Wrestlemania XXX Aftermath & Discussion

Orton's going to walk out of EC as the WWE WHC, because he needs the title(s) more going into Wrestlemania, and we're too close to Wrestlemania for Orton to drop the strap(s) now. Without the WWE WHC, I don't see any real intrigue for an Orton match at Wrestlemania.

Orton VS Cena has been done to death, so you can't use that match up again. The matches were superb, but Orton VS Bryan one on one dominated the WWE Championship picture towards the end of 2013, and they had a series of non title matches together also. And Brock Lesnar is a heel, so that's out.

At EC, I can picture a scenario, where it comes down to Bryan and Orton as the final two in the Chamber. We get a double pin with Bryan and Orton's shoulders touching the mat, and Bryan has a legit reason to take another shot at Orton for a Wrestlemania match. Add in Batista's Rumble win, and you have a triple threat match.

If that scenario happens, I know that leaves Triple H without an opponent, because Bryan is a more logical choice to face Triple H at Wrestlemania, if Punk's walk out is legit.

But I'm more concerned with the WWE WHC match. There's a good chance Batista will completely steamroll Del Rio at EC for momentum, and If WWE keeps the WWE WHC as Batista VS Orton, the fans will shit all over the build (think about that Raw in Chicago), and the match at Wrestlemania. The fans need someone to root for and support in a world title match at your flagship pay per view, and Daniel Bryan is that guy.
So this is not what I expect at all, but this is what I dream for...
1. Orton vs. Batista vs. Cena WWE WHC Triple Threat Match
2. Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H-Bryan fighting for a title shot at Extreme Rules; even bring in Stephanie and Vince and make it a Bryan vs. The Authority handicap match
3. Ambrose vs. Rollins vs. Ambrose-and to be honest, seeing Ambrose win and turning the other two face would be the best possible outcome for all of them.
4. Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar
5. New Age Outlaws vs. Rhodes Dynasty vs. The Uso's vs. Real Americans Tag Elimination for the titles
6. Bray Wyatt vs. Big E. IC title match
7. Legends of WrestleMania/WWE gimmick match/segment
8. Chris Jericho vs. Damien Sandow
This is assuming MITB is absolutely not returning to WrestleMania, Chris Jericho would be a competitor at the show, and both Hogan and Sting won't be competing at the show. On a completely off note, if Sting is to return to the company post-wrestlemania, I think some kind de-unification of the world titles would be awesome, with Sting pulling some of kind of WCW honor thing.
After next Sunday and Monday the chance to fantasy book Mania will most likely be greatly diminished as I expect a couple of big matches to be set in stone by the end of next weeks Raw and the whole Mania picture to be a lot clearer.

This isn't so much a fantasy card of what I'd like, it's more a case of how I'd make the best of the hand dealt, taking into account no CM Punk, the likelihood that Batista will definitely be in the World title match and the seemingly inevitable fact Lesnar will work Taker.

I admit keeping The Shield together for Mania probably leans towards fantasy but given how hot their angle is with The Wyatt's I don't think it's out of the question that WWE will book a wild rematch for Mania rather than having it be a one and done feud.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Triple Threat Match
Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan

The Streak Match
The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
The Shield vs The Wyatt's

John Cena vs Triple H

Four Corners WWE Tag Team Title Match
Outlaws vs Usos vs Real Americans vs The Rhodes

Sheamus vs Kane

Intercontinental Title Match
Big E vs Alberto Del Rio

6 Pack Divas Title Match w/Lita as the special guest referee
AJ Lee vs Naomi vs Cameron vs Nattie vs Brie Bella vs Nikki Bella

What is NOT main event material is the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan. Between the Wyatt Family and Daniel Bryan being pushed down the viewers throats it is ruining professional wrestling. I have been watching WWE since I was five years old and I am now beginning to find it unbearable. I skip through on average about two and a half hours of Raw each week and only actually watch about a half hour of it. Triple H having more control over WWE is a VERY bad thing. He is ruining WWE. All he is doing creatively is pushing all of his buddies and the people he likes down our throats. The Wyatt Family is Triple H's main project and look at them. Pathetic. He is also very high on Daniel Bryan as well. Then of course his buddy Sheamus. Then he brings Batista back and shoves him down our throats. Then of course you have his buddies Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, HBK, the Outlaws. While plenty of huge talents in the locker room simply do not get pushed because they aren't Triple H's buddies.

First off the whole Daniel Bryan fad is ridiculous. The yes! chants are extremely annoying and ridiculous. It is just a far worse version of the what! chant that is for more annoying. Daniel Bryan is a midcard talent at best and that is where he belongs. Daniel Bryan is ruining the WWE. I doubt even one person will agree with this but everyone says Daniel Bryan works his ass off and deserves everything handed to him but he doesn't anymore than several other talents in the locker room that are better than him. The following guys all deserve to be in Daniel Bryan's position just as much, if not more than him; The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro, Randy Orton, CM Punk, Kane etc. A lot of these guys were even booed at the Rumble because of Daniel Bryan which is completely ridiculous. The fact that a guy like Randy Orton (who works his ass off and is consistently great in the ring) is being overshadowed by Daniel Bryan and probably not going to get to main event Wrestlemania because of it is unacceptable. Randy Orton deserves to main event Wrestlemania and Daniel Bryan will probably cost him that opportunity.

