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Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

  • Cena is Right.

  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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Agreed, it feels real because it is real. It's not a total work, obviously there isn't total hatred but there is also truth about what both are saying, though in this case IMO Cena is the one telling the total truth and Rock is more portraying the whiny bully bitch who's just saying "you suck and i don't". Maybe that's intentional to push the whole anti-bullying thing.

I'm definately not a Cena fan, and was a huge Rock fan during his run (not so much this recent incarnation, it's not the same Rock he was b4 he became hollywood

but let's face it, Cena's done more to keep the company alive then Rock did, He's still around while Rock did his 6yrs and then left for greener pastures when the era ended.

ps i don't in any way disrespect him for that, quite the opposite i thank him for the entertainment he provided and he has every right to move to something he will make more money in and far less dangerous.

Rock is a movie star who was arguably the greatest overall WWE entertainer

Cena is a WWE Superstar, who sucks at acting and singing, really has nothing other then "wrestling"

Who should win? Cena, Who will win? Cena. Whether it be heel or not, i personally see Cena staying a face, Rock is the one being the ass this whole fued, not Cena.

The only purpose it would serve for The Rock to win would be for Cena to lose the plot and turn heel, more likely though Cena will pay the respect card and that'll be the end of it
On the swerve Cena gets irritated he can't keep the Great One down and with the help of Vince ala Stone Cold getting Vince's help to beat the Rock.

either way Cena comes out on top and The Rock goes back to hollywood fulltime or maybe sticks around til SummerSlam for a rematch.

I truly hope there is a swerve that noone sees coming, but i also would be happy with just a damn kick ass match that WrestleMania needs and deserves, also hopes that they add more decent undercard matches, so it's not just another Mania with 2 matches and 3 hrs of relative Zzzzzz
I think Cena should win at WrestleMania. I think Cena will win at WrestleMania. I personally want the Rock to win at WrestleMania. I see Cena winning either as a Face or as a Heel, because he will be around after this match.

After June 2012 you will here 2 things.
“The Champ is still here!!”
“Finally, D-Wayne is back…in Hollywood!!”
I wish they would not have announced the match the way they did. Thinking back after WM, I wish Cena would have confronted Rock on Raw and Rock would have whispered something in Cena's ear. Cena would then have backed off and we (the audience) would have been left with the mystery of what did The Rock say to Cena?
It would be a secret that would be worth keeping for 7 months and actually pay off in the end. They could have used this SS for a swerve of Rock laying out Cena and announcing the match. This gives the "paying" PPV audience the thrill of getting the news instead of cheapskates like me that heard the news firsthand on Raw for free. It also would give The Rock some heelish edge without making him a heel.

I know I'm playing November Morning Seven Months Too Late QB but I like my idea and wanted to share. My only criticism of the idea is that by announcing the match so early it probably gave the WWE more time to get high paying sponsorship for WM 28.

Knowing this match is going to happen at WM 28 for the past 7 months has been a distraction for me and hasn't helped build my interest. Cena still hasn't taken a physical shot at a man that screwed him at WM 27 and it really bothers me. With a mystery looming I could understand why Cena may have been so complacent over the past 7 months.
It bothers me that Cena says all the stuff about The Rock turning up via Satellite etc etc and Cena is there every week.

Cenas job is to entertain the fans, he is a WWE employee. He gets paid to do it. He doesnt do it for free. Rock doesnt do it for free, but does he need the money when he gets paid so much by Hollywood? NO.

If anyone is in WWE for the fans it is The Rock.
Was wondering if anybody else noticed at Survivor Series that after Rock posed the last time while Cena was still in the ring that Cena said " When I go to turn around, spin me round and hit me with the fucking rock bottom"
It bothers me that Cena says all the stuff about The Rock turning up via Satellite etc etc and Cena is there every week.

Cenas job is to entertain the fans, he is a WWE employee. He gets paid to do it. He doesnt do it for free. Rock doesnt do it for free, but does he need the money when he gets paid so much by Hollywood? NO.

If anyone is in WWE for the fans it is The Rock.

Exactly. It's a dumb "diss" because Rock was a full time wrestler, he was there every night busting his ass and entertaining the fans. He left, HE IS NOT A FULL TIME WRESTLER. No one is saying that. So, of course he's going to appear via satellite. It's not like he's a full time wrestler who never shows up. Then the "diss" would have some merit.
Here are my thoughts, after what went down last night.

As much as I want the Rock to win at Mania, I think he'll lose. To me, last night seem like it was Rock's night. His big return to MSG where he started his WWE career. He came in proved he "still has it" in the ring, and got the pin. He had the whole crowd behind him. Even with Cena's demeanor, you could almost tell that he was kinda stepping back and letting Rock have his moment. I think they told Cena, Rock gets his moment at Survivor Series and let him have it but you'll win at Wrestlemania.

To me though, it makes no sense for Rock to come back and agree to lose at Wrestlemania to Cena, IN MIAMI. Put yourself in his position. You have no reason to come back. You've said you're done wrestling and you are making millions of dollars as a movie star. Vince McMahon comes to you and says "Hey Wrestlemania is in Miami, will come back and job to John Cena?" Why would Rock say yes? That's the part that doesn't make sense to me.

