Wrestlemania XXX Aftermath & Discussion

You are obviously one of those IWC Sheep who are in love with Daniel Bryan and hate everyone else except CM Junk (yeh, I said Junk, bite me)

Yes, I can see how my command of actual evidence and deployment of such massive bombs like 'facts' cloud your impulse and prejudices. As it happens I do like Bryan but am not the hugest fan of Punk. Cool username by the way. :lmao:
@DaOne5000 Sorry but dude that's a terrible card

Assuming that we had enough creative control to build the feuds prior to the chamber my card would be:

Shaemus vs. Cesaro - they would put on a great show and this would be a great way to do a double turn. Have Cesaro break away from Swagger at the chamber laying seeds to turn him face. Have Shaemus show signs of being overly cocky and very asshole-ish in a way to lay seeds to turning him heel. Have Cesaro challenge Shaemus to a match at WM as a friendly competition. Have Shaemus almost win but then he gloats too much allowing Cesaro to hit a rollup to win. Shaemus gets pissed off and pulls a Bret Hart circa WM 13 and attack him thus doing a double turn and planting seeds for a great feud.

NXT battle royal for main roster contract - I would have held off on the Alexander Rusev debut and have him win the Battle Royal. This would have been on the pre-show, that way we don't have some random match thrown into the card with no build.

John Cena vs. Wade Barrett- Seth Rollins would have taken his spot in the chamber and Cena should have faced Bray at that night and won due to interference from the Shield for costing the remaining two Shield members spots in the Chamber. Barrett would come out the next night telling Cena some "bad news" about his losing streak and eminent shift into being just a hasbeen. This will give us a revival to a 4 year feud and finally give Barrett that win over Cena that he deserved years ago. This would make Barrett a main eventer and finally mean something again without damaging Cena's star status

The Shield vs. The Wyatts - Their match at the chamber was great but it would have been even better at Wrestlemania because the crowd would be bigger and since it's at WM it would have been made a much bigger deal. Since WM is also the longest PPV of the year, they would have been given more time to wrestle and gone down in history. It would have also given the Wyatts a big boost after being fresh off a feud with John Cena. It would have ended the same way as it did at the chamber with Ambrose being lost somewhere and everything. Then an extreme rules rematch at Extreme Rules but have Rollins walk out the way he did last week, thus officially breaking up the Shield.

Big E (I.C. champion) vs. Jack Swagger (US champion) - This would be a title for title match. This would bring legitimacy back to Swagger and make him relevant again. Their match at the chamber was surprisingly good and just like the Wyatts/Shield match would have been made that much better by being at wrestlemania. And whether Swagger wins or loses he would have been put back in the spotlight by going into a title match as a champion. Big E would win because him losing just wouldn't make sense

AJ Lee vs. Tamina - I would have preferred Naomi vs. AJ but honestly at this point who cares? There was a rumor that the only reason AJ got the title was that she was fucking CM Punk and now it's proven to be true, I mean ever since he left they have just no idea what to do with her. She's getting less and less air time, and the second Punk left WWE was quick to take the title off her. I think we should wait for the NXT divas to come up before we start caring about the divas division

The Usos vs. Rhodes bros. vs. Miz/Ziggler - This would be a ladder match for the tag titles. Historically tag triple threat ladder matches have always been great and exciting and it would be even better in a match where we know for a fact each guy can work. The Usos would retain the titles but it would put Miz/Ziggler back on the map and ready for a feud right after. After this I would send Goldust down to work with the new guys on NXT and have Cody go as a singles guy

Brock vs. Taker - There's really no one else for Taker to face but John Cena. However, if Cena wrestled Taker then who would Lesnar face? Why put him in a title match we all know he'll lose? Him losing to Taker is much different because that's expected, meanwhile a title match is something that needs time to invest in. Meaning we would have invested all that time for nothing. Batista's not in the shape he was in back in 2005 or even 2009 so a match between the two would suck. Especially with how bad Batista is in the ring now. It's not like Brock will slow down for him. It would be Goldberg vs. Brock all over again but worse.

