WWE Over the Limit - Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk - Straight-Edge Pledge vs. Hair Match

This match is going to be very tough. I honestly can't see both Mysterio or Punk losing this match. But after all I need to pick a winner.

I really don't think that Punk is going to lose his hair, so I say punk wins the match and Rey joins the SES. The way I see it is that Punk will not get a clean win, the mystery man will some how help Punk get the win, or Gallow's and Serena could easily get involve in the match.
My heart says Rey, but I believe Punk will win and they will introduce the masked member of the group, which we all believe is Joey Mercury. I do think that with Rey on SES it will keep the storyline fresh and keep it going for awhile, which is not a bad thing. WWE has a tendency to make stories go for a short while and then poof gone.

I do think gold needs to come to the SES soon otherwise it will end up lame like Legacy, which did not have much success over all besides Randy winning gold. SES needs to win and gain more relevance otherwise it is just a midcard group witth little purpose. That is why Punk will win and the story could finalize at Summer Slam.
While I'd like to see Punk get a haircut (that fat beard on his face is bothering me and looks quite uncomfortable) I'm calling a Punk victory here. I think WWE will go with having Mysterio become an unwilling participant of the SES. From there, there might be plans for the destruction of the SES from within. I dunno how they can pull this off but I can see WWE dragging this feud until Summerslam and potentially ending the SES there.
well if cm punk loses, we could see a implosion if SES , sooner than later.
if Rey myst. loses he has to join SES but of course not for long, maybe not even for a little while.
They will eventually put punk against some main eventers. and rey will not willingly co-operate with SES,

and btw what happened with the mysterious attacker at Extreme rules?
Should be great if they are given time, just like all of their matches. That's usually what happens when you get two of the best workers in the company together. The whole feud has been fantastic thus far, this should be a great end to it.

I don't see how Rey loses here. Is he joining the SES? I seriously doubt it. That would be interesting as hell, but its not happening. Punk will look quite strange without the symbol of his purity, but it's happening. Hopefully the it won't destroy the entire SES though. That'd be a shame.
I'm thinking Rey is winning this one.
Here's my reasoning:

Sure having Mysterio join the SES would be a nive little twist, but it just makes no sense. I mean he's hardly gonna obey CM Punk, it just doesn't make sense. Mysterio wouldn't interfere on Punk's behalf, so whats the point? And im assuming they won't have him turn heel for Punk as it doesn't suit him and Smakcdown is in desperate need of top faces who could potentially face Swagger. Anyway, having Rey in the SES would just be too predictible. Eventually he retaliates and breaks free, extending the feud past it's expiration date in the process.

I don't see what people's issue is with CM Punk shaving his hair as well. How does it make him loose his credibility? The SES won't slpit up merely because he's bald, and I think it'd look pretty cool too.

I see Rey winning this one, bye bye Punk's 'purity'
I just thought of something. What if the reason the whole CM Punk must shave his head thing keeps coming up is because the wrestler CM Punk really does want to cut his hair. And the WWE is trying to put it into the story.
I see CM Punk winning because of the fact that Rey Mysterio will be playing the bitch roll for CM Punk, much like HBK to JBL not too long ago. Rey will end up getting people to fight for his freedom, and CM Punk will use Rey to launch his Society down peoples' throats. And then, I say around SummerSlam, someone will face CM Punk for the freedom of Rey Mysterio while putting up their services as well. Now I think that this is one of the most logical storylines I can come with, as we all know that Vince loves SummerSlam, and that he usually wants his writers to start building rivalries up for this year.
I'm thinking Rey is winning this one.
Here's my reasoning:

Sure having Mysterio join the SES would be a nive little twist, but it just makes no sense. I mean he's hardly gonna obey CM Punk, it just doesn't make sense. Mysterio wouldn't interfere on Punk's behalf, so whats the point?

Um, fucking hello, that IS the point. Where is the fun in "Punk gets his ass kicked, head shaved, then we move on"

Oh no no. Mysterio will lose, join the SES, and be constantly humiliated and hate the SES even more, over weeks, leading to a blowoff were Mysterio likely puts his career on the line to become his own man again.

Anyway, this match should be utterly rockin and rollin, as they all have been. generally this sort of thing grows exponentially every time, because the guys are allowed to let it all hang out, and they have learned each others tendencies and cues real well by now. I'm thinking this is MOTN, and CM Punk goes on to victory.
I seriously doubt that Punk loses this match. Rey losing just leaves open that summer-long storyline where Rey hates being in the SES and acts out against them on occasion. Of course it would all culminate in a match at Summerslam where Rey wins his freedom finally (hopefully without disbanding the group which is one of the best things going and should be around for quite a while longer).

Additionally, I expect that the mystery member will be revealed at Over the Limit either by Rey pulling the hood off or him just revealing after the match, and of course it's likely Joey Mercury.

