Wrestlemania XXIX Feedback/Review Thread *KEEP IT ALL IN HERE*

and lastly what was this years WrestleMania moment? answer there wasn't one unless maybe Taker looking like he was saying goodbye and was almost in tears probably thinking of Paul Bearer.

I think WWE wants us to think the "wrestlemania moment" was Cena pinning rock then the two men hugging and shaking hands. That was the safe ending and that's what they went with. Hardly a wrestlemania moment.
HHH has lost most of his WrestleMania matches genius, and what purpose would it have served for Brock to win? Triple H is management he has to be there Brock is just temporary.

Dude, he wouldn't have ACTUALLY retired from the WWE. He wouldn't be able to wrestle anymore.

Do you really think that stipulation was meant to actually mean retired completely from the business for real?

Face Palm
I think WWE wants us to think the "wrestlemania moment" was Cena pinning rock then the two men hugging and shaking hands. That was the safe ending and that's what they went with. Hardly a wrestlemania moment.

It's a shame Punk's moment went to waste when he jumped off the top rope onto Taker, but the table didn't break. Punk did more damage to himself in that spot.
The face turns that didn't happen were the surprise last night. I figured Randy Orton would turn....but he didn't, and when he didn't, I thought it ensured a heel turn by Cena....but it didn't. Then, I thought we were headed toward a face turn for HBK, as it was speculated he might interfere with the Triple H-Brock match, which he didn't; at least not as far as affecting the outcome. It seemed the only reason HBK was there was to keep Paul Heyman from interfering. Bummer.

Okay, maybe the heel turn is coming for John Cena tonight. The Monday following a WM is often a time for the introduction of new angles, and since nothing of note happened last night, it might be on tonight. During the Cena-Rock match, I was certain he would be turning bad since his reaction to being booed was markedly different than the usual "laugh it off" attitude he's displayed. As it was, the match ended with the display of sportsmanship I figured on months ago, before the possibility of a heel turn for Cena surfaced.

Note: Did the Rock say "motherfucker" last night? I was half-turned away from the TV but I swore he did. Talk about a performer getting caught up in the action, huh?
Beware WWE FANBOYS here comes the truth.

Maybe the worst WM iv'e ever watched.
Everything about it was low quality. No suprises, no mania moments, nothing at all to really remember, no spectacular moves, no returns, no big entrances. It was just missing so much.

Everything about wm29 seemed half assed, rubbish builds to matches compared to last year. This is the one night off the year they are supposed to wrestle there hearts out to make iconic moments in wrestling history and the majoirty of the matches just seemed like a smackdown taping.
A ziggler cash in would have helped but they even missed the boat on that one.
As talked about Taker and Punk was the best match but it wasnt nothing great anyway.
Are we moaning fans who are never pleased? Some what YES, but this is the big one they had to pull out all stops here, they even increased the PPV buy amount... For what? To pay for the rocks salary.

As a fan I feel very let down. I just hope i redeem some hope for tonights RAW. But with rock now going away, taker dissapearing untill next WM, Lesnar only doing 4 PPV's and Punk reportly now taking time off. The future dosent look bright.

Tonight they need to set in stone the main event at WM30, another year build.... Only one of two men in my opinon can do it.

Stone Cold Steve Ausin. (Where the fuck is he?) Vince pay him whatever the hell he wants, get him back and to build against Punk, WM30 then or never for Austin.

Stephanie McMahon and TNA's Dixie Carter had a meeting friday, with the agenda being completley unknown. Get Sting over on a joint venture between the two companys and have him challenge Undertaker, Give TNA the airtime, the money whatever they want for the deal, again WM30 or it's never going to happen.
The face turns that didn't happen were the surprise last night. I figured Randy Orton would turn....but he didn't, and when he didn't, I thought it ensured a heel turn by Cena....but it didn't. Then, I thought we were headed toward a face turn for HBK, as it was speculated he might interfere with the Triple H-Brock match, which he didn't; at least not as far as affecting the outcome. It seemed the only reason HBK was there was to keep Paul Heyman from interfering. Bummer.

Okay, maybe the heel turn is coming for John Cena tonight. The Monday following a WM is often a time for the introduction of new angles, and since nothing of note happened last night, it might be on tonight. During the Cena-Rock match, I was certain he would be turning bad since his reaction to being booed was markedly different than the usual "laugh it off" attitude he's displayed. As it was, the match ended with the display of sportsmanship I figured on months ago, before the possibility of a heel turn for Cena surfaced.

Note: Did the Rock say "motherfucker" last night? I was half-turned away from the TV but I swore he did. Talk about a performer getting caught up in the action, huh?

I agree. There were a couple times that I thought heel turns were going to happen for Orton at first, then Cena later. When Orton tagged himself into the match, I thought he was going to destroy the Shield at first then get into a bad spot and Sheamus would come in only to get RKO'd by Orton, then Orton would leave with the Shield. Of course, that didn't happen.

