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Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

  • Cena is Right.

  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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This "feud" if you wanna call it that seems like it has left a sour taste in alot of peoples mouths...Im not saying the match wont be successful because most likely this Mania will be the most bought Mania of all time....it is THE match...no denying that...but at the end of the day when you look at it looks worthless...dream match yes but it may be TOO BIG of a dreammatch to be possible....lets look at Cena...fans hate him...some love him...those who love him will always love him...those who hate are now being manipulated into liking him by him upping the Rock every week...wrist notes? Really?...Cena IS going to win at Mania...yes he doesnt need the rub but it doesnt make sense for a guy whos not there every week to win....then look at Rock...the fans that love him arent going anywhere...they planned this Mania in Miami...what the hell did the expect come April 1...everyone is gonna love Cena too? Both have valid arguments against each other but neither is wrong...its almost like they cancel each other out...you cant blame Rock for leaving, hes a grown man with his own decisions...Some may say Cena is jealous because he couldnt leave...who knows what wouldve happened if Cena actually made a good movie that kickstarted his acting career...he mightve become the biggest hypocrite that ever lived...All Im trying to say is that whatever they say its a dead end because the fans of both respectively are so passionate about each that it wont really matter in the end...the only way I could see this having any sort of payoff is if Rock wins, and then the next night he returns and says Im back for good...then it will have all been worth it...but most likely we get Cena winning, and then what? Besides more money in Vinces pocket what else do we get....yea Cena is edgier yada yada but the fans who dislike will still dislike him...they may respect him but thats as far as it goes...whats the point in giving Cena a rub when hes quite possibly a bigger star than Rock ever was based on sales and merchandise obviously. At the end of the day Im wondering what does it do for either man. If Cena wins what can he brag about. Same for Rock. What does it do for either man when they arent even gonna see each other anymore on a semi consistent basis? at this point Im ready for it to be over already, and I dont think Im the only one based off of other comments. Unless this is the start of Rocks full time return what the hell is the payoff on screen?....for Rock vs Hogan they BOTH had fans...and a pretty large fanbase to be honest..unlike with Cena and Rock where its overwhelmingly Rock fans...either this is to get everyone liking Cena or I dunno wth it is
I think The Rock vs. John Cena is as pointless as:

WM Hulk Hogan and Mr. T vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff
WWE Champion should have defended the…WWE Championship

WM 2 Mr. T vs. Rowdy Roddy Piper in a Boxing match
Really?? Then Paul Orndorff should have face Hogan for the Title, right??

WM 2 Battle Royal featuring the NFL Players
I can deal with a Celebrity match. I can deal with a Celebrity Tag Team match (imagine Jeri-Show defending the WWE World Tag Team Titles against Shaq and Money). But a Battle Royal where half the entrants are NFL Players??

WM XI Lawrence Taylor vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
This just makes me mad.

WM X8 The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
Who knew 10 years later the Rock would be playing the old but respected Legend and someone else would play the Star of the show today.

WM XIX Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon
Yeah, Flair and / or Piper should have been included in this match making it a Triple Threat / Fatal Four Way match.

WM XIX Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock
If Austin won, that would have been too much. If the Rock won, as he did, I feel they needed 2 more matches at Mania, hence not enough.

WM XX Goldberg vs. Brock Lesnar
Well, you saw what happened.

WM 23 Bobby Lashley vs. Umaga
Vince and Donald should have just been in the match with Lashley and Umaga in the corners.

WM XXIV Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. The Big Show
Jericho teaming up with Big Show and Shaq teaming up with Floyd would have made this match seem a little more even.

What I mean is:
Yes, it’s not for a Title.
Yes, whatever the outcome is, won’t affect anything from April 2, 2012 to WM XXIX, or WM 29, or WM XX9.
Yes, it’s was just to sell tickets.

Point is it’s a Main Attraction match that can only take place on the Grandest Stage of Them All. I’m a Starter on Team Bring It. My 3 year old is a citizen of the CeNation. That’s what makes this match far from pointless.
It could be pointless but it is being compared to The Rock v Hulk Hogan at WM18. It is the figurative passing of the torch so to say. I feel as far as a storyline... hell no there's no point. You'd be delirious if you thought the "story" would be any more than this little talking battle.

