WrestleMania XXIV: Edge vs. The Undertaker

I love how everyone calls this a great match. You guys are just happy that Taker retained his streak and gained the title. Lets be honest though. . . the match was not that entertaining. . as a matter of fact. . this match contained the 2nd highest move botching record of the night

Edit: Leave this post up, even though it was spam, I'm sure it will generate some sort of discussion
I was a bit disappointed because I was actually hoping that Edge would end the streak of the Undertaker, but what can ya do. This was a good match, it really put over Edge in a big way because he was able to counter the hell out of the Undertaker and fight with him move for move. He even kicked out of the Tombstone(though it was because of the insanely long run Chucky Robinson had to take to get to the ring). I know its his legacy and everything, but Taker should not have won this match. He just seemed so outclassed by Edge, and that stupid(and should be) illegal submission move he used, that was a crime. Never should have had Edge tap out, he should have at least passed out, build some credibility in that way. Oh well here is hoping Taker can at least have a long run and not get injured this way(which I don't see happening). I think Taker needs to do a Ric Flair and retire after losing at WM(maybe next year). But thats just me.
This match wasn't the best match of the night, obviously that goes to Flair/HBK, but it was a really good match. There is really one main reason why this match was so good. First of all the way the night had gone already, it didn't seem impossible that Taker could lose or Edge could win, however you want to put it. After CM Punk won the MITB and Orton retained the WWE Title, it actually seemed possible. When Edge hit that Sphere, my heart stopped, I was getting ready to be extremely pissed off, but Taker' kicked out. Then when Edge hit the next sphere, I was about to flip out, but Taker reversed it for the win. The point I am making is that the fact that Taker almost lost and it looked like he could actually lose, made it a great match.
the wwe made me get my hopes up... oh well i knew edge wasn't gona win but they put that glimmer of hope there. As a huge edge fan i was just hoping it was going to be a good wrestling match and not a farse (interference etc.)... which would have really dissapointed everyone and made a mockery of the wrestlemania mainevent. Good to see edge holding his own and showing the great in ring skills he possesses on the grandest stage of them all against a legend. where does he go now though? he won't regain the title against taker... hes too good for midcard on smackdown, especially with the awful vikki guerero angle and his lackies... will be interesting to see where this goes now. Anyway props to edge and taker on the second best match of the show
I personally wish they didn't end wrestlemania this way. I am a huge Edge fan, I love the guy so much and respect him like crazy. But they built this match up wrong, and in my opinion it was a re run of last year, taker wins the last match for the same title two years straight.
Taker and Batista weren't the last match at Wrestlemania 23, it was HBK and Cena. Besides, last year it was a face vs face match. This year was face vs heel, not to mention the fact that it was hailed partly as a streak vs streak match, as Edge hadn't been pinned or submitted at Wrestlemania until last night. It was a great match with lots of near falls and that Chokeslam on both Edge-Heads was an awesome high spot. I too was very impressed that they let Edge show off some wrestling ability that everyone knows he has. It really made the match for me.
I loved getting to see a match where Edge could actually wrestle the entire time without interference or cheating and get to see how good he really can wrestle. If Edge nearly ended Undertakers streak without any real unfair advantage or meaningful interference then doesn't that show he should be nearly unstoppable when he gets back to his underhanded despicable ways?
I don't think the outcome was ever in doubt. Anybody who thought Edge would win it has a serious drug problem. Go sit with Jake, Scott & Jeff in the naughty corner.

I haven't seen this yet. But I'm glad this went on last. I always believe that a title victory should end Mania. If there is one that is. That's why I've been pissed with the past two Cena main events.
But having these two finish was great. Taker has only been in one previous WM main event (vs. Sid) and Edge has been an MVP for the past few years, so both are deserving.
I agree with the last three posters above me. Your right. I didn't take into consideration new new aspects. And I thought Taker finished mania off last year due that he won the rumble. I agree Jake, A title win should be the end to every mania, the fact that cena is getting as much of a never ending push is annoying, thankfully WWE did something good and dind't put the title back on Cena and didn't do it at mania.
Tell you what, when this match didn't come on before the WWE Title, I really thought that the WWE might pull the trigger and kill the streak. I said it a while ago, with the 15-0 DVD, and if this match went on last, that would be the only way I would fathom them ending the streak. The booking was approriate though, the Streak was the only thing that people coudl get emotionally attached to in the main evetn after the Flair angle earlier in the night.

I was worried though, I enjoyed the match all the way threw, but you could tell the crowd was starting to get worn down real early in this match. This has been a flaw of the 4 hour Wrestlemanias as of late. The Main events simply lose all the momentum because the crowd is burned out. It's happened at every mania since 18 minus two, 20 and 22, both with two super smarky crowds to keep those matches going.

However, Taker and Edge were able to get the crowd going, and when they did, it turned this match up to a whole other level. Edge's ability to counter all of Taker's signature moves was amazing. You almost got the sense of Edge being the one studying the Undertaker, and Undertaker underestimating the resourcefulness of Edge.

the only difference I would have had, I would have had a screwjob ending. With the first ref out, I would have had Edge defeat the Undertaker, but with the Deadmans foot on the rope. Robinson would have missed that, called for the bell, but the original ref would have seen the foot on the rope and restarted the match. Those few moments probably would have been pure chaos though, because that crowd was hot at the time.

Anyways, anyone complaining Taker's new move, now you know why it exist. The Deadman is almost unbeatable now. Not only is he dangerous on his feet, but he's just as dangerous now on his back. That finish was amazing. The spear, Edge finally was going to do it. He countered every move the deadman has ever used, but uh oh, he forgot one move, and he left himself open for a split second and the deadman attacked.

Fanfuckingtastic. This was the best main event in a long time for Mania in my opinion. Easily the best of the 20's thus far. I think it was better then 19, and I think it was better then 17. In fact it's a top 3 main event easily for Mania. Excellent job by the WWE for making the right call with this match, and good job on Edge's part, because he made this match go.

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