Cena actually did a great job of selling an ALMOST turn. The optimal moment, I thought would have been to actually hit the People's Elbow on the Rock and pin him for the win. He would have been booed out of the arena. Then when they were talking after Cena won, Cena easily could have bashed Rock with the belt. Of course, that didn't happen. Oh well, they have to sell more T shirts, I guess.
I thought it was a good mania...I think the IWC just likes to complain about everything. People are complaining about predictability while on a forum for a freakin spoiler website. My question to you guys is when was the last Mania where you couldnt predict the winner of pretty much every match? Because even WM17 and WM19 was predictable. Anybody that is an adult and understands how wrestling works can predict match endings. The wwe isnt going to just have random people win matches to swerve us so that the the IWC will be happy. Another thing I dont understand is the hate of all things with Rock and Cena. That match was much better than last years and this is coming from someone that attended WM28 live. Everybody seems to only be praising Punk and Taker but IMO all three main events were almost equal. But I knew you guys would do that because you believe Punk is god and should be the president of the united states and you fantasize about him while in bed with your wives. If you dont like wwe go watch ROH where nobody has a personality or go watch TNA where nothing makes sense and mid carders fight over the world title. I love wrestling and the wwe wrestlers gave their all last night and put on a good show. Im starting to believe that nobody on this forum actually likes wrestling.
Just a few notes:

-Although I figured the focus of the Del Rio-Swagger match would strictly be on having Dolph Ziggler cash in (wrong-o!) I must admit I was impressed with the technical side of the contest. Although Swagger's character bores me, I loved the way he blocked, and then reversed, the Cross Arm Breaker (or whatever the hell it's called). Also, I really liked the way Del Rio arched his body to effect an escape from Swagger's leg lock (the Angle Lock?). These guys can really work.

-I was surprised Mark Henry was scripted to beat Ryback, but in retrospect, shouldn't have been. As far as I could see, Ryback ascended to world title status because the company needed a fill-in to fight Punk months ago. He didn't win the title, and since then, he's been languishing in 6-man matches, with no real direction. Truthfully, I don't think management ever intended to keep him at the top.....and in accordance with the way the company makes performers earn their stripes, I don't know that he belongs there. What Creative has in mind for Mark Henry is beyond me.

-I loved the Triple H-Brock match.....an old-time tough guy contest. Just one observation: During the match, Trips touched Brock's balls.....which is something I'm not even sure Sable wants to do.
I thought it was a good mania...I think the IWC just likes to complain about everything. People are complaining about predictability while on a forum for a freakin spoiler website. My question to you guys is when was the last Mania where you couldnt predict the winner of pretty much every match? Because even WM17 and WM19 was predictable. Anybody that is an adult and understands how wrestling works can predict match endings. The wwe isnt going to just have random people win matches to swerve us so that the the IWC will be happy. Another thing I dont understand is the hate of all things with Rock and Cena. That match was much better than last years and this is coming from someone that attended WM28 live. Everybody seems to only be praising Punk and Taker but IMO all three main events were almost equal. But I knew you guys would do that because you believe Punk is god and should be the president of the united states and you fantasize about him while in bed with your wives. If you dont like wwe go watch ROH where nobody has a personality or go watch TNA where nothing makes sense and mid carders fight over the world title. I love wrestling and the wwe wrestlers gave their all last night and put on a good show. Im starting to believe that nobody on this forum actually likes wrestling.

Did you write this with your lips on Vince McMahon's ass? A member of the IWC bashing the IWC, makes sense. It doesn't take much to make us fans happy. All we ask for are interesting story lines and character development. And WWE is extremely lacking in these two areas.
I love wrestling, I have since I was 5, but even I can admit last night was a garbage Wrestlemania. I watch ROH and 99% of the time its better than the shit WWE feeds its fans on a weekly basis. Keep eating your fruity pebbles and enjoying lame ass John Cena as your champion, you WWE mark.
Maybe the worst ever a couple thoughts:
1. WWE shouldn't ever do an event in Metlife stadium again. The lack of anything form the crowd hopefully puts a cap on doing Mania in that venue ever again.
2. Matches were either too short, weren't built well, or full of false finishes and finisher reversal spots. Reminded me of someone playing WWE 13 or something like that.
3. Ziggler fucking sucks and him cashing in a briefcase for a WH title reign he isn't ready for wouldn't have helped this event one bit. Just because he flops around like a fish selling moves doesn't mean he is WHC material.
4. No America the Beautiful but we have to suffer through fucking Diddy making a mockery of music because he is the WWE's social media ambassador.

Overall very bland event with no suspense or surprise. This Mania is going to be remembered because of how lackluster it was. I am hoping VKM doesn't see the amount of money made at the gate and on PPV sales and think he can pull this crap all the time.
What an amazing show. I would place this year's Wrestlemania among the best of the past decade losing only to 26 and perhaps 21 or 23. It was worth every single penny that I spent on it. A couple of things did seem a bit odd though. Why did they not go in the rumored route of adding Kaitlyn to Team Hell No or even add a match between her and AJ for the Divas Championship? And what about the United States Championship? Also, I am genuinely shocked that Dolph Ziggler did not cash in his Money In the Bank. The last thing that stood out as strange was John Cena having a regular entrance, that has not happened in years.