There are a lot of other matches that could have been labeled as pointless (aka the ones above in the previous post) but this one, at least both guys are wrestling and it is about pride. Not much more to say on the issue.
I was a huge Rock fan when he was in his prime, and I respect the fact that he wanted to further his career by doing movies. 99% of wrestlers would do the same thing if given the opportunity. It baffles me at how much hate The Rock gets from the IWC.

However, Cena is handing beat-down after beat-down to Rock in his promos. For being one of the best promo guys ever in the business, Rock clearly struggled after Cena left the ring on Raw. I know he had many years away from WWE, but I've expected better promos from Rocky. The constant "trending Twitter" references are absurd and annoying. I'm hoping Rocky turns on the heat in the upcoming weeks to further sell the main event.

With liking both guys, I'm looking forward to their match at Mania. As stated previously, I don't see a logical reason for The Rock to win unless he's sticking around (highly unlikely). I totally agree with the fact that just because Mania is in Miami DOESN'T mean The Rock has to win. The crowd reaction will be great, and both Cena and Rock are excellent performers. In my opinion, Cena deserves to win this match because of his contributions to the business, and for the fact that he is the WWE's top guy.
I hope Vince doesnt try to do whats right for the company AND have the fans go home happy. Its one or the other...trying to do both will come off anti climatic.

But thats my prediction. Cena will win and the Rock will give him a post match beatdown.
This "feud" if you wanna call it that seems like it has left a sour taste in alot of peoples mouths...Im not saying the match wont be successful because most likely this Mania will be the most bought Mania of all time....it is THE match...no denying that...but at the end of the day when you look at it looks worthless...dream match yes but it may be TOO BIG of a dreammatch to be possible....lets look at Cena...fans hate him...some love him...those who love him will always love him...those who hate are now being manipulated into liking him by him upping the Rock every week...wrist notes? Really?...Cena IS going to win at Mania...yes he doesnt need the rub but it doesnt make sense for a guy whos not there every week to win....then look at Rock...the fans that love him arent going anywhere...they planned this Mania in Miami...what the hell did the expect come April 1...everyone is gonna love Cena too? Both have valid arguments against each other but neither is wrong...its almost like they cancel each other out...you cant blame Rock for leaving, hes a grown man with his own decisions...Some may say Cena is jealous because he couldnt leave...who knows what wouldve happened if Cena actually made a good movie that kickstarted his acting career...he mightve become the biggest hypocrite that ever lived...All Im trying to say is that whatever they say its a dead end because the fans of both respectively are so passionate about each that it wont really matter in the end...the only way I could see this having any sort of payoff is if Rock wins, and then the next night he returns and says Im back for good...then it will have all been worth it...but most likely we get Cena winning, and then what? Besides more money in Vinces pocket what else do we get....yea Cena is edgier yada yada but the fans who dislike will still dislike him...they may respect him but thats as far as it goes...whats the point in giving Cena a rub when hes quite possibly a bigger star than Rock ever was based on sales and merchandise obviously. At the end of the day Im wondering what does it do for either man. If Cena wins what can he brag about. Same for Rock. What does it do for either man when they arent even gonna see each other anymore on a semi consistent basis? at this point Im ready for it to be over already, and I dont think Im the only one based off of other comments. Unless this is the start of Rocks full time return what the hell is the payoff on screen?....for Rock vs Hogan they BOTH had fans...and a pretty large fanbase to be honest..unlike with Cena and Rock where its overwhelmingly Rock fans...either this is to get everyone liking Cena or I dunno wth it is
That's exactly what it is. Finally, the ROCK HAS COME BACK!... to put Cena over.

They scripted Cena to beat y2j, HHH, HBK, Angle, Batista, Orton, Edge etc., and NONE OF THAT helped him get over with guys. So now they paid the Rock to help them in their 100000th attempt to get Cena over with guys.

Cena can't get over on his own, he needs constant help.
That's exactly what it is. Finally, the ROCK HAS COME BACK!... to put Cena over.

They scripted Cena to beat y2j, HHH, HBK, Angle, Batista, Orton, Edge etc., and NONE OF THAT helped him get over with guys. So now they paid the Rock to help them in their 100000th attempt to get Cena over with guys.

Cena can't get over on his own, he needs constant help.

So glad to see that a Cena Hater has finally understood it. Yes, they scripted it. They cheated you. They told you it was real, but it wasn't. Everybody backstage has contributed to this conspiracy against you. But, now that you have figured it all out, your next target it get over it and enjoy the show to avoid any future embarrassment.

