WrestleMania XXIV: Edge vs. The Undertaker

Youve got 10 year veteran, multy time champion of every description, not to mention 4 time world champion, whos been in some of the most brutal matches and rivalries of all time with all manner of world class superstars, and hes beat them all! But instead they throw him in this match as a weak ass fucker, whos not only hiding behind his two nobody tag team bum boys (edge heads is a crap name too) but hes hiding behind his 'fiancee' vickie guerrero, and i still cant understand that story line, i hate it, id be as bold as to say its my least favourite story line of all time.

They are playing Edges' character to perfection. Edge isn't supposed to be a dominant heel, he's supposed to be a cocky, cowardly, champion. He's "The Rated R Superstar" do whatever it takes to win. He's not a Randy Orton. He's doing an awesome job with his character.

As for the match, Undertaker wins to improve to 16-0.
As for Edge's character going into this match...I see what most of you mean about him looking weak and though on some level, I agree...I also see where they are coming from. Edge is not the HHH type heel where he bloodies opponents and looks like he'll never lose. He's certainly not a monster. He is "the ultimate opportunist." He's getting under the Taker's skin. Plus, I think whatever happens on the next two weeks of Smackdown will really determine the direction they are going.

I look for this to be a better match than last year's WHC title match because this is Edge's first mania main event and i believe he will put it all on the line.
well I'm intersted in this match because I'm an Edge fan and I hope that he kicks the shit out of the undertaker, but I'm really getting sick of seeing the undertaker win year in and year out at wrestlemania i mean come on the guy did face anybody tough accept for mark henry, and triple H but I'd loved to see Edge end the damn streak because edge is undefeated against him and someone needs to do it and the rated r superstar is tht man.
well I'm intersted in this match because I'm an Edge fan and I hope that he kicks the shit out of the undertaker, but I'm really getting sick of seeing the undertaker win year in and year out at wrestlemania i mean come on the guy did face anybody tough accept for mark henry, and triple H but I'd loved to see Edge end the damn streak because edge is undefeated against him and someone needs to do it and the rated r superstar is tht man.

So you pretty much saying the not so "tough" guys like Randy Orton, Diesel, Kane, Batista, & Ric Flair were just pushovers for Taker? Ok. Maybe you forgot your history just a little. Granted this is going to be a great match with so much build to it. I just don't think that WWE will have that streak tainted after so much history. Taker has been such a great assest to the company & it's just seem that it would be a shame to let Taker's streak be ended because it's such a part of wrestling history that actually has great credibilty and aura to it. The true winner of this match is going to be the fans as they'll witness two great performers on the grandest stage. I can't wait for this match cuz I'm going to be there live to be a part of history.
So you pretty much saying the not so "tough" guys like Randy Orton, Diesel, Kane, Batista, & Ric Flair were just pushovers for Taker?

Diesel: The build for this match had Undertaker getting revenge on finally getting his hands on Kevin Nash and defeating him. There was no chance that Nash could've won.

Kane: I'd say Kane had the second greatest chance of defeating the Undertaker during Wrestlemania 14, when his streak was still more or less unknown. In all right, Kane SHOULD HAVE defeated the Undertaker, to build Kane as a better heel that could match everything with the Undertaker.

However, they went the opposite way, in having Kane look powerful and kicking out of like what two or three Tombstones, but in the end Taker (barely) won.

Batista: Had no chance of winning. The Undertaker was known to win the Championship and had been promised a long title run. Batista was merely a pawn in the matter.

Ric Flair: Flair was OLD. If anyone thought Ric Flair had a remote chance in winning this match, you're out of your rabid ass mind. This was nothing more than a match to help Flair stay remotely involved with wrestling. No threat what so ever.

Randy Orton: The single greatest threat to the Undertaker. The match was definately the best hes EVER had at Wrestlemania, and it was bullshit that they didn't just allow Randy Orton the history making moment in giving him the win.

Everything regarding this match was set-up perfectly, including the single greatest gimmick to tie into why Orton would've/should've won. The Legend Killer. Yes, hes defeated Legends.. but what has it ever proved? Nothing.. because ultimately hes defeated them when they're beyond their "prime."

