Royal Rumble: Rey Mysterio vs. Edge


SmackDown! is MY Show

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Rey Mysterio vs. (c) Edge

After winning the Beat the Clock Challenge on SmackDown, the high-flying Rey Mysterio will challenge Edge for his World Championship at Royal Rumble.

While Rey will be looking to recapture the gold he once held, as one of the biggest underdogs in WWE history, the Rated-R Superstar has no intention of letting his title go, and he has the backing of SmackDown’s General Manager, and his lover, Vickie Guerrero. Mysterio will attempt to regain the title with an advantage few competitors have against Edge: Familiarity.

In 2002, Edge & Rey were tag team champions together and they know each other in the ring as well as out. Mysterio also is very familiar with Edge’s ace in the hole, Vickie Guerrero. The GM was instrumental in Rey’s knee being demolished when she betrayed the longtime Guerrero family friend to aid Chavo Guerrero in their 2006 rivalry.

Will the high-flying Master of the 619 find a way to overcome the odds, as he has many times in the past, to carry the gold once more? Or will the Ultimate Opportunist, along with his friends Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder and the love of SmackDown’s GM, keep the title around Edge’s waist?
Rey Mysterio has absolutely no shot at winning the title in this. I don't think anybody in their right mind here can argue with that point.

However, he COULD win the match by DQ from Edgehead interference. Chances are, though, Ryder/Hawkins will distract Mysterio, allowing Edge to get the upperhand and win cleanly.
Despite the fact that Rey will most likely not win (and I wouldn't want him to anyway), I think this could be the MOTN, both these guys know each other really well, and both are capable of delivering great matches, I'm expecting a great match out of these two
This should be an ok match, but I doubt that Rey Mysterio will win, lets face it, his chance are about as short as him (I made a funny :D). First of all, it would ruin the whole build up of Edge vs. Undertaker/Batista, and that wouldn't have much point. And more people I assume, would want to see a heel vs. face as Mania, especially with such a good heel. But I don't mind seeing Rey wrestle, or flying around like a jumping bean, so it should be ok.
This match will be good but not great as Rey is not as young as he used to be but he can handle himself enough to match this a good match. Now the only way i see Rey winning this is by DQ as they can set up the rematch at No Way Out. No way Edge will lose the title be he should lose by DQ just to have a mini feud before his Mania showdown with Taker.
This is a match to look forward to. But a bit pointless imo. They should have saved this for the post Mania slump. Nobodys buying this PPV for this match. But they would buy say The Bash or Vengeance for it. It just seems like a waste of time to me. They should have just had Edge against Batista again.
Ew boy, does anyone thing that this could possibly, possibly be an early candidate for match of the year? I do. I'm high on Mysterio and I love Edge, and this just looks to have Rumble 03 written all over it with Benoit and Angle.

I think this is going to end up being match of the night easily. At this point, the rumble isn't shaping up into anything spectacular, and the WWE has yet to produce quality back to back rumble matches.

This match reeks of MVP outside interference at the end of the match though.
This match should be good. Mysterio and Edge know each other, they work well together and each of them have had their share of great matches. This is going to be match of the night, and like CA said, early candidate for math of the year. This match is pretty much pointless though, because it's sure Edge will win. And if Rey somehow wins the title the whole building up Edge/'Taker for months is pointless. So Edge has to retain. Another reasonwhy this is pointless is because people are still going to but the Royal Rumble, so they should have saved this for a PPV with a lower buyrate.
I agree with you guys who said that this will be a good match. I have to agree with Jake though that this would seem better as a post mania match as opposed to the PPV where a number 1 contender for Mania is uncovered. The match itself will probably be back and forth with high flying stuff as well as I would venture to think some good mat based stuff on the part of Edge to ground Mysterio. The end I can see Taker getting involved, unless he wins the rumble or WWE is planning on him winning a number one contendership at say, No Way Out?
I'm as happy as I could be, that this match finally has the ability to happen. And I understand its more likely that an unknown will win the Royal Rumble, than Rey Mysterio taking the Championship from Edge.. but that put aside, doesn't mean this match won't be a show-stealer.

Mysterio v. Edge has the ability to be quite possibly one of the best matches of the year, & we're only 5 days in. I think these two should get a longer program with each other, as I really think they'd connect great together.

I loved watching them as a Tag Team in 2003, & I wish it could've went on longer than what it did. They just work well together & apart. I really think this will help Rey Mysterio get back into the full swing of Main Eventing again.
This is a match to look forward to. But a bit pointless imo. They should have saved this for the post Mania slump. Nobodys buying this PPV for this match. But they would buy say The Bash or Vengeance for it. It just seems like a waste of time to me. They should have just had Edge against Batista again.

I agree that the match should not be at the Rumble, but don't make WWE has it like this, just so Batista can win the rumble and make his way back to RAW, IMO! I see it coming down to Batista,Taker, and 2 others(HBK and HHH?), with Batista winning.