Daniel Bryan vs. HHH - This would be a No Holds Barred match. It's a feud that's been built up for months now and makes sense. I'm not a DB hater but him in the main event at WM just screams low ratings. It's a bad business decision and just doesnt fit well. This will be the big pay off and allow for this angle to finally be put to rest between them.

Orton vs. Batista I honestly don't want this to happen but there's no other option. I definitely don't want Cena in the main event and Brock Lesnar just wouldn't make sense as a challenger. It would only work if he walked in as champion to drop the title like Rock did.
Big E. (C) vs Mark Henry vs Cessaro vs Swagger. For the IC title.

The Usos (c) vs Rybaxel vs Goldust & Cody vs The Outlaws. For the tag titles.

Ziggler, Del Rio, Big Show, Rey, Sheamus, Christian, The Miz, RVD, Kane?
Sandow, Titus Oneil, Barrett? (These guys almost have to be in a MITB match or a battle royal of some type. Maybe not all of them or maybe more of them can be included depending on the type of match it is. I'd rather not waste time on just another Sheamus vs Christian match though.)

AJ Lee (c) vs Tamina. For the divas title.

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H.

Dean Ambrose (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns. For the US title.

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt

The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

Randy Orton (c) vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan. For the WWEWHC.
Randy Orton (c) vs Batista. For the WWEWHC
Followed directly after by...
Batista (c) vs Daniel Bryan
I made this exact same thread last week and it got merged with the Wrestlemania XXX thread even though it shouldn't have been. Glad this thread survived so I'll just re-post it here...

I would need to know first off at which point I became the new Vince Russo because you have to plan very far in advance for an epic Mania. Russo said he and Ed Ferrara used to work backwards by starting with Mania plans for that year and build in reverse to match everything up months in advance. Therefore, I'm assuming with people like The Rock and HBK on your card, that we have the time and money to throw at top stars to entice them to come...

WrestleMania XXX

Cm Punk (c) vs John Cena (c)- WWE/World Title Unification: When you look to create a Mania main event, you look at your 2 best in the business. That's why we saw Hogan vs Macho, Hogan vs Warrior, Bret vs Shawn, Rock vs Austin, Cena vs Batista, etc. Hands down it's these two. I wouldn't have unified the titles until this night. Punk is WWE champ, and Cena is World champ going in.

Goldberg vs Stone Cold: This is a dream match of all dream matches. I'd love to see Austin vs Punk the way we had Rock vs Cena, but if I could get Austin AND Goldberg paid enough to come back, this is the match I'm making. I've wanted it since day 1 of WWF taking over WCW...millions did too. Goldberg to this day said if he had one more match he'd want this because the fans always did and were cheated out of it.

Shawn Michaels vs The Rock: This is yet another HUGE dream match of dream matches. I think if anybody is going to entice HBK to come back for one last dream Mania match, it's the most electrifying man in sports & entertainment. Him against the Showstopper would be phenomenal and quite possible of pitched correctly to them both.

The Shield vs The Wyatts: I would've waited till Mania for this match. Kept everything the same leading up to it, but have it on the grandest stage of them all.

Sting vs The Undertaker: Why this isn't happening is beyond me. I just don't get it, but I'd be working my ass off to get all these guys signed and ready to roll in a timely fashion. Just have Undertaker make an appearance on Raw, he makes his grand entrance to the ring and when the lights turn on and he grabs a mic, the lights turn out and a spotlight hits the rafters and it's Sting pointing at the Mania sign with his bat. Taker makes his throat cut gesture and it's on!

Daniel Bryan vs Triple H: I'd keep much of the same storylines, but would keep DB far from the title and more focused on the Authority. Would've had the Royal Rumble be for the Wwe Title and had DB and Punk as friends be the final 2 so fans could accept a clean loss and not boo the champ.

Batista vs Brock: I've wanted this match since day 1. I don't get why this didn't happen either. Wasted opportunity. I'd have Batista eliminate Brock from the Rumble and Brock gets him eliminated unfairly in return afterwards. I'd put them both in the Chamber match for the World title (Cena wins) and have them both be eliminated at the same time while destructing one another from 2 different people making a move on them. They blame eachother again and leads to a epic Hollywood type of match where they take them match all over the arena...through the back slamming eachother through walls and glass then back out to the ring and slamming eachother through barricades and tables.

Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton: I think Jericho is one of the very very few people who could make anything Orton is involved in entertaining anymore. His constant knocking of Randy would be a joy to watch. Just have him come out during one of Ortons segments and ask him to please shut the hell up and that he's here to save everyone from his boring ass.

RVD vs Rey Mysterio vs Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler vs Titus O'Neil vs Sheamus vs Big E vs Ryback- (IC & US Title Unification Ladder Match):. This would be a great way to build a future guy like Titus by having him win and a hell of an entertaining match.

Lita vs AJ Lee-(Divas Title): It's a great in ring women's match and a good past vs present story especially considering how huge a fan AJ was of Litas growing up.

Kevin Nash vs Kane vs Big Show vs Mark Henry- Battle of the Giants: I've always been a fan of these type of monster matches. Would be cool to see the titans from the AE clash and see who's best.

Alberto Del Rio w/ Ted DeBiase vs Christian w/ Edge: I'd like Christian to have Edge with him if it is for his last actual match. Would be cool. I like the idea of Del Rio with DeBiase...good fit...Millionaire Aristocrats. I think they'd play a great heel duo that would give a little more excitement to this fued.

Still have Hogan host and have a Pipers Pit where he and Piper take out the Real Americans. Would also have a skit where The Warrior takes out the 3 Man Band.

Pre Show:
Outlaws vs Brotherhood- (Tag Titles Dumpster Match): old school Outlaws style match would be fun with almost everyone involved being from the Attitude Era.
This is my first post I think that when the card is finalized it will look like...
Kickoff-Rey Mysterio jr vs Alberto Del Rio
1.Andre The Giant Battle Royal (Maybe even for the IC title)
2.The Shield vs The Accension and Kane
3.Alexander Russev vs Mark Henry
4.AJ Lee vs Brie vs Nikki vs Tamina vs Cameron vs Tamina (Diva's title)
5.The New Age Outlaws vs The Uso's vs Rybaxel vs Brotherhood (WWE Tag Titles)
6.Christian /w/ Edge vs Sheamus (If Christian loses he retires)

7..Triple H vs Daniel Bryan (HBK as ref) (Daniel Bryan wins makes up with HBK)
8.John Cena /w/ Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper vs Bray Wyatt /w/ The Wyatt Family
9.Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker
10.Randy Orton vs Batista vs Bryan (Falls Count Anywhere) Bryan wins after Triple H tries to screw him but SCSA comes out and stuns HHH.
I expect whatever match The Shield are going to have will be booked on Raw this Monday, I guess it could become two matches if Ambrose is booked to defend his US title but I doubt it.

The Divas title match looks like it's going to be Cena's road beef vs AJ, personally I think Brie has developed in the ring a bit better but oh well.

I was hoping they'd do something between AJ and either Trish or Lita, but it's fair enough that a main roster girl is gonna get to be the one to dethrone AJ, it's just a shame none of the Total Divas are over enough for it to matter and are characterized as a group rather than individuals. Best case scenario is a multi Diva match, either a 4 way or 6 pack match.

The Usos laid out an open challenge on the SD backstage pass and named a few teams, none of which were the NAO so I wonder if Road Dogg's back injury means they wont be working Mania. If so I'd imagine a 4 corners match with The Usos, The Rhodes, The Real Americans and either Rybaxel or Los Matadores.
Wrestlemania XXX

This is what I think they should go with and what makes most sense after the last couple of weeks:

PRE-SHOW - Belfast Brawl Sheamus vs Christian

1. Tag Team Titles - NAO vs The Uso's vs Awesome Show Off's vs The Brotherhood

2. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal - 30 Legends/Current Roster