If you really want to run your little mind, then try to realize why they chose Cena of all people. Would Jericho/HBK/Angle (yes these midgets) look more of a champion than Cena to an average viewer? Or should it have been that Monster HHH/Batista, or opportunist Edge/Orton? Maybe I am not much of a purist, but Cena beats all of them when it comes to personality and confidence of a positive character or a role model that WWE was looking for.
I totally agree with the fact that just because Mania is in Miami DOESN'T mean The Rock has to win.

But does WWE really want their top guy, the face of the company, to be booed out of the building, at their top show? (because that is what is going to happen, if he beats Rock).

I don't understand how they "save face" so-to-speak, with the Cena character at Wrestlemania. He's going to get booed. If they think making the match about Dwayne Johnson (rather than the rock) vs. Cena is going to make a difference, they're wrong. There's nothing The Rock could do from here on out that would make those fans in Miami boo him and there's nothing Cena can do to prevent himself from being booed out of the building.

So by making Rock look weak (and Cena strong) in this feud, many of Rock's diehard fans (who are likely NOT Cena fans and never were) are going to hate Cena even more.

Cena gains no fans from this and risks further alienation of the fanbase by winning. If The Rock wins, the little Jimmies won't like The Rock (but who cares, they don't anyway AND The Rock is a part-timer anyway so what does it matter?), but everyone else will be happy and in fact, Cena might actually gain some fans.

Let Cena win the rematch at Summer Slam so then everyone's happy.
But does WWE really want their top guy, the face of the company, to be booed out of the building, at their top show? (because that is what is going to happen, if he beats Rock).

I don't understand how they "save face" so-to-speak, with the Cena character at Wrestlemania. He's going to get booed. If they think making the match about Dwayne Johnson (rather than the rock) vs. Cena is going to make a difference, they're wrong. There's nothing The Rock could do from here on out that would make those fans in Miami boo him and there's nothing Cena can do to prevent himself from being booed out of the building.

So by making Rock look weak (and Cena strong) in this feud, many of Rock's diehard fans (who are likely NOT Cena fans and never were) are going to hate Cena even more.

Cena gains no fans from this and risks further alienation of the fanbase by winning. If The Rock wins, the little Jimmies won't like The Rock (but who cares, they don't anyway AND The Rock is a part-timer anyway so what does it matter?), but everyone else will be happy and in fact, Cena might actually gain some fans.

Let Cena win the rematch at Summer Slam so then everyone's happy.

Also i think the wwe has to choose between getting their million plus ppv buys or putting cena over the rock. If they keep trying to make the crowd 50/50 they may potentially hurt buys because the main reason for people buying would be to see THE ROCK not dwayne johnson and not to see Cena defeat the rock on the mic and ring. The main reason for this to be a dream match is because people wanted to see THE ROCK kick cena's ass on the mic and in the ring. So i think wwe are threading down a thin line with the direction they are taking and only the ppv buys would tell. Why does every frickin thing has to be about Cena?
Also i think the wwe has to choose between getting their million plus ppv buys or putting cena over the rock. If they keep trying to make the crowd 50/50 they may potentially hurt buys because the main reason for people buying would be to see THE ROCK not dwayne johnson and not to see Cena defeat the rock on the mic and ring. The main reason for this to be a dream match is because people wanted to see THE ROCK kick cena's ass on the mic and in the ring. So i think wwe are threading down a thin line with the direction they are taking and only the ppv buys would tell. Why does every frickin thing has to be about Cena?

That's a great point. Most fans probably want to see The Rock character against John Cena and not the Dwayne Johnson character that WWE is pushing this towards.
The only thing is, IF they're booking Cena to win this match IT could open the door for a rematch because The Rock can say Cena beat Dwayne Johnson but he never beat The Rock and The Rock is going to lay the smackdown at Summer Slam.
That's a great point. Most fans probably want to see The Rock character against John Cena and not the Dwayne Johnson character that WWE is pushing this towards.
The only thing is, IF they're booking Cena to win this match IT could open the door for a rematch because The Rock can say Cena beat Dwayne Johnson but he never beat The Rock and The Rock is going to lay the smackdown at Summer Slam.