As for the Wyatt Family, they are also being pushed down our throats and ruining the WWE. Bray Wyatt (Husky Harris) is an overrated piece of shit. He was bad enough as Husky Harris and is now even worse as Bray Wyatt. I cannot stand anything about him or the Wyatt Family. He is awful in the ring and his promos are awful. His promos are just unbearable. The whole gimmick is horrendous.

Honourable mentions for people that are ruining WWE are Sheamus, Batista, The Big Show, and Jerry Lawler.

Sheamus has always been a piece of shit from day 1 and the only reason he has the push he has is because he is Triple H's workout buddy. His promos are unbearable.

Batista has always been overrated and his return has been horrendous. He is another guy being pushed down our throats because of Triple H.

As for Big Show, he just needs to retire. Enough is enough. His character is awful. If he was a heel I could live with it. But I cannot stand him as a face. Especially when he comes out with that smile on his face waving to the crown. The guy is supposed to be a monstrous giant. He is also a horrible actor and horrible on the mic but you can just tell he thinks he is this great actor, which REALLY annoys me.

As for Jerry Lawler, he needs to retire as. His commentary is unbearable and horrendous. All he does is screw up and make stupid jokes and scream in a high pitched voice. Enough is enough. He has always been an overrated commentator but now it is just ridiculous. I cannot stand his commentary. The guy called Tamina Snuka, Tamina Snuker for fuck sakes. A comment he should have been fired over as he did it on live tv. It is insulting to the entire Snuka family. Lawler just needs to leave he is a washed up has been. There are plenty of more capable commentators that deserve to be on the Raw panel. Mainly Renee Young! But there is also William Regal, Byron Saxton, Josh Matthews, Alex Riley, Taylor (the NXT backstage announcer). Any of which would be better than Lawler.

I am curious to see if anyone agrees with me.
Thought about a thread for this, but I can't think of a way to express my thoughts coherently, so I'll just ramble in here.

Before Wrestlemania 27, we knew Triple H VS Undertaker was coming, and the night after Raw, we knew Cena VS Rock was coming a year in advance for Wrestlemania 28. And if I'm not mistaken, the seeds for Jericho/Punk were planted on Twitter on the road to Mania 28, so after a while, you knew Jericho VS Punk was coming.

Last year, you could see the main event for Mania 29 from miles away after the Royal Rumble. Lesnar hit the F5 on Vince months before Mania 29 to set up Triple H VS Lesnar II, and Punk VS Taker was an obvious choice, because Triple H, Lesnar, Cena, and Rock were all busy with each other. And it's hard to ignore the tedious predictability for the outcomes of Rock VS Cena II and Triple H VS Lesnar II.

Things are very different this year, because there's no clear cut or obvious path to the big matches on the card at Mania, and The Rock is not around. For now, you could say Batista VS Orton is the only match that's a "lock," but you have to believe in the possibility of a triple threat with Bryan. As a one on one match, the fans are going to shit all over Batista VS Orton.

On top of that, Punk's not around, and I'm not 100% sold on Cena VS Bray happening. There's a chance WWE was just testing the waters for a Cena/Bray feud with The Wyatt attack at the Rumble. It wouldn't be the first time WWE teased a feud or match with no follow up or future plans (unless I'm missing something, Nexus attacking Undertaker at Bragging Rights 2010). Who knows, maybe WWE will save The Shield break up for another pay per view? Maybe we'll get a rematch with a gimmick attached to it?

The possibility of Lesnar VS Undertaker is a strange one, because we haven't seen any contact or interaction between the two. Although, I could picture a scenario on Raw next Monday, where Heyman and Lesnar go on their "no man in the back can challenge me" rants, and the gong hits.

For the past two or three years, the marquee matches for Wrestlemania were set up months in advance, and in the case of Rock VS Cena in 2012, the match was official one year before the next Wrestlemania. There's a lot of uncertainty for the card and big matches this year, and it's a refreshing feeling. Mania is right around the corner, and we're not 100% sure what's going to happen with Cena, Bryan, Triple H, and others, and there's a chance to explore more possible matches, feuds, and storylines.
Thought about a thread for this, but I can't think of a way to express my thoughts coherently, so I'll just ramble in here.

Before Wrestlemania 27, we knew Triple H VS Undertaker was coming, and the night after Raw, we knew Cena VS Rock was coming a year in advance for Wrestlemania 28. And if I'm not mistaken, the seeds for Jericho/Punk were planted on Twitter on the road to Mania 28, so after a while, you knew Jericho VS Punk was coming.

Last year, you could see the main event for Mania 29 from miles away after the Royal Rumble. Lesnar hit the F5 on Vince months before Mania 29 to set up Triple H VS Lesnar II, and Punk VS Taker was an obvious choice, because Triple H, Lesnar, Cena, and Rock were all busy with each other. And it's hard to ignore the tedious predictability for the outcomes of Rock VS Cena II and Triple H VS Lesnar II.

Things are very different this year, because there's no clear cut or obvious path to the big matches on the card at Mania, and The Rock is not around. For now, you could say Batista VS Orton is the only match that's a "lock," but you have to believe in the possibility of a triple threat with Bryan. As a one on one match, the fans are going to shit all over Batista VS Orton.

