Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

  • Cena is Right.

  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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Emmmmm did you see the tag match at Survivor Series? The Rock looked great and he was wrestling pretty dam good too! He even busted out some moves we hadn't seen (at least I hadn't anyway) from him before (fisherman's suplex, magistral cradle).

Comparing the physical condition of The Rock in 2012 to Hulk Hogan in 2002 is silly, and a little unfair to Hogan to be fair.

Hogan was nearing 49, his body was very broken down and I'm not too sure how long he had to get into shape before he made his WWE return.

Rock on the other hand is nearly 40 and has had a full year to get himself in the best shape of his life - not to mention he's not got any injuries from years and years of working matches on his body too.

Wait 'til we see the match, Rock will definitely be able to go, definitely.

yeah...I saw the Rock in a very controlled environment, for a few minutes only, nothing remotely similar to what his match with Cena will be. I also remember Hulk Hogan being the top heel of WCW only a few years prior to rejoining the WWE. I also remember Hulk Hogan becoming the last ever WWF Champion a month later. (renamed to WWE Title due to World Wildlife Foundation bullshit). I remember him winning the Tag Team titles with Edge that summer, and I remember Hulk Hogan beating Vince at Wrestlemania XIX (20+ minute match) too. He was an active wrestler for the next full year after Wrestlemania X8. So, for a guy who was supposedly broken down, it's obvious that in 2002, Hulk Hogan still had plenty in the tank.
Another difference you chose to ignore:

Hulk Hogan was still an active wrestler, the Rock hasn't wrestled a real match in 8 years. IE, Hulk Hogan, from a practical standpoint, was in much better ring shape than the Rock will be, because he didn't take an 8 year break. Older, yes. Slowing down? Certainly. But, Hogan had no ring rust whatsoever, and put on a much better match than anyone thought he could. Rock didn't make that match a classic, Hulk Hogan did, because he exceeded expectations. Further, Hulk Hogan won the WWE Championship and the Tag Team championships AFTER his match against the Rock, so claiming that he was living on nothing but his name is patently ridiculous.

Further, how do you know that Rock can still do what he did 8 years ago? What evidence do you have to support that? You can be in great physical shape and not be anywhere close to the level of performer you used to be. The truth is, we have NOTHING to judge Rock's ring readiness on. To claim that he is just as good now as he was during the height of the Attitude era is purely speculative, and will be until Sunday, when we can actually see him wrestle again. Maybe he is as good as he once was, maybe he isn't. But to claim that he is already is completely unknowable. There is simply no evidence to support it.

Hogan was around but he couldn't do anything. Their match at X8 was great because of the crowd. A crowd that didn't care what Hogan did in the ring, and only that he ws their.

Now The Rock has things going for him here that Hogan didn't. He is younger and in better shape. This means he will have the endurance to put on a match while hitting all his spots. His body is fresh and free of injury and most importantly he has no nagging injuries that will never go away like Hogan does/did at X8. And furthurmore we have seen Rock at Survivor Series and he looked great. He is in the best shape of his life and is still in his physical peak.

Hell, 8 years away and he is still a better wrestler then Cena. Rock will carry the match which under the circumstances is one of the saddest things I can think of for Cena.
Hogan was around but he couldn't do anything. Their match at X8 was great because of the crowd. A crowd that didn't care what Hogan did in the ring, and only that he ws their.

Now The Rock has things going for him here that Hogan didn't. He is younger and in better shape. This means he will have the endurance to put on a match while hitting all his spots. His body is fresh and free of injury and most importantly he has no nagging injuries that will never go away like Hogan does/did at X8. And furthurmore we have seen Rock at Survivor Series and he looked great. He is in the best shape of his life and is still in his physical peak.

Hell, 8 years away and he is still a better wrestler then Cena. Rock will carry the match which under the circumstances is one of the saddest things I can think of for Cena.

How dare you steal my user name! I kill for less!

Back to the topic at hand, Cena/Rock will be a hard hitting, back and forth brawl with some wrestling moves thrown in the mix with many near falls and false finishes. Nothing more, nothing less. Am I expecting a Shawn Michaels/Kurt Angle classic? No, but I am expecting something close to Rock/Austin. These guys have a drive and desire and with the dislike they have for one another, I cant see either one letting the other out shine him. It will be a great match, and a great Wrestlemania. I cant wait.
It has all come down to this. An entire year of building up their Wrestlemania 28 match. 365 days, 12 months, 52 weeks, has it really been that long already? Not only has the hype been going on for a calendar year, but the match is a dream match that we as fans have been wanting to see for a VERY long time. Cena fans wanted him to get a chance to prove he is the better man. Cena haters wanted to see The Rock defeat him. Now we finally get to see it happen.