The opener was a great choice and a solid match to set the pace for the rest of the show. The Shield getting the win over Sheamus/Orton/Show was the right decision. I am interested in seeing what they will be doing next, and now we will probably get Orton VS Big Show at the next PPV or two. Ryback VS Mark Henry was the worst match of the night. It went on for far longer than it needed to and Henry didn't need the win. A bit of a waste of time. Speaking of wastes of time.... P Diddy's concert was almost as bad as Kid Rock from a couple of years back. That cost us the Brodus/Tensai VS Rhodes Scholars match. That shouldn't have even happened and it was used by my entire Wrestlemania party as our chance for a break since not a single person there wanted to listen to the concert. I had one guy mute it and leave it muted until that was over.

Fandango VS Jericho was tolerable, due to Jericho. I don't think Fandango's quite ready yet and the match was a bit disappointing. Even though he won, he may have had his in-ring debut in the biggest match he'll ever work. I doubt Fandango will defeat someone like Jericho again. Team Hell No retaining was nice and unexpected. Langston surprised me by being better than I thought he would be too. Alberto VS Swagger was good. I'm glad they didn't open with a world title again. The new remix for Del Rio's entrance theme was cool, I can't fathom why WWE did not have Dolph cash in though that was a perfect opportunity for his Wrestlemania moment.... Zeb was excellent and I hope to see more from him and Swagger.

My cable cut out for a couple of minutes during CM Punk VS Undertaker. Luckily I did not miss too much of it, although that was very frustrating. I have the re-run recorded so I will be watching it when I get home from work tonight. From the parts that I did see, it joins Trips VS Lesnar as the matches of the night. I loved the spot with the urn. Taker went 21-0 and Punk put up a good fight. One of my guests made a silly remark stating that Taker's streak can now legally drink. Trips VS Lesnar was an awesome match. HBK hitting Heyman with Sweet Chin Music got a great reaction from everyone. Trips also won best entrance of the night, that was really cool looking.

Then we had the surprising lack of a Brodus/Tensai VS Rhodes Scholars match, followed by a regular entrance by Cena. They could just as easily have gone with a shorter Ryback VS Henry match and NO P DIDDY. Oh well. It's not like the Brodus/Tensai VS Rhodes Scholars match would have been amazing and Cena having a regular entrance is not the end of the world. The important thing is that the right man won. Cena desperately needed that win and I don't care what the haters say, their moment of mutual respect for one another is a Wrestlemania moment. Two generational heroes at the biggest show of the year fighting over the biggest prize in the business and then showing respect for one another at the end, with the right man winning. I couldn't ask for a better ending than that.

I give the show an A-. Highly recommended to anyone who missed it. Shows like Wrestlemania 29 remind you of why you became a Wrestling fan in the first place.

Beware WWE FANBOYS here comes the truth.

Maybe the worst WM iv'e ever watched.
Everything about it was low quality. No suprises, no mania moments, nothing at all to really remember, no spectacular moves, no returns, no big entrances. It was just missing so much.

Everything about wm29 seemed half assed, rubbish builds to matches compared to last year. This is the one night off the year they are supposed to wrestle there hearts out to make iconic moments in wrestling history and the majoirty of the matches just seemed like a smackdown taping.
A ziggler cash in would have helped but they even missed the boat on that one.
As talked about Taker and Punk was the best match but it wasnt nothing great anyway.
Are we moaning fans who are never pleased? Some what YES, but this is the big one they had to pull out all stops here, they even increased the PPV buy amount... For what? To pay for the rocks salary.

As a fan I feel very let down. I just hope i redeem some hope for tonights RAW. But with rock now going away, taker dissapearing untill next WM, Lesnar only doing 4 PPV's and Punk reportly now taking time off. The future dosent look bright.

Tonight they need to set in stone the main event at WM30, another year build.... Only one of two men in my opinon can do it.

Stone Cold Steve Ausin. (Where the fuck is he?) Vince pay him whatever the hell he wants, get him back and to build against Punk, WM30 then or never for Austin.

Stephanie McMahon and TNA's Dixie Carter had a meeting friday, with the agenda being completley unknown. Get Sting over on a joint venture between the two companys and have him challenge Undertaker, Give TNA the airtime, the money whatever they want for the deal, again WM30 or it's never going to happen.

Austin tweeted last night he wasn't even watching the show. Guy's an absolute tool and wants the spotlight all for himself. Won't put over anyone.
What an amazing show. I would place this year's Wrestlemania among the best of the past decade losing only to 26 and perhaps 21 or 23. It was worth every single penny that I spent on it. A couple of things did seem a bit odd though. Why did they not go in the rumored route of adding Kaitlyn to Team Hell No or even add a match between her and AJ for the Divas Championship? And what about the United States Championship? Also, I am genuinely shocked that Dolph Ziggler did not cash in his Money In the Bank. The last thing that stood out as strange was John Cena having a regular entrance, that has not happened in years.