Now, while the angle I said above does seem to be compelling and make the most sense, I suppose they could throw us a curveball and let Rey win here. But here's the twist. What if we're looking at this the wrong way. Picturing Punk with a shaved head seems very strange, especially when it's a symbol of his "purity" in the SES. So seeing as he loses his hair if he loses, maybe instead of his head he could just shave his beard. That would technically be losing his hair and would be a clever thing for him to do if say he opts to cut his hair himself. It would really cheapen Rey's win and make Punk look ever smarter.
I see CM Punk winning this for a couple of reasons:

1) I don't think Mysterio is going to have much to do if he wins. There aren't many people on Smackdown who he can feud with after. There are others the WWE are looking to push into the WHC picture and there is a huge queue of worthy midcarders for the IC title.

2) The idea is if Punk loses his hair, the SES disbands. However, the SES is simply too good to lose. I'm sure many agree that the SES is CM Punk's best work, so losing it just a few months after it really starts would be ridiculous.

Mysterio will lose, every bit of colour will be removed from his attire, and he will follow Punk all summer. And then I see a freedom match happening at Summerslam.
of course i wanna see punk win this one as the idea of the hottest heel today being embarassed by having his head shaved seems ridicilous to me, summit tna wouild do. but also i dont wanna see mysterio join the straight edge society. just want him to f off for a while and see punk move up towards a world title shot although not likely while swager is champ. Seeing punk in another good story line with a top good guy would be good. maybe a card with kofi to help him establish himself on smackers.......
dont wanna spam here but can anyone help me start a thread. cant seem to find where to start one.
Mysterio sucks, plain and simple. Ok, this is not true, because he consistently puts on good to excellent matches, but in terms of doing anything interesting character-wise, he has done jack shit for fucking ages. IMAGINE the heartbroken kids if Rey joins SES. Just imagine. We're talking biggest heat ever for Punk and his crew, as if they didn't get enough heat already. Mysterio winning here does nothing. It just boosts his ego and makes SES look shit. They are one of the hottest things going right now and Punk should go over here, nobody cares if it's with interference or not. This could build right up to Summerslam, as others have said, maybe even for longer if they stretch it out. WWE cannot wimp out just because a few kids might not buy Rey merch for a couple of months. This has such potential.
It took 3.5 pages for someone to come up with something legit IMO. The one & only Mighty NorCal- suprise, suprise!

"Mysterio will lose, join the SES, and be constantly humiliated and hate the SES even more, over weeks, leading to a blowoff were Mysterio likely puts his career on the line to become his own man again."

Thats it! Its over after that. Each man goes thier seperate ways.

I dont see a bald Punk anywhere in the near future. It wouldnt ruin his credibility, like some have suggested- It would just totally suck for his character! I've been hoping for SES to expand for a while now. I have to assume the masked-man shows his face this Sunday inside Joe Louis Arena. After he helps CM Punk beat Rey Rey. We need more SES members dammit!!

If I had MY WAY: Punk beats Rey & tells him the way he is going to be part of SES will be, behind the scenes & will NOT be on TV. (wasnt Rey supposed to be leaving for surgery or something a lil while back?) Reason being: Punk knows the best way to piss Rey off would be to not let him be in front of his fans.

The reason I would do this is just because I dont think Rey brings alot to the table. "tehblogger" just above me- basically has the same opinion of Rey as I do. He can put on a helluva match- I'll give him that. But he's basically Matt Hardy with more in-ring agility: He gets the crowd to pop, but really has nothing worth-while to say on the mic & really needs the 'other person' in the program to carry most of the mic work.
Tough call here. If Rey wins, Punk will be bald. If Punk wins, Rey has to join the SES. I'm sensing a disqualification of some sorts here, so that neither stipulation will be forced into effect. If that doesn't happen.... it would make more sense for Punk to win because Rey can feud with the SES from within the stable if he's forced to join it. Punk will lose credibility if he's shaved. It honestly could go either way. I liked their previous two PPV matches so I know I can expect something good this time too whether Rey gets "saved" or Punk gets shaved. I'll give Punk the win because I'd rather see Rey forcibly join a stable instead of seeing Punk become bald, he doesn't deserve the endless ridicule that would inevitably follow the shaving.

CM Punk will defeat Rey Mysterio.
Um, fucking hello, that IS the point. Where is the fun in "Punk gets his ass kicked, head shaved, then we move on"

Oh no no. Mysterio will lose, join the SES, and be constantly humiliated and hate the SES even more, over weeks, leading to a blowoff were Mysterio likely puts his career on the line to become his own man again.