On top of that, Punk's not around, and I'm not 100% sold on Cena VS Bray happening. There's a chance WWE was just testing the waters for a Cena/Bray feud with The Wyatt attack at the Rumble. It wouldn't be the first time WWE teased a feud or match with no follow up or future plans (unless I'm missing something, Nexus attacking Undertaker at Bragging Rights 2010). Who knows, maybe WWE will save The Shield break up for another pay per view? Maybe we'll get a rematch with a gimmick attached to it?

The possibility of Lesnar VS Undertaker is a strange one, because we haven't seen any contact or interaction between the two. Although, I could picture a scenario on Raw next Monday, where Heyman and Lesnar go on their "no man in the back can challenge me" rants, and the gong hits.

For the past two or three years, the marquee matches for Wrestlemania were set up months in advance, and in the case of Rock VS Cena in 2012, the match was official one year before the next Wrestlemania. There's a lot of uncertainty for the card and big matches this year, and it's a refreshing feeling. Mania is right around the corner, and we're not 100% sure what's going to happen with Cena, Bryan, Triple H, and others, and there's a chance to explore more possible matches, feuds, and storylines.

It's certainly the most uncertain and open Road to WrestleMania I can ever recall, and on top of the things you mentioned such as no follow up at all on Cena and Bray post-PPV, Brock's whole quest for the title angle seems to have been pointless if he's going to just end up wrestling Taker.
Lesnar (c)/Batista* WWE hvt. title
Sheamus*U/Christian (Christian wins he get's his one more match;if Sheamus wins Christian retires)
Shield Triple Threat for the US title (Reigns wins and get's stunnered)
Cesaro*/Swagger (c) (IC title)
NAO /w/ X-Pac /The Uso's (c)* /w/ Rikishi WWE Tag titles

Hogan as Host


Flair/HBK/Hart Wrestlemania Legends Panel
30 years of WM Battle Royal
Brodus Clay,R-Truth*/Woods,Booker T
Brock's whole quest for the title angle seems to have been pointless if he's going to just end up wrestling Taker.

With the way his schedule is, I always a hard time buying into the possibility of Brock as WWE WHC Champion. Sure he could win the title at Mania, and drop it at Extreme Rules before he goes on his annual hiatus before Summerslam. But in the grand scheme of things the title run would feel like a waste of time, because Brock's not going to be around on every Raw before Extreme Rules, and Brock dropping the title at Extreme Rules is a forgone conclusion.

I get the point of building up Brock as this unstoppable beast on the road to Mania with the chair attacks and F5s on Rhodes and Gouldust, and Brock annihilating Show at the Rumble. But Taker's return is going to bring a big pop out of the crowd regardless. I don't have a problem with Brock VS Taker, but Lesnar can destroy random wrestlers during his open challenges without all the teasing for a WWE WHC match, if WWE never had any real plans for Lesnar in the WWE WHC picture.
Lesnar (c)/Batista* WWE hvt. title
Sheamus*U/Christian (Christian wins he get's his one more match;if Sheamus wins Christian retires)
Shield Triple Threat for the US title (Reigns wins and get's stunnered)
Cesaro*/Swagger (c) (IC title)
NAO /w/ X-Pac /The Uso's (c)* /w/ Rikishi WWE Tag titles

Hogan as Host


Flair/HBK/Hart Wrestlemania Legends Panel
30 years of WM Battle Royal
Brodus Clay,R-Truth*/Woods,Booker T

Cena vs. Taker is possible, but unlikely. It's a match I wouldn't mind seeing as going after the streak is the only thing Cena's never done. However, if reports are true, then plans call for Cena to take on Bray Wyatt and, allegedly, it's been the only match that's been set in stone for a while.

Bryan vs. Triple H is also possible, but probably won't happen this year. If Bryan isn't in the WWE WHC match, fans are gonna shit all over the match when it does happen. The result will be an extremely lackluster title match and management will have nobody to blame but themselves because they kept the most over babyface on the roster out of it.

Lesnar vs. Batista for the title would be mercilessly hijacked by fans because, as I alluded to, Bryan's not in the match. Fans don't want Batista as champion, it's been made plainly obvious, and Batista isn't nearly the star in the eyes of fans as he is in the eyes of WWE management. Since Lesnar wrestles 3 or 4 times a year at most, it'd make no sense for him to win. It'd be viewed as a clash of mercenaries, two guys who're only there because of big money and who don't particularly care about being champion or fans. Fans would jeer this match even more than the Goldberg vs. Lesnar match of WrestleMania XX.

There's no money in Orton vs. Sting. If Sting wrestles at a WrestleMania, it'll be against Taker. Even so, Sting may have decided to wait too long to finally come to WWE. He turns 55 years of age in about 5 weeks or so and WWE's been trying to get him to sign for years. It's a ship that may well have sailed and I don't see them suddenly rushing Sting into a match.

The Wyatt Family vs. RVD, Mysterio & Jericho would be a huge step down for The Wyatt Family. If Harper & Rowan have a match lined up for WM, it should be for the tag titles. Mysterio can't stay injured for less than 5 minutes and Jericho won't even be back for WrestleMania this year.

Sheamus vs. Christian comes off as little more than filler. It's a waste of time since we're gonna get that match this Friday for free on SD! anyway. Also, Christian's career isn't really big enough to for people to really care about a retirement stipulation.

The Shield triple threat match is, allegedly, an idea that's been discussed. What on Earth would be the point of Roman Reigns eating a Stone Cold Stunner? It makes zero sense whatsoever to have someone go over big for him to only get taken out by someone almost twice his age that hasn't wrestled in more than a decade.