However with the Undertaker, if one thing has remained the same, its been that hes the best at what he does on the Wrestlemania stage. Orton was robbed in my opinion.

Ok. Maybe you forgot your history just a little. Granted this is going to be a great match with so much build to it.

What build?! Edge has been punked out like some little b*tch. He hasn't had any type of proper push in making anyone think he could win this match. He has Hawkins and Ryder do all his fighting for him, which IS NOT Edge.

You want a build? Have Edge be the Edge of 2006 when he took everything he had to John Cena, and was the dominate heel. Not the "Oh, I'm scared" then sending everyone lesser than him after Taker. Thats no build. Thats ultimately leading to everyone KNOWING Taker will get his revenge on Edge, but finally getting him one on one. Its COMPLETE BULLSHIT! Edge deserves a hell of a lot better than this shit.

I just don't think that WWE will have that streak tainted after so much history.

Tainted how? By losing? Thats not tainting anything. And you ARE talking about the W.W.E. (keep in mind) Nothing matters to them, except for ratings. The Undertaker's streak will end before he retires. Its just a matter of who they'd want to end it. And Shawn Michaels and John Cena have yet to have Wrestlemania matches with the Undertaker.. thereby meaning, he has two more years before one or the other defeat him.

Taker has been such a great assest to the company & it's just seem that it would be a shame to let Taker's streak be ended because it's such a part of wrestling history that actually has great credibilty and aura to it.

W.W.E. = No caring for anything meaningful. Again, read what I wrote above. They will job Taker out, to whom they feel can gain from it. Even if noone else feels it will gain anything.

When Taker no longer has anyone credible to fight on the Wrestlemania stage, he'll lose. Until then, he'll remain undefeated and it'll build and build into a bigger match.

The true winner of this match is going to be the fans as they'll witness two great performers on the grandest stage. I can't wait for this match cuz I'm going to be there live to be a part of history.

:disappointed: Vince, is that you? Look, you don't have to sell the Pay Per View to me or anyone else. People are likely ordering it, period.

Overall, the match SHOULD be one of the absolute best on the card. Will it? Only time will tell. I hope it can be, but overall I'm pissed because they aren't building Edge as the type of threat he definately should be considered as.
You are absolutely right about the threats to The Undertaker's streak. I thought Orton had it for sure and I believe the WWE missed their chance at that Mania to put Orton over for good.

However, you seem to be forgetting the build for this match began way before The Undertaker won the Chamber. The build for this match began when Edge cashed in the Money in the Bank and stole the title from Taker last year. Then I seem to recall Edge detroying the Undertaker at HITC last year robbing him of his match with Batista. Those moments can't be forgotten because the WWE was building this match all the way back then. However, I do feel that they are playing up the wrong side of Edge's character. He is the Ultimate Opportunist but that won't get it done against Taker. By using Ryder and Hawkins, the angle they are going for is "It's only a matter of time before he gets his hands on Edge." Hopefully these next few weeks on Smackdown, they will make Edge look stronger.
Edge and Taker will deliver a great match. But the outcome is not in doubt. Taker will win the title. They aren't going to end his streak at Wrestlemania XXIV. They will save that for Wrestlemania 25.

The Undertaker's streak will end at Wrestlemania 25 against John Cena.

I agree with you that Taker will win this one. I personally don't think WWE should ever end Taker's streak, and here is why: The man has beaten literally everyone. He has faced everyone from Giant Gonzalas, Psycho Sid, Kane, Yokozuna, Batista, and the list goes on. Some of these matches were at Wrestlemania, some were not. But all of these guys are big guys, not only in stature but in status. Who does WWE have that can beat Taker and make it look believable? Flair has his 16 titles, Triple H has his status. Mark Calaway the man has given his blood, sweat, and tears to the company for twenty years. It would be a personal injustice to him to end the streak. Not to mention, the streak is one of the most notable streaks anywhere. You ask non-wrestling fans and they know exactly what you are talking about. With titles changing hands all the time (They definitely don't hold the glory that they used to), I think WWE should hold on to some form of tradition. In my opinion, the streak should never be broken.