The build up and hype for this match has been phenominal, one of the best builds for a Wrestlemania match that WWE has ever done. Is it truly the biggest match of all time? No, probably not, but for promotional purposes they have tagged it as such. It's huge. Way bigger than either of the world titles and even Undertaker's streak match. This is a clash of generations. Attitude Era VS Modern WWE. I was a huge Rock fan back during the Attitude Era, but Cena has been my favorite ever since his rise to the top on Smackdown. His never give up persona is very inspirational and he is a role model to many as he constantly rises above the hate.

We already know this will main event. That's all but guaranteed now. Cena will come out to yet another unique grand entrance. The fan reaction will be divided as always. The promo wars leading up to the match have proven that Cena can handle a promo with The Rock and he really stepped up his game. Rock's in great shape as he showed us in the Survivor Series "never before, never again" tag team with Cena. So the question on everyone's mind is this.... Who will win?

It without a shadow of a doubt has to be Cena. The Rock's leaving once the match is over. He has movies to film. What's Cena going to do? The same thing he always does. Do his absolute best to put on a show for the fans every single day. He's going nowhere. Why give the actor who won't stick around the win of a lifetime, when you can give Cena a chance to FINALLY prove his haters wrong? So what if The Rock needs to have a win over Cena to become "the best of all time" when he's already widely regarded as top tier. Cena needs the win, and WWE would be making one of their biggest mistakes in years if Cena loses. This is a match that will go down in history, and for the historical value alone the torch must be passed. Cena wins due to obvious reasons, he needs the win while Rock doesn't at all. It won't steal the show in terms of in-ring work, but in historical value this is a match that will not be topped for a VERY long time.

John Cena will defeat The Rock.
Actually rock needs to loose more than he needs to win. If he looses and cena puts him over with his fans, then think about all the little kids that are gonna want to see Dwayne in movies.
Another way of looking at it is that Wrestlemania has always been known as the one event that sends the fans home happy.

Rock's in front of his home town fans and if Cena wins the cameras will slowly fade away to the boo's of the Partisan crowd.

Im leaning towards a Cena win, but I wont be shocked if Rock gets the victory.

You know what makes this match so special? The fact that we're talking about who will win and lose, and not if the match will be good or not. Brings me back to my childhood when thats all that mattered. Not 5 star matches and excellent workrate.
It has all come down to this. An entire year of building up their Wrestlemania 28 match. 365 days, 12 months, 52 weeks, has it really been that long already? Not only has the hype been going on for a calendar year, but the match is a dream match that we as fans have been wanting to see for a VERY long time. Cena fans wanted him to get a chance to prove he is the better man. Cena haters wanted to see The Rock defeat him. Now we finally get to see it happen.

The build up and hype for this match has been phenominal, one of the best builds for a Wrestlemania match that WWE has ever done. Is it truly the biggest match of all time? No, probably not, but for promotional purposes they have tagged it as such. It's huge. Way bigger than either of the world titles and even Undertaker's streak match. This is a clash of generations. Attitude Era VS Modern WWE. I was a huge Rock fan back during the Attitude Era, but Cena has been my favorite ever since his rise to the top on Smackdown. His never give up persona is very inspirational and he is a role model to many as he constantly rises above the hate.

We already know this will main event. That's all but guaranteed now. Cena will come out to yet another unique grand entrance. The fan reaction will be divided as always. The promo wars leading up to the match have proven that Cena can handle a promo with The Rock and he really stepped up his game. Rock's in great shape as he showed us in the Survivor Series "never before, never again" tag team with Cena. So the question on everyone's mind is this.... Who will win?

It without a shadow of a doubt has to be Cena. The Rock's leaving once the match is over. He has movies to film. What's Cena going to do? The same thing he always does. Do his absolute best to put on a show for the fans every single day. He's going nowhere. Why give the actor who won't stick around the win of a lifetime, when you can give Cena a chance to FINALLY prove his haters wrong? So what if The Rock needs to have a win over Cena to become "the best of all time" when he's already widely regarded as top tier. Cena needs the win, and WWE would be making one of their biggest mistakes in years if Cena loses. This is a match that will go down in history, and for the historical value alone the torch must be passed. Cena wins due to obvious reasons, he needs the win while Rock doesn't at all. It won't steal the show in terms of in-ring work, but in historical value this is a match that will not be topped for a VERY long time.

