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Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

  • Cena is Right.

  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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I'm on Team Bring It!

John Cena really sounds like a jealous bitch! I mean seriously...there's not a person alive that wouldn't take a less strenuous job for more money if given the opportunity. If The Marine or 12 Rounds would have did numbers like The Mummy Returns or The Rundown did, Cena would have gone Hollywood as well.

The Rock LOVED being a wrestler and still does enjoy it, but he's doing something else he enjoys and something he could do until he's old and gray if he wants to. A lot of guys who stay wrestling past their prime end up being shells of their former selves and some even physically banged up and don't get around very well.

I hope the Rock wins at WM. It'd be good for business. If Cena wins, then the people who bought the PPV just to see the Rock are gonna be upset and RAW ratings are gonna be in the toilet, and considering that the ratings are at an all time low right now that would be AWFUL for business.
I hope the Rock wins at WM. It'd be good for business. If Cena wins, then the people who bought the PPV just to see the Rock are gonna be upset and RAW ratings are gonna be in the toilet, and considering that the ratings are at an all time low right now that would be AWFUL for business.

Why wouldn't the same happen if The Rock wins? Cena supporters could be upset too, ya know. And it makes more sense for business for the guy who will be around the next day to win.
ARGH this is getting very annoying now. When The Rock come back! He never said he wouldn't "leave" the word "leave" was never uttered. "going away" in the sense of the last time he went, he went to persue the career of being a movie star, of his own credit, not with the backing of the WWE. This time around he is BACK and is "never, ever going away" he will never distance himself from the WWE like before, he will always be around (Stone Cold style) for the odd match, appearance, promo etc.

The Rock said it himself in a Youtube shoot, he doesn't have to be at EVERY single Raw, SD, house show, press event, travel the road, day in day out... He done that from 1997-2003, before cena was even thinking of being taken seriously as a wrestler. So he has nothing to prove in this sense, he is here and he is back and I for one am glad The Rock will maineventing and laying the smacketh down at Wrestlemania!
I think it's easy to admit that what John Cena was saying is true. The Rock came and then left, but like the poster said above, he's earned that ability. Just like if Cena wants to take off and go away for a bit, that is his right. He's earned that as being the top star in the company. I'm not even a Cena fan and I can admit that.

But this match will definitely be something to watch for, and I am excited to see the build up for this match, even if it's not needed. Essentially you just need both guys to bring it at WM, and this will be something to watch.
Is it me or does anyone else think that WWE/Vince & his team will make Cena win? :icon_neutral:

I mean i loved The Rock & not a Cena fan really (before was thug/heel Cena fan tbh).. anyway most people don't know if look what history has told us/the past. Last Austin Vs The Rock match WM19 i think, Wasn't known then but it was Austin's last match & he retired. Austin & The Rock, Rock was the "newer" guy in the WWF/WWE, started/dubuted 1996 (Austin was when joined for WWF was 1995) Basically i'm saying Rock was younger/"fresher" wrestler to Austin. Anyway Last Austin VS The Rock WM match, Rock won & continued to wrestle/compete...

Untill Summerslam 2003 if some you guys remember, "Rock VS Brock" aha ^^ ,ye The Rock Vs Brock Lesnar, (Rock was the defending champion, Lesnar was the younger/fresher guy ("The Next Big Thing"... They made Lesnar win.
And Rock/Dwayne stopped then & went the movies/Hollywood (thanks to his Scorpion King success)

History, "History Has a Way of Repeating Itself" i dont remember who said that in the WWE or WWF, Mcmahon?? idk but ye (exception being the Lesnar VS Goldberg WM20, Last match both/they both left after)

And also from another angle, RR, when i saw the cena promo about him beign the most hard working guy, loves what he does, that random guy/fan called him a phony... After I was like ah-huh.. :| so where's The Rock's promo... ha but after another match they showed his,, & umm idk it it wasn't "as good" as Cena's one,that Rock's WM promo didn't mention/show the rock's past WWF/WWE work/clips or anything really about his WWE past, just bout his him, his family & his history/heritage, & his new movie Journey 2.