P.S. Hasn't Taker already beaten John Cena? (I don't really know. There was a period of about five years where I didn't watch wrestling at all)
First off, Cena has pinned Taker twice. They had a feud where Taker was whooping Cena's ass (American Bad-ass vs. White Rapper heel) but Cena finally got a win on Smackdown. Then Cena got the pin at No Way Out 2007 after Batista spine-bustered Taker, leaving him open for Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music and Cena's F-U. So basically, Taker is like 4-2 vs. Cena. They have not squared off at Wrestlemania yet though. Cena is 4-0 at WM though, defeating Big Show, JBL, HHH and Michaels. If he loses in the Triple Threat though, or someone cashes in Money in the Bank, that would count as a loss.

Second, I think Edge is definitely being built up as a credible threat. You're looking for Edge to attack Taker head-on? That's what heels do! They take advantage and either use the numbers game (the Edgeheads and Chavo) or attacks from behind (like the spear after the double-chokeslam). Edge is playing his heel role to perfection, plus he has the distinction of never having a official one-on-one match against him. (Not even Brood vs. Ministry oddly enough) Edge isn't playing the coward; he's doing what EVERY SINGLE HEEL that isn't as big as Taker has done when they feuded with him. Orton did the same thing, JBL did the same thing, Kennedy and MVP did the same things. Edge is not Khali or Mark Henry; why would he go charging into Taker and try to brawl with him? Edge has pinned Taker twice, outsmarted him enough to stay out of his reach and avoid getting viciously beat up, and frustrated him at every turn. He has shown he's not afraid of the mind games and he's determined to beat him at Wrestlemania by any means necessary. I've seen much more whiny champs than that. (Michaels for WM 14, Jericho for WM 18, JBL for WM 21) Edge is the ultimate opportunist, but he's showing just how vicious and devious he is. I actually am wondering if Edge will win or not. The WWE is building it up very well to me. The Elimination Chamber; there was no question Taker was going to win; I question if he'll win at Wrestlemania.

Third, I definitely don't think the streak should end. There's no reason to end it. Edge is already as over as a heel can be. He is hands down the top heel on Smackdown, he's not a transitional champion, and he's as good a wrestler as you can get. This is a feud that is months in the making, and one of the few times that a Wrestlemania Main Event that is a face vs. heel match isn't recycled or rehashed. Two wrestlers who have been around as long as they have yet have never had a single match against each other one-on-one? Edge loses nothing but the title if he loses at Wrestlemania, and he'll have plenty of opportunities to get it back. Why ruin a streak that has worked so long to establish with so many legends just to put over one champion?

Why have people lost their sense of respect and legacy? Why would anyone actually WANT The Undertaker to lose so his streak ends?
Edge is not a credible threat to Takers' streak. I mean seriously, just look at it, why would they have Edge end his streak. The last person who actually could have and should have ended his streak was Orton. He had the legend killer gimmick, and many actually thought it could happen. There is no reason for Edge to end Takers' streak, its not logical. He is a scared champion who uses numbers every week to get a one up on Taker. At least Batista was willing to face off with Taker and was not afraid.

Regarding Taker's streak I have always said this. If you are going to end it, it should be at Takers' last Wrestlemania ever, probably his last match ever. The streak is a big part of Taker, and you could not have him wrestle at Mania' after losing it because his match would seem pointless. Since I think Taker has at least one more good year left in him, I dont expect him to lose, nor do I want him too.
First off, Cena has pinned Taker twice. They had a feud where Taker was whooping Cena's ass (American Bad-ass vs. White Rapper heel) but Cena finally got a win on Smackdown. Then Cena got the pin at No Way Out 2007 after Batista spine-bustered Taker, leaving him open for Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music and Cena's F-U. So basically, Taker is like 4-2 vs. Cena. They have not squared off at Wrestlemania yet though. Cena is 4-0 at WM though, defeating Big Show, JBL, HHH and Michaels. If he loses in the Triple Threat though, or someone cashes in Money in the Bank, that would count as a loss.