3. US Title - Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

4. HHH vs Daniel Bryan w/ HBK Special Referee

5. Divas Title - AJ Lee vs Nikki Bella vs Brie Bella vs Natalya

6. Brock Lesnar vs The Undertaker

7. Cesaro vs Jack Swagger

8. Bray Wyatt vs John Cena

9. WWE World Title - Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan
the rumor of the Kane and Ascension vs The Shield at Mania 30 match seems to be heating up a little bit more..

to be honest, i think id rather see this match, where Shield are going to be cheered for anyways, work as the faces. then maybe Ambrose or Seth finally pull the official walk out leading to a HUGE debut win for the Ascension..they would fit perfectly as Kane henchmen

i also get the feeling Piper and Hogan will accompany Cena vs Bray w/ the Wyatts, and the feeling Stone Cold might be involved with the Main Event, as well as HBK being the ref for HHH vs Bryan..i could also see Bryan getting the win with something backfiring on HHH, then HHH inserting himself into the Main Event as a 4 way, and if they really want to go for it, add Ric Flair as the ref (Stone Cold as Enforcer) and you basically get Evolution vs Bryan, with Steve helping Bryan prevail in the end
I wonder if we will have a repeat of WMX with two WWE title matches, maybe HHH will give into Batista and give him his 1 on 1 match with Randy Orton for the WWEWHC and the winner of that match going on to defend the title against the winner of DB / HHH match to close WM.

Currently we don't have enough matches to fill the 4 hours allocated to WMXXX.

Battle Royal (20mins)
Tag Title match (15mins) ** Maybe **
Shield triple threat US Title (20mins) ** Kane makes this match on Raw **
Cena vs. Wyatt (25mins)
Orton vs. Batista (30mins) 1st WWE WHC Title match
HHH vs. DB (30mins)
Brock vs. Taker (30mins)
Divas title match (10mins) **Maybe **
Orton or Batista vs HHH or DB (30mins) WWE WHC Title to close WM
Thoughts anyone??
I wonder if we will have a repeat of WMX with two WWE title matches, maybe HHH will give into Batista and give him his 1 on 1 match with Randy Orton for the WWEWHC and the winner of that match going on to defend the title against the winner of DB / HHH match to close WM.

Currently we don't have enough matches to fill the 4 hours allocated to WMXXX.

Battle Royal (20mins)
Tag Title match (15mins) ** Maybe **
Shield triple threat US Title (20mins) ** Kane makes this match on Raw **
Cena vs. Wyatt (25mins)
Orton vs. Batista (30mins) 1st WWE WHC Title match
HHH vs. DB (30mins)
Brock vs. Taker (30mins)
Divas title match (10mins) **Maybe **
Orton or Batista vs HHH or DB (30mins) WWE WHC Title to close WM
Thoughts anyone??

Actually, I've gone through and looked this part up. A Wrestlemania program at the very best only has two hours worth of actual Wrestling.
I imagine the Battle Royal will take up a fair chunk of time, given how they have built it up. I can't believe the US or Intercontinental title wont be defended at Wrestlemania. I would look to book the following matches:

Tag team match
Usos v Shield v Real Americans v Goldust and Cody

US and Intercontinental unifying match
Ambrose v Langston

NXT title match - maybe on the pre show
Neville v Zayn v Dallas v Graves
I am calling it now. DB beats HHH and in the ME one of two things happens. First Bryans about to win and all the sudden a guy in a hoodie hops the barricade, puts Bryan on his shoulders for a GTS and is revealed as CM Punk (either Orton or Batista pin Bryan). Next night we find out Mcmahon hired him back. Second Bryan wins and Mcmahon comes out and like with Edge at NYR06 he says there is another match that night with a man he recently hired back and out comes Punk to beat Bryan. If Punk doesn't return at WM than it was a legit leaving of the company but I remember a while back there were rumblings that there were BIG plans for Punk at WM. I could see him, Mcmahon, HHH and a couple others knowing about the plan and them taking him off promos and making it seem like he quit was just a creative way to hide this from even crossing our minds. As I said if he doesn't come back at WM it was legit, but I have a gut feeling Punk is gonna end up screwing Bryan.
A few weeks out till Mania and the big matches are set and the rest of the card is taking shape. As of today this is how I see the card playing out.