John Cena will defeat The Rock.

I think it's almost a gimme Cena will win... I more interested in how he does it.

Will Cena turn heel much like Austin did at WM17? Use an underhanded tactic. Johnny Ace help him?

Will Cena simply pin the Rock clean, Rock gives him respect and they shake hands to end it?

Rock turns heel mid match when he realises he can't pin Cena. Maybe use a chair? Cena fights back and heroically beats Rock?

Cena to win but how is the more interesting part for me. Beacsue after the smoke clears where does Cena go from here? Straight back to the WWE title scene???
Probably over looking things, but do we make anything of Joe Hennig and Curt Hawkins training with The Rock for this match? I'm in two minds on this, it kind of shows that WWE have faith in their ability to help The Rock lose ring rust and train with him, on the other hand they're not used much on TV so is that the reason. The Rock seems to have high thoughts on them.
I complety disagree with you. The only reason people have behind Cena winning is because the Rock is not a full time wrestler...Cena will lose at WM28 and he should. He is already super cena and looked at as unbeatable in big matches and that's why so many people hate him so why would him beating the rock help him in any way. Unless Cena is turning heel it would be stupid for him to win. Mania is in Miami why would the rock agree to come back after 8 years and job to Cena on the grandest stage of them all in his hometown. People say Rock will lose because he is not an active wrestler but that is the exact reason why he is going to win. The Rock is not a wwe wrestler he doesn't have to do what Vince says but Cena does. Cena will do the job and next year The Rock will be put in the hall of fame. This match won't hurt Cena if he losses but if he wins and stays a babyface it will hurt him because he is getting more and more unbelievable and pointless to watch everytime he steps in the ring
It has all come down to this. An entire year of building up their Wrestlemania 28 match. 365 days, 12 months, 52 weeks, has it really been that long already? Not only has the hype been going on for a calendar year, but the match is a dream match that we as fans have been wanting to see for a VERY long time. Cena fans wanted him to get a chance to prove he is the better man. Cena haters wanted to see The Rock defeat him. Now we finally get to see it happen.

The build up and hype for this match has been phenominal, one of the best builds for a Wrestlemania match that WWE has ever done. Is it truly the biggest match of all time? No, probably not, but for promotional purposes they have tagged it as such. It's huge. Way bigger than either of the world titles and even Undertaker's streak match. This is a clash of generations. Attitude Era VS Modern WWE. I was a huge Rock fan back during the Attitude Era, but Cena has been my favorite ever since his rise to the top on Smackdown. His never give up persona is very inspirational and he is a role model to many as he constantly rises above the hate.

We already know this will main event. That's all but guaranteed now. Cena will come out to yet another unique grand entrance. The fan reaction will be divided as always. The promo wars leading up to the match have proven that Cena can handle a promo with The Rock and he really stepped up his game. Rock's in great shape as he showed us in the Survivor Series "never before, never again" tag team with Cena. So the question on everyone's mind is this.... Who will win?

It without a shadow of a doubt has to be Cena. The Rock's leaving once the match is over. He has movies to film. What's Cena going to do? The same thing he always does. Do his absolute best to put on a show for the fans every single day. He's going nowhere. Why give the actor who won't stick around the win of a lifetime, when you can give Cena a chance to FINALLY prove his haters wrong? So what if The Rock needs to have a win over Cena to become "the best of all time" when he's already widely regarded as top tier. Cena needs the win, and WWE would be making one of their biggest mistakes in years if Cena loses. This is a match that will go down in history, and for the historical value alone the torch must be passed. Cena wins due to obvious reasons, he needs the win while Rock doesn't at all. It won't steal the show in terms of in-ring work, but in historical value this is a match that will not be topped for a VERY long time.

John Cena will defeat The Rock.
Monotonous, Laborious, Underwhelming. Those are just some of the words that can be used to describe this year long build for the "Once In a Lifetime Match" this Sunday. This feud has just been missing something, and it's a damn shame. The WWE missed on an opportunity to wow people, instead, they relied on their two big names to simply coast into Mania.

I get John Cena, I really do. He has a legit reason (kayfabe), not to like The Rock coming back. It's a guy that left, disassociated himself from the business, and then Cherry picked his time to come back.