Yet last week Rock was in the ring trying to convince us that "The Rock" and "Dwayne Johnson" were the same person which we all know is total BS. And then we have SDS here saying Cena may gain some fans if he loses to the Rock. That's also total BS and you know it. Cena won't gain any fans that hate him now because all they want to see is Cena getting his ass kicked. They're not going to be sympathetic.
First off, I got the go ahead of Jack-hammer to put this in the wrestlemania area, but if it needs to be removed or merged, thats fine.

We have all been debating if this is a shoot feud or a worked feud. The animosity and attacks seem quite real and personal, so is it one big work, or do they actually hate each other.

I think its a work for the following reasons:

Cena has always been a company man. He wouldnt come out and shoot on the rock (the guy who has come back to put him over). He would never go against the WWE like that.

Rock has never used notes on his arms before. He has some of the best lines we have ever seen, and yet has never used notes before. He also drew attention to his arms before he started. Hell, his job is acting. He has to memorize thousands of lines of script. You really think he cant remember to call Cena a kung poa bitch?

Rock has never had a problem putting over. A short list of people who the Rock helped get over, and even gave their first main event title too is:
Foley, HHH, Jericho, Big Show, Lesnar, Goldberg, and even evolution in Orton. Hell the Rock lost cleanly as a face to Lesnar, something Austin walked out of the company to avoid doing. The Rock has also been a company man when working for the WWE and never tries to use politics to get his way.

So what do you think? Work or Shoot.
First off, I got the go ahead of Jack-hammer to put this in the wrestlemania area, but if it needs to be removed or merged, thats fine.

We have all been debating if this is a shoot feud or a worked feud. The animosity and attacks seem quite real and personal, so is it one big work, or do they actually hate each other.

I think its a work for the following reasons:

Cena has always been a company man. He wouldnt come out and shoot on the rock (the guy who has come back to put him over). He would never go against the WWE like that.

Rock has never used notes on his arms before. He has some of the best lines we have ever seen, and yet has never used notes before. He also drew attention to his arms before he started. Hell, his job is acting. He has to memorize thousands of lines of script. You really think he cant remember to call Cena a kung poa bitch?

Rock has never had a problem putting over. A short list of people who the Rock helped get over, and even gave their first main event title too is:
Foley, HHH, Jericho, Big Show, Lesnar, Goldberg, and even evolution in Orton. Hell the Rock lost cleanly as a face to Lesnar, something Austin walked out of the company to avoid doing. The Rock has also been a company man when working for the WWE and never tries to use politics to get his way.

So what do you think? Work or Shoot.

I would say majority of it was a work, but there has to be some aspects that are a shoot.

Let's be clear, Rock's job is to get Cena over before, during and after WM. In my mind, he's doing a terrific job. And part of his job was to let Cena come in and talk smack, but for him to have the final word. I think the content of what Cena said threw Rock off (maybe they agreed that Cena would say something else, but he came out and said something different). It could also have been Cena bringing up the notes (Cena spoofing this after Rock left made me think there's more to the story than we're aware).

As much of a company man that Cena is, I'm pretty sure that he's one of the "boys" as well. He said a few weeks back (which I believe to be true) that he's fighting on behalf of the locker room, everybody that wanted to be and stay a pro wrestler. Also, let's not forget that being a "company man" comes with listening to Vince's ideas and suggestions. He suggested that Shawn Michaels screw Bret, he suggested HHH pretend to have sex with a mannequin in a funeral parlor, he suggested that Mick Foley should fall off the top of a steel cell. Why wouldn't Vince suggest to Cena that he make the feud a bit more intense.

Credit where it's due, Rock is going above and beyond (getting Cena over without losing his own momentum too much). But there are elements of a shoot happening.
The crowd was chanting Tooth Fairy at Rock tonight. If the Rock was really on the ball, he could have come back and said that the Tooth Fairy outsold The Marine at the box office 5 to 1. ZING!


I think you missed the point in the chant. They weren't making fun of him being the Tooth Fairy due to the movie being a box office flop. Would you rather be called a marine or a tooth fairy?

Besides, if The Rock came back and said that, he would seem like a heel for flaunting his money. I think he handled it in the best way he could, by mostly ignoring it and not reacting in any major way. In my opinion, he followed it with the best part of any promo he has done since coming back a year ago. (the "strip everything away, and this is what I am" speech)
After watching Cena catch Rock off guard two weeks in a row now in live promo's (the notes on the wrist and asking Rock 'what you got' repeatedly), resulting in Rock losing his composure, it makes me wonder why the WWE are pursuing this route with their feud.