Winner gets added to WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Triple H vs Daniel Bryan

This should open the night as the winner will be pulling double duty. This should be a very good, entertaining match. I see Bryan picking up the clean win here, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a screwy finish where there is no clear winner which leaves the participants in the main event cloudy until a announcement later on in the card that both men will be in the match.

Tag Team Title Match: Usos (c) vs Real Americans vs Rybaxel

With both the Real Anericans and Rybaxel granted title matches I think we see a triangle title match at Mania. I would really expect The Usos to retain with a small chance of Real Americans winning if for no other reason than to give Cesaro a title. But I think we see that down the road with a singles title.

Six Man Tag: The Shield vs Kane & The New Age Outlaws

With the events of Smackdown this match is a foregone conclusion. I think Mania will be the breakup of Shield as it has been teased but now things seem good. I expect that to change with Ambrose and possibly Rollins leaving Reigns alone not to align with the authority, but rather Rollins and Ambrose will reveal that Reigns was getting bigger than The Shield and that this was necessary.

Andre The Giant Battle Royal

I see this match as Rusev's coming out party. I expect him to eliminate the most guys and win by last eliminating Show, or maybe Henry to set up his first feud in the WWE.

John Cena vs Bryan Wyatt

I think Bray picks up the win, but I don't expect it to be clean. Harper and Rowan will have a hand in this one. I can also see The Wyatt's beating up Cena post match as a way to write Cena off/give him a vacation for a month or two before setting up his return in time for the summer and SummerSlam.

Diva's Title Match: AJ Lee (c) vs Brie Bella vs Nicki Bella vs Natalya

I though we would see one of these Total Diva's win the title earlier so that the episodes that are airing now had one of them with the title. I still think that is the plan and they are going to want one of those girls to have the title on the show so I think we see the end of AJ's reign at Mania.

Streak Match: The Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar

This should be a great intense brawl. I'm sure there will be a few spots where it looks like the streak is over but in the end they won't end the streak and if they did it wouldn't be for a part timer.

WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Randy Orton (c) vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan and or HHH

Daniel Bryan has to be in this match because if he's not the fans are going to bury this one. I still think Batista gets the title here. I'm sure he was promised the win and they can't go back on that. Plus is sets up Bryan and Batista and Orton and HHH moving forward with Orton probably becoming a face again.
I truly hope no more fluff matches are added to the show. The Diva piss break is bad enough, though at the same time, AJ deserves to be wrestling on the show.

I like the way the card is constructed, as it gets plenty of guys on the card without wasting too much time, and will give the big matches more time to put together something impressive, and hopefully will allow for the grandure in presentation we have come to expect at Mania, without running into the timing issues they ran into last year.
Now, I don't know if it's just me, but for the 30th Anniversary of Wrestlemania, the card sure does look weak...Which is why I've decided to make up a new card based on how I think Wrestlemania 30 should be. Hopefully you guys like it and please feel free to share yours as well!

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Batista(c) vs CM Punk (RR winner). I would've had Batista come back and say that he's challenging Orton for the title at Royal Rumble rather then be in the Rumble itself. Have Batista win the title and successfully defend it at EC. The heel turn can still happen the same way with the crowd turning on him.

Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar: No need to change this. Looks interesting.

No Holds Barred: John Cena vs Randy Orton (With Special Ref, Stone Cold Steve Austin) Utimate "Face of the WWE" match.

Scramble Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: Big E(c) vs Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio vs Christian vs Sheamus. Showcase the damn title at Wrestlemania! Have these 5 in the match since they've been involved with the title scene the past couple weeks.

Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs Daniel Bryan (w/Shane McMahon): Same build up pretty much but have Shane come back to support Bryan.

WWE Tag Team Championship: The Usos(c) vs The Real Americans. Rybaxel and Los Primo & Epico are not needed.

The Shield vs The Wyatts: This match should be happening at Wrestlemania. Nuff said.