The opener was a great choice and a solid match to set the pace for the rest of the show. The Shield getting the win over Sheamus/Orton/Show was the right decision. I am interested in seeing what they will be doing next, and now we will probably get Orton VS Big Show at the next PPV or two. Ryback VS Mark Henry was the worst match of the night. It went on for far longer than it needed to and Henry didn't need the win. A bit of a waste of time. Speaking of wastes of time.... P Diddy's concert was almost as bad as Kid Rock from a couple of years back. That cost us the Brodus/Tensai VS Rhodes Scholars match. That shouldn't have even happened and it was used by my entire Wrestlemania party as our chance for a break since not a single person there wanted to listen to the concert. I had one guy mute it and leave it muted until that was over.

Fandango VS Jericho was tolerable, due to Jericho. I don't think Fandango's quite ready yet and the match was a bit disappointing. Even though he won, he may have had his in-ring debut in the biggest match he'll ever work. I doubt Fandango will defeat someone like Jericho again. Team Hell No retaining was nice and unexpected. Langston surprised me by being better than I thought he would be too. Alberto VS Swagger was good. I'm glad they didn't open with a world title again. The new remix for Del Rio's entrance theme was cool, I can't fathom why WWE did not have Dolph cash in though that was a perfect opportunity for his Wrestlemania moment.... Zeb was excellent and I hope to see more from him and Swagger.

My cable cut out for a couple of minutes during CM Punk VS Undertaker. Luckily I did not miss too much of it, although that was very frustrating. I have the re-run recorded so I will be watching it when I get home from work tonight. From the parts that I did see, it joins Trips VS Lesnar as the matches of the night. I loved the spot with the urn. Taker went 21-0 and Punk put up a good fight. One of my guests made a silly remark stating that Taker's streak can now legally drink. Trips VS Lesnar was an awesome match. HBK hitting Heyman with Sweet Chin Music got a great reaction from everyone. Trips also won best entrance of the night, that was really cool looking.

Then we had the surprising lack of a Brodus/Tensai VS Rhodes Scholars match, followed by a regular entrance by Cena. They could just as easily have gone with a shorter Ryback VS Henry match and NO P DIDDY. Oh well. It's not like the Brodus/Tensai VS Rhodes Scholars match would have been amazing and Cena having a regular entrance is not the end of the world. The important thing is that the right man won. Cena desperately needed that win and I don't care what the haters say, their moment of mutual respect for one another is a Wrestlemania moment. Two generational heroes at the biggest show of the year fighting over the biggest prize in the business and then showing respect for one another at the end, with the right man winning. I couldn't ask for a better ending than that.

I give the show an A-. Highly recommended to anyone who missed it. Shows like Wrestlemania 29 remind you of why you became a Wrestling fan in the first place.

Regarding Cena (and Rock's) regular entrance, I'm assuming, as you alluded to, that they were running short on time. If that's the case, that's a real shame. Part of the "specacle" of wrestlemania is the cool and unique entrances. I agree that Diddy's "concert" was a joke and they could have done without that. If it was a screw up with the timing, then they need to go back and evaluate how they could cut everything a little short and still keep us entertained. As far as the main events go timing wise, I thought Lesnar-Trips was a little bit too long. I liked the match but I think they could have cut that for sure. The other two main events were fine, in terms of timing.
I thought the place looked great. It had a WrestleMania appearance. Whether or not it was worth the number of obstructed view seats it must have caused is another topic...but it looked good.

So, the Bellas sexy entrace, the IC title match and America the Beautiful all got bumped? I wonder if Taker's streak will eventually come to an end on the pre-show someday...

I enjoy the Shield and was glad to see them go over. The nostalgic in me was glad they didn't waste the Orton heel turn at such an insignificant post-opening-match moment...BUT then I realized this is not a heel turn that will rock the world. (Cena today, Andre of 1987, etc.) And Big Show didn't "turn heel". He was a heel thrust into this match and simply went back after failing to take out the Shield. And why was Big Show added to this match? To make room for...

...Ryback losing to Mark Henry?! Why?? My ONLY hope was this was Vince's last gift to Henry before giving him the long overdue boot. Mark Henry in almost 20 YEARS with the company has NEVER drawn a dime. Is there anyone in the world who spent money on a ticket or a PPV to see how a Mark Henry angle would play out? I don't mean to pile on him. but how can he last this long?? Michael Hayes must have REALLY offended him...get lost!

I think I will enjoy the Fandango character. In this cookie cutter company, something so minimally controversial or colorful seems like a big deal...more a sign of the lame roster and character development maybe...but I think he will be entertaining. Did Jericho have some sort of ego-driven breast reduction? What is with his caved-in chest? Haha, I kid...I mean it is noticeable, but whatever. This match was ok...glad Fandango won.

Daniel Bryan cracks me up. What a performer...in-ring and intangibles. Big E showed some real power. Ziggler of course had some spots--not enough in my opinion, but you had to be ready for that given the match. I would love Bryan/Ziggler to be given the Savage/Steamboat ball and see them run with it.

