WrestleMania XXIV: Edge vs. The Undertaker

Taker's streal will never end and Edge will lose the title. Taker was promised a long title run but it ended with his major injury. Edge even took the title from him when he cashed in his briefcase. The storyline is freakin awesome...built up so well. Streak vs streak but everyone knows Taker will win

How can you be so sure? How do us (The Fans) know that the WWE won't pull a big shocker and give Edge the win? The WWE has been meaning to give Edge a long title run since he held the WWE Championchip back in 2006 and I think he did a very good job of it. In my opinion Edge will win, The Undertakers streak will unfortunately come to an abrupt end thanks to the Rated R superstar. Yes Undertaker was promised a long title run but Edge will end the streak and may even perhaps retire the Deadman, think this will be the outcome of the match because WWE Released a "15-0" DVD about the Undertaker and also because WWE doesn't want to keep Batista out of the title picture for to long.
How can you be so sure? How do us (The Fans) know that the WWE won't pull a big shocker and give Edge the win? The WWE has been meaning to give Edge a long title run since he held the WWE Championchip back in 2006 and I think he did a very good job of it. In my opinion Edge will win, The Undertakers streak will unfortunately come to an abrupt end thanks to the Rated R superstar. Yes Undertaker was promised a long title run but Edge will end the streak and may even perhaps retire the Deadman, think this will be the outcome of the match because WWE Released a "15-0" DVD about the Undertaker and also because WWE doesn't want to keep Batista out of the title picture for to long.

You do have a point there but why put undertaker with a lil guy why not some one like kane or even Batista i think if undertaker losses his streak they would build it up big not only that they would want someone bigger than edge he is an ultimate opportunist but i definitely believe undertaker will get a win and in some months Batista will win and edge takes it at summerslam
You do have a point there but why put undertaker with a lil guy why not some one like kane or even Batista i think if undertaker losses his streak they would build it up big not only that they would want someone bigger than edge he is an ultimate opportunist but i definitely believe undertaker will get a win and in some months Batista will win and edge takes it at summerslam

Undertaker losing his Wrestlemania streak to Batista or Kane doesn't make any sense because both of them are almost the same age as the Undertaker & Batista & Kane are currently faces & a heel like Edge needs to end Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak & also It makes more sense for Edge to end Undertaker's Wrestlemania streak because he's still kind of young & will be wrestling in WWE for a long time unless he gets severely injure
I have been a huge fan of the Undertaker gimmick ever since he debuted Thanksgiving 1990. Hell, I've got most of his logos tattoo'ed on me. That being said, unless he does get a lengthy run and not just a transition champion, I wouldn't give him the belt. Have the Edgeheads get Edge DQ'd...Edge keeps the title and Taker keeps his WM undefeated streak. Kane & Taker fued with Edgeheads for the next ppv. Or better yet, Edgeheads turn on Edge and become creatures of the night. Personally, I would like to see Kane built back into his See No Evil character and get a run with the belt...longer than a night like his last reign.
Unlike some people, I must COMPLETELY disagree about the DQ idea, honestly DQ at mania is usaully a big no. I even find it annoying that they have DQ at regular PPV's, and so do many others. That being said it should also be one hell of a match, absolutely fantasticly built up and worked. I imagine will use his 'death move' submission thing on edge's minions, before finally tombstoning Edge into the win, keeping his streak and getting his title. Undertaker deserves to keep his streak, and we will probably see that at mania.
It better not end in a DQ, those ending are really annoying in PPV's. If it happened in a Wrestlemania main event, it would be plain stupid.

It's pretty obvious that Undertaker will win, but this should be one hell of a match. I hope it lives up to he hype.
I doubt that in this age WWE would book a DQ finish in one of there marquee matches at WrestleMania. It happened all the time in the late 80's and early 90's. But in 1992 they booked it in the main event between Sid & Hogan, and it obviously didn't work.
No DQ is not likely, but this idea ran through my head and seems a little crazy but shocking at the same time. We know how the Edegheads seem to interfere a lot what if somehow the ref gets knocked out and Taker disposes Edge somewhere and tombstones one of the Edgeheads and actually pins him instead of Edge, the ref wont know the difference because of being dazed. Undertaker streak continues, Edge can still self proclaim of being undefeated, creates a whole lot controversy.
That works. But again I really don't see that happening at Mania. It's certainly an option for one of the 50 remeatches they'll have over the coming months.