Second, I think Edge is definitely being built up as a credible threat. You're looking for Edge to attack Taker head-on? That's what heels do! They take advantage and either use the numbers game (the Edgeheads and Chavo) or attacks from behind (like the spear after the double-chokeslam). Edge is playing his heel role to perfection, plus he has the distinction of never having a official one-on-one match against him. (Not even Brood vs. Ministry oddly enough) Edge isn't playing the coward; he's doing what EVERY SINGLE HEEL that isn't as big as Taker has done when they feuded with him. Orton did the same thing, JBL did the same thing, Kennedy and MVP did the same things. Edge is not Khali or Mark Henry; why would he go charging into Taker and try to brawl with him? Edge has pinned Taker twice, outsmarted him enough to stay out of his reach and avoid getting viciously beat up, and frustrated him at every turn. He has shown he's not afraid of the mind games and he's determined to beat him at Wrestlemania by any means necessary. I've seen much more whiny champs than that. (Michaels for WM 14, Jericho for WM 18, JBL for WM 21) Edge is the ultimate opportunist, but he's showing just how vicious and devious he is. I actually am wondering if Edge will win or not. The WWE is building it up very well to me. The Elimination Chamber; there was no question Taker was going to win; I question if he'll win at Wrestlemania.

Third, I definitely don't think the streak should end. There's no reason to end it. Edge is already as over as a heel can be. He is hands down the top heel on Smackdown, he's not a transitional champion, and he's as good a wrestler as you can get. This is a feud that is months in the making, and one of the few times that a Wrestlemania Main Event that is a face vs. heel match isn't recycled or rehashed. Two wrestlers who have been around as long as they have yet have never had a single match against each other one-on-one? Edge loses nothing but the title if he loses at Wrestlemania, and he'll have plenty of opportunities to get it back. Why ruin a streak that has worked so long to establish with so many legends just to put over one champion?

Why have people lost their sense of respect and legacy? Why would anyone actually WANT The Undertaker to lose so his streak ends?

Good point of view.If they keep his streak they can also use it for some future gimmicks like a new guy who's going to go after the streak like "i can go 17-0" or things like that and also i totally see a monster that will be "created" by the undertaker or something like that when he won't be able to wrestle no more , as WWE needs another monster gimmick that actually works.Khali can't speak , Mark Henry and Big Daddy V just look fat and not monster-types , Kane won't last more either , so a monster is definetely needed in WWE.

After all , who can end Taker's streak if they even wanted to do so ?
He practically beaten all the big names except Cena and Michaels at WM , and why push Cena even more , or give it to Michaels as he's already had his career highest point IMO.

Better to keep it as a bar for other to challenge in the future than destroy it when nothing good can come of it.After all what can Edge do with a win at WM ? He can brag a little that he destroyed the streak , he keeps his belt , he gets another 2-3 PPV matches against Taker and then a 16 years work of build-up will end just for let's say 4-5 months of storyline for the Heavyweight Championship belt.

I think they can do better than this , but heck , they're WWE .
I firmly believe that the Undertaker's streak will remain intact this year. Taker's streak will, and should, end at Wrestlemania 25.

Next year's Wrestlemania will likely be built as the biggest of ALL TIME. It is on that show where WWE will look to set another record with buyrates and make it among their most profitable in history. The headlining match that would accomplish that is The Undertaker vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship.

It could be built like Wrestlemania III. The thought of Andre the Giant being pinned was almost unthinkable. The same could be said for The Undertaker being pinned at Wrestlemania. With Cena challening that streak at the biggest pay-per-view in WWE history, the story would write itself. It would be one of the WWE's most historic matches. And it would only be appropriate that it take place at Wrestlemania 25.