Punk vs Taker...the best of the decent. It felt to me that the crowd wouldn't have minded the streak ending. I did not expect to see that. I know people like Punk--I am one of them. But I got this feeling (these damn sound-killing stadiums aside) that the crowd was into Punk and kind of "over" the streak. Much like I felt at the end of the main event. But first...

HHH vs Brock was ok. I wanted more (who didn't think that last night, ya know?) Heyman was hilarious all night, as an aside. I was glad Brock didn't tap and glad he asked Heyman for help--why just stand there watching him almost tap in a no holds barred match? Heyman did eventually jump in and took a some nice sweet chin music. Punk coming out to aid Brock would have been a nice touch...and where were any McMahons? Overall, it was fine. And I did enjoy seeing HHH get thrown around for a while. I just think more could have been done (and SHOULD have, given the entire lackluster event)

Once in a Lifetime Part 2...it was ok. Rock's entrance really had a BIG stage feel. I always enjoy Triple H's entrance and that was fine. Cena was ok (oh and Living Colour sounded pretty darn good--forgot about that)..but Rock really felt like HERE is the champion. Yes, we all knew a part-time, fill-in champ who was about to lose--but knowledge aside, it had a "this is who they are all here to see" feel to it. I am not a Cena fan. I love the great work he does with kids. I don't mind him as a performer, but I never find myself hoping he wins. (Kind of like the Yankees or Patriots...I don't hate either, I just would rather see someone else win). But after all of those reversals and false finishes...I was actually thinking "please let this be it" when he pinned the Rock. Haha...nothing like the main event of the biggest event of the year bringing people to "Please be over soon" feelings. Come on, WWE! Step it up!

I purchased the WrestleMania anthology recently. I don't like buying pending sets...where I will need to buy individual DVDs to keep the collection complete. But I did because I would never pop in one of the last few WrestleManias anyway. And last night's show certainly didn't change my mind there. Didn't feel like the Super Bowl! Felt like a late season Thursday night game that I watched because it was on and got nothing out of. I actually joked that this was the 25th anniversary of WMIV...I'll take an opening match battle royal full of "who cares?" participants over a Mark Henry match any day. ...and last night, I would have rathered it over most of the matches on the card.

Here's to hoping the SuperDome captures some volume and puts the big show feel back into WrestleMania! ("big show" not the Big Show....he can leave with Mark Henry for all I care)
Austin tweeted last night he wasn't even watching the show. Guy's an absolute tool and wants the spotlight all for himself. Won't put over anyone.

This needs to be highlighted BIG TIME.

people were all over the rocks back for leaving and coming back part time. But what about Austin? He was the number 1 guy, rock in his prime play second fiddle to rock. Austin said in an interview recently that hes recoverd from his surgery and now hes fit again and trolled us with the potential of a punk match.

So what's the problem? WWE dosent want (potentially) the biggest superstar of all time to come back?

Or is it Austin can't be botherd and just isnt dedicated like the Rock, maybe Austins happier doing some shitty television series instead.

Time is moving, he needs to come back in the picture and needs to train again, every year he gets a year older. Before we know it he will blow the chance of his last match completley.
I attended wrestlemania and the atmosphere of watching it in a stadium is awesome! It was cold throughout the night, but nobody seemed to care. The Undertaker's entrance is the best! As for the show itself matchwise, it was alright. Not the best wrestlemania, but not the worst. Punk vs Taker was the match of the night. The big 3 matches were predictable as to who was going to win. Surprised there were no backstage segments. They're fun when done right. At WM 27 they weren't done right! Glad Bryan Danielson had a match this year that lasted more than a few seconds. He's my favorite wrestler on the roster. I kind of feel bad for the Bellas, Rhodes Scholars, and Team Funk as they were shunned from performing in front of the second largest wm crowd ever. The match would have probably not been good, but it should have been a small bridge between one of the main events to cool off the crowd. Overall an average wrestlemania in terms of matches, but being there live was awesome!
You are what they call a "senior graduate" of Vinces "kiss my ass club" you are on drugs. Vince could show you the WM main event match consisting of doink the clown vs the blue meenie and you would still say the show was awesome.


Its because of people like you that WWE will never be forced to change for the greater good and to make the product better.

You are what I call a "fucking ********" of the "highest order" and need to do some drugs to calm down. Doink the Clown and Blue Meanie were talented performers in their own right, so lay off of them. Of course you diss them though, because only what you want is good enough.


It's because of people like you that WWE continues to cater to the greater good and deliver a product that is the best in terms of being appealing to multiple demographics.

In other words, Dagger is entitled to his opinion, and there's no reason to be a jerk to him over it.
What a terrible Wrestlemania, let me tell you. It has been 10 years of mediocre Wrestlemanias with the exception of a few matches, but this year takes the cake.

Why did the Miz win? What will happen with the brawlin' Brit Wade? And why was this intercontinental match on the pre-show?
At least the Shield won.
Ryback being held back, but a pointless win for Henry satisfies me.
Kane and Bryan need to break up and feud. Ziggler was wasted.
Of course the stoned American lost.
Of course the deadman won.
Of course Triple Ego got his way.
Most certainly Cena was "bringing the belt home" and not turning heel.
...Too bad for the two fat funks who didn't get to square off against beard-stache.
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot! That Jericho/Fandango match that could have — nay — should have been on Raw a month ago.
You are what I call a "fucking ********" of the "highest order" and need to do some drugs to calm down. Doink the Clown and Blue Meanie were talented performers in their own right, so lay off of them. Of course you diss them though, because only what you want is good enough.


