Worst Designed Championship of All Time?

No. I’m not 100% clear on the details, but Double J won the AAA World Title. He then renamed it the New Immortal World Title. He brings it to Impact, but it’s covered with a Silver sticker with the Mexican Flag over it. It’s a similar to Kurt Angle’s IWGP Title reign, only difference is Jeff doesn’t defend it in TNA.

Its a sticker..? Didnt that crap go out with Lance Storm lol I think Angle's IWGP title might had been a splinter title though.. Too me its just a horrible stunt by Jarrett and I don't like it, its not amuzing at all its lame and makes him look like a fool. Do you have any clue what it looks like under the sticker though?

J.J. That Bahamas belt could work with a different coloring scheme I would say. It looked like I think maybe the AWA Southern tag titles or the UWF/Mid South's various tag team belts.

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