If anything they should let Rock win at Wrestlemania then lose in a rematch at Summer Slam.

Again though, after what happened last night, I have a feeling that WWE feels they just gavet the Rock his moment to shine, now Cena gets his.
Can't wait till John Cena wins one of the most important match in WWE history at Wrestlemania.

It will be a historical day that will be remembered for years.
All the millions of John Cena fans around the world are waiting for this match impatiently.
If John Cena doesn't stop acting like a puss cake & letting Rock continue to embarrassed him he shouldn't win anything. Cena was outclassed by Rocky at the view & he just seem hunky dory about it on Raw!!! :disappointed: Puss cakes don't deserve victories over legends like The Rock! I can't wait for The Rock to put his boot to John Cena's ass at Mania.
I think they are building rock being a bully. And cena is trying to "Rise Above the Hate". And come WM cena would overcome the bully and b a star!
I think they are building rock being a bully. And cena is trying to "Rise Above the Hate". And come WM cena would overcome the bully and b a star!

There not building The Rock to be no damn bully there booking The Rock as they always have, "The jabroni beating, pie eating, trail blazing, eye brow raising, the best in the past, present & future, ready to strike at any given moment, putting boots to asses, the people's champ The Rock!!!" I don't know where you been, but The Rock is treating Cena the same way he has treated all his other opponents the only difference is that Cena is a puss cake & he just lets The Rock walk all over him. Rock's other adversaries stood up for themselves & didn't just let The Rock upstage them.

Furthermore how the hell is Cena rising above any hate from Rock when it was Cena who started this whole feud by calling out The Rock in the first place. Cena ask for The Brahma Bull so now he is getting him, what you thought that The Rock was just gonna go easy on the face of the company. Just because Cena is a hard worker & he has carried the company since Rock retired doesn't mean he should get a pass from The Rock. If anything Cena has bitten off more then he can chew by calling out The Great One in the first place. Now he has to face the consequences of his stupid actions by getting a boot to his ass at Wrestlemania.
slowdown there cowboy. LOL. i am a rock fan/mark. Just saying what they probly trying to do for the little jimmies. And justifying y they're not turning cena heel. Why have they suddenly changed cena ring gear? Just saying maybe that's there angle. I really hate cena and his gimmick but this feud with the rock is making me appreciate what he is doing.
slowdown there cowboy. LOL. i am a rock fan/mark. Just saying what they probly trying to do for the little jimmies. And justifying y they're not turning cena heel. Why have they suddenly changed cena ring gear? Just saying maybe that's there angle. I really hate cena and his gimmick but this feud with the rock is making me appreciate what he is doing.

My bad my post does seem on the aggressive side I'm just pumped for there match is all. I was under the impression that the new tee was a response to the fans that always give Cena hell, plus it can't hurt to have new gear to sell to the fans, I actually like that tee BTW. I can honestly say I don't know what way there going w/Cena in this feud. With all that The Rock has done to him he just seems to continue to have this easy going attitude I don't think he needs to go heel but it would be nice if he stops acting like he is star struck by Rock. I have high hopes that there going to put on one hell of a match at Mania but as of this past view & Raw there feud seems pretty one sided.
I was thinking they want the rock to keep getting the number over cena until wrestlemania. So when rock puts cena over in his hometown, cena won't get shot or stabbed cuz rock's been destroying him all the time.
I was thinking they want the rock to keep getting the number over cena until wrestlemania. So when rock puts cena over in his hometown, cena won't get shot or stabbed cuz rock's been destroying him all the time.

:lmao: Yeah that could be what there going for, but that could backfire cause all of Rock's die hard fans wont take it to well if Cena wins after being upstaged by Rock the whole feud. Plus having Rock get the upper hand the whole feud makes for a pretty lackluster feud, I hope that there just holding Cena off maybe because they don't want to give us to much chaos so soon. Either that or the creative team is just dropping the ball completely like they have a habit of doing & the only good thing us fans are going to get out of all this is just the match at Mania. Now if thats the case then that would suck cause no matter how good a Mania match is it doesn't have that special atmosphere surrounding it w/out the proper buildup.
Lets say John Cena is inserted into the U.S Championship match at TLC for being generous and giving Ryder another chance,

he wins in @ TLC in a triple threat match, keeps it until Wrestlemania, and faces the Rock for the U.S Title instead of WWE championship or no title

This could make the U.S. championship gain value and prestige if they do this.

Would this big match make it more interesting if it for the U.S Championship?
No title should be on the line in this match.. This match is a battle of generations a war of era's and arguablly the 2 biggest superstars wwe has produced so i would prefer it not be for any title..
It's a terrible idea. This match is already going to be the biggest Mania main event in years with the Rock facing Cena. Throwing in the US title adds nothing to that and won't make more people buy the show.

On the topic of prestige having the belt on the line won't magically add prestige to it for the next few years. The mid-card titles are props and are only as prestigious as the people who compete for them. If Cena was champion then the title would gain some extra prestige off of his name alone. Yet once he loses it to Alex Riley or any other mid-carder it would just become a mid-card title again.

