An Idea For Daniel Bryan To Win The Title


Getting Noticed By Management
Before the survivor series I say he wins a number one contender's battle royal and faces Mark Henry for the title in NYC. I'd have him win the title and then surrender the MITB breifcase so there could be a MITB match at the TLC ppv. I'd have him go in as champion at wrestlemania to face CM Punk(whom I would book to win the Royal Rumble and choose to face Bryan). Leading up to wm Punk can tell Bryan that his goal is to not only win the world title, but to have a better match than the Rock vs Cena. If Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk happens at wrestlemania, it could be much better match quality-wise than Rock vs Cena.

What do you think?
Fantasy booking entertains me...

However, this will never EVER happen. Most people, including myself, were excited to see Bryan win MITB. However, with his recent booking and his proclamation that he will cash in at WM28, it's just completely unrealistic. He has been booked lately to lose most of his matches on Smackdown. His most recent wins have mainly come on Superstars. There isn't enough time on this Earth to make it believable for him to get built up from his current state to beating Mark Henry for the WHC at TLC. Mark Henry is in the middle of a MONSTER push. He's one of the most believable monster's in recent history. He's destroying people. How do you expect to have Bryan beat him? He can't even beat Sin Cara. Many people complain about plotholes and bad writing in wrestling, but this would be worse (maybe) than Swagger going from losing to Horswaggle to WHC in a couple months.

As much as I'd like to see Bryan vs Punk for a World Championship belt, no. Just no.
I'd have him win at Survivor Series after winning a battle royal a few weeks before. Not TLC. After winning at survivor series I would have him say he doesn't need the briefcase anymore and at TLC there could be a money in the bank ladder match for that briefcase. Make TLC more interesting. Bryan beating Henry would be like the "odds stacked against him" type thing.

I think what I came up with is more unpredictable than having him cash in at wrestlemania and winning there(honestly I don't even think that's going to happen). Remember when CM Punk complained about Rock being in the main event against Cena at wrestlemania? Well if he faces Bryan Danielson at the event he can try to upstage them. He can even cut promos saying that. He has been shooting a lot these days. It can be like Savage/Steamboat upstaging Andre/Hogan at wm 3.
Fantasy booking entertains me...

However, this will never EVER happen. Most people, including myself, were excited to see Bryan win MITB. However, with his recent booking and his proclamation that he will cash in at WM28, it's just completely unrealistic. He has been booked lately to lose most of his matches on Smackdown. His most recent wins have mainly come on Superstars. There isn't enough time on this Earth to make it believable for him to get built up from his current state to beating Mark Henry for the WHC at TLC. Mark Henry is in the middle of a MONSTER push. He's one of the most believable monster's in recent history. He's destroying people. How do you expect to have Bryan beat him? He can't even beat Sin Cara. Many people complain about plotholes and bad writing in wrestling, but this would be worse (maybe) than Swagger going from losing to Horswaggle to WHC in a couple months.

As much as I'd like to see Bryan vs Punk for a World Championship belt, no. Just no.

You don't think that beating the Monster would get Bryan over? I think that if Mark Henry can get over in the time that he has, Bryan can by WM.

I do disagree with the scenario presented in the original post; If this is all to build towards WM28, and Bryan's already given his word that he'd cash in on that night, why not just have him use MITB to challenge the champion Punk? They could have their match and it could be better than Rock v. Cena, and Bryan could even lose and be the first guy to lose when cashing in. This could lead to what he really needs: a heel turn! Then he can show how great of an antagonist he is....
Can't see this happening either. I think that D Bryan will be the first to lose his MITB match sadly. Which will lead to a heel turn and a title reign in the long run.

I'd love it if Mark Henry stayed champion for a long time. He's stayed injury free for enough time so he is looking unbeatable.
So Daniel Bryan defeats the man who took out Kane, Big Show, Khali, and cleanly beat Randy Orton? Absurd.

