So you pretty much saying the not so "tough" guys like Randy Orton, Diesel, Kane, Batista, & Ric Flair were just pushovers for Taker?
Diesel: The build for this match had Undertaker getting revenge on finally getting his hands on Kevin Nash and defeating him. There was no chance that Nash could've won.
Kane: I'd say Kane had the second greatest chance of defeating the Undertaker during Wrestlemania 14, when his streak was still more or less unknown. In all right, Kane SHOULD HAVE defeated the Undertaker, to build Kane as a better heel that could match everything with the Undertaker.
However, they went the opposite way, in having Kane look powerful and kicking out of like what two or three Tombstones, but in the end Taker (barely) won.
Batista: Had no chance of winning. The Undertaker was known to win the Championship and had been promised a long title run. Batista was merely a pawn in the matter.
Ric Flair: Flair was OLD. If anyone thought Ric Flair had a remote chance in winning this match, you're out of your rabid ass mind. This was nothing more than a match to help Flair stay remotely involved with wrestling. No threat what so ever.
Randy Orton: The single greatest threat to the Undertaker. The match was definately the best hes EVER had at Wrestlemania, and it was bullshit that they didn't just allow Randy Orton the history making moment in giving him the win.
Everything regarding this match was set-up perfectly, including the single greatest gimmick to tie into why Orton would've/should've won. The Legend Killer. Yes, hes defeated Legends.. but what has it ever proved? Nothing.. because ultimately hes defeated them when they're beyond their "prime."
However with the Undertaker, if one thing has remained the same, its been that hes the best at what he does on the Wrestlemania stage. Orton was robbed in my opinion.
Ok. Maybe you forgot your history just a little. Granted this is going to be a great match with so much build to it.
What build?! Edge has been punked out like some little b*tch. He hasn't had any type of proper push in making anyone think he could win this match. He has Hawkins and Ryder do all his fighting for him, which IS NOT Edge.
You want a build? Have Edge be the Edge of 2006 when he took everything he had to John Cena, and was the dominate heel. Not the "Oh, I'm scared" then sending everyone lesser than him after Taker. Thats no build. Thats ultimately leading to everyone KNOWING Taker will get his revenge on Edge, but finally getting him one on one. Its COMPLETE BULLSHIT! Edge deserves a hell of a lot better than this shit.
I just don't think that WWE will have that streak tainted after so much history.
Tainted how? By losing? Thats not tainting anything. And you ARE talking about the W.W.E. (keep in mind) Nothing matters to them, except for ratings. The Undertaker's streak will end before he retires. Its just a matter of who they'd want to end it. And Shawn Michaels and John Cena have yet to have Wrestlemania matches with the Undertaker.. thereby meaning, he has two more years before one or the other defeat him.
Taker has been such a great assest to the company & it's just seem that it would be a shame to let Taker's streak be ended because it's such a part of wrestling history that actually has great credibilty and aura to it.
W.W.E. = No caring for anything meaningful. Again, read what I wrote above. They will job Taker out, to whom they feel can gain from it. Even if noone else feels it will gain anything.
When Taker no longer has anyone credible to fight on the Wrestlemania stage, he'll lose. Until then, he'll remain undefeated and it'll build and build into a bigger match.
The true winner of this match is going to be the fans as they'll witness two great performers on the grandest stage. I can't wait for this match cuz I'm going to be there live to be a part of history.

Vince, is that you? Look, you don't have to sell the Pay Per View to me or anyone else. People are likely ordering it, period.
Overall, the match SHOULD be one of the absolute best on the card. Will it? Only time will tell. I hope it can be, but overall I'm pissed because they aren't building Edge as the type of threat he definately should be considered as.