Would Anyone Be Interested In Doing Another Graphics Wingman Contest?

If Thesaurus doesn't get his sig in by the 20th I'm willing to whip one up if that is alright. If not I'll take whatever penalty is provided. Not a big deal either way.
I was curious as to why you didn't sign up. You really helped me out back in the first one.

Ya I had alot of personal stuff going on with my aunts house and working over time for xmas and things are starting to slow down a little bit. I will be moving to a dif. apartment soon so that's why I have been slacking but i've started to make a few new ones.
Round 3 Results:

Sting Of Madness vs. TASAGK (Tie. 4 Points each)
Axis of Awesome vs. Theo (Theo. 5-3)

Updated Standings:
1. Sting Of Madness - 17 points
2. Theosaurus - 13 Points
2. The D&D Connection - 13 Points
3. The Apple Spitters And Gringo Killers - 12 Points
4. Axis Of Awesome - 4 Points
Are any of you even still interested in this? The reason I ask is because last round I had to extend the deadline, and one person didn't even submit a sig. Also, I realize many of you are having trouble with your Photoshop/GIMP programs.

So how many of you want to continue?

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