WWE Diva's Championship: AJ Lee(c) vs Lita The night they announced Lita in the Hall of Fame, I would have had AJ talk about how she's a better champion then Lita ever was. Lita comes down and challenges AJ to a match at WM30. AJ could win or Lita could win and vacate the title the next night or even have a small run with it. Doesn't matter to me.


30 Man Andre The Giant Battle Royal:
Bad News Barrett
Big Show
Billy Gun
Brodus Clay
Cody Rhodes
Damian Sandow
Darren Young
Drew McIntyre
Great Khali
Heath Slater
Jinder Mahal
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz
Rey Mysterio
Road Dogg
Santino Marella
Sin Cara
Titus O'Neil
Tyson Kidd
Zack Ryder

Surpise Entrants: Evan Bourne, RVD, Ultimate Warrior

These are just my opinions. So let's here yours! Tell me what you think.
WWE should have stuck with their original plans according to numerous "sources" for WrestleMania XXX which were:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. CM Punk (2014 Royal Rumble Winner)
(Punk was supposedly promised a Rumble victory and a Mania Main Event title match to see if he would resign with the company and I believe they should've done this)

#1 Contender's Match:
Batista vs. Brock Lesnar
(I would've had Lesnar cost Batista a shot at the title at RR, and then Batista cost Lesnar a shot at the title at EC to set up this match)

Undertaker vs. John Cena

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan

The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family
(this should've been saved for Mania)

Fatal 4-Way Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship:
The Uso's (c) vs. The Real Americans vs. The Rhodes Brothers vs. The New Age Outlaws

10-Man Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship:
Big E (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus vs. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Fandango vs. Damien Sandow vs. Rey Mysterio vs. The Miz

Kane vs. Big Show
(Big Show would continue his feud with the Authority, so it would've been Orton/HHH/Kane feuding with Punk/Bryan/Show in 3 separate matches at WM 30)

Lumberjills Match for the Divas Championship:
AJ Lee (c) vs. Lita

now that would've been one of the greatest WrestleMania cards of all time IMO
1. Fatal 4 Way Elimination - Tag Title Match – The Usos vs. New Age Outlaws vs. Cody/Goldust vs. The Real Americans

2. AJ vs. Tamina - Divas Title Match – This is the only divas match that would make sense currently.

3. Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan – If Bryan wins he gets in title match - I actually like this concept of Bryan having to beat Triple H to get into the title match.

4. 20 Man WrestleMania Rumble Match - Winner receives WWE Title Match at Extreme Rules PPV – New Entrant every minute –

1. Alberto Del Rio
2. Bad News Barrett
3. Big E
4. Big Show
5. Christian
6. Curtis Axel
7. Darren Young
8. Dolph Ziggler
9. Drew McIntyre
10. Fandango
11. The Great Khali
12. Heath Slater
13. Kane
14. Kofi Kingston
15. Mark Henry
16. The Miz
17. Rey Mysterio
18. Rob Van Dam
19. Ryback
20. Titus O'Neil

5. Brock Lesnar vs. Sheamus - No Holds Barred Match - I think they would have great chemistry in the ring & would make for a great brawling match.

6. The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family – I would have waited until Mania for this match to take place. It would have had a big match feel for Mania. I still don't know why they had it at the Chamber instead of waiting another month. Now the Shield are stuck in a match with 3 guys who are 20 years older than them. Not that I dislike Kane or NAO, they just shouldn't be in a match with The Shield.

7. Undertaker vs. John Cena – This match needs to happen at WrestleMania. It's the biggest possible match the company could make & they just don't want to do it for some reason.

8. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan - WWE Title Match
If I have creative control for WrestleMania XXX, here's how I would've booked it:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship:
Randy Orton (c) vs. CM Punk (2014 Royal Rumble Winner)

Undertaker vs. John Cena

Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan
(the payoff to months of screwjobs)

Batista vs. Brock Lesnar
(Brock would cost Batista the Rumble, and Batista would cost Brock the Chamber, thus setting this up)

Six-Man Tag Team Match:
The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family

Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship:
The Uso's (c) vs. The Rhodes Brothers vs. The Real Americans vs. The New Age Outlaws

Lumberjills Match for the Divas Championship:
AJ Lee (c) vs. Tamina Snuka
(Lumberjills: Natalya, The Bella Twins, Cameron, Naomi, Layla, Alicia Fox, Summer Rae, Eva Marie, Emma, Aksana & Rosa Mendes)

30-Superstar Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal:

Alberto Del Rio
Big E
Big Show
Brodus Clay
Curtis Axel
Damien Sandow
Darren Young
Dolph Ziggler
Drew McIntyre
The Great Khali
Heath Slater
Jinder Mahal
Justin Gabriel
Kofi Kingston
Mark Henry
The Miz
Rey Mysterio
Santino Marella
Sin Cara
Titus O'Neil
Zack Ryder

those are 27 of 30 with 3 surprise entrants (maybe RVD, Y2J and some legend)

now that would've been an excellent WrestleMania IMO!
You guys fantasy booking Punk vs Orton realize that match would be shit on too right? The fans want Daniel Bryan. Not Punk, not Batista, not Orton, not Triple H. Given that you can't just book words to paper but actually have to book egos as well, they've done a good job. Daniel Bryan will be a star.
It's the day of and despite what I thought was not great build to this year's event I am as pumped up as I always am for Mania. I have wanted to see Bryan hold the title up at the end of Mania since Summerslam, and although I am not fully convinced it will happen the anticipation has me excited. Cena and Bray should be fantastic along with DB and HHH. I am still not looking forward to Taker Lesner, but that is due to the fact that in years past I always had a feeling that the streak might end. HHH and HBK both gave us those moments where we thought it was over. Punk not so much, but the feud was enough to carry the match through for me. This year I don't care if Lesner beats him to death, there is no part of me that even for a second thinks the streak will end. Other than that I look forward to a fantastic show, and as always this is my favorite time of year to be a wrestling fan.
Wrestlemania 30 is hours away in if you're like me the hot wings are cooking and you're preparing as if this was the super bowl. Today is my personal Super Bowl as much as I have hated previous Wrestlemanias I am looking forward to this one.
Here is a list of my reason
1) Bray Wyatt
2) CM Punk
3) Roman Regins.

I am going to type out my ideas and then in bold show you the boring WWE outcome.

The Andre "the giant" battle royal The trophy is the first of it's kind and should go again to a younger up and coming star ( If you have read my posts you know I am big on pushing new talent...but not to fast). Sin Cara could use the help. But Honestly the Names for me would be Ziggler ( he needs to get back in the mix) Sheamus, Fandango and The Miz also could use some help, but the Miz will not win because he has so many other things going on. Fandango like HHH said is no longer a tasty flavor of the month.
If I was writing it it would go to Drew McIntyre : This allows him to get away from wasted 3MB and get back into the true spotlight where he
My bold prediction: Goes to The Miz. ( since so few have even been involved in the talking abut the match 1 of like 5 people come into play. This is a dirty win.
WWE will give it to the Big Show being that he is close to a giant and similar to Andre, well except the talent level

Shield vs Kane and Outlaws

If I was writing this, I would have Regins leave the shield behind in this match and letting Ambrose and Rollins become tag team masters. Regins does not need the Shield, where as Ambrose and Rollins do. My prediction is Sheild wins nothing major happens and another face team gets a WM win.

WWE boring version, is Shield wins without anything really happening. With Sting, Rock, SCSA, and CM Punk coming back the raw storyline for shield needs to be minimal

Diva's title match.

AJ Lee retains the title, having a Divas champ be the same as one of the Diva's show is just lame. We already seen Cena and Bryan on the show asn both as ex champs. Plus you have the Usos.