Edge isn't undefeated at Mania anyway. He lost last year. Did he win the MITB match? Nope. Did he draw the MITB match? Nope. Was it declared a No Contest? Nope.
I could certainly see a situation where said official is knocked out deliberately by Edge, something happens to where Edge gains a pinfall victory. Fullscale riot breaks out, only for another official to come down, say what happened, and the match is restarted with Taker coming out on top.

Honestly, I'm very surprised that the WWE hasn't done this scenario before. Dusty Booking at it's finest. This time, the heel gets the victory and all hope is lost, only to be reveresed. Those few minutes would be priceless and shocking.
I would definitely love to see these guys headline the main event on the card especially with the history between the two. God forbid, if its the middle of show but we all know Raw is Vince's baby & the 3-way will most likely get the spot. Regardless it's going to be an execellent match with two great workers. Hopefully Edge doesn't end Taker's streak (a la New Yotk Giants) but that's just by my opinion.
I hope they give it their all in this match. This match could be one of the last huge Undertaker matches in his career, and it could be the match that turns Edge into one of the top stars in the entire company (i know he's big now, but he seriously could be up there with Cena and Triple H.)

It could also turn a good wrestlemania into the best one ever. I'm really looking forward to this match, but at the same time i'm worried that they'll dissapoint everyone and won't live up the hype.

I would just like to say as a new member that i agree with you 100%. The undertaker i belive is at the top of his game. I dont think edge is going to retain the title at wrestlemanina XXIV! I will be chating with others real soon so look out for me!! Hope to make some friends soon!
I like this match but they should play off the Minstry, Taker should come out and say I owned your soul once and at mania I'll own it again! That would be sweet. I believe the WWE title will be last though. This should be right behind it though. I personally am excited about both title matches. I think all four wrestlers are great except Cena he sucks, unless he turns heel and raps he'll never get my praise. Taker 16 and 0
For me, Wrestlemanias losing its charm! Ive always been interested in the main events, and for different reasons than any other match throughout the year! For years now, the main event of wrestlemania has kind of had a subtle theme. That being, that the main event is usually one on one, the biggest in the company (at the time), against the man whos going to take his place, and really create a name for themselves. Wrestelemania 6, Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 12, Bret Hart vs shawn micheals, Wrestlemania 14, Micheals vs Austin, Wrestlemania 19 Angle vs Lesnar, Wrestlemania 20 HHH v HBK v Benoit, Wrestlemania 21 JBL v John Cena & HHH vs Batista, Wrestlemania 22 Orton v Angle v Mysterio :) quite a list, i know! BUT, the pattern is, its the stable, big time player as champion, going up against the man they want to solidify as the newest big time player, its where they get there break, and its the start of there era! These are generally one on one with the exception of 20 and 22! But they get away with it, Orton and HBK really just made the match a whole lot more exciting. The past two years however have not moved the business forward at all. The main events that are usually productive in creating an incredible run for a former mid card wrestler, and solidifying his place in the main event and possibly the title picture for years to come. The past almost three years though, this quality has been lacking. With two years in a row, John Cena defending his title, against veterans and solid main event players, namely HHH and HBK, has offered no way for the business to progress, no potential for any interesting story lines or rivalries that you wouldnt normally expect in the world championship category, and to be honest, its made these matches fairly predictable. The only person benefiting is John Cena, and thats if ya call, getting booed out the building, beneficial. Without sounding harsh, or disrespectful to his fans, Cena offers nothing at all for me. He cant wrestle, the fans our so tempremental towards him and to be honest ive seen enough of it all (especially the five knuckle shuffle, the rock got away with a ridiculous move, even scotty 2 hotty gets my vote, but no...not cena) To think that wrestlemanias potential high point is the 4th installment of Cenas guide to how to win matches by just being boring, makes me not even want to watch it. I will give this years triple threat match one thing. Ive no idea whos going to win, BUT either way, if its HHH or Cena, then the business has really just regressed by about 3 years. As for the Edge vs Undertaker match, i see this as a potentially incredible match, but something specials going to have to be done. I have to admit, i see Edge winning this one, and therefore ending the takers streak, which could be progressive. But if not, then what? we have the WWE's most successful gimmick, on his 6th title reign, after an almost 20 year career! Again, the business is going nowhere. I say, that Jeff Hardy should have ben built up more over the past year, and then perhaps entered somehow, into a main event slot. But im glad they havent just thrown him in now, Hardy isnt quite cooked yet i think!
So to summarise, Wrestlemania 25, lets see some new faces up there, and lets start moving them towards it now!
To be honest, I think they are doing this feud all wrong right now, and ruining it. As of right now, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind taker will win. They are booking Edge to look so absurdly weak, its angering. The version of Edge who put Mick foley thru a flaming table wouldve created a DAMN intriguing match. This version of edge "the ultimate oppurtunist"...not so much. I mean the "ultimate oppurtunist" AND he has the Edge heads with him?? HOW much fucking weaker can they make him look??? It slights both Edge AND the Undertaker. Whats more impressive, Taker overcoming a war with 2006/2007 Edge, or him squashing this current version of Edge??? They are ruining this feud and this match. Actually Im sure the match will still be fine, but will have roughly 1/10th of the intrigue, and intensity that it could have. This is now "Taker chaisng the scared little bitch Edge" instead of "Edge is going to fight within an inch of his life to take out takers streak"...I think this would even be WAY better if Taker came IN to WM champ, and Edge was challenging. you really wouldnt know what was gonna happen. WWE is fucking this up, and i hope things change soon, as far as the booking of this feud.
Norcal makes a great point. Youve got 10 year veteran, multy time champion of every description, not to mention 4 time world champion, whos been in some of the most brutal matches and rivalries of all time with all manner of world class superstars, and hes beat them all! But instead they throw him in this match as a weak ass fucker, whos not only hiding behind his two nobody tag team bum boys (edge heads is a crap name too) but hes hiding behind his 'fiancee' vickie guerrero, and i still cant understand that story line, i hate it, id be as bold as to say its my least favourite story line of all time. So yeah, Undertaker vs Edge at the minutes looking a bit pants by all accounts
If this match isn't the main event, I can't see them having Taker lose his streak.
Only other way I could see them have Taker lose, is if the match is before HBK/Flair and that's the Main Event. Because, seriously, would Cena/HHH/Orton ever be able to live up to the epicness of Taker losing the streak? It'd be a snoozer, not that it already isn't.
So out of all the WM matches I waited to give an opinion on this one. One year ago everyone wanted this match. Now we have it. IMO this will be the best match at WM. You have pretty much one of the best veterans in the buisiness facing off against one of the still pretty young guys that will most likley lead the WWE in the future. Edge in this match will look for any oppertunity to strike at Taker, and probably even get his mates involved. Taker is just going to brawl and do a good job of it, as well as work some submission moves. Both these guys have great talent and really great gimmicks to go along with the feud. Edge, the Rated R Ultimate Oppertunist facing off against the Undertaker, a legend in the buisness who's never lost at Wrestlemania... Should be a great match...

