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Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

  • Cena is Right.

  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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I think Cena has carried the WWE long enough. Maybe a loss to the Rock will get people thinking on a new leader of the business. have cena lose to Rock and turn heelish for a couple of years. Then have C.M. Punk have a long drawn out battle with cena. Maybe cultimating at next years Mania. I could see this as a passing of the torch match. Get Punk as the new leader and face of the company, while making Cena heelish and about himself. During this time Cena could take time off, make more movies, get a break from being the top guy and a chance to recover physically. Then a return of cena would be refreshing, eventaully turning face again before retiring. I think when you are the face of the company, it is partically up to you to choose a sucsesor. Cena having an epic feud with Punk and losing in the end would give Punk the final push he needs to be the number one guy in the WWE. At this point it seems this is the position he is being groomed for. I could also see Sheamus, with his ties with Triple H., possibly being the top face of the company, if the Punk thing don`t work out. so to answer the question,. I don`t believe cena has to win at mania, especially if there is going to be a rematch. If Cena does win I think it be best if he cheated to win, because he will be booed anyways. This could start a Cena heel turn and push Punk as the top face.
How is John Cena the rookie here? The Rock has lost way more matches than he's won and carried the WWE for only a few years before his eventual retirement. During his last years with the company, he lost to The Hurricane for crying out loud!

John Cena however has either won cleanly every single match in the past 6 years or he has lost due to outside interference or flat-out cheating.

How can you consider Cena the rookie underdog when he is an unstoppable force of nature going up against a man who has put over more guys than he can count and that was during his PRIME.

The Rock is the underdog here. He is David going up against the biggest Goliath he'll ever encounter. John Cena is unstoppable and when he wins at WrestleMania, that fact will be shoved down our throats.
" However, to cut the legs out from under a superstar who hasn’t lost cleanly in ages by making him lose to a disconnected veteran is wrong. "

Thats the exact reason why he should lose this match. Cena is not unstoppable and needs to be beaten normally. If anyone can do it, its the Rock to get it done. It would be a nice CHANGE and might even bring about the heel turn of John Cena right after Mania. This isnt like Rock coming back and ending the streak. Its a normal match without even a title on the line. If the Rock loses, theres no point of him ever coming back doing anything because he cant even beat Cena. If loses loses, it does NOTHING negative for him. Hes still the face of the company and the same old guy.

If Cena wins, it gives more reason for people to hate him. His superman self will win again. Im not talking about hate from a HEEL sense. Im talking about hate to a point where they just dont wanna see him in the ring anymore because hes stale.

I hope Rock does win. The payoff has to be Rock winning, because in reality, most of those fans will want him 2. If rock loses, esp in a clean way, I see many boos and hate for the match itself.
Rock should lose, absolutely. The real concern is that the Rock could make everyone else on the Roster irrelevant if he beats Cena. Honestly I can't imagine how bad it would be long-term for the WWE if Rock wins.
i reckon they will book the match in a way that cena will have to 'embrace the hate' to win the match, thus the match ending in Cena winning by screwing the rock in some fashion. I mean that would be a great way to sort of 'pass the torch' in a way in that instead of actually passing it, cena is basically going to have to steal it from The Rock. Could be a great Wrestlemania moment that would live in history, like the Austin heel turn at WM 17.
The Rock needs to lose at Mania after a hard-fought match that brings out the very best in Cena. At the conclusion of the match, Rock needs to extend his hand to Cena. Cena should shake Rock's hand, but proceed to demolish The Great One, finally turning heel. They can have a return match at Summer Slam, where Rock picks up the win, and a rubber match at Mania 29, where Cena, as a face, wins the best of three.
the rock has been out of wrestling for a while and while he was gone cena was wrestling so cena will beat the rock by a little
I'm pretty sure the finish will be clean. I don't think they can bill a match for a year and not have it be conclusive, UNLESS...they are going to extend this and have the two clash again at Summerslam or something.