Now and again guys like Cena and Orton come along who are entertaining and really over as mid carders and end up having great mid card title runs with the U.S and intercontinental titles that made them mean something. But once they lost them to Orlando Jordan and Edge they just became meaningless again.

So to reiterate my point the titles are only as good as the people challenging for them. It would only make sense if you wanted the US title the be the main title on raw and have the top guys compete for it but they already have the WWE title for that.
That is a horrible idea. If they needed a title on the line, which they don't, it would be the WWE title.

What were you thinking?
I never got the idea of putting mid-card titles on established main event talents. People say that it brings prestige to the title, but I think it only hurts the main event talent that has seemingly been demoted to the mid-card.

Whether we realize it or not, we separate these people into brackets: Main Event; Mid-Card; Bottom-Card; "Off-of-the-Card." Sorry for that last one; I was fishing. Still, a lot of wrestlers usually get set in one of the four tiers and have to work their way up in order to be promoted. This is one of the most cherished pastimes of wrestling fandom, arguing over where people should be and who deserves promotions.

Nobody should move backwards. It only serves to hurt their careers, sometimes in a serious way. It doesn't make mid-card titles better for a main event player to come down to the mid-card title race, it just makes the main event player worse.

Guys like Orton are being booked on the mid-card, but are still in the main event tier. That's how you give a rub to the mid-card. The US and Intercontinental titles are for guys that are looking to break into the main event, not main event guys currently out of the title race.

If you want to give a rub to the mid-card, pull an Orton and just feud with the guys potentially ready for a promotion. But, the second Orton wears the Intercontinental title, it just makes Orton look worse.

Cena is a 10x WWE Champion...he never needs to hold the US title again.
It's a terrible idea. This match is already going to be the biggest Mania main event in years with the Rock facing Cena. Throwing in the US title adds nothing to that and won't make more people buy the show.

On the topic of prestige having the belt on the line won't magically add prestige to it for the next few years. The mid-card titles are props and are only as prestigious as the people who compete for them. If Cena was champion then the title would gain some extra prestige off of his name alone. Yet once he loses it to Alex Riley or any other mid-carder it would just become a mid-card title again.

Now and again guys like Cena and Orton come along who are entertaining and really over as mid carders and end up having great mid card title runs with the U.S and intercontinental titles that made them mean something. But once they lost them to Orlando Jordan and Edge they just became meaningless again.

So to reiterate my point the titles are only as good as the people challenging for them. It would only make sense if you wanted the US title the be the main title on raw and have the top guys compete for it but they already have the WWE title for that.

You were doing so well until you typed "and Edge". Epic failure on your part. Epic, epic fail. People will talk about that for years.

Anyway, you're on the right track, but it's not so much who holds it as how it's booked. If it's a big part of important fueds and featured matches, it's a big deal. If it's not, it's not.

Example. If Cena wins the title, never mentions it, only carries it around with him half the time, and it's never on the line in any of his matches, then him having it does nothing for the title. But if he wins it AND makes a big deal about how proud he is to have it and how he wants to defend it against all challengers, and does so, then it would gain prestige for as long as it's treated that way. But you were right about it still being temporary.

And it would also be confusing. They might as well have Cena come out and announce he's creating another World title for the hell of it if they're going to do that. What does it say about the WWE title and WHC title if the US title is treated like a bigger deal than them? It's one thing to have a non-title match ahead of title matches, it's even worse to have a midcard title above them.

Rock vs. Cena is one of those special matches that doesn't need a title on the line.
You were doing so well until you typed "and Edge". Epic failure on your part. Epic, epic fail. People will talk about that for years.

Why is that an "epic fail". Either you missed my point or you don't remember the title reign. When Edge won the title off Orton he held it for 3 weeks and then had to vacate it because of injury. It was an altogether forgettable title reign that did nothing to build on the prestige that Randy Orton had attributed to the title during his reign. Just because Edge was a great wrestler doesn't automatically mean all of his title reigns were brilliant.
2 of the biggest stars in history competing for a 2nd tier title at Mania?
Yeah that's great writing.

Undisputed world title, World Title or no title, there's no other choice
better just to be for bragging rights.

And Rock aint passing any torch, Cena doesn't need it.
Really the thing you have to understand about putting a middle tier title on a main eventer is to make the title more relevant or to help elevate a mid-card guy... Jericho is one of the few guys you can put a non main event title on and still not be considered a jobber,personally I wish they would put a 2nd tier title on Cena just to not shove him down our throats in the main event every other month, but when it comes to WM28 its got to be wwe title or no title, but the world knows if the title is on the line, the rock being a less than part timer will never win the big one again unless he really has his heart set on being like a hogan or a flair but I seriously believe that torch has passed.
The best idea to put both of these over and create a new Cena heel character. Rock wins the match in his hometown, after the match John Cena turns heel and attacks Rock. Rock gets AA'd through the Announce Table. This would get Cena heel character extremely over really quick and also Rock would have got his victory that most fans want to see.

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