My prediction: Undertaker wins, keeping his unbeaten streak alive and becoming the champ. I do however see more gold in Edge's future and I see this feud continuing... Unless Batista is thrown back into the picture...
obviously taker will win but i think this title reign for edge has been highly dissapointing the stable had something going for it but i think they dropped the ball i dont know where they will go after this match but hopefully something good but this match both guys have the capability to put on a great match so expect that but taker has to get the win 16-0 edge aint ready to break the streak
Even though I don't think its very likely, there IS the small possibility that they could give Undertaker the win, but not the title. I personally hate countout/DQ finishes at ppvs, especially at WrestleMania, in a main event title match...but we're talking about the WWE here. They love to drag things out until we don't care anymore. So the idea of having the Undertaker keep his streak but not win the title until Backlash is still up in the air, as I could see them pulling some garbage out like that.

Though, as I said, I still think there's a 95% chance that we're seeing a new champ. Let's just hope that Edge goes back to Raw and wins that title, as he's too good not to be one of the men carrying the company on his shoulders.
I want this match to the main event Mania so damn badly, but I know that the WWE Championship triple threat match will main event mania which is bullshit but hey what can ya do if your Taker and Edge? Not much. Tough this match should be damn solid as Edge is one of the best going in the business today and Taker can always put on a show when the lights are on bright. So I expect a damn good showing by both men especially if they get screwed out of the main event.

