retirement match rather than losing it like others. As for a goodbye ceremony on raw, I really don't think that that's his style. I think that He'll just disappear after WM, never to be seen or heard from again.

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