There was a rumour going round that they'd planned it to become a best 2 out of 3 series with matches at Summerslam and finally Survivor Series. Though I would rather see a conclusive match at Wrestlemania than have them drag out this thing for an additional seven months - a nineteen month feud where one participant is almost entirely absent, frankly, sucks.

Your in Rock's home town and he is the big star returning to the ring so whatever way you slice the "Pie" ;), Cena is the underdog! Not to mention his recent fall to Del Rio and Kane. And while ofcourse Cena is expierenced, he doesn't have the expierence that Rocky has! He has been at WWE for awhile now but Rock became a star when there were already TONS of popular star talent in WWE. So for every win Cena has had in his career, it still barley amounts to the kinda of NON-PG!!!!! matches Rock had and all the bumps he took, compared to the much more advanced PG era and not to mention Rocky was in WWE YEARS before Cena so whatever way you put it has more expierence than Cena as well you Roody Poo Candy Asses!

But suprisingly while I will vomit in my mouth a little when Cena beats the Rock, I think it should happen. Cena one has definatley earned. He is the worst wrestler since hogan and bores me to death now and days but he was the face of WWE(still in 2nd behind Punk) and has worked hard for it. Also it just makes sense, ten years before this at mania 18 we had Icon vs. Icon and Hogan passed the torch to The Rock, it now just his time to pass the torch!
The topic of "Why the Rock Should Lose to John Cena at WrestleMania 28" could be summed up in one word:


Having The Rock, a Hollywood actor, beat John Cena, the #1 star in the business today, would be an insult to every wrestler who's ever stepped in a wrestling ring and every fan who's ever watched a wrestling match. The Rock is an ACTOR. If he was coming back full time, or even part time, hell yeah you could make a case that he should beat John Cena. He's not. Once his program with Cena is over, he's gone for good. Hell, he can't even come back full time or part time to hype THIS match! He showed up for about 3 weeks to set up the match, he showed up for about 2 weeks to sell Survivor Series and start hyping the match, and he's going to come back for a few more weeks prior to this year's WrestleMania to get some ratings and a few buys. All told, the guy's not even going to be on Raw 10 times in the year plus build to this match. And this guy is going to beat the top star in the company? Forget who deserves to win, or this passing of the torch nonsense, Rock should REFUSE to win. If he has any respect for the business, any respect for anybody who's ever wrestled, and any respect for the fans, he would REFUSE to pin Cena. He would refuse any finish that's not a clean pinfall in the middle of the ring with Cena getting the victory.
i reckon they will book the match in a way that cena will have to 'embrace the hate' to win the match, thus the match ending in Cena winning by screwing the rock in some fashion. I mean that would be a great way to sort of 'pass the torch' in a way in that instead of actually passing it, cena is basically going to have to steal it from The Rock. Could be a great Wrestlemania moment that would live in history, like the Austin heel turn at WM 17.

I've been preaching this since they made the match.

First off, I absolutely think Rock should NOT win. mainly for the reasons other users have already commented on. But I think a very interesting scenario would be Cena cheating to win ala Austin @ WM17. Cena's heel turn can't just be on a regular Monday Night Raw or some random PPV. This INEVITABLE turn is possibly going to the biggest in history (with Hogans in 96). Therefore, it needs to be on the grandest stage of them all. It needs to be a WrestleMania moment. And seeing how if Cena wins cleanly here and remains face, I feel it would leave a sour taste in my mouth as Mania goes off the air. Imagine Cena flipping off the crowd to end the biggest PPV of the year. Wishful thinking, I know. :blush:
Of course Cena should win. Logically, it's the only outcome that makes sense for the WWE.

For the past several years, Cena's been THE man in the WWE. He's beaten everyone. He's super Cena.

Meanwhile, the Rock has wrestled only a couple of times in more or less the last decade.