*sigh* yeahh their gonna make Rock lose unfortuanlty... Also the WM being in Miami (Rock's Hometown) ,Idk i think maybe last year they/Vince thought WM's gonna be in Miami Florida.... ?? ~_o Rock, Rock ROCK!! We must have ThE Rock!!
& that some say/think that WWE wont make Rock lose in his home town/state,.. pah, that's just so you/people will think that, that he cant possibly lose in his hometown... thus giving him a chance/possibility
I think WM it's gonna be cena what 5/6 movesets a few times, cena rock punches=Boos/YEAs chanting, rocks people's elbo vs cena UCSMe bs, cena tries/attempts AA few times, rock reverses almost rock bottom, sharp shooter obviously Cena wont tap & at the end Cena probably idk after 2 or 3 AA's pulls a pin out of his ass & wins... After Rock either shakes his hand or beats his ass/anger that he lost??

But it's obvious that Vince/WWE want to say & make it look saying/make people think that Cena's just as good as The Rock was, or even better than the Rock... Bla bla so Cena get's more respected/less hated & the kids & women are satisfied/content = more money from another BS Cena Shirt (As Vince once said "It's all about the Monayy!!" )

Also they're not going to make Cena lose 2 Wrestlemanias in a row. ha ye right they'd let that happen
Is it me or does anyone else think that WWE/Vince & his team will make Cena win? :icon_neutral:

Cena should win this match. How the hell does the face of your company today lose to a guy 7 years removed from wrestling (except SS)? It would be a terrible message to send to everybody regardless of the fact that Rock's "still got it."
I'm completely behind Dwayne.
Rock did his time. He was a better Cena then Cena is and he had every right to move on to Hollywood. Do you think people like SCSA and Edge don't wish in the slightest that they could've gotten out before an injury forced them to? You can't slam Dwayne for being smart.
I also don't understand people who say he's only back for himself. Are you kidding me? He gains NOTHING for being back. He didn't need the money, he didn't need the promotion. He came for the fans, and the fans love it when he comes back. People who hate on him for only showing up a couple times need to shut up and get over it. Would you prefer him never come back at all? That would make him more of an ass then his current part time schedule.
And the locker room complaints are about the dumbest thing I've ever heard. They don't complain when Snooki or Mayweather or a Sumo wrestler take airtime but when the man who was crucial to the survival of the company, who carried their company for 6 years gets a main event, they bitch? Are you serious?

I've yet to hear one legitimate argument come out of Cena's mouth.
PhoenixPhreek, you put it better than I possibly could.

Although I have an inkling that the whole "Rock's got scorching heat with the booooooys" thing might be a work, there are probably enough ignorant midcard guys that are delusional enough to think that they could headline Wrestlemania opposite Cena and deliver the magical million buys. They need to realise - it's a business, the best business decision is the one Mcmahonagement go for. Basic economics!

Regarding the Cena argument BS, seriously people, get over it. We wrestling fans need to stop being so demanding of our stars. Who are we to begrudge somebody outgrowing the business, let alone somebody outgrowing the business and then GIVING BACK by returning when not having to.

Also - re. the "dropping The Rock from his actor name" thing, there's a very simple answer to that question, and it's one word long - Benoit.
Can anyone see a big swerve here? Or something similar to WM X7? Rock has cena beat only for vince mcmahon to come out and blast rocky with a chair and gets cena to help beat on the rock which brings us what we finally want......The ultimate cena heel turn joining vince.

I know some people will say this makes no sence but just something i would like to see maybe have vince say we brought you back here just to embarass you like never before then the next night on raw cena and vince cut a awesome promo saying its been planned since wrestlemania 27 when vince had the rock host the worst wrestlemania of all time.
Can anyone see a big swerve here? Or something similar to WM X7? Rock has cena beat only for vince mcmahon to come out and blast rocky with a chair and gets cena to help beat on the rock which brings us what we finally want......The ultimate cena heel turn joining vince.

I know some people will say this makes no sence but just something i would like to see maybe have vince say we brought you back here just to embarass you like never before then the next night on raw cena and vince cut a awesome promo saying its been planned since wrestlemania 27 when vince had the rock host the worst wrestlemania of all time.