I could see Cesaro vs. Swagger for the IC title at WrestleMania, doubt it'll happen but it's a match worth looking into.

Big E vs. Mark Henry would be a waste of time considering that Roman Reigns demolished Henry in less than 3 minutes this past Monday. Like Mysterio, Henry's also had a lot of issues regarding injuries.

The New Age Outlaws vs. The Usos at WrestleMania, again, there's no real zing to this. This match will happen this Sunday anyhow and X-Pac & Rikishi aren't nearly big enough stars to help deliver. As I said earlier, Harper & Rowan should be part of any tag title match whether it's a traditional or gimmick match. With the likelihood of The Family going over The Shield at EC, their stock will be too high not to be included.
My dream card would be

CM Punk(c) vs. Daniel Bryan: WWE World Heavyweight Championship match (main event) let these guys go as long as they can and tear the house down. If they would do that this match would have potential to be one of the best WrestleMania matches ever.

WINNER: DANIEL BRYAN. I think the crowd would be happy with either guy winning, but would have to give it to Daniel Bryan.

John Cena vs. The Undertaker: Speaks for itself. A true dream match.

WINNER: THE UNDERTAKER. Everyone would probably riot if Cena won this match.

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family: I know this is happening at The Elimination Chamber, and the build to it is fantastic. Can you imagine if they were building this match on the road to WrestleMania.

WINNER: THE WYATT FAMILY. To much tension between The Shield would cause them to lose this match.

New Age Outlaws vs. The Usos: WWE Tag Team Championship match. Same as above match as it's happening at Elimination Chamber. It's going to be a good match there and they would put on a hell of a match at WrestleMania.

WINNER: THE USOS. NAO to pass the "Tag Team Tourch" at WrestleMania to The Usos

Batista vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H: Make this a match about all of them thinking they carried Evolution, and who the batter star is. Let's see who carried who with this match.

WINNER: Triple H. Have him make a statement win. I'm sure his ego wouldn't let any of the others win anyway.

Antonio Cesaro vs. Big E. Langston for the unified United States Championship and Intercontinental Championship.


The Rock vs. The Beast Brock Lesnar.

WINNER: THE ROCK. Redeem his loss from last years WrestleMania.

The Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Kofi Kingston vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Evan Bourne vs. Fandango vs. Titus O'Neil vs. Darren Young vs. Zach Ryder vs. Jack Swagger. Return this match to its home, WrestleMania.

WINNER: KOFI KINGSTON. Makes a statement by finally winning a big match.

Of course most, if all those matches aren't going to happen, I expect the card to look like this

Batista vs Randy Orton for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Triple H vs Daniel Bryan.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt.

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

Antonio Cesaro vs Big E Langston for the Intercontinental Championship.
WINNER: Antonio Cesaro.

And for the other matches, nothing is popping into my mind at this moment
With the way his schedule is, I always a hard time buying into the possibility of Brock as WWE WHC Champion. Sure he could win the title at Mania, and drop it at Extreme Rules before he goes on his annual hiatus before Summerslam. But in the grand scheme of things the title run would feel like a waste of time, because Brock's not going to be around on every Raw before Extreme Rules, and Brock dropping the title at Extreme Rules is a forgone conclusion.

I get the point of building up Brock as this unstoppable beast on the road to Mania with the chair attacks and F5s on Rhodes and Gouldust, and Brock annihilating Show at the Rumble. But Taker's return is going to bring a big pop out of the crowd regardless. I don't have a problem with Brock VS Taker, but Lesnar can destroy random wrestlers during his open challenges without all the teasing for a WWE WHC match, if WWE never had any real plans for Lesnar in the WWE WHC picture.

I thought they might have done something similar with Brock that they did with The Rock's title run last year, with some weeks recorded promos airing or Heyman just showing up to speak on behalf of his client.

Brock could have defended at the Chamber and then had a huge match at Mania where he put someone over. I just think to have him mentioning wanting the title seemed pointless if it was not going to lead anywhere, like you say there were simpler ways to put Brock back on TV to set up his Rumble match with Show.

I don't hate Taker vs Lesnar, I just don't care about it, I've said for a while that vs Cena is the only Streak match I am interested in at this point, plus I'd rather see Brock work with someone fresh than redo a match-up from 11 years ago.
WWE Wrestlemania 30 Pre-Show

1. Alberto Del Rio vs RVD Kickoff Match
Should be a great kick off match to get crowd pumped up for start of Wrestlemania 30.

Wrestlemania 30 Card

Opening Match
1. Bray Wyatt vs John Cena
Last Man Standing Match
20 Minutes
Winner: Bray Wyatt

Start off Wrestlemania with a bang and the first main event of the evening.
Bray Wyatt needs the win here and hopefully Cena will put him over unlike what he did with Nexus angle.