What does it say about the WWE's talent roster, if the guy that beats all of them (Cena) can't even beat a guy that hasn't competed in years? I don't care if that guy is the Rock. It's still an inditement against the WWE as a whole. (all kayfabe of course)

Kudo's to creative if there is even a doubt about who will win right now, but as far as I'm concerned, there's only one logical outcome.
The topic of "Why the Rock Should Lose to John Cena at WrestleMania 28" could be summed up in one word:


Having The Rock, a Hollywood actor, beat John Cena, the #1 star in the business today, would be an insult to every wrestler who's ever stepped in a wrestling ring and every fan who's ever watched a wrestling match. The Rock is an ACTOR. If he was coming back full time, or even part time, hell yeah you could make a case that he should beat John Cena. He's not. Once his program with Cena is over, he's gone for good. Hell, he can't even come back full time or part time to hype THIS match! He showed up for about 3 weeks to set up the match, he showed up for about 2 weeks to sell Survivor Series and start hyping the match, and he's going to come back for a few more weeks prior to this year's WrestleMania to get some ratings and a few buys. All told, the guy's not even going to be on Raw 10 times in the year plus build to this match. And this guy is going to beat the top star in the company? Forget who deserves to win, or this passing of the torch nonsense, Rock should REFUSE to win. If he has any respect for the business, any respect for anybody who's ever wrestled, and any respect for the fans, he would REFUSE to pin Cena. He would refuse any finish that's not a clean pinfall in the middle of the ring with Cena getting the victory.

Rock wont be gone for good after Mania. Im sure he will be like Austin and doing what he does now. Also, what Rock is getting ready to do is more than anything hes done so far, and that's actually be apart of the show for a prolonged period of time. It doesn't need to be 10 weeks, these few weeks you said hes going to be on to boost buys is not just for that. Hes actually going to be a weekly figure again. That alone will make the build up this time around way better as Rock wont do one RAW and be gone again.

Also all this talk about Rock refusing and all this is a bit silly. Its not that serious and if Cena lost, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Im not expecting Cena to lose but people act like WWE and Cena is buried if Rock won. With that said, lets not forget that Rock for being a top star lost a lot. So its no stretch to see he will lose again.
Weird move, no doubt about it. This is an excellent promo song, as has already been proven by the excellent WrestleMania packages put together, but powerful enough to be the entrance music to the main event? No... I really don't think so. If it's going to be used in any way other than the official theme song of WrestleMania, it will probably be to set up Cena's elaborate entrance - which I'm really looking forward to this year. He's done it in previous years, where he'll use another song to set it up, and then actually come out to his own theme to march down the ramp.

I have a hunch this year might be different. This year it's not just some random John Cena match for the WWE title... It's Rock vs Cena, and it's likely the biggest "blockbuster" we're going to get for a VERY long time. In fact, if wresting just STOPED existing on April 1st, 2012 at 10pm CT, this is probably the way I'd want to see it end. I really doubt the Rock is going to come out with an army of clones, some ridiculous throne, P.O.D. playing live, or breaking through glass with a sports car... His iconic theme will hit, he'll march down to that ring, raise the arm into the air, slowly move his head from right to left, and that will be that. Rock has never needed anything else. And to match that, I wouldn't be surprised if John Cena came out to his theme (or maybe even "Invincible") with no ridiculousness. This is apparently surious bizness, and if he really does "embrace the hate" in order to beat the Rock, these two are going to go at it from beginning to end. I could easily see him rushing the ring, the bell ringing, and the two starting off with back and forth blows.

For the first time, I just don't think Cena NEEDS the theatrics of his normal over-the-top entrance. Yeah, it was rumored that he was going to use "Invincible", but plans always change even up to the day of the show. Whatever they do will pale in comparison to the match itself, so it really doesn't matter, but I honestly hope they keep it to a minimum.
I like it. I would like to see some sort of video package accompany it. More to the point I would love to see Cena get some new entrance music period. His old theme is ok but damn it is just old now. He has had it for ever and I think he needs something new and a but more fitting his current character.
Believe it or not, I'm actually going to be part of Team Cena for this match. I was a neutral fan but those video packages they aired at the Royal Rumble completely changed my view. I felt really sorry for Cena, he puts all the hard work in only to be turned on by the fans because a nostalgia act returned after several years. I'm not saying Cena's a great wrestler, but he feels like the hometown hero and the Rock feels a bit like an outsider...
Not to nitpick, but the fans turned on Cena wayyyyyyy before Rock came back. The Rock just solidifies the invisible line dividing the pro- and anti-Cena brigades. That being said, I was a tenured pro wrestling fan when fans turned on The Rock just as they have turned on Cena. I think many new age fans don't realize that Rock was booed as a face just as Cena is.