And then faces CM Punk at Wrestlemania? ...So, Punk's response to not being in the main event featuring the biggest star of today and possibly the biggest star of the attitude era, two men with epic charisma who elicit massive reactions from millions of fans across the world, is to have a match with a gaping black hole of charisma who the majority of fans care absolutely nothing about?

No, just... no.

Daniel Bryan should not win the world title, period, with or without the MITB briefcase. If he has to win it, it should be via turning heel and taking advantage of an injured champ, and he should quickly lose it. If he catches in at 'Mania, he should lose straight up. And preferrably, he should put the case on the line before than and lose it to someone else. Barrett or Rhodes would be excellent choices.

Daniel Bryan isn't good enough to be even World Champion on the "B" brand, and CM Punk deserves a far better Wrestlemania opponent.
I like where you are going with this, but how bout this instead; Daniel Bryan first gets a title match like you said via by winning a battle royal, then have him challenge the champion on the following Smackdown, and wins the title "By-Mistake" make it look like it happened by mistake. Make it look like he is a mistake / underdog champion. Then build him up all the way to Wreslemania and make it the underdog vs the monster who nobody thinks he is going to beat (Idk-Mark Henry, Big Show, Kane, etc...) and still have him loose at wrestlemania, and the same night cash his money in the bank in and win it back.
I don't even think you need to worry about a MITB scenario because I have a gut feeling that Daniel Bryan will be the first MITB winner to loose his championship match. Don't get me wrong, I love Bryan and consider him top 5 in the world when it comes to in ring work, but from how he's been used by the suits in the back, I see him becoming the sacrificial lamb that puts an end to the undefeated MITB winners streak. I think Daniel Bryan might be in for the long haul when it comes to the two major titles. I know a lot of people like to draw beniot comparisons, I don't always agree but when it comes to capturing the title I think Bryan will be on a similar path as the rabid wolverine, even though he's the best in ring wrestler in the company, its gonna take a while for them to give him the strap. So I really think its too soon to predict how and when because when the time comes the main event picture will be completely different then it is now.
Although I can't see this scenario occuring, I would love to see a Punk/DB match at WM. Could you imagine the kind of shots Punk would take at Cena/Rock going into WM? But I do think if something like this scenario occured, WWE should go ahead and turn Bryan heel already. He would be over more as a heel facing Punk, and it would be a great match that fans wanna see.
I'm all for any ideas to use Bryan effectively as a main event guy on Smackdown[or any other show for that matter]. He deserves to be on top and not stuck losing or being buried every week. He's too talented for that.
I think there's still time to build up Bryan for a World Heavyweight title match at WrestleMania XXVIII and WWE could make it a triple threat match with Mark Henry, Bryan and the Royal Rumble winner.
I would have Bryan cash in his briefcase at Elimination Chamber after the Smackdown Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship is over, Bryan cashes in immediately right there running to the ring with his briefcase in tow and he says he is cashing in his briefcase early

The champion is left reeling, and Bryan applies his finisher on the champion making him tap out, and Bryan becomes World Heavyweight Champion at Elimination Chamber

That ensures that Bryan will be in the main event of Mania because he will be coming into the main event as the champion defending the title rather than coming in as the challenger

Either way he would be in the main event
Why would they have Bryan's briefcase be surrendered for a match at TLC when MITB already has its own PPV? That is a bad idea. Bryan should keep holding onto the blue briefcase until Wrestlemania because that way a MITB cash in can be done without being opportunistic AND lead to a show stealer against someone like Punk in the process. The way they currently seem to be going is fine and I do not see what the point would be of having Bryan win the blue briefcase in the first place if he is not going to cash in. Think about your ideas before making a thread, guys.
I hate the idea but a triple threat match at WrestleMania is much more likely to happen. Since Daniel Bryan is not the 'real' #1 contender, but he will still be included in the match because of the briefcase. Why I hate this idea? People would see that WWE has just replaced Chris Benoit with him.

So who would be the other 2? I believe it's anyone within Kane, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Wade Barrett.

No Mark Henry since I believe that he will lose the title eventually to either Randy Orton or Kane. No Undertaker because I don't believe he will be in a triple threat match when his streak is on the line.

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