With neither Cena or Rock playing a full fledged Heel the feud ever seemed to gain steam. That was until Cena interrupted Rock on Raw and followed in CM Punks style of late and 'broke the 4th wall', or so it seemed. Whether this is a shoot or a work is regardless of the fact that this is overall a negative rather than a positive.

The Rock is great at promo's. I dont give a fuck if they are scripted or not. His promos can be scathing, funny, idiotic, spellbinding...and as we have learnt now, a bit shit, thanks to Cena throwing his off his mark, with what I believe (with is insignificant anyway) was a shoot.

I get that it could be a work. Cena throwing Rock off humanises him to the fans and makes him Dwayne Johnson, albeit for a brief moment; thus proving Cena's point that he hides behind a persona. Cena seemingly doing so again this week leading to Rock promising to rip out his throat (not very PG imo lol) could be WWE's attempt to give Rock a bit of his credability back and add further realism to the story. I on the otherhand read something else.

If the note on the wrist comment was a shoot, and Rocks subsequent Booker T style ramblings was due to this, then Rocks history lessons we're WWE's was of exposing the audience to The Rock we remember. Shootin' from the hip, always on form, never at a loss of words to beat his opponents over the head with. His segment with Cena to close the show should have had Rock keep the upper hand on Cena, possibly with something similar to close as the 'rip your throat out' line, and leave looking strong. But instead Cena messes with Rock again and he loses his temper, comes off sounding not like The Rock but a frustrated worker and then leaves Cena smiling in the ring as he walks to the back.

Rock looks weak. Cena looks like he is either pissed that Rock is gonna win at Wrestlemania and is doing everything to put out any momentum he might have gained before the PPV. If WWE expect this to be the biggest draw ever, and the The Rock is the man responsible for this, then why make him look shit going in to the PPV? If Rock has turned heel this would have been a simple fued to build; the Rock lovers still love Rock (hes always better as a Heel) and Cena is there to catch the kiddies and women who are repelled by Rock Pec Pop of Love. It would have been 50/50, just like they apparently want it.

Maybe Rock was commited to more dates than he made, maybe the feud was meant to carry on over the year more coherently somehow and Rock couldnt make it, leading to Vince giving Cena the nod to bury Rock a lil to put him in his place. Maybe Rock is losing it and he cant cut a promo looking at Cenas slappable face.

This is pure specualtion. I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter as Im definitely under the impression something else is going on here.

Oh and before we get into the semantics of how it may be a full work, that the storyline has gone right the way WWE wanted it to and that we're walking right into their nefarious clutches I urge you to understand that Ive thought of this; and I dont think that is the case.

So please, your thoughts Gentlemen/women :)
After watching RAW tonight I had goosebumps. This was one of the better RAWs in a while. Then I get on WZ and all I see is people shi***** on the Rock/Cena fued. Di you guys not see the promos tonight? They were GOLD. They looked real. When Rock and Cena were in the ring, you could see the hatred pouring out from them. These are two guys that REALLY dont like eachother.

Some of the complaints I saw when I got on...

Cena's body language- :disappointed: Are You Serious Bro? His body language. Yeah, he was crooked and didnt look like he cared when the Rock was talking. BECAUSE HE DONT LIKE HIM. It was gold to me. Cena looked like he didnt like the Rock. next..

No Physicality- Why do we need them to hit eachother already. The promos are good enough. There is no need to have them trade blows already.

next...and this is my favorite...

Rock and Cena need to have tune-up matches- :wtf: tune up matches. You want to have the ROCK fight someone like Jack Swagger on RAW? Why in the blue hell would they do that. The Rock in matches are special things now a days. You dont waste it on RAW. Not to mention risking injury. Then what do you do. Your biggest WrestleMania ever is shot.

To me, all the promos by Cena and Rock were GOLD tonight. You had the perfect amount of funny jokes and seriousness. When Rock came out, you could tell that he had the look in his eyes like he was done playing games. I loved how he made his point and left this time. We dont get repetition. I dont know what much more you want from these two. But me, the past few weeks have gotten me SOLD on this match. Cena and The Rock have made me interested in The Match. You can see the hatred between those two. That promo wasnt scripted. They were both fighting to get their words out. It looked like a real verbal fight.