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
2. The New Age Outlaws vs The Brotherhood vs The Usos vs The Miz/Dolph Ziggler
Four Corners Tag Team Elimination Match
9 Minutes
Winner: The Awesome Showoffs

WWE Intercontinental Championship Match
7 Minutes
Winner: BIG E

Money in the Bank Match
4. Damien Sandow vs Fandango vs Jack Swagger vs Cesaro vs Bad News Barrett
Christian vs Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston vs Big Show vs Mark Henry
14 Minutes
Winner: Sheamus

WWE Divas Championship Match
5. AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella
Lumberjill Match
5 Minutes
Winner: Nikki Bella

WWE United States Championship Match
6. Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns
Triple Threat Steel Cage Match
12 Minutes
Winner: Roman Reigns

If Daniel Bryan wins he gets put in tonight WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH
If Daniel Bryan loses he will never get chance to contend for WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP again.
17 Minutes
Winner: Daniel Bryan

8. Rybaxel vs The Ultimate Warrior
2 Minutes
Winner: The Ultimate Warrior

Beat the Streak Match
9. Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker
I Quit Match
24 Minutes
Winner: The Undertaker

10. Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan
Special Guest Referee: Ric Flair
Special Enforcer: Hulk Hogan
14 Minutes
Winner Daniel Bryan Yes! Yes! Yes!

Money in the Bank Cash In of Sheamus
11. Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan
4 Minutes
Winner: Sheamus
turning heel and joins The Authority as the new face of the WWE.
Honestly, this years mania is quite unpredictable. But you look at what they've built so far and you start to think; actually the card could be quite obvious. Here is what I'm predicting for this years major event:

The pre-shows that we've seen aired have only ever been hype + 1 match. For mania, I think we may see two...

Titus vs Darren Young - Grudge Match - Falls Count Anywhere
I think we need some mayhem to open the event with. I then also think that Titus, while good, isn't ready just yet for a major push and if I'm right here, we're going to see a cheeky roll up or something by Young at EC. I don't see this rivalry ending in one month. I just don't. The friends turned rivals shtick is too long serving of a rivalry to blow over just like that. Winner of this: Titus.

Goldust vs Cody Rhodes
This is more because there isn't room on the main card once, but this, I think, needs to happen. Goldust has been asking for this for years, and now he's denying it will ever happen; however, Cody has gone on record stating that it isn't goldust's responsibility to tell anyone what can/can't happen at mania. Cody turns on Goldy, but in the end, goldy comes through. Winner: Goldust
Main Card
IC Title:
Cesaro vs Swagger (c )

I see Mania starting with a title match. It normally does, and there's no World Heavyweight title. So this is our opening match. I see Swagger upsetting Big E at EC. He was a major upset IMO in the 4 way. I wouldn't have pegged him to win it at at all, and for my money, Swagger could well go on to win at EC and take the title to Mania. Cesaro is on a major push right now, and could use more singles titles. You build it as Swagger gloating about the fact that he won his match at EC, and Cesaro couldn't get the job done. Only a "real american" makes good on his promises, only a "real american" gets the job done. Cesaro takes exception, batters Swagger, turns face and starts a major push. Winner: Cesaro

WWE Tag Team Championships:
The Uso's vs The New Age Outlaws (c )

This is another rivalry that is born to be more than a 1 month thing. The NAO's defend at EC via shady tactics, a tight pull roll up from billy gunn whilst holding the ropes. They gloat about the win the next night, the Uso's come out and attack. They go back and forth, and the Uso's get one more shot. Winners: The Uso's

The Battle of the Warriors:
The Ultimate Warrior vs Sheamus

I've heard reports of them thinking of doing Ryback vs Warrior. Honestly, this to me seems...wasteful. Reason being, Ryback is stiff. Very stiff. You spend months and months, nay, years and years, trying to get Warrior back, for a green, stiff monster (and no I don't mean the dingle of the hulk) to injure him immediately. Warrior would only be back for one match, and Ryback...will likely not be a big part of the WWE's future. Give the Warrior a big match and get Sheamus on the card. Winner: Ultimate Warrior

WWE US Championship:
Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins (c )

Ambrose has done a brilliant job of NOT defending the title. Reigns has been attempting to goad Ambrose into defending it as he believes Ambrose will lose it. Rollins has been the neutral party. Reigns once again goads Ambrose into a title shot, saying he's got lucky. He's only ever retained the title due to the shield. Ambrose says, with or without the shield, he is the best US champion of this era. He accepts, heads to the ring, with the shield, and puts out one more open challenge. The Shield's music hits. Ambrose turns around, Spear by Reigns. Ambrose starts to get to his feet, gets to his knees and Rollins hits the black out then pins. Ambrose envokes his rematch clause at Mania, hence this match. Winner: Seth Rollins

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt w/The Family
At Rumble, Wyatt attacked Cena for no reason. They then dropped this. But they will go back, this seems to be a near lock. So; Cena and Bryan are the final two in the chamber at EC. They shake hands, and start to go at it. Cena is sent to the outside, where Bray Wyatt comes up through the grating similar to HBK vs Taker. He hits Sister Abigail on Cena on the mesh, then disappears back through the hole. Bryan wins the title, Cena and Bray go at it at Mania. I see this as a rivalry that continues though. It goes on past mania, and into Extreme Rules. Therefore the only way to do this would be to have Bray and the family win, and Cena get revenge at the night of Extreme. Winner: Bray Wyatt

WWE Diva's Championship:
AJ Lee (c ) vs Tamina Snuka

They've been teasing this one for a while, haven't they? AJ Won the title and enlisted the help of Tamina to keep the title. Tamina however, has been bullied, picked apart and treated like a slave by the champ. On any given night between EC and Mania, Tamina turns on AJ, turning Tamina into a huge face diva, similar to when Beth was face. She goes on and takes the title from AJ. Winner: Tamina Snuka