For reasons unrelated to face/heel/tweener/whatever alignment, I'm supporting Cena in this match because he is still a member of the active roster. I hated when Hogan returned to defeat HBK when HBK was still a full-time wrestler, and it'd be a shame to witness it again with Rock/Cena.
As a fan growing up through the days of Stone Cold Steve Austin, the birth of the nWo, The Rock, and through the PG era today. I might not be the greatest John Cena fan or a supporter for him by any means. But I can give him credit for everything he has been successful in as not only a wrestler, but as a person to. It has been a long time since a wrestler made such a positive impact to their fans away from the cameras and it is inspiring to say the least. As a ticket holder to Wrestlemania, I have to say this will be the match I gladly spent my money for. Two of the biggest legends in WWE history collide on the grandest stage of them all. Their's no need to set up a Face/heel feud for this. The drawing power between them will hype the match through the roof. The energy that will fill up the arena will be tangible, you would be able to carve it out of the air and bring it home with you. Anything less of a 5 star match will be a disappointment.
John Cena Vs The Rock....Begain at Wrestlemaina III. Hogan beats Andre! Andre pass's the tourch to Hulk Hogan for 16 years after that is the man. Wrestlemaina X8 Rock Vs Hogan, Hogan passes the tourch to The Rock. "one of my fav matches of all time" Now it's time to pass the tourch to Cena. I'm not a Cena fan by anymeans, Cena diffenlty deserves it. This match is gonna be awesome. If The Rock let's his ego get away I think it would diffently change the way I feel about him. The Rock is my all time fav! But he needs to pass the tourch NOW! And that may lead up to Cena ending the streak
After seeing several things going on with Cena/Kane, I think we are going to see a bit of a swerve by the WWE and a new stable will be created.

I remember watching Wrestlemania years ago when DX basically went into WM as heels, some how became cheered during a match and deemed good again, only to later turn heel a match or so later. I want to say this was the WM when Tyson reffed the Michaels/Austin match.

I think we will see something similar happen at this WM.

The WWE wants us to think that Cena and Ryder are going to have a huge falling out soon due to Eve. In reality, I think they are creating this false impression to dupe everyone at WM.

I won't be surprised to see Ryder come back soon and some how get a shot at Swagger for the US title at WM. The crowd is glad he's back and being a fan favorite, they want him to win and he does.

Then Eve gets a match against Beth Phoenix and beats her for the Diva's title at WM.

I can see the Rock and Cena battling it out and the match coming close to an end. The Rock is down on the mat, the ref is knocked out, and Cena staggers to his feet and all of a sudden, Ryder comes out to the ring with a chair in his hand and starts arguing with Cena. Meanwhile, Rock gets up and right when Ryder goes to hit Cena with the chair, Cena ducks and Rock get drilled. Cena acts like he doesn't know what to do and reluctantly pins the Rock.

He wins and Ryder comes into the ring and has a staredown with Cena. They both then grin, Ryder gives Cena the chair, and he proceeds to beat the tar out of the Rock. Eve runs down and hugs both of them and they create a new stable. The crowd would flip out to see the Rock lose in Miami and of course to see Cena win and turn heel.

From there, I could see Cena going after CM Punk at the next PPV and beating him for the title.

All 3 would hold titles and they would be hated for pulling one over on the fans. It would make sense for them to have one more person join them but I'm not certain who would make sense at this point though I would like to see someone like Cody Rhodes become part of it to give him more credibility.