Sorry about the rant .:shrug:

What about you guys?
It is a FULL WORK. If they let Rock and Cena go unscripted, Cena would have no fans by now. But Rock agreed to let Cena get some shots in, and not go 100%. Rock handicaps himself for the sake of Cena.

I have very little interest in this.
Or maybe, just maybe, Cena is more in touch with 2012 WWE and is actually outperforming Rock?

Let's put it this way. What makes the match one year in the making so appealing is the idea of two iconic wrestling figures meeting in the ring for the first time. They need to do so as the characters that we've grown accustomed to and have formulated opinions about. That's why neither is going to "turn heel" for the match up. It's bigger if you have them as the characters they are known for. The second part is that we want and NEED these two men to be at their absolute best. What good is having anyone performing at a level below what they are capable of?

That's why I find it downright insulting and utterly laughable that anyone suggests that Rock is under-performing in an effort to split the crowd. What good would it be for the WWE to have Rock performing at a lower level? The only people suggesting this are those that have this ridiculous notion that somehow John Cena is nowhere near as talented as Rock in any capacity. That notion, at least to those attempting to be fair when seeing the last year unfold, has been thoroughly debunked. All that's left is a few Cena haters and or Rock loyalists who will swear that no matter what Rock is just on another level that Cena can't perform at. Problem is, that's just not true.

Now, I don't work for the company nor do I claim to have any inside knowledge. However, I do understand economics and I know that the goal here is to get both guys firing on all cylinders so it's a battle of who's best. You can't find out who's best if one guy is "dogging it" so that the other guy looks better. If that's true, the match means nothing so why do it?

Thus, what's "really going on" is that Cena has simply outperformed the Rock. This isn't new either. Last year at this time Cena and Rock were verbally battling and with no match imminent, many felt Cena outwitted Rock. Now they are building towards and epic match and again, that sentiment remains the same. Today I thought the Rock did well in a couple of the segments that he taped but his in ring portion was just ok. What I've come to realize, and it hasn't been easy as I was brought back to wrestling in 1998 by the Rock who was my favorite wrestler for a long time, is that the Rock in 2012 simply doesn't fit that well. He gets over on nostalgia and charisma, but his stuff isn't as funny or creative for the most part as 10 years ago. Yes, the pretapes were pretty good today, but Rock being serious hasn't worked so well and Cena has gotten the better of him. Sure, some people who can't come to grips with it will find any excuse in the book as to why Cena isn't outperforming Rock or why he is but it's because Rock is playing down to Cena but that's simply not true. Tell me what more Rock could do? What could he do that he isn't doing now?

Truth is, he threw everything but the kitchen sink out in the pre-tapes today and they were pretty good. Heck, they were even funny. He can't be serious though and that's where Cena's getting him. It's ok to admit that in 2012, Cena simply is getting the best of Rock and it's because he's a great performer. Yes, Cena is a great performer, probably one of the best I've ever seen as far as the total wrestling package. Go ahead, challenge that thought and tell me why he's not that good. I'd love to hear it.
After watching Cena catch Rock off guard two weeks in a row now in live promo's (the notes on the wrist and asking Rock 'what you got' repeatedly), resulting in Rock losing his composure

Why do you think Rock lost composure this week? He definitely did last week, but I didn't see that happen this Raw.

It is a FULL WORK. If they let Rock and Cena go unscripted, Cena would have no fans by now. But Rock agreed to let Cena get some shots in, and not go 100%. Rock handicaps himself for the sake of Cena.

I agree here. If you look at Rock's youtube shoot from last summer (where he announced the Survivor Series return), it's evident that WWE is holding Rock back from going all out and burying their top guy
Its all a Work. The Rock returned to WWE after 7 years just to put over Cena and look weak.
Just look at other Rock's promos and compare it to Rock's promos nowadays and you will see the difference. Its obvious they are all scripted to make Cena look strong.
Or maybe, just maybe, Cena is more in touch with 2012 WWE and is actually outperforming Rock?

Let's put it this way. What makes the match one year in the making so appealing is the idea of two iconic wrestling figures meeting in the ring for the first time. They need to do so as the characters that we've grown accustomed to and have formulated opinions about. That's why neither is going to "turn heel" for the match up. It's bigger if you have them as the characters they are known for. The second part is that we want and NEED these two men to be at their absolute best. What good is having anyone performing at a level below what they are capable of?