Why on Gods beautiful Earth does the Cena/Rock match at Wrestlemania need a swerve or some twist, or a screwjob? This is the biggest match of the decade and rightfully so. This match had an entire year of buildup and we are so close to see that payoff, to have it all end in controversy and conspiracy would be absolutely stupid. Years ago we had this issue with Shawn Michaels vs Hulk Hogan. Michaels and the WWE thought that this would be a great match because it could draw despite it being Face/Face. But Hogan pulled for it for Shawn Michaels to be a heel, and look how much of a let down that match was for fans. Do you really want something like that happening at Wrestlemania with the biggest face in the business today?

Just let Rock and Cena battle it out, that is what the entire match is all about. The past era against the new era. The former great against the current legend. Rock vs Rap, Fire against Ice, Black and white(no racial pun intended) Yin and Yang. This is a match every wrestling fan wants to see. I am normally not a Cena fan, but I can't deny he can put on a great match with just about anybody. And with someone that is as big of a draw as he is, the match will practically write itself.
Rock is going to be on pretty much every Raw between now and mania, so the point is rather moot. Cena does have avalid point though also I hope the match doesn't have a screwy ending, it would be a real anti-climax after a year of build
To be honest I've lost damn near all interest in this match. It did exactly what I was afraid it would do, it's exposed Cena to a point that I really don't think he can recover from. Everytime he has been in the ring with The Rock he has looked like that little kid in school that never belonged. His promo time with The Rock isn't helping him any either, The Rock comes out lights up the crowd getting everyone going crazy, and then Cena comes out takes a shit in the middle of the ring and The Rock has to salvage the promo from there.

What make it even worse is I know exactly what we are going to see at mania. Rock is going to come out looking like he never missed a step bumping and selling like only he can do to draw you into the match, and then we are going to see Cena's half assed can't/won't sell worth crap and brings down the person he is performing with, much like he did Kane in their fued.

At this point the only feelings I have left for this is anger. Anger that someone like the Rock is having to carry a scrub who doesn't belong through what should be a dream match but in the end is only going to disappoint. Rock should of never come back to face Cena if he came back to face anyone it should of been Punk, or Undertaker, or at least someone who he didn't have to carry.
I've got to say that the last 2 weeks, John Cena as owned The Rock in the promo war, they have going. Last week's promo from Cena was his best promo of his career and made me want to care about Cena. And this week again Cena comes out all serious and deliver another slam dunk promo that was direct and to the point and made me want to see Cena beat the Rock at wrestlemania. At the same time, i did like some of the promo The Rock did but, it was really way to long and at was glad that i recorded Raw because after 5 minutes of him talking, i started to fast foward the promo because it started to get boring, which is something i never thought i would say about a Rock promo.

This match will be an interesting one and after tonight i really hope Cena does wins and that we get the respect angle on the following Raw before Rock dissappear again to go film Fast 6 or whatever movie he's going to start filming after wrestlemania.
Rock's first promo when he came back last yeast was UNREAL. It was flat out untouchable and you knew Cena would have one hell of a time one-upping it.
But what happened? While Cena's response wasn't better, it was certainly nothing to sneeze at.
Cena has stayed with Rock throughout all of this, not relying on childish lady part jokes, writing stuff on his wrists, or regurgitating the exact same phrases we've heard for 12 years.

I'm not Cena's biggest fan by any means, but he's been holding his own against the Great One every single night. I'm firmly behind him for Mania. Call me crazy but I hope he kicks Rock's ass in his own hometown.
In my opinion, Cena needs to win this match for two reasons. The first is that following this match, Rock will leave again. Cena won't. Cena needs the touch passed from the past gen to the current gen. Rock beat Hogan, now Cena will beat Rock, and in 10 years time, a new face of the WWE will beat Cena.