I just have this feeling that Taker will win this match but not take the championship. As for some strange reason I just feel that WWE will pull all of us a swerve and have Edge retain the gold by DQ, but keep Taker's Mania winning streak intact. Really this could add more fuel for this feud and surprise the hell out of us all fans as we all think taker will win and win the gold. Having Edge retain the gold by DQ will help this feud go along and carry into the beginning of summer where it will end on a high note.
Couldn't have said it better myself. The Undertaker is highly respected in the WWE in regards to the managerial staff (Vince McMahon in particular) having the utmost respect for him. There's no way that Undertaker can lose the match.

That being said Edge will probably win the title. Lately they seem to be pulling at straws to find any reason to let Edge win a match/retain the title. I don't see anything different happening. Most likely Edge will disqualify himself/get disqualified. That way he keeps his streak of "never being pinned/submitting" at WrestleMania alive while Taker gets his "16-0". Possibly being Taker's last WrestleMania though, I don't see them pulling something like this on him. I'm torn.
I don't like how weak Edge is made to look going into big matches like these.

More or less I can't say I'm all that interested in this match as Edge by himself doesn't stand a chance of winning and pretty much everyone in the crowd knows this.

It should be a good wrestling match, but unless Edge is made to look incredibly strong in this it won't live up to Batista vs Undertaker of last year imo.

Last year Michael Cole and JBL were really giving Batista credit as possibly being the biggest threat to Undertaker's streak ever, and he ended up being just that. Is it the same feeling of risk vs Edge? I would say no. Last year there were several points in the match where I thought Taker was gone, I don't see that happening this year barring a stupid Edge-Head appearance.
Everyone seems to say, whenever a match happens with taker at WM they say that person could do it, when year after year Taker always wins. I dont want edge to win, ,and the only person Taker wants to beat him at WM is Kane.
im really glad this match is taking place. Taker usually has to work with big slow monsters that he has to carry through a match. but if you look at classic Undertaer matches he works best against smaller guys like HBK or Kurt Angle so i have no doubt that this match could steal the show if they dont fuck up the match by having too many interferences which they probably will.
I am a bit lukewarm toward this match. It's hard to identify the exact reason. I think it's partly because I don't like it when the Undertaker is in the world title picture. He is best suited as a "special attraction" type wrestler, much like Andre the Giant.

The Undertaker is given respect for being a veteran. And yes, he deserves it. He is given that respect by being granted the longest Wrestlemania winning streak of all-time. That alone gives him a place in WWE history. But does he have to be in the world title match at Wrestlemania?

There's a reason why he wasn't given a lengthy world title reign the past 17 years. He's not the kind of guy that can carry a company or even a brand. Just look at 1997. He had quite a sub par title reign. In fact, it's no coincidence that WWE almost went out of business that year. He was given less than a week with the title in 1991. In 1999 he was given a one month title reign. In 2002 he was given a two month title reign.

Notice something here? Bad title reigns.

It's not all Mark Calloway's fault. He was never given the kind of character to carry a company. The Undertaker character is a bit bland. Yes, I said it...

Sure, his workrate has improved. But the character has widely remained the same; very formulaic. Wrestler taunts or attacks Undertaker. Taker takes a couple weeks to respond. Taker stalks wrestler. Taker is given blowoff match and either (A) loses and takes sabbatical or (B) loses and seeks revenge, or (C) ends feud with dominant victory. Sure, this does not ALWAYS happen. But take some time and really think about The Undertaker. The honest fan will say "yes, he is a bit predictable and formulaic."

He doesn't cut promos, he doesn't appear every week, he hasn't altered his character at all the last four years. And all of those things take effort. Face it my friends, he doesn't put much effort in to his feuds. Look at his feud with Edge. Edge is doing all the work. He's cutting the promos and garnering the heat; he's done it vitually alone. Working with the Undertaker, he's quickly learning: you can't make fillet mignon from tuna fish.

How do I see this match going down? The Undertaker will win. The question is a matter of how. If WWE wants to stun the fans, they can let Taker win by DQ and then attack Edge after the match. This would enable the MITB winner (likely Kennedy or MVP) to run in, pick up the scraps, and become world champion.

But, to stay on track, I can see the Undertaker winning the match and likely winning the title. I just feel bad for Edge for doing 90% of the work and having to stare at the lights as the Undertaker hogs all the glory.

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