That's why I find it downright insulting and utterly laughable that anyone suggests that Rock is under-performing in an effort to split the crowd. What good would it be for the WWE to have Rock performing at a lower level? The only people suggesting this are those that have this ridiculous notion that somehow John Cena is nowhere near as talented as Rock in any capacity. That notion, at least to those attempting to be fair when seeing the last year unfold, has been thoroughly debunked. All that's left is a few Cena haters and or Rock loyalists who will swear that no matter what Rock is just on another level that Cena can't perform at. Problem is, that's just not true.

Now, I don't work for the company nor do I claim to have any inside knowledge. However, I do understand economics and I know that the goal here is to get both guys firing on all cylinders so it's a battle of who's best. You can't find out who's best if one guy is "dogging it" so that the other guy looks better. If that's true, the match means nothing so why do it?

Thus, what's "really going on" is that Cena has simply outperformed the Rock. This isn't new either. Last year at this time Cena and Rock were verbally battling and with no match imminent, many felt Cena outwitted Rock. Now they are building towards and epic match and again, that sentiment remains the same. Today I thought the Rock did well in a couple of the segments that he taped but his in ring portion was just ok. What I've come to realize, and it hasn't been easy as I was brought back to wrestling in 1998 by the Rock who was my favorite wrestler for a long time, is that the Rock in 2012 simply doesn't fit that well. He gets over on nostalgia and charisma, but his stuff isn't as funny or creative for the most part as 10 years ago. Yes, the pretapes were pretty good today, but Rock being serious hasn't worked so well and Cena has gotten the better of him. Sure, some people who can't come to grips with it will find any excuse in the book as to why Cena isn't outperforming Rock or why he is but it's because Rock is playing down to Cena but that's simply not true. Tell me what more Rock could do? What could he do that he isn't doing now?

Truth is, he threw everything but the kitchen sink out in the pre-tapes today and they were pretty good. Heck, they were even funny. He can't be serious though and that's where Cena's getting him. It's ok to admit that in 2012, Cena simply is getting the best of Rock and it's because he's a great performer. Yes, Cena is a great performer, probably one of the best I've ever seen as far as the total wrestling package. Go ahead, challenge that thought and tell me why he's not that good. I'd love to hear it.
You are wrong. WWE does NOT want Rock firing on all cylinders because that would destroy Cena, then they would not sell as much Cena merch. Don't you get that? Do you honestly think the Rock was legitimately flustered? He wasn't, it was an ACT.

You asked "What more can Rock do than what he's doing?" Not act flustered, not let Cena talk, and tell him to know his role and shut his mouth. You know that when Rock is at his best, he will cut guys off, then bury them. But not this time because WWE won't let him.

Yes, the match means nothing if Rock purposely dogs it. But not to the Jimmies who think it's real. More Jimmies = more $$$ for WWE.

You want to know why Cena is not a good performer? He is lame on the mic. He's not funny or interesting. He absolutely sucked tonite, like always. "Wow, this place is packed. Is the Rock the Situation?" Then Cena went on to explain last week's angle for those who didn't get the story that WWE is trying to tell.

Cena's explanation is solid proof that it's all a work. He specifically told everyone that Rock was flustered, and his promo rambled on.

If you think Cena is a good performer, then you have VERY low standards when it comes to being entertained. Go watch the Attitude Era, then compare that to Cena's work. You won't be able to sit through 1 minute of Cena after that.
Dude, it WAS scripted. By God, these are 2 hard-working, God-fearing guys. They DON'T hate each other. Holy shit.

You don't make it as far in life as they have if you truly hate people. They're not friends, but they don't hate each other. Or even dislike each other. They're working together to make money. Don't be such a mark.

And wrestling fans aren't happy because it's hard for current WWE to live up to the Attitude Era, which we hold as the standard of sports entertainment.
Or maybe, just maybe, Cena is more in touch with 2012 WWE and is actually outperforming Rock?

Let's put it this way. What makes the match one year in the making so appealing is the idea of two iconic wrestling figures meeting in the ring for the first time. They need to do so as the characters that we've grown accustomed to and have formulated opinions about. That's why neither is going to "turn heel" for the match up. It's bigger if you have them as the characters they are known for. The second part is that we want and NEED these two men to be at their absolute best. What good is having anyone performing at a level below what they are capable of?