The other reason is simple math. Take the competitors out of it. You have a match that has had 52 week to be built. We're aprox 47 weeks in. One of the competitors has been on TV 47 out of 47 weeks, the other has been on TV 4 out of 47 weeks. I don't care who you are or what you've done, if there is a match being hyped for a year, do your part and hype the damn thing properly.
i dont think cena should win this match. his promos to rock are HORRIBLE! i know somehow wwe will make this bitch beat rock as a "passing of the torch" crap thing or to FOOL us since its April Fool's Day.. But if they let Cena win, it shows the wwe is going to die!
i dont think cena should win this match. his promos to rock are HORRIBLE! i know somehow wwe will make this bitch beat rock as a "passing of the torch" crap thing or to FOOL us since its April Fool's Day.. But if they let Cena win, it shows the wwe is going to die!

First off, why exactly should Cena not win this match? Because you and among other people do not like his character? Why should a man who is not going to be back full time go over John Cena? This is what could be Rock's last match and is currently Cena's greatest match. If Cena doesn't go over The Rock, that completely derails any momentum for John Cena in the future. Then Rock goes back to doing movies, only people that win or the anti-Cena marks, and they're only a vocal minority.

Secondly, Cena has been very solid in a promo battle against The Rock. Unlike Rock, Cena has laid down the line and put very powerful emotions into his words. Ever since this match was announced, Cena has done everything he can, week in, week out to get the fans behind this match. And if he keeps up his recent performance since last Monday, all we will get from Rock would be catchphrases and something we can get trending on Twitter. The Rock on the other hand, we would be lucky if we got to see him Via-satellite. Which is fine, Rock is really busy with his movie career and he doesn't need to be there every week. But in no way, shape or form does he have the same love he has for his fans than Cena does.

And lastly, how will the WWE die from having Cena beat The Rock? Did the WWE die when Rock beat Hogan? Did the WWE die when Rock beat Austin? Did the WWE die when Hogan beat Michaels? These passing the torch matches have been happening since the start of Professional Wrestling.
i dont think cena should win this match. his promos to rock are HORRIBLE! i know somehow wwe will make this bitch beat rock as a "passing of the torch" crap thing or to FOOL us since its April Fool's Day.. But if they let Cena win, it shows the wwe is going to die!

Good fucking Lord, what are you, 13 years old? Seriously, have you watched wrestling...like...ever? Cena's promos to the Rock have been fantastic. John Cena is the #1 guy in the WWE, the guy who is responsible for roughly 25% of the WWE's revenue each year BY HIMSELF. He's the public face of the company, and like he says, he's there every night.

Why in the world would the WWE have their biggest superstar lose to a man who has been on TV 5-10 times in the last 5 years? What sense would that make? How would the WWE die if Cena wins, considering he's their biggest moneymaker?

Grow up, junior. Learn a little something about wrestling before you start spouting off at the mouth regarding things you clearly know nothing about.
Good fucking Lord, what are you, 13 years old? Seriously, have you watched wrestling...like...ever? Cena's promos to the Rock have been fantastic. John Cena is the #1 guy in the WWE, the guy who is responsible for roughly 25% of the WWE's revenue each year BY HIMSELF. He's the public face of the company, and like he says, he's there every night.

Why in the world would the WWE have their biggest superstar lose to a man who has been on TV 5-10 times in the last 5 years? What sense would that make? How would the WWE die if Cena wins, considering he's their biggest moneymaker?

Grow up, junior. Learn a little something about wrestling before you start spouting off at the mouth regarding things you clearly know nothing about.

I will use your same logic on this one and say why would have the rock, one of the biggest stars to ever come out of the WWE come back 7 plus years later to lose especially in his hometown?

Thats the beauty of this match, there are legit claims as to why each man should win this match and in my opinion makes it a highly unpredictable match. Its not clear cut that the Rock or Cena will win at this point, and thats how it should be. I have enjoyed Cena's promos because of the passion he is speaking with, the argument he is making is pretty lame because its not like the Rock pulled a Brock Lesnar and bailed after afew yrs, the rock worked his ass off for the WWE.
I will use your same logic on this one and say why would have the rock, one of the biggest stars to ever come out of the WWE come back 7 plus years later to lose especially in his hometown?
Because he's nearly 40 years old, incredibly wealthy, and isn't a full-time wrestler so he doesn't need the rub?