Unfortunately for Edge, history and fate is on The Undertaker's side. But Edge will be a main eventer for life regardless of what happens at Wrestlemania. He has earned his stripes, and he will continue to next Sunday. Wrestlemania is the show where the top heels are supposed to put over the top faces. Edge will due his job (no pun intended) dutifully. In the wrestling business where the art of being a heel has widely been lost, Edge is a rare gem.
this match got a lot of porblems:
1. we know who is gona win, taker wont lose the streak, the company invested 15 years to make it the coolest non title reign in hystory
2. we are almost for sure that edge will keep the title, disqualafication is the key word, is almost for sure this is the end
3. the company wont give the push up that deserves, because nothing cant fuck they shitty triple treat match at mania (for real, thats the worst crap they could done)
4. the company didnt put any flavor to these match, i would love to see any special stipulation (last man standing, hell in a cell, anything) so can be more interesting because we know the other two guys (i even take the time to learn therir names, they are shit) are gona be fucking the deadman match
5. i cannot see any feedback between this two guys, anybody can spect that edge dominetes the undertaker at any point off this match, maybe if they would it hardcore.

but well, shit happens, im happy to see my favorite wrestler coming back this year to win another mania, so i would definitibly look for these match, but for the rest and the main event i wouldnt ven bother.

REST IN PEACE EDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!
While the last couple of weeks, particularly the Con-Chair-To, have built this feud up, it simply doesn't have the feel that past Undertaker Mania matches have had. I personally believe this will be the best match on the card however. Edge is solid in the ring and gets a lot of flack for being too gimmicky. The Undertaker always brings his best at the biggest stage of them all. The problem with this match, is the streak, and Edge simply isn't going to be the guy that snaps that streak. The Undertaker will be walking away with championship gold, the problem is, it will be with two hours left in the show.
Edge’s World Heavyweight Championship against the Undertaker’s 15-0 winning streak at Wrestlemaina. While I mark out as much as anyone when I see The Undertaker’s entrance on TV, let alone live, this is too predictable. Edge is hands down the best bad guy in the business(I give him a slight edge over Orton), but even at that, I don’t think that there is anyone out there that thinks WWE is going to let Edge be the one to break Undertaker’s winning streak. However, I look for a good match, and a very entertaining one at that. Watch for interference by the Edgeheads, Ryder and Hawkins, but unless Undertaker dies in the ring, his hand will be raised as new champion at the end of this one.
Here is a fun little theory for all u guys who are worried about the match going on as early as Taker-Batista last year.....being that this Event will be being held in an outdoor stadium, and HOW exactly can they do UT's entrance during the daylight??? They cant...It doesnt get dark on the east coast til almost 9 currently, so thats at least 2 hours into the show that they will have to wait. SO hopefully that means this match will be decently high on the card....
Guys, The dont go by an athletes skills, i am sorry lol.. They go by their populatrity. Which is why the UNdertaker has been soo big for so long. there are lots of wrestlers who have massive talent and are put low on the ladder due to the fact no one likes them.

What they did with edge was - They wrote up an awesome storyline to get an underdog up to top status on smackdown and turn him into a major heel while giving Vickie a job to help her survive due to Eddies death. So they looked for a midi oaker wrestler who had a large popularity..Who better then Edge!? Hes not much of a wrestler but he is popular with his 'Edgeheads' (who seriously only wanted him to win against other crap wrestlers). So here we have Edge (wo has lost alot of respect and support from fans due to his new taking) and increased his career history with one tittle hold.

Then heres wrestlemania, the biggest moment in the company and they put the biggest wrestler in their brand on (Taker) as they should, and they are using his streak which yes maybe his last but i doubt it, to increase the hype for wrestler mania.

It is very hard to see how their storyline is gonna go, 6 yrs ago i would say Taker would leave an edge face down bleeding and walk out witht he gold or have someone come in and prevent edges lil buddies from interfering. But now the WWE seems to be encouraging the growth of these young under rated wrestlers and knocking the old legends around.

I personally cant stand Edge in a ring even if he was against someone low like Jesse i would root for Jesse to win and have ever since the old tag team wars witht he dudleys and the brothers of destruction and edge and christian.