That's why I find it downright insulting and utterly laughable that anyone suggests that Rock is under-performing in an effort to split the crowd. What good would it be for the WWE to have Rock performing at a lower level? The only people suggesting this are those that have this ridiculous notion that somehow John Cena is nowhere near as talented as Rock in any capacity. That notion, at least to those attempting to be fair when seeing the last year unfold, has been thoroughly debunked. All that's left is a few Cena haters and or Rock loyalists who will swear that no matter what Rock is just on another level that Cena can't perform at. Problem is, that's just not true.

Now, I don't work for the company nor do I claim to have any inside knowledge. However, I do understand economics and I know that the goal here is to get both guys firing on all cylinders so it's a battle of who's best. You can't find out who's best if one guy is "dogging it" so that the other guy looks better. If that's true, the match means nothing so why do it?

Thus, what's "really going on" is that Cena has simply outperformed the Rock. This isn't new either. Last year at this time Cena and Rock were verbally battling and with no match imminent, many felt Cena outwitted Rock. Now they are building towards and epic match and again, that sentiment remains the same. Today I thought the Rock did well in a couple of the segments that he taped but his in ring portion was just ok. What I've come to realize, and it hasn't been easy as I was brought back to wrestling in 1998 by the Rock who was my favorite wrestler for a long time, is that the Rock in 2012 simply doesn't fit that well. He gets over on nostalgia and charisma, but his stuff isn't as funny or creative for the most part as 10 years ago. Yes, the pretapes were pretty good today, but Rock being serious hasn't worked so well and Cena has gotten the better of him. Sure, some people who can't come to grips with it will find any excuse in the book as to why Cena isn't outperforming Rock or why he is but it's because Rock is playing down to Cena but that's simply not true. Tell me what more Rock could do? What could he do that he isn't doing now?

Truth is, he threw everything but the kitchen sink out in the pre-tapes today and they were pretty good. Heck, they were even funny. He can't be serious though and that's where Cena's getting him. It's ok to admit that in 2012, Cena simply is getting the best of Rock and it's because he's a great performer. Yes, Cena is a great performer, probably one of the best I've ever seen as far as the total wrestling package. Go ahead, challenge that thought and tell me why he's not that good. I'd love to hear it.

So you think this isn't a work and that The Rock is simply not as good as people have said, or that Cena is better than we all know him to be. Then I have a simple challenge for you.

Go find me a single promo done by The Rock during the attitude era and early 2000s in which he had any part of his promo written on his wrist.

Go ahead I'll wait...

still waiting....

still waiting...

waiting some more...




gonna be here a while...

still waiting...

whats that couldn't find one...hm wonder why that is. Simply put The Rock is being held back, but honestly I don't think it's creative telling him "go out there and only do it half as good as you can to make Cena look strong" I think it's more "Rock remember we are PG now so you can't say everything you would normally say." When I saw Rock stumble a bit last night my thought wasn't "damn Cena got the best of him" it was "lol Rock had to catch himself before he broke PG" and that is really the way it is. The Rock isn't a PG based character and being in a PG environment does in fact handcuff him in a way that Cena's character currently isn't.

Also if you haven't noticed there are several things that Rock normally does in promos he hasn't done to Cena just a couple off the top of my head...

"It doesn't matter what your name is"

"After X boring minutes The Rock says know your roll and shut your mouth"

and really if it wasn't 8am and I had actually gotten some sleep I could prolly give you more but I digress. The fact is The Rock has been watered down be it by the PG, or by creative and fi you really honest and truthfully had watched the attitude era and been a Rock fan like you claim you would of known this instantly.
Wow...doing the whole waiting waiting waiting schtick in a single post. That really proved your point.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason Cena has been destroying the Rock is because Dwayne isn't the Rock anymore? Let me put it this way...If you could have Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant or LeBron James in their prime, which one are you going to take? Michael Jordan. In his prime, Jordan was arguably the greatest basketball player ever. Same question, except instead of being in his prime, you have to take Jordan now. You still want him? Or would Jordan be the LAST one of that group you would take?

Dwayne Johnson is past his prime. He hasn't been the "Rock" for so long, he forgot how. Now he is just an actor trying to recreate the magic he once had. Cena looks better than the Rock because Cena IS better than the Rock...at least better than the 2012 imitation version. Rock in his prime? Maybe he would have destroyed Cena on the microphone, maybe not.

But he simply isn't that guy anymore. He lost something vital, and he hasn't rediscovered it yet. He is a shell of his former self.

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