It's because of people like you that WWE continues to cater to the greater good and deliver a product that is the best in terms of being appealing to multiple demographics.

In other words, Dagger is entitled to his opinion, and there's no reason to be a jerk to him over it.

Selfish? Because I want to see the very best matches with the best draws?
Selfish because WWE charge $60 to watch this once in a year event?

You Fanboys are so blinded its crazy, WWE has the possibility to once again be fantastic, they have the right guys, they have the time and money ,they hold all the cards, but they failed severely this time. just look at how many fans are pissed because of this 3/10 (at best) WM they put on. Everyone i have spoken to has been very dissapointed with last nights show.

This is supposed to be the Very best WWE has to offer, and for that guy to come on here and say he gave it an "A" is in my opinon insane.

If fans dont react the company will never be forced change and produce better television.... (Something that is easily possible) They are lazy.

Monkey say monkey do rhythm is set in place
Did you write this with your lips on Vince McMahon's ass? A member of the IWC bashing the IWC, makes sense. It doesn't take much to make us fans happy. All we ask for are interesting story lines and character development. And WWE is extremely lacking in these two areas.
I love wrestling, I have since I was 5, but even I can admit last night was a garbage Wrestlemania. I watch ROH and 99% of the time its better than the shit WWE feeds its fans on a weekly basis. Keep eating your fruity pebbles and enjoying lame ass John Cena as your champion, you WWE mark.
hahaha dude i am far from a wwe mark but I give fair criticism unlike most people on here. Mania was not terrible and comparing it to WM22 is a joke. ROH in no way is a better product than WWE. ROH is a bunch of stiff no selling workers that cant cut promos to save their life. Wrestling has been bad for a couple of years now but everybody on this forum wants matches to go their way and if they dont they call it garbage. My only complaint about mania is the amount of finishers kicked out of. WWE should research this because they might have broke the record for most finishers kicked out of in one night. The only way the IWC would say a ppv is good is if every match is Bryan vs Punk
I don't think it was a terrible Wrestlemania as I felt Punk vs Taker was excellent and Triple vs Brock & Rock vs Cena were good. That's a decent enough payoff in match quality from your main events to ensure the event isn't terrible.

What it was though was booked far too safe. Only Henry defeating Ryback was the shock for me, everything else (down to Ziggler not cashing in) I called weeks ago. That's sometimes not so bad, people too often think safe booking is a negative thing, but here I don't see the dividends.

I honestly can't think of one reason why Triple H beat Lesnar last night. Lesnar has signed on for two years and is booked as a beast, but now one that has fought three times since coming back and lost two of them. He has had two feuds since coming back and lost both of them. Are we supposed to take this guy seriously now?

Cena winning the title was obvious, I didn't even think he'd turn heel, but the smiley Supercena character has been played out and I say that as someone who is a John Cena fan. There isn't one feud left for him as a main event face, not one. I don't see where he goes from here to be honest.
I'm going to rate it match by match, and you guys will hate me for it.

Big Show/Randy Orton/Sheamus vs The Shield

Personally, I loved this match, I think it was the best way to go. I love the little details by Ambrose and Rollins, such as the roll on the way to the ring, and the way Ambrose launched himself into the 'buckle. Big Show spearing four men, looked brilliant. I do wish, however, that Orton would have cost them the match. But, a good match all round, I just don see where The Shield go from here.
Grade: B+

Mark Henry vs Ryback

I actually predicted this one. WWE really messed this one up. An awful match, and an awful ending. It should have been switched. Ryback should have won, and Henry should have laid him out afterwards. I really hope this carries on until Extreme Rules, and give these two a hardcore match.
Grade: D

Team Hell No (c) vs Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston

This match was one of the only matches where I didn't predict the outcome correctly. I think it was a good match, and I really wish that when/if Ziggler cashes in, he'll have a feud with Daniel Bryan. These two are fantastic in the ring together. I think Big E did enough to keep me interested in him. Kane, as always, is a workhorse, and should be in the Hall of Fame one day. Dolph Ziggler/Big E Langston should have won here, and AJ/Kaitlyn should have been added to make it a winner takes all match.
Grade: B-

Fandango vs Chris Jericho

First of all, I loved Jericho's entrance. The fireworks, worked. I think that Y2J is another one of those workhorses that deserve to be in the Hall of Fame as soon as he retires. Fandango got some real good moves in, and I really like the character. I wish the ending wasn't a roll up, but I thought Fandango needed this. Jericho is such a good worker, he is doing the company a good job with the future generation.
Grade: B-

Diddy performs
No words.
Grade: U

Alberto del Rio (c) vs Jack Swagger

I didn't like this match. I watched about 5 minutes, then gave up. I think these two are good workers, but not with each other. This will hopefully be the end of this. Seeing Labar in del Rio's video was the highlight for me. I really wish Dolph Ziggler had cashed in here. But, I now really want him to cash in Raw tonight.
Grade: D-