Anyway, I'm just waiting for a complicated swerve during this match that makes everyone realize they have been swerved in many other ways without even knowing it.
A lot of you guys are forgetting that him not turning heel is probably as much of a move as him turning heel.

Think about it, everyone thinks/wants him to turn. How else to truly "Rise Above Hate" than to not turn heel? To truly be immovable? I think it's definately the more interesting move. You can have his character evolve and change as it has over the past 3 months and have him still be a babyface. There is just something iconic about being true to yourself. It's very different and would really make Cena stand out. I think in the long run, people will look back on Cena and respect him even more because of it. It's like how even though Cal Ripken's career is mediocre compared to Alex Rodriguez's, he's look at more fondly, he stayed with the same team the whole time and was an unwavering good guy.
After John Cena's promo on Raw (which i thought was very good by the way), everyone has been arguing whether or not Cena's claims against the Rock showing up and leaving are justified.

Some say the Rock is a special star and is beyond the level of having to work on a full time schedule or even make raw appearances.

Then there are people like me who think Cena has it right. Since he has come back, he hasn't helped anyone besides himself and he rarely shows up.

From reading comments around the internet, i can tell that everyone is divided on the issue. So, I ask you:

Who is right in this situation: John Cena or the Rock?

By the way, you choice does not reflect who you root for at Wrestlemania.
I'm on Team Bring It. I support The Rock.

However, what Cena said was true. The Rock did come back, did say he wasn't going to leave again which we all knew wasn't true, disappears and then returns like nothing has happened, tells his fans he loves them and that he's "The People's Champion" but the truth is he hasn't been that since 2002. He didn't just coincidently pop back up on WWE when Fast Five was coming out either. What Cena said is true, and The Rock does probably have someone writing his lines.

But either way, I like both guys, John Cena and The Rock are going to meet at Wrestlemania and the atmosphere will be out of this world. I want The Rock to win because when I was a kid he was the man to me, and he still is in a way even though I know in-truth, in-terms of being a professional wrestler The Rock sold-out.
Im rooting for dwane...
I dont know but ever since the CMPunk shoot, guys like John Cena have been trying to break the fourth wall in an effort to say the same things they said a year back. Not that what hes being saying has been wrong- he is completely right. The Rock isnt back full time, but he sure as hell is more connected to the "Universe" as he has been in the past few years. With this all being said, the past 11 months with the rocks involvement have been the best WWETV I can remember in a loooong time.

...of course fans of the rock want him back full time, but its not like the millions have a problem settling for the occasional dwane sighting.

I am rooting for him at mania for the reason that associate a better time in wrestling with him and associate a worse time in wrestling with Cena.
Rocky, regardless of whether or not he is wrong in some aspects, is a very entertaining individual, in and out of the ring, and makes WWETV alot more fun.

Looking forward to it.

40 days...
I'm not the biggest John Cena fan but Cena is 100% right I've felt that way since Dwanye re-appeared on WWE tv last year.

Dwayne walked away from WWE over 7 years ago albeit for a more luxurious career and living plus less abuse on his body but while he was gone Cena became the face of the company.

During Dwayne's time away during interview he was seperating himself from the business as if it meant nothing and he became too good for it. While away Cena took notice as did a lot of fans.

Now love him or hate him Cena is there every week entertaining fans while Dwayne just waltzes in back as if he actually cared. Guess what guys, he cares about himself he's there to promote his films, his tv appearances all the while he lies to his WWE fans. Now correct me if I'm wrong didn't Dwayne say he's back home and to stay or something to that extent?

This is insulting as Cena mentiond on Raw to the boys in the back that bust their ass daily for the company and Dwayne just walks in steald their time and takes their spot including an undeserved WM main event spot.

I know a lot of fans love Dwayne and that's fine he's very entertaining but how could they drink his kool-aid and believe his BS lies?

I'm pulling for Cena he's never lied to his fans and the man cares about them whether he's booed or cheered. He's not the best worker but he does work hard ever night.

Come Monday after WM where will Dwayne be? Very good question most of us know that answer.

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