I'm not saying Cena WILL win the match, I'm saying that Cena SHOULD win the match. The ONLY way Rock wins is if there is a major angle to play out after Wrestlemania with Cena. But if this is a one and done match between the two, there's no reason in the world for Rock to win.

Thats the beauty of this match, there are legit claims as to why each man should win this match and in my opinion makes it a highly unpredictable match.
Wrestling in your home town is not a "legit" claim to win.
John Cena has to win. He is the present and future of the WWE, not the past, like the Rock. It's a very simple idea. You book it so that it makes your current product look good, not so that it looks weak in comparison to what it was in the past. If Vince McMahon thinks its a good idea to have his top wrestler lose on the biggest PPV of the year to a guy that hasn't wrestled in over 7 years, then it's time to commit him to the insane asylum, because he is certifiably batshit crazy. This is just a repeat of Wrestlemania X8, with the Rock in the Hulk Hogan role, and Cena, oddly enough, in the Rock role. The result will be the same. Decent match, huge crowd reaction, current guy gets the win, because he MUST.
I'm not a huge fan of either although I do prefer Cena to The Rock, however this is the kind of spectacle match Mania is all about and I am sure it will bring plenty of drama. Initially I think many felt Cena would just win and earn Rock's respect, but given the heated direction they are going in I think there may be some twists, either way, no matter who goes over, both guys will deliver the match fans expect.
I was thinking about what Ben Wallace said, and it got me thinking. Maybe there won't be a winner. Yes I know it's not likely that WWE will end their biggest match at their biggest show with a double DQ or count out, etc. But then I started thinking..Why not? It's the last match of the night most likely. So it's not like people can unwatch what they've already seen. The event will be just as big and all the excitement will still be there. Just not a great ending. If you watch a movie and it is really good all throughout, then suddenly ends with "to be continued...", does that make the movie suck? On top of that, in order for them to find out what happens next with the 2 stars, has to tune in to Raw the next night. So we got millions of viewers tuning in to see what happens next with Rock and Cena. It also gives the opportunity for a huge rematch. And since there would have been no clear winner the first time around, it would be as if it were a continuation of the same epic match.

I don't want it to end like that, but it seems the idea has been completely counted out. This can end several different ways. Rock could beat Cena. It would please more fans, especially those in attendance. Cena doesn't need the rub either. He is at the top of the business right now. Not just the company, but the business. Neither of the two guys "needs" anything. On top of that, since when is wrestling about the needs of particular superstars? I thought it was supposed to be about the needs of the crowd. Speaking of which, how many of Cena's fans will like him any less for losing one match to a legend? If anything, some of his haters will start to appreciate him more for accepting a loss. I'm excited as hell to see this match no matter how it ends. I'm not qute as excited as I am about Taker v HHH or Punk v Jericho, but still excited. It would be better if it was Cena vs The Rock rather than this Cena vs Dwayne match we got. I say this because The Rock is gone. His promos aren't the same. He is more worried about social media and cheap pops than anything else. Hell, The Rock never refers to himself in the 1st person. Once I started hearing him say things like "I" and "me", I lost faith in his ability to beat make this match what it should be.
I was thinking about what Ben Wallace said, and it got me thinking. Maybe there won't be a winner. Yes I know it's not likely that WWE will end their biggest match at their biggest show with a double DQ or count out, etc. But then I started thinking..Why not? It's the last match of the night most likely. So it's not like people can unwatch what they've already seen. The event will be just as big and all the excitement will still be there. Just not a great ending. If you watch a movie and it is really good all throughout, then suddenly ends with "to be continued...", does that make the movie suck? On top of that, in order for them to find out what happens next with the 2 stars, has to tune in to Raw the next night. So we got millions of viewers tuning in to see what happens next with Rock and Cena. It also gives the opportunity for a huge rematch. And since there would have been no clear winner the first time around, it would be as if it were a continuation of the same epic match.