Anyway, this match should be utterly rockin and rollin, as they all have been. generally this sort of thing grows exponentially every time, because the guys are allowed to let it all hang out, and they have learned each others tendencies and cues real well by now. I'm thinking this is MOTN, and CM Punk goes on to victory.


Rey's mask isn't on the line, so he's definitely not immune to losing here. They've been building Punk's head being shave for awhile now without it getting old, so why not try to keep building it and make the payoff better? Punk uses Rey for a few more weeks, Rey gets more pissed, then with one more match (hopefully at Summerslam) Rey wins and Punk gets shaved.
I cannot wait for this match. Both guys are fantastic and have been having great matches with one another and this will be no different. This will get a long time and has been called one of the four main events which it really is. Both guys are very familiar with each other and will give us a great match, hopefully match of the night.

I see Punk winning this to carry the feud on as there as there are so many things left to do with this feud. If Rey joins the SES then we could have some entertaining promo's with Rey being a cunt to them. This leads to a match, hopefully at summerslam in possibly a ladder match in a Mask vs freedom match or something along those lines, which would be some fantastic TV.

CM Punk wins with the help of the new guy.
well rey got the win i can't believe that but punk looks more evil with the hair cut maybe he might change a crazy maniac and get a new gimmick by attacking wrestler proclaiming he tried to lead them to the right direction and says he trying to be nice but he is no more mr nice guy this could move to the main event
This match was absolutely awesome, very back and forth ,definitely one of the better matches of the show.

I have to admit while it was pretty decent, to watch CM Punk getting shaved, for the sake of the storyline, while I hated it from a backstage point of view, but I liked that they didn't shave the whole thing, so he can still look at least a little bit decent.

I'm curious whether they're gonna continue the feud, seems to me there's not much more to do to it, I had hoped CM Punk had won this one although, due to him getting to keep his hair, and it could've build for a great storyline like Shawn Michaels and JBL.
Excellent match from these two, probably their best worked match to date, easily had this one rated at ****+, though the medical staff did everything in their power to kill all momentum this match had. Luckily Punk saw this bullshit, got tired of it, and came roaring back out to Mysterio with fire in his step, tossing Rey around like a rag doll and snapping him to the floor with a quick snap-suplex. Punk single-handedly saved this match-up right there, that dead space could have killed it, but Punk's fire was able to make up for it. Some fun spots as well as an awkward one or two, and a good, if surprising finish to the match. Very good stuff though, easily match of the night.

I won't even comment on the absolute randomness of Kane showing up out of bum-fuck-nowhere to help Rey. The only thing that makes sense is either expanding the feud into some sort of tag team deal with Kane, or perhaps have Kane feud with Gallows. I sure as shit hope we don't see Punk vs. Kane, not that they wouldn't be able to work a decent match, but that would be a pretty big step down for Punk IMO.

Great match though, had it rated at ****1/4 after I watched it last night, I'll have to give it another viewing.
Im curious as to how Punk got busted open that bad? 15 staples, I think is what I read he needed to seel the opening. Thats alot of fuckin staples in the skull!!

Just so I dont spam- I'll say im pretty upset Punk lost & got his head shaved lastnight. I have to assume the reason his whole head wasnt shaved, was because of the gash in his head. I would assume by Smackdown- Punk will be fully bald.

With no hair on his head- the beard better not be going anywhere dammit!!
Im curious as to how Punk got busted open that bad? 15 staples, I think is what I read he needed to seel the opening. Thats alot of fuckin staples in the skull!!

Just so I dont spam- I'll say im pretty upset Punk lost & got his head shaved lastnight. I have to assume the reason his whole head wasnt shaved, was because of the gash in his head. I would assume by Smackdown- Punk will be fully bald.

With no hair on his head- the beard better not be going anywhere dammit!!

He's going to look a complete tit with no hair and a full beard!

Really dissapointed Punk lost - think Rey in SES was the kick up the backside his character needed. Didn't have to turn heel - could've been a lot of fun.

As for the stoppages in general - it's realing ruining the momentum and flow off matches. I can fully understand why they stopped the blading - on the whole it was pointless and (as has been said on here before) not match should need blood. On the other hand I really wish they wouldn't stop matches when it happened, when someone bleeds accidentally it can add to a match.
there are so many reasons why John Cena is the face of the wwe.and there is a reason why most people don't like cm punk.back to my point,cm punk looks like a hobo,he has 2 people who are bald when he isn't,and lastly he scared rey mysterio's daughter on her birthday.:disappointed:.he should be ashamed of himself.it would be better if he shaved that beard of his instead of his beard.
he has a innocent woman who thinks cm punk is a angel and also a baby.she even treats him like one.:lol:. john cena proved to the wwe universe that he is the best wwe champion.thats why we respect him,plus as a fact he beat batista more than one time.batistas arm is in a cast and in a wheelchair and he quit the wwe.

think about your facts

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