The Beast vs The Streak
As much as I fear for Taker in this match, it seems logical to assume it's happening . People have been calling for it for a long time and now it can finally happen. Lesnar demolishes everyone who stands in his way. Puts up an open challenge on the RAW after EC. Big Show answers (for sake of continuity). Again before the match can happen, Lesnar demolishes him. In what becomes an uncomfortable moment as per the Rumble, Lesnar beats on Show for 10 mins solid, before the lights go out, and Taker appears in front of Lesnar. They go at it and the match is confirmed; built as the Beast vs The Streak. Winner: The Undertaker

The Authority vs The Hound of Justice
HHH vs Roman Reigns

Reigns has gone on record, in a public interview stating; "If I wanted to spear anyone, it would be HHH. It would be kinda cool." So let's let it happen. Raw after EC, HHH cuts a scathing promo on Orton failing. Orton stands in the ring, HHH berating him, before HHH tells Orton he has a match to prep for. Here come the shield. They surround Orton, but Reigns drops back. HHH motions to Reigns to get Orton, Reigns runs in and spears HHH instead, starting a fast-track match scenario, giving Reigns a big rub. Winner: Reigns

Main Event:
WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Daniel Bryan ( c) vs Randy Orton vs Batista

Daniel Bryan wins the title at the Chamber, following Cena being eliminated last due to Bray Wyatt. Randy Orton envokes his rematch clause, and Batista is the Royal Rumble Winner. This one writes itself. WWE want the biggest "Yes" chant of all time, allow Bryan to win this match after a 30 min triple threat which rivals the WM20 main event as one of the strongest triple threats of all time. Winner: Daniel Bryan
It appears where getting
Cena/Wyatt (Locked)


Bryan/w/ Mr. McMahon /HHH /w/ Stephanie ;HBK as ref (Locked except Bryan /w/ Vince and HBK as ref.)

Orton /Batista /w/Flair (WWE hvt. Title) (Comfirmed except Flair part)


Rollins/Reigns/Ambrose (US title) (All But Locked)

Big E./Henry (IC title)



The Rhodes Brothers/The Uso's/The New Age Outlaws (WWE Tag Titles)

AJ Lee/Naomi (WWE Diva's title)

(All But Locked)

Rey Mysterio jr. vs. Christian (loser retires) (I don't know about this one but it could happen.)
30 years of Wrestlemania pre-show battle royal
(where Show is,RVD is,and Jericho (if he is there is)
Amazing that as few as two months ago, it looked like Vince was going all out for WM30 Looked like Hogan,Warrior, Sting would be there. HBK was on TV, lloking like he'd be involved with something. Goldberg's name was Hot and SCSA and the Rock were at least possible. I'm not sure how that would've worked, but I'm OK with seeing this New generation. As long as they are booked interestingly. Unfortunately, This is what I see.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt
I would like to see Wyatt go over here. This could actually end up being a show stealer.

Brock vs Taker
Taker, in one of his worst Mania matches in years

Uso's vs NAO
Uso's Get gold

Ryback vs Warrior
This match doesnt interest me at all. They have done a horrible job building Ryback for a match like this. Warrior wins. I do like the poster that suggested Sheamus in Rybacks spot here.

Big E vs Dean Ambrose
I'd go Ambrose here

Triple H vs Roman Reigns w/Shield
I say Triple H here, with interference from Ambrose, which kills SHIELD

Cessaro vs Rollins vs Swagger vs RVD #1 Contender for IC Title
Start a build for Cessaro.

Orton vs Batista vs Bryan
They have to give Bryan the win
Lesnar VS Taker feels like a lock now.

I only see three potential opponents for Taker at Mania on the roster: Cena, Lesnar, and Bryan. Cena is headed for a feud with Bray, and I have a hard time buying into WWE going with Triple H VS Bryan now. Kane screwed Bryan out of the title, so Bryan deserves another shot. And Batista VS Orton one on one is a travesty waiting to happen.

Think about Michael Cole's little rant about Bryan being screwed out of another opportunity at the end of Elimination Chamber last night, the crowd shots of disappointed and disgusted fans, the one shot of the girl crying. WWE made a strong effort to acknowledge Bryan's troubles with The Authority last night to create more sympathy for the underdog, and without Kane, Bryan would be the WWE WHC now, so he has a legit reason for a rematch.

And with the way Lesnar's schedule is, I have a hard time buying into the possibility of Lesnar as WWE WHC. Sure, he could win the title at Wrestlemania, and drop the belts at Extreme Rules before his annual hiatus. But in the grand scheme of things, a Lesnar title win would feel like a waste of time.

Bray VS Cena feels strange for me. Since Wrestlemania 21, John Cena has main evented numerous Manias in WWE Championship matches, the match against Rock at Mania 28, and he was in the WHC match at Wrestlemania 25. I'm not trying to trash Bray or The Wyatt Family. But a John Cena without a BIG match, and a John Cena out of title picture all together at Wrestlemania after so many years feels strange .
First off, I want to say that I understand the change of the company. The PG setting and all that BS. But I truly am a fan that the company is getting away from its roots.

The build up to WrestleMania has been weak for some years now. We practically know when and who The Undertaker is going to face (due to the leaks on the internet), the main event build up is poor, etc.