I don't want it to end like that, but it seems the idea has been completely counted out. This can end several different ways. Rock could beat Cena. It would please more fans, especially those in attendance. Cena doesn't need the rub either. He is at the top of the business right now. Not just the company, but the business. Neither of the two guys "needs" anything. On top of that, since when is wrestling about the needs of particular superstars? I thought it was supposed to be about the needs of the crowd. Speaking of which, how many of Cena's fans will like him any less for losing one match to a legend? If anything, some of his haters will start to appreciate him more for accepting a loss. I'm excited as hell to see this match no matter how it ends. I'm not qute as excited as I am about Taker v HHH or Punk v Jericho, but still excited. It would be better if it was Cena vs The Rock rather than this Cena vs Dwayne match we got. I say this because The Rock is gone. His promos aren't the same. He is more worried about social media and cheap pops than anything else. Hell, The Rock never refers to himself in the 1st person. Once I started hearing him say things like "I" and "me", I lost faith in his ability to beat make this match what it should be.

I just want to point out 2 thing about this, first of all, if this match is going to be the main event of wrestlemania, they really cannot have a double count out of DQ simply because it would i would be a bad way to end a PPV like Wrestlemania and fans always rate PPV by how good the last match on the show was. Just look at last year'S wrestlemania for exemple, you had a pretty decent card, the show was really good until the main event and the crappy ending to the main event and now wrestlemania 27 is remember as one of the worst wrestlemania simply because of the ending to the main event. Did it help advance the storyline, yes it did but it wasn'T the place to do it. Same thing goes here, you can't have a bad ending with this match because even if the TAker/HHH match is great, the Punk/jericho mmatch is great & even the Bryan/sheamus match is great, fans won't remember any of them, all they will remember is the ending of the Cena/rock match.

Which bring me to my second point, Cena must win this match. It's not because he need the rub because he'S already the biggest star in the business, it's because at the end of the day, it's better for business. The fact of the matter is The rock isn't a full time wrestler, the guy will show up on Raw the next night and then disappear until after the july PPV. Cena is your top guy right now and it would really look bad to the casual fans if the top guy in the company would lose to a full time movie star and part time wrestler. This is the same type of scenario that rock was in back at wrestlemania 18 against hogan. Hogan at the advantage with the fact that he hugely popular in Canada and he should have been a no brainer the Hogan should have won that match just based on that reaction alone, but he didn't he passed the torched to The Rock on that night because in the end he they knew that The Rock was the face of the company and Hogan was just a part time guy. So Rock needs to put over Cena in the same way simply because at the end of the day, Cena will still be there after wrestlemania, Rock won't and doesn't make sense to job the biggest money maker in the company just to make the miami crowd happy.
Before going into this thread I would like to make some things clear. This is not a John Cena or a Rock hate thread. If you want to bash them, go somewhere else. And finally, this isn't a "Turn Cena heel" thread.

Over a year now, John Cena talks about one specific thing: The Rock not being there and saying lies to the fans.
This past Monday, he completely owned The Rock and made him look like way below his league. I believe that all of this was part of the script. The notes, Rock making a bad promo etc. All of this would result in one specific thing: that The Rock doesn't have it anymore and that he should go back to Hollywood or stay and become an active superstar again. This direction can result in two ways:
Firstly, John Cena beating Dwaeyne Johnson at Wrestlemania, which would result in the return of the TRUE Great One (The one that doesn't need notes written in his wrist).
Secondly, Rock beating Cena at Wrestlemania cleanly and proving him wrong.
The Rock beating Cena at Wrestlemania by cheating. In that way Rock still holds the hometown victory and Cena isn't proven wrong.

Now, I believe that most of wouldn't like to see that match ending in a way like Austin-Rock did at Wrestlemania X-7. And of course, I don't believe that Cena will go over Rock in Miami. That leaves us with the second choice. Rock beating Cena and proving him wrong.

In my eyes, this looks dangerous for the company and Cena, if they continue with this "Rock doesn't have it" storyline. Cena is the top guy and being beaten and proven wrong by a "part-timer" in such a big match situation would hurt his image as the top guy in the WWE.

What is your opinion in this? Do you think that Cena's words may turn into a boomerang and hunt him?

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