What has been lacking was the motive of the other side. Why? Why was the Rock now deciding to come back in a wrestling capacity. Was it simply because John Cena disrespected the Rock? Nobody bought that line of bullshit. That's what they tried to build on at first, and it simply wasn't interesting enough.

It took nearly 60 weeks, nearly 60 weeks to get a motive out of the Rock. He's back because of his Ego, his Legacy. The WWE tried so hard, over the last 6 weeks especially, to build this match so Cena and the Rock could get a 50/50 reaction.

Wild Tangent here, but who in their right damn mind honestly thought this match was going to get a 50/50 reaction. Who honestly needs to have the shit smacked out of them? If you wanted a 50/50 reaction, then don't have this Wrestlemania in Miami, and don't advertise this thing as the Rock's homecoming. For fuck's sake, someone had to be a complete dipshit to think that anything besides the Rock getting cheered and Cena getting booed would be the outcome of this match. It's been that way for 7 years now. The Rock got booed out against Austin and Hogan, and it worked fine, and that was even with Hogan going into the match as the supposed heel. The direction they chose was just flat out fucking stupid. [/rant].

So, the Rock was finally able to build up John Cena. He lumped Cena into the same category as Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. That makes John Cena a legit star to be put into the category with those two, along with the Rock. I finally have the motivation for the Rock that has been severely lacking throughout this entire thing.

When it comes down to it, I'm going to forget about the poor build for this match. John Cena and the Rock will deliver when it comes down to match time. They are going to put on one damn good match, and they'll give us the cliched "Wrestlemania Moment."
I have been looking forward to this match for the last year like everybody else. I see Rock getting 100% fan support in Miami, wwe is stupid if they expect anything else. I hope the match has zero interference because that would ruin it for me. I say that because I have a gut feeling that the miz will come out at the end and screw Rock out of a winning situation.

Now for my prediction: Cena wins after miz runs interference that Cena does not see. Cena will not turn heel and he never ever will.
I'm glad that this match is finally upon us because I've been getting a little bit bored with the same old trash talk between them. I see no point whatsoever in The Rock coming back just to lose to Cena but I can definitely see that happening! I was thinking that The Miz would get involved as he didn't have a match but now that he is a part of Team Johnny I'm not too sure that he'll also be involved in The Rock Vs Cena. If I'm being honest I'll be quite disappointed if Cena wins.
How do you follow HHH vs. Undertaker inside the Cell? With this.We’ve finally arrived at this. In the words of Jesse Ventura, this is what the term main event is all about. At the end of the day, nothing else on the show matters besides this match. This is the match that a lot of so called experts (including one with the initials K. B.) said would never happen in a million years. Yet low and behold, here it is. I’m not sure if you can call this match about passing the torch because Cena already is the top guy and has been for years while Rock hasn’t been on top arguably in about 11 years.

Still though, to call this anything but huge is an understatement. This is one of the few legitimate dream matches left for WWE and it has to come close to living up to the expectations. I say close to because I don’t think it actually can live up to or surpass them, not with the hype given to them. The match is going to be great as it’s Rock vs. Cena, both of whom deliver on the big stage. I’d expect it to go at least 25 minutes if not over half an hour, which is a long main event in modern WWE. After that you have to worry about Rock’s cardio, whereas Cena could possibly rival 1986 Flair in that department.

As for a prediction, I have to go with Cena. At the end of the day, I don’t see the value in Rock beating him, maybe popping up on Raw the next night and then bailing. I’m not completely locked on that, but I think it’s what I have to go with. As for Cena turning heel, again I see no need for it to happen, which we’ve gone over many times before. As for interference…..I’m not sure. There are reports of people like Miz, Batista or even Brock Lesnar interfering in it, but I’m not sure I’d buy anyone but Brock as a candidate for that. The others aren’t people I see meaning much otherwise, but Brock vs. Rock or Cena is a huge main event to set up for WM 29 before we get the only match worthy of the main event of Wrestlemania 30: John Cena vs. The Undertaker.