CM Punk vs The Undertaker

I'll start off by saying the entrances were brilliant. I loved the hands in The Undertaker's entrance, they looked so freaky. This was a classic match, I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot more than last year with HHH. Punk's attack on Undertaker with the Urn. I really wish these two could have had longer, and I wish the table broke. But obviously, that was for later...
Grade: A

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar

People really underrated this match. It didn't help being after the Punk/Undertaker match, but I really enjoyed it. For someone who I do not like much, Brock Lesnar did a good job selling his anger last night. I loved HBK's face when Lesnar went after him. A very physical fight, I actually wish HBK got involved more, but I enjoyed the match.
Grade: A-

The Rock (c) vs John Cena

I didn't watch all of this match, but from what I could see, it was decent. The ending was sloppy though. We all saw this coming, I hope that whoever he feuds with next won't get buried. I would quite like to know what they have in store next. I'm hoping for a big build up for WrestleMania XXX.
Grade: C

Overall Grade: B+
hahaha dude i am far from a wwe mark but I give fair criticism unlike most people on here. Mania was not terrible and comparing it to WM22 is a joke. ROH in no way is a better product than WWE. ROH is a bunch of stiff no selling workers that cant cut promos to save their life. Wrestling has been bad for a couple of years now but everybody on this forum wants matches to go their way and if they dont they call it garbage. My only complaint about mania is the amount of finishers kicked out of. WWE should research this because they might have broke the record for most finishers kicked out of in one night. The only way the IWC would say a ppv is good is if every match is Bryan vs Punk

In terms of production WWE is the king, but match quality and story line wise ROH is miles ahead. Atleast WM22 was exciting and had stand out moments. There isn't a thing from last night I'll look back 5 years from now and say wow that was awesome. And no not every match has to be CM Punk & DB. WM 28, Extreme Rules & TLC 2012 were all praised by the majority of the IWC.
I felt like the undercard performed to expectations but all 3 main events fell flat. Many reviews I read are clouded by IWC bias. Y2J and Punk matches getting all the praise just because they are IWC favourites.

1. The 6 man tag was the one match where I felt a story was being told clearly. Orton and Sheamus preferring to tag each other and continued neglect for Show until he blew up and didn't bother to make the save was great. And the spots like the 10 count punches and Show's giant spear were fun.

2. Ryback vs Henry did its job as a filler match. Surprised to see Henry go over Ryback only to have Ryback do the Shell Shock after the match. At first glance I thought it was definitely a botch on the finish but I'm not 100% sure.

3. Team Hell No vs Ziggler/Big E was my favourite match of the show. It was a fun mid card match with lots of action. The starting spot for the kiss was cute. And HBK-wannabe Ziggler sold the boot like a video game again.

4. The most unique entrance of the whole show was given to a debuting nobody vs Y2J who also got a main event entrance with the fireworks. Could have been cut to give more time for the main even entrances. I guess it can't be helped when you hire external performers and paid for the fire works. Match lasted longer than it should be, but I guess Y2J still has pull in the WWE.

5. ADR vs Swagger was my favourite singles match of the show. Lots of counters that didn't look as forced as all 3 main events. Classic face vs heel with manager. Crowd totally did this match a disservice because they weren't 'Smark favourite'.

6. Punk vs Taker. I don't feel the love for this match that the majority of the Punk marks have. The table didn't break and the Ref didn't count when Taker was out of the ring were two glaring errors. Don't get me wrong, Punk did a great job, but Taker just wasn't as ready as previous years and it showed. Personally I felt Taker let Punk down as Punk was doing an excellent job and Taker wasn't 100%. Compared to recent streak matches, this was the weakest of them all.

7. Lesnar vs HHH felt overbooked to me. I'm a HHH mark but this match didn't feel right to me. HBK being there did nothing for the overall story. He was there to be a crash dummy so Lesnar has more spots. The ending was too drawn out. Maybe I'm just not used to Lesnar's MMA style.

8. Cena Rock 2 isn't as good as it could have been. Again Cena was doing great just like Punk was vs Taker, but like Taker, Rock just seem gassed during the middle of the match. When they finally dragged out the match long enough for the finish, the crowd finally got into it. Too many Rock Bottoms for my liking but its Wrestlemania where they go finisher crazy so I can let that go. Nice reference to last year's finish.

I guess this shows the risk of placing part timers with full time wrestlers wanting to go at full speed in all main events that have to last 20mins+. The flow of the matches suffer and turn potential great dream matches into merely good matches. Considering the lacklustre build up to this year's Wrestlemania, I expected the main events to at least wow me to make up for it. Sadly they didn't do it for me. I think this is the first Wrestlemania since forever that no Divas was wrestling. In the year where they induct a Diva into the HoF. So much for political correctness.
Calm down people this is not the worst Mania. WM 27 & 11 are still the worst ones. I think with the lack of build, people's expectations were very high so they would have knit pick on every detail. To be honest this year's is at a close tie with last years maybe better. I actually thought this was a fantastic Mania. I to am happy I spent the 70 bucks. Yes there are some points to this year I didn't like, but the stuff I like out weighs the stuff I don't like.