I remember a time when surprises awaited all fans at all times! The build up for Randy Orton and Batista is going to be soft and weak. There is no true, powerful back story for these two. And I am going to go on the CM Punk approached, but to have Batista, who left the company on bad terms with the fans, is not an epic opponents for the championship. I would love it if WWE is actually being ninjas and have CM Punk coming out for this match and possibly winning! The likelihood of that happening is probably pretty slim.

Hell we can go with any of the title and see that no strong, powerful, intense build ups are coming. For a monumental event, this is probably going to be one of the worse WrestleMania's in years.

The only possible great match that can take place is the Wyatts and the Shield. If this match happens again, I see one of the members of the Shield switching to the Family. That will be a shock and aw that the company needs. They tried with Daniel Bryan doing it but that lasted like two weeks and quickly died out.

This company needs the hardcore, unexpected event to happen and they need a epic build up for it to happen.

I love WWE and have for many many years! I will watch this WrestleMania and will be let down, among the rest of you.
god WWE had the chance to make Mania special this year, and after Raw, fuck me what a shit fight.

Undertaker vs Lesnar: has been confirmed, what a boring, plodding, unable to suspend belief bore this will be. Lesnar doing the job to a near 50 year old guy, shit

John Cens vs Bray Wyatt: Cena hurt his knee, probably wont stop this match happening, but how can Cena carry this match. Wyatt needs to go over for this match to have any sembelence of fun to watch

Randy Orton vs Batista: Hope this is on the pre-show, two heels in the main event that nobody really gives a shit about

Daniel Bryan vs HHH: The only match that makes sense, ut Bryan really should be in the title mix, but having him with Batista and Orton will rely on Bryan having some body doing his bidding for him in a positio of power(Vince??)

CM Punk returning and attacking HHH leading to a Mania match, now that would be something, leading Bryan to a triple threat for the title. Otherwise Punk wont be on the card.

Where does this leave the rest????

Triple threat with the Shield members duking it out?
Uso;s finally winning tag team gold from 50 year olds?

god this is going to suck
We pretty much know the top matches:

Taker vs Lesnar

Orton vs Batista

Cena vs Wyatt

HHH vs Bryan

That is a pretty strong group of matches. There are still 4 titles as well as a lot of names available. Sheamus vs Kane is a match that I'd like to see. Both can work and without an opponent. Kane is doing ok as a heel and Sheamus seems to be popular - it is a good fit.

I'd suggest we will see a four corners tag-team match (or indeed a turmoil). Something like the NAO vs The Uso's vs The Rhodes Brotherhood vs Rybaxel. Basically combining the two tag matches from Elimination Chamber and giving The Uso's their big moment.

Rollins vs Reigns vs Ambrose should happen. It should steal the show because they are all so damn good. I'd like to see the US title added but it can work without.

The Divas title match (if there is one) is pretty irrelevant. I wouldn't be shocked if they did another Total Divas vs the rest match. That or AJ vs one of the Bellas or Natie. I think this is where she could lose the belt giving one of the bigger names the belt.

The IC title is an interesting one. Big E is really impressing me but I can't think of a singles match for him. Add to the situation that there is about 10 + guys, all with quality, that are with nothing. I'd really like to see an 8 man ladder match. They can be exciting and get names on the roster. Big E, Swagger, Cesaro, Ziggler, Miz, Sandow, Kofi, Christian. Even Fandango, Del Rio, O'Neil, Show, Henry and Rey spare.

They will probably have to have another multi-man match or indeed a battle royal with the aforementioned names. Something like Henry, Rey, Show, Young vs Del Rio, Titus and two others. Give the popular faces a win and utilise the roster.

This should be a great Mania. There is a lot of talent and I doubt they can fuck it up. Add all the possible returns and (whisper it) this could be on of the best Manias of all time.
I skipped Mania last year and I'll likely do the same this year as the card is shaping up to be equally uninteresting. I don't care about Taker vs Lesnar at all, Bryan vs Triple H should have happened at Survivor Series and the WWE title match is a joke. I think Cena will help Bray get through a decent match but I think WWE are missing out by not doing a big rematch between The Shield and The Wyatt's in a Cell or TLC match, which is why I'm also not really interested in The Shield fighting in a triple threat over a worthless title, I honestly feel WWE are in too much of a rush to make Reigns a singles star.

The IC, Tag and Divas title matches will be filler I imagine, they have a few guys/teams they can throw together to make 2 solid bouts though, and they should find some way to get Sheamus and Cesaro in the ring together so they can smack the shit out of each other.
Batista's return is a disaster 100%, and there's no way around it. It's like a watching a flaming train wreck, horrible in every imaginable, but you can't look away. Right now, the feud between Batista and Orton is a compete joke, and I'm laughing at the build more than anything else that's supposed to be comedy in WWE.

Now they're heading down a path for turning Batista heel? So they're going to turn a heel against a heel for a world championship match at Wrestlemania? That doesn't make any sense at all, and we're too close to Wrestlemania now, so you can't turn Orton face in the span of five weeks, and WWE put too much effort into his heel run to abandon ship now. I guess Batista will explain everything in that "Animal Unleashed" video that's supposed to air on Smackdown Friday. With the way Cole set it up, I guess we're in for some lame ass quasi shoot promo from Batista on Friday.

And I don't buy the reports of WWE planning to turn Batista heel all along, but they have to speed up the process now, because the fans are still shitting on Batista. WWE horribly overestimated Batista's appeal as a star. On top of that, the timing for his return was terrible, because the fans want to see Daniel Bryan in the WWE WHC match, and it's coming back to bite them in the ass now.