But this match should be something to look forward to, althought it won't be spectacular, because its just a filler for the WHT Match, and RR Time.
Im also very very much looking forward to this match. And I dont think this happening at RR will ruin it at all, as they can certainley have it ending in interference both ways, with Chavo interfereing to mess things up for mysterio, and Taker/Batista messing it up for Edge. If we have a contest marred in interference, they can very much Redo this match, posibly into a feud, later this year. Should be some great back and forth action, with two of the feds best, although as everyone has stated with a pretty much forgone conclusion. Personally, It doesnt ruin anything for me, as I still expect great things from these guys.
Yeah, I agree that there is no way that Mysterio walks out with the strap, but I am not sure if this will be the show stealer everyone thinks it will be, on paper it looks and sounds really good and will be good until the WWE ruins it with some shady run in or other sort of interference, is it too much to ask for a clean finish. Also depends on if the company gives it the proper time on the show, we'll see if they add too many undercard matches to take time away from this one and the potential Orton/Hardy great match.
LOVE Mysterio as I've been a big fan of him since WCW days but its a shame he has no real shot in winning. If the contender isnt Batista or 'Taker there is no chance of a title change these days on SD! I anticipate the match being great however as both are usually good big-match performers. Two of my favorites going at it
I am looking forward to this match because I think that Rey and Edge will put on a great match, shame its at the royal rumble, but with the card shaping up as it is, this match can literally go 30 minutes, so at least thats a plus. As most have said, I agree with the fact that Rey really has no chance of winning the title, because it would be stupid(just for the fact that Edge came back to steal the title away from Batista/Taker, so having him lose who ruin any of those wm feuds). But on the topic of wm feuds, usually the royal rumble is the beginning of some major feuds leading to mania, and I have a sneaky suspicion that this match will end with a someone interfering and taking out rey, costing him his title match. I think this wrestler will be on raw, so they can build up and interpromotional feud. Im trying to think of who could work, and I can think of maybe JBL(which wouldn't make much sense because they just moved him to raw, but he does have history with rey) or it might be Kennedy(who is being pushed strongly once again with his feud with Micheals). I think this would be a good feud if done the right way, Kennedy being jealous that someone like Rey could get title shots and what not and he keeps getting looked over. Then you could have Rey come out at the royal rumble match and eliminate Kennedy, thus sparking off the feud between the two that goes on to WM. Because if you really look at it, SD! has very little in good heels, except for Edge and MVP(henry and khali are just terrible, same goes with V). Edge is going to be in the main event anyway, more than likely against taker. Batista is more than likely going to be fighting the raw champion, and MVP I can see having his plateau feud match with Matt Hardy at the show, so Rey would not really have an opponent unless they stuck him in a MITB. So the only alternative is to get him in a feud with a raw superstar and see how that goes.
Sounds like most of you are a little to high on this match. I know most are desperate for wwe to deliver something good but don't look here. Come Wrestlemaina no one will remember it. This is just a come and go match.

This match represents a huge problem with this ppv and that is that its too predictable. Most can see its Orton over Hardy, Edge over Rey, and Flair over MVP. The rumble can be narrowed down to two to three wrestlers and this year it has a leprachaun in it. Passable ppv.
I dont understand what all the hype around this match is.IMO it wont be that great.Rey's lost all the momentum he had when he returned.This match was supposed to happen at G.A.B 2007.But then Rey bitched about not being 100% so his return was delayed,and then of course Edge got hurt.I see it having a lame DQ finish or at least Edge winning because of EDGE-HEAD interference
I cant wait for this match, I think this will be MOTN. But the only thing is they havnt built this up at all. It is pretty much a match thrown together. Thank god if i saw Batista in the main event again i dont know what i would do. Rey and Edge will be a nice fresh match. Both these guys have proven in the past to be great wrestlers. I hope Vince lets them go a good 20-25 minutes and really have them showcase there talents. I think alot of people forget that Rey is probally the greatest Luchador of all time. Hopefully he can do it again a couple more times.
There is simplistic predictability Edge will successfully retain and carry on to WrestleMania and a meaningless point to the match because, logically, the former Champion is worthy of a Championship Rematch. Thus, coherent to me, Edge vs. Batista was the accurate match to rule in. But seeing that the next No. 1 Contender was determined through a Beat The Clock Challenge, we've inevitably ended up with this conclusion in which to my estimation is an under-rated match-up.

I disbelieve in the opinion that Rey Mysterio has lost all his momentum since his return, that is factually untrue. Everyone's been behind Rey and especially since the occurence of when he placed Chavo out of commision. Rey definitely has slight momentum going into this match with Edge but it's not very high because the match outcome is forseen. But hey, Rey Mysterio has always given us super-moneys-worth performances with his adept Lucha Libre Style he always gets innovative with, that's undeniable, though for Edge, I can't really say greatly for him as of recent. But we'll have a great match to see at the Rumble. Perhaps, Mysterio will carry it and get the DQ win ensuing a Chavo return at the Royal Rumble which could potentially be the purpose for this set up afterall. Have Chavo screw Rey out of a chance to become Champ again and proceed to WrestleMania to ultimately confront one another.
If you look down the lineup this is going to be a pretty solid ppv. all the matches look pretty damn good to me and the rumble will surprise people this year. MVP is perfect to put flair over. JBL returning to face Y2J give fans a match they thought theyd never see. Jeff Hardy and Mysterio getting title shots and putting the champs over this is going to be a good show. I honestly see this match ending in a no contest however leading into a continuance of the feud. P.S. Umaga and kennedy have been losing most of their matches recently and one could be in line for the one step back 2 steps foward approach the WWE takes and win the rumble.
I dont think this match will be anything special Rey is a great wrestler but I think hes had his time in Heavywieght title picture for the time being I see him maybe getting it late on in the year but not now, Edge will win this with distraction form Rider and Hawkins. Leading to him v Batista v Undertaker somewhen!

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