For starters, I liked the opening. It was different. Maybe with me being a Canadian I will never understand that "America the beautiful" should always open the big event. (Maybe Lillian Sang it after all some where in the preshow that we didn't see) But I still thought Gov Christie's speech and the video package to those effected by Sandy was a nice touch, especially the type of year NY/NJ/North East have had. They still were able to pay homage to the armed forces. My only wish is that this year should have been in New Orleans rather than Metlife. "coming home" makes more sense to have it at the milestone Mania. Hopefully I'm around for mania 40 and the product will be as well so they can have their milestone mania in NY then.

The Shield vs the Super Face Trio Great opener. One of the 5 matches I wanted to see. It got me hype. I knew the Shield would have won but I didn't know Big Show would have stayed heel all along. I thought it would have been Orton turning. Nice swerve. Another great thing about this is the world heavy championship finally was not the curtain jerker. 3.5/5

Ryback vs Mark Henry Something was telling me that Mark Henry would go out victorious but I still (like most) felt Ryback would win. Both competitors looked strong regardless. mark Henry got his Mania moment victory and Ryback still had a moment when he shell shocked Mark Henry. 3/5

Team Hell No vs Zigg/E.Langston. By the time this match appeared on the card I wasn't counting on a Ziggler cash in. At this point I changed my prediction to New Champs at the end. Either way by the end of this match I wasn't disappointed at all. I'm happy D. Bryan got a moment. I was happy to hear some YES chants. I read somewhere on WZ that Ziggler/Langston and AJ Are to receive big pushes POST mania. Not AT mania. Maybe we'll see on RAW. The first RAW after mania usually is pretty good. 3.5/5

Fandango vs Y2J What a debut for Fandango. Loved the entrance. 3/5

P.Diddy concert. I was making a sandwhich at this point so I don't know. Did the Diva's come out to dance with Puffy? Just to give them some air time?

Alberto Del Rio vs Jack Swagger Awesome match. My beef with this is why did Diddy take a long time, or why did production waste time with Promos. We could have seen Jack Swagger's entrance with the jeep as planned. Especially if it's on your main card don't bring us half way to the entrance. I want to see the full one. His new music is epic. I thought Del Rio would have come out with a fancy sports car as well. None the less great match very happy they put it at least an hour in the card and Zeb's opening promo was gold. I think what was very cool about this, people believed that Ziggler would cash in and it didn't happen. My thought was "Cool! I wonder how many marks after the show, or maybe after this match will complain on the internet?". Personally I'm happy for the outcome. 3.5/5

Taker vs Punk Match of the night. To me this was the show. I loved how Living Colour played Punk out to the ring. A very Mania style like entrance. Taker looks great for pushing 50. I was very happy to see a fresh feud with Taker. I'm not to big on rematches for his streak. It kinda contradicts the whole "20 men have stepped up, and 20 have fallen" yadda yadda yadda. 5/5

Brock Lesnar vs Triple H This was tough to follow after the streak match. I'm surprised there was no blood especially how these 2 can pull out all the stops. 4/5

John Cena vs the Rock A very good back and forth match involving counter after counter. It's like I was watching a new improved John Cena to not make the same mistakes and played the rock along to psych him out. Nice ending to. I kind of expected they'd both get a mania moment afterwards. I'm surprised he didn't have a special entrance like he does every year. When he came out I thought "oh he's going to actually speak first" but then i checked the time and thought "Wow this is going to be the match after all" Makes sense. He was getting some heat. 4.5/5

Preshow Miz vs Wade Barrett was pretty good. I hope now with Barrett dropping the title he can maybe focus his way making it to the main event status. Perhaps be this year's Mr MITB for either case. Kofi might have not get a spot on the card but I can see how he'll make a great announcer should he retire. I've seen him do some segments with our Torontonian Sports broadcaster Arda Orcal and he seems comfortable and has the voice. 3/5

Other points. I noticed there were very little backstage segments and more wrestling which is great. I might have still dropped the Diddy show to have a lil more backstage segments instead, just to have others that didn't make the card.

I will never understand the IWC. At one point they were bitching about Tons of Funk vs Rhodes Scholars and the Bellas should not be on the card. They get their wish and they did get bumped off but still complaining that Diddy's show was too long. I personally didn't mind they got bumped, yes I feel bad for them that they didn't get that spot but I didn't get butt hurt about it as they'll have future Wrestlemanias to come.

My over all rating is B-. 73% which is slightly more the rating I gave last year's show like I said. Last year was 72%. I enjoyed last night's show, I'm looking forward to RAW this evening because all that was supposed to happen may happen tonight. I just read there were a lot of heavy time constraints. That's ok, I'm still going to by the 3 disc DVD when it comes out next month. As long as the HOF induction ceremony, and the pre-show is in there like always and maybe tonight's RAW. Usually the RAW after Mania is great.

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