The only real point is to have the Usos GF have the title so you could drag up some stupid reality tv crap. So Namoi wins

Undertaker vs Lesnar

My prediction is Undertaker (if you want to see 100% more details read it here http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=273953&page=3

Undertaker wins

Triple H and Daniel Bryan

Realistically what is the point in even commenting. We all know WWE and how they work, they give the face fans they happy go home stupid and happy. If I was writing this, Daniel Bryan would get his licks in and really stick it to Triple H. However before beating Triple H CM punk runs in and interferes in the match costing Daniel Bryan his shot. Making the Stupid fans choose between Punk and Bryan ( and well all win when they put on epic matches)

Daniel Bryan wins this match even after multiple bad calls by the refs

John Cena vs Bray Wyatt

If you read my article post on how Taker wins and gets beat down by the Wyatts. Then you know that the Urn is in possession, this helps with the mind games and Bray Wyatt gets a clean win.
Because the kids love their stupid hero and because the WWE feels the need to appease their audience, Cena will win and go on to do who cares...yeah no one

D-bry v Orton and Batista

Here is how I write it. Triple H attacks Bryan and leaves him laying on the ramp, Batista and Orton battle in the ring and a few close calls. Batista hits the batista bomb and bryan interferes Bryan hit is knees on Batista and goes for the pin, from the audience CM punk runs in and interferes in the match. Orton covers batista but he kicks out.
Bryan is shown fighting with CM Punk backstage CM punk is putting the beating to D Bryan. When someone from behind turns CM Punk around and STONE COLD STUNNER. Austin helps DB to his feet and says to get back to the ring. ( Stone cold won't wrestle, and can't really be fired so this works)
Bryan gets back to the ring and begins to gain momentum vs Randy Orton (batista is laid out) Bryan begins his flurry once again and as soon as he hits his knee Triple H's music hits. Bryan is upset and ready for another BS fight. Triple H gets to the Apron with his SledgeHammer in hand....Then "IF YOU SMELL WHAT".....The Rock runs down to the ring Triple H swings and misses the Rock Begins to pummel Triple H back up the Ramp.
Batista rolls in ring and SPEAR SPEAR SPEAR. He covers bryan for a 2 and 3/4 count ( at this point the crowd as not sat down, I have made them give so much pop they are confused) Batista sets up for the batista bomb and BAMMMMMM.....Batista stands up to get over for the cover and RKO.....Randy goes to Bryan for the Pin (at this point the fans are now fuming, might have so audience interference so be prepared.They can see DB losing again). As randy gets close and covers DB, he wiggles free into a Yes Lock in the middle of the ring. Orton Taps.....the Stadium ERUPTS and the roof actually collapses....( just kidding it was yes Confetti)

WWE version. Shady crap will happen involving Triple H and Daniel Bryan will win. Fans will think back to my post and say WTF I wanted Kizzani's ending it is 100 times better.
I am at a complete loss right now, even twenty some minutes after the fact. WHY!!!?? Why Lesnar? Why end it at all. The Streak is over. I'm literally heartbroken right now. The Undertaker isn't just another legend to me. He IS Wrestling to me. Part timer or not, Taker, in my opinion, is the greatest performer of all time. This is a dark day in my life and a lot of other Wrestling fans lives as well. Did anyone call this? Are you happy, sad, or indifferent? Was it the right move?
because that is what taker wanted. you really think if taker didn't want to lose they would make him lose. there is maybe under ten people in the entire world that could beat lesner in a fight. taker knows it is time to hang it up. and he gave that honor to one of the toughest assholes around. taker is old school, and all old school members know you leave the ring on your back. and there ain't any shame losing to brock lesner.
I am in utter disbelief and shocked about Taker's Mania streak ending! I totally didn't see that ending coming and I don't think it should have went down that way. I'd have rather seen Taker lose his streak to some young up-and-coming talent who could do something with that monumental win. Not some greedy, money hungry, part-timer who hates pro wrestling like Brock Lesnar. WWE are fucked up for even considering this end. Maybe their intention was to shock people, well it worked just not in a good way!
Eat, Sleep, Break The Streak, and damn you Brock! Of all the people who could've gone over Taker they choose Brock???!!! Why not a more deserving guy who could use the victory to catapult his career to the next level such as cesaro or reigns or wyatt (altho the cent feud gave his some creed IMO), and what has happened to Big E? He is basically a jobber at this point, at least make a champion relevant. And now we can all kiss our Taker/Sting dream goodbye too :banghead:

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