There's a slight chance of me looking the other way, if Batista was in ring shape, but he's not. Last night he could barely catch his breath to answer Orton after the short "match" with Del Rio. To make matters worse, no one cared about Batista being "real." They can try and spin this, but the end result will be the same no matter what, because the simple fact of the matter is the fans don't want Batista anywhere near the WWE WHC picture.

It's why I'm hoping WWE will find a way to squeeze Bryan into the WWE WHC match. Maybe I'm just clinging to a fool's hope at this point, but nothing is 100% official for Bryan VS Triple H yet.

And I'm reaching for another longshot, but Punk VS Triple H is a more intriguing match up over Bryan VS Triple H. Storyline wise, Bryan is a more logical opponent for Triple H, but Punk is a better fit character wise, and it's not even close. Plus, I'm sure Punk would deliver better promos, as the rebel, who's fighting the corporate machine.

Also, I was surprised WWE chose a more peaceful moment for The Shield last night. Ambrose was late on the save at the end, but The Shield stood together as a unified unit at the end with some cheers from the crowd. If WWE doesn't go with a Shield split at Mania, I wouldn't have a problem with a three on two handicap match against Rowan and Harper with a gimmick attached to it.
Wasn't there suppose to be an angle between Vince and HHH for control of the company at Mania? Something like Vince's chosen wrestler vs. HHH and the winner assumes control of WWE? The one thing that could kick this off is Vince inserting Bryan into the title match main event at Mania and HHH becoming furious by it that he demands the match or possibly to face Vince himself. Could HHH vs. Vince McMahon be a possibility at Mania? How bout CM Punk being Vince's chosen wrestler? Punk leaving because of the direction HHH wanted to take the company...

I remember a time I read that Punk was promised a main event Championship match at WrestleMania 30 against Orton before Batista returned so Punk could've accomplished that one final thing before retiring once his contract ends in July, but oh well...and here's what was originally planned for WrestleMania XXX according to WNW:

Special Guest Host - Hulk Hogan

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. CM Punk (2014 Royal Rumble Winner)

Batista vs. Brock Lesnar
(Batista would've still returned to WWE to be the one that tries to stop the Beast)

Undertaker vs. John Cena
(Cena would cut a promo the night after the EC PPV saying he failed to capture the title and has nothing going for him at WM this year while he headlined last year, and when he was about to leave, Taker's gong hits and makes the challenge to Cena for WM 30)

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan
(the payoff to everything the authority has done to Bryan since SummerSlam)

Six-Man Tag Team Match:
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family
(should've been saved for Mania instead of the Chamber PPV)

just those matches alone would've made this one of the BEST WrestleMania's ever...oh well...stupid WWE!!
According to Dave Meltzer at F4WOnline.com, there are several other matches that have been pitched or are currently being discussed.

The latest word on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match, according to the report, is that WWE is "strongly considering" adding a third person to the match. Now, the report makes no mention of who that third person is, but the obvious name that's going to spring to mind is Daniel Bryan. The report further states that the latest internal line-up for the card reads: "Batista vs. Orton vs. ?" As myself and numerous other posters have stated in various threads, the only hope WWE has of salvaging the match so that a hostile crowd doesn't hijack it is to put Daniel Bryan in it.

Other matches being pitched, but not decided on according to the report, are Big E vs. Dean Ambrose to unify the Intercontinental & United States Championships, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns, Sheamus vs. Christian, Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust and adding some NXT match to the card.

Of those POSSIBLE match ideas alleged in the report, Sheamus vs. Christian is the weakest. Why take up valuable space on the biggest show of the year with a match that we've already seen for free on television within the past week?
According to Dave Meltzer at F4WOnline.com, there are several other matches that have been pitched or are currently being discussed.

The latest word on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match, according to the report, is that WWE is "strongly considering" adding a third person to the match. Now, the report makes no mention of who that third person is, but the obvious name that's going to spring to mind is Daniel Bryan. The report further states that the latest internal line-up for the card reads: "Batista vs. Orton vs. ?" As myself and numerous other posters have stated in various threads, the only hope WWE has of salvaging the match so that a hostile crowd doesn't hijack it is to put Daniel Bryan in it.

Other matches being pitched, but not decided on according to the report, are Big E vs. Dean Ambrose to unify the Intercontinental & United States Championships, Luke Harper & Erick Rowan vs. Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns, Sheamus vs. Christian, Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust and adding some NXT match to the card.

Of those POSSIBLE match ideas alleged in the report, Sheamus vs. Christian is the weakest. Why take up valuable space on the biggest show of the year with a match that we've already seen for free on television within the past week?

honestly, I don't like the whole, put db in the match or the fans will ruin it thing. If I was Vince, I would stick to my Batista vs Orton match. Vince is smart and understands that the fans are reacting like children. If he gives them db in the match, how long before they do the same for Cesaro, and Ziggler and all the other internet darlings. He needs to show the crowd that this is his show and he will book it how he feels is best. The crowd should never become the bookers. Shitting on the title match really doesn't do anything except make it unenjoyable for the people that do want to see it, like myself. I also think db vs HHH makes complete sense storyline wise so there isnt a real reason to change it. If anything I would put Cena in the WWE title match, than have the wyatts and shield go at it one more time but leave db where he is. And there's no way in hell I'd have db wrestle in two main event matches.

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