Oh and if they do a rematch at Summerslam or Mania next year, I won’t be shocked but I’ll be annoyed. It’ll likely happen though.
LET THE ROCK WIN to solidify his legend status there are many more mania's for cena and who kn ows maybe he will take the strek from undertaker next year
Let me start off by saying I love John Cena. The man is full of talent and possesses quite possibly the most charisma within the WWE’s current active roster. With that said, I believe The Rock is better than him in just about every way…and that is not a bad thing whatsoever. I’m with Rocky through and through. Not because I hate Cena but because I love The Rock – it’s really that simple. The Rock has accomplished everything there is to accomplish within the WWE. There was absolutely no reason he should’ve came back to the WWE without a worthy opponent. John Cena has bashed him about turning his back on the fans and a lot of it is true. At one time, I fucking despised The Rock for leaving and promising to return. He even tried to erase The Rock name and simply going by Dwayne Johnson – me being the huge fan I am, hated that.

Since then, I’ve come to realization that if The Rock would have stayed longer, won more World Championships, stayed in the storylines and been on top for these past 8 years, I would have hated that way more. Rock got up and left. He didn’t hog the spotlight for these past 8 years and by leaving, he gave others the opportunity to be pushed to the top; an opportunity that Cena may very well have taken. That’s something I don’t think a lot of Cena supporters understand. While many hated this feud, this feud has been awesome to me; Rock returns, Cena steps his game up, it’s just an all around win.

As far as the match goes, I've been wondering just how it’ll end. I read idiots saying the WWE is never unpredictable – how about now? It’s nearly impossible to predict this outcome. I hate to touch on a Cena heel turn but if he wins in Miami, the crowd is going to tear him up. There's no way Cena is going to be able to keep his head held high after beating The Rock when the crowd throws the worst kind of insults at him. But I digress; Cena's certainly overcame alot more. I'm not saying The Rock has to win at 'Mania, I'm just saying I don't understand why the WWE would want their top babyface hated after beating someone the people care alot about - especially in Miami – a very well known wrestling city. A heel turn seems suitable and that's probably the only time I've ever favored turning Cena heel. But I just can't see Cena winning and still being a full-fledge face like he's been over the years.

Lets see if Cena picked up on the lesson Kane taught him in embracing the hate; maybe not. Maybe Cena just cleans house and walks out with his head held high. Maybe that’s what this whole entire storyline is about; whether Cena is a phony or not. If he wins without any under handed tactics then we all know John Cena is no phony. That’s how I see it going down. Regardless of a possible rematch we’ve been hearing so much about, Cena wins here. No cheating, no interfering, nothing; just a clean usual Cena win is what this match needs to prove Cena is what he put on. Then it’ll be a joy coming here post-match and reading all the usual typical bitching from Cena haters.

Hamler’s Prediction – John Cena will defeat The Rock.
I dont want anybody interfering in this match. After a one year build if they do some screwjob finish I will be very annoyed.

With this match being in Rock's hometown it will should have a Hogan vs Rock vibe. Only with majority of fans cheering for Rock this time.

The way Cena is talking about how he has to win this match, and it means the world to him. That usually means Cena knows he is going over.

I predict Cena wins. Rock shakes his hand after the match saying Cena earned his respect.
I am looking forward to this match and if it's given enough time (say 20-30 minutes) this could easily one of the best matches of the night.

It's pretty much guaranteed that Cena will win this match. The only possibility of The Rock winning is if the rumours of a trilogy of Rock/Cena Matches happening are true.

But since I really doubt (and don't want) a Rock/Cena Trilogy to take place, I beleive we will see Cena win then Rock and Cena shake hands and tons of pyro go off to end the show.
I think I have mentioned before but I am not in favour of this being an incredibly long match, I think they have to come out the gate firing rather than exchanging holds.

I expect great crowd heat that may not fully transfer through a screen given the open air venue, but all in all both guys are usually good big match performers so I expect this to be decent, I just hope they don't go into overkill with the false finishes by kicking out of lots of Rock Bottoms and AA's.

I really think picking a winner is a shot in the dark, but I am going with Cena.
Finally the Rock has came back to Wrestlemania and has defeated John Cena!

Thoughts on the result of this match?

That nerd in the front row in green is how all cena fans here look like. Classy Freddie Blassie made a song dedicated to that nerd.
Unbelievably happy was 90% sure Cena was getting put over but twas the right outcome. Incredible wrestlemania and incredible match. #Rocky brought it
I guarantee to each & every person here that Cena WILL turn heel tomorrow night. This is just way too much for Cena to handle right now.
I had completely lost all hope of Rock getting the win. I'm so happy. They went for the shock factor.
Was a great match throughout. They both really impressed me. I loved the ending as well, with Cena attempting to mock Rock, costing him the match up. Perfect. Couldn't be happier.

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