For me, Wrestlemanias losing its charm! Ive always been interested in the main events, and for different reasons than any other match throughout the year! For years now, the main event of wrestlemania has kind of had a subtle theme. That being, that the main event is usually one on one, the biggest in the company (at the time), against the man whos going to take his place, and really create a name for themselves. Wrestelemania 6, Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior, Wrestlemania 12, Bret Hart vs shawn micheals, Wrestlemania 14, Micheals vs Austin, Wrestlemania 19 Angle vs Lesnar, Wrestlemania 20 HHH v HBK v Benoit, Wrestlemania 21 JBL v John Cena & HHH vs Batista, Wrestlemania 22 Orton v Angle v Mysterio

quite a list, i know! BUT, the pattern is, its the stable, big time player as champion, going up against the man they want to solidify as the newest big time player, its where they get there break, and its the start of there era! These are generally one on one with the exception of 20 and 22! But they get away with it, Orton and HBK really just made the match a whole lot more exciting. The past two years however have not moved the business forward at all. The main events that are usually productive in creating an incredible run for a former mid card wrestler, and solidifying his place in the main event and possibly the title picture for years to come. The past almost three years though, this quality has been lacking. With two years in a row, John Cena defending his title, against veterans and solid main event players, namely HHH and HBK, has offered no way for the business to progress, no potential for any interesting story lines or rivalries that you wouldnt normally expect in the world championship category, and to be honest, its made these matches fairly predictable. The only person benefiting is John Cena, and thats if ya call, getting booed out the building, beneficial. Without sounding harsh, or disrespectful to his fans, Cena offers nothing at all for me. He cant wrestle, the fans our so tempremental towards him and to be honest ive seen enough of it all (especially the five knuckle shuffle, the rock got away with a ridiculous move, even scotty 2 hotty gets my vote, but no...not cena) To think that wrestlemanias potential high point is the 4th installment of Cenas guide to how to win matches by just being boring, makes me not even want to watch it. I will give this years triple threat match one thing. Ive no idea whos going to win, BUT either way, if its HHH or Cena, then the business has really just regressed by about 3 years. As for the Edge vs Undertaker match, i see this as a potentially incredible match, but something specials going to have to be done. I have to admit, i see Edge winning this one, and therefore ending the takers streak, which could be progressive. But if not, then what? we have the WWE's most successful gimmick, on his 6th title reign, after an almost 20 year career! Again, the business is going nowhere. I say, that Jeff Hardy should have ben built up more over the past year, and then perhaps entered somehow, into a main event slot. But im glad they havent just thrown him in now, Hardy isnt quite cooked yet i think!
So to summarise, Wrestlemania 25, lets see some new faces up there, and lets start moving them towards it now!