Personally i have no idea who will win but i hope they drop the stupid vickie and edge line because alot of us have grown so sick of it and to put edge above taker is like putting a Kitten with attitude above the biggest fericousit lion
I am excited and terrifed of this match. Will this be the match where the Undetaker's streak comes to an end...Unlikely! Will He win the World Heavywight Championship...maybe. Edge has always proven there is a way to leave the fans satisfied in his match and screw his opponent in some way shape or form. I can easily see Edge managing to get DQ'd and with an assist by Vickie Guerrero he will retain the title due to the fact that there is no clause stating the match can't end in disqualification. It will leave the Undertaker with a very shallow 16-0 record but without a championship. It all depends on how the screwjob will play out and if Edge will keep the contraversy alive.
Well as ive said all along, I think the WWE has done their absolute best to totally fuck this all up. The build for this has been about as atrocious as possible, as Edge has been made up to look like a weak jobber every week except ONE heading into this. Ive said time and time again, I wish so badly for this to be the version of Edge who took the belt off of Cena, who put Mick Foley through flames two WMs ago. There would be real and true fear of Edge ending the streak, and a real unpredictability to this. Right now, all we really have, is the hope that Edge and taker will put on a good show on the way to Edge losing, as he doesnt really at ALL even look like a threat right now. I hope this match will live up to all of our expectations. Id say itll be at least good, with a ceiling of great.
As much as i like Edge, i dont think or see him retaining the Championship, The Undertaker is 15-0, and i dont think the WWE will ever end this streak and i wouldnt want to see it end. As for as i know, the WWE promised Taker a long title reign last year, but because he got injured that couldnt happen, i think he gets the long title reign now. This match will be great and i hope its higher on the card, then last years World Title Match.

So Undertaker wins the Championship and goes 16-0 @ WrestleMania
I believe Undertaker will make it 16-0, but i'm not so sure he'll get the title too, cause -as far as i can remember - it's rare for the company to change two titles in the same event (since it's certain Orton won't retain), let alone change the biggest of its titles: WWE and World Heavyweight Title... of course i could be wrong and see WWE take it to the limits by making ALL titles change hands. Along with Flair's lose and Big Show's victory, this could give HUGE push to the company.
This match is slightly upsetting, even though it will be a great match, i would love to see Edge come out on top, im almost positive however that wwe will not let that happen, if, and this is a big if, Edge does win this is my vision.. the ref gets knocked down, taker hits chokeslam with no ref, edgeheads interfere taker disposes of them Edge does something cheap, right before the ref comes to, covers and the ref does that slow motion count, i always love the slow motion count, and this would be the perfect time to do it and Edge wins. This however is a long shot, but hey its wwe, you never know.
Well now we know Undertaker is 16-0! Plus he has the belt! What a great match maybe the best of the night. I am not going to deny everytime Edge went to pin Taker my heart stopped lol. My sister was laughing at me quite a bit actually. I was a bit disappointed there was no tombstone for the win just a submission hold. But at least he did the tombstone during the match. Now I wonder what the Smackdown roster is going to do with the deadman as champ. I hope his title run is a lengthy one, he deserves it along with Kane.
Well now we know Undertaker is 16-0! Plus he has the belt! What a great match maybe the best of the night. I am not going to deny everytime Edge went to pin Taker my heart stopped lol. My sister was laughing at me quite a bit actually. I was a bit disappointed there was no tombstone for the win just a submission hold. But at least he did the tombstone during the match. Now I wonder what the Smackdown roster is going to do with the deadman as champ. I hope his title run is a lengthy one, he deserves it along with Kane.

the whole heart stopping thing, it happened to me too lol. i was absolutely pissed when i thought edge was gonna win. i was watching closely all night for the submission lock of takers and it wasnt happening and when edge hit the last spear i was like NO! and he locked edge up and it made me happy and i didnt have to have a heart attack.
I thought this match was really great. I was so happy Taker won because I believe he deserves the belt back and to get another title run, but I like how they didn't make Edge look weak in the match. He dominated Taker with constant counters and spears. For a while there I thought Edge might actually win especially when he hit the 2 spears at the end. My heart was pounding, yes wrestling still does it to me. Anyway, great match and was happy with how they both left the match, Taker the champion and Edge still a main threat.
Great Great Great match , props to Edge as well for putting one hell of a match. No one can deny the fact that at points they thouhg Edge was goign to win. great counters and Edge looked awsome.

He looked very dominant and kicked out of a Chockslam , Last ride and a Tombostone how amazing. I loved the Ending were Edge hits the spear then Taker counters it to the Sumbssion move for the win. Awsome match that kept me on the edge of my Seat. great match by the two and HUGE Props for Edge.

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