Jeff Hardy's New TNA "Immortal" Championship

That has to be the most effeminate title I've ever seen in my life (even more than the diva's title, but at least that's suited for the division). It wouldn't be a big deal but there are 2 reasons it is:

1) Its the FREAKING World Heavyweight title.
2) Its for a MEN'S division. Just imagine if Kane wore that title to the ring, it would look ridiculous. Not the same company but the concepts the same.

Using the logic that it suits Jeff Hardy is absurd, and if you want to suit it to Hardy, have him go all crazy art on it or something. Of course they can just change it if he loses the title but there's also a chance this is the new design for the belt and if that's the case it is easily the least eye appealing belt in wrestling history, it just looks terrible, just look at the current WWE title, Cena was champ for so long that they just kept the belt the way it is, now it looks like it came out of a crackerjack box.

In the long run its not a big deal what the belt looks like, but that has to be the most hideous belt I've ever seen.
That has to be the most effeminate title I've ever seen in my life (even more than the diva's title, but at least that's suited for the division). It wouldn't be a big deal but there are 2 reasons it is:

1) Its the FREAKING World Heavyweight title.
2) Its for a MEN'S division. Just imagine if Kane wore that title to the ring, it would look ridiculous. Not the same company but the concepts the same.

Using the logic that it suits Jeff Hardy is absurd, and if you want to suit it to Hardy, have him go all crazy art on it or something. Of course they can just change it if he loses the title but there's also a chance this is the new design for the belt and if that's the case it is easily the least eye appealing belt in wrestling history, it just looks terrible, just look at the current WWE title, Cena was champ for so long that they just kept the belt the way it is, now it looks like it came out of a crackerjack box.

In the long run its not a big deal what the belt looks like, but that has to be the most hideous belt I've ever seen.

Lets get this straight and maybe we can have a big blinking sign show up when you log onto Wrestlezone. This title is only for Jeff Hardy. That means who ever beats him for this title TNA will either have a completely new title made or they will use the one they have now. That is the reason why this is whatever to me. It isn't the long term belt for the world title division. It is Jeff Hardys until he loses it then the belt is gone.


All had their own belts.
Lets get this straight and maybe we can have a big blinking sign show up when you log onto Wrestlezone. This title is only for Jeff Hardy. That means who ever beats him for this title TNA will either have a completely new title made or they will use the one they have now. That is the reason why this is whatever to me. It isn't the long term belt for the world title division. It is Jeff Hardys until he loses it then the belt is gone.

You cannot predict the future. For all you know they might plan on keeping this travesty. I mean come on- the last TNA Heavyweight Championship wasn't even a full year old. Does TNA plan on dumping their Main title everytime they get an idea in their heads?


All had their own belts.

Minus Edge, all had their belts swap hands and it not change. Hell do you think WWE changed their belt after Cena lost it? No. Same thing with the "Smoking Skull" Belt. It still hung around and wasn't exclusive to the superstar.

I really hope they keep the original TNA title and only use this...thing to promote Hardy.
Oh well ... Gotham's in trouble that's all I know.
He does look like the Heath Ledger Joker there. :lmao:

It was pretty obvious from far that it was specifically for him. Like I said, it could develop into an interesting brawl over the original and this belt with Anderson. We've similar feuds in the past when a gimmick World title comes into play.
That has to be the most effeminate title I've ever seen in my life (even more than the diva's title, but at least that's suited for the division).
Effeminate? More like gothic. Artistic gothic. I'm pretty much an artist like Hardy myself. I like the way the belt looks. It shows how Hardy is. The same way for Austin's Smokin' Skull belt or Edge's "Rated R" WWE Championship. It just happened to be a bit more drastic than those two.
It wouldn't be a big deal but there are 2 reasons it is:

1) Its the FREAKING World Heavyweight title.
2) Its for a MEN'S division. Just imagine if Kane wore that title to the ring, it would look ridiculous. Not the same company but the concepts the same.
No it isn't. Stone Cold rolled around with a skull belt, Edge ran around with one that said "Rated R Champ" and Taz had one that said "Fuck The World". I fail to see the differenc3e. At least this one just says TNA World Champion.

Using the logic that it suits Jeff Hardy is absurd, and if you want to suit it to Hardy, have him go all crazy art on it or something. Of course they can just change it if he loses the title but there's also a chance this is the new design for the belt and if that's the case it is easily the least eye appealing belt in wrestling history, it just looks terrible, just look at the current WWE title, Cena was champ for so long that they just kept the belt the way it is, now it looks like it came out of a crackerjack box.
They kept Cna's belt because it was selling and it was pretty in terms of it's design. All of Cena's personal details were removed. Unless TNA plans on removing the face off this new belt, I doubt it stays.
In the long run its not a big deal what the belt looks like, but that has to be the most hideous belt I've ever seen.
No, the WWE Hardcore Championship was the most hideous belt ever seen.
It's been bugging me all night trying to figure out what it looks like. My son took one look and said it's like the Decepticon symbol on Transformers. That's exactly what it looks like.

Now that I've found that out, it took it down a notch or two since I was never into Transformers.
Effeminate? More like gothic. Artistic gothic. I'm pretty much an artist like Hardy myself. I like the way the belt looks. It shows how Hardy is. The same way for Austin's Smokin' Skull belt or Edge's "Rated R" WWE Championship. It just happened to be a bit more drastic than those two.
Yeah its pretty effeminate, its easily the closest thing to looking like the Diva's title. It might supposed to look more gothic, but really it just looks gay as shit. I appreciate the artistry and have no issue Hardy having his own belt, but the belt looks like shit run over twice.

No it isn't. Stone Cold rolled around with a skull belt, Edge ran around with one that said "Rated R Champ" and Taz had one that said "Fuck The World". I fail to see the differenc3e. At least this one just says TNA World Champion.
All those belts weren't really that ugly. The smoking skull belt looked awesome, the Rated R belt looked OK, and The FTW title wasn't even a title at all, it was just something Tazz came out with, the FTW title is ECW's equivalent of the Million Dollar Title. Once again its not the fact he has his own belt, its the fact its ugly.

They kept Cna's belt because it was selling and it was pretty in terms of it's design. All of Cena's personal details were removed. Unless TNA plans on removing the face off this new belt, I doubt it stays.
First off I don't think they'll keep it around after Hardy's title reign either, but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Outside of the logo spinning its the same belt and I'll be just as hard on the WWE for it because I don't like how it looks. While we're on the topic, what if Hardy's belt starts selling, by your logic that means if the belt starts selling, its much more likely its sticking around (not to worried about it because the belt looks like shit so it probably won't sell, not to mention that I'm not even sure if TNA makes replica belts).

No, the WWE Hardcore Championship was the most hideous belt ever seen.

I disagree completely. Sure the belt was smashed to bits but I've never seen a belt design fit a division more perfectly than the Hardcore title did. It may have been ugly, but it fit the division like a glove.

Sorry but they could of done much better with Hardy's new belt design.
I think people have been looking at the Divas Title to much. I always thought it was a more feminine version of the classic WWF title



So by people's standards Hardy wants to make his own twist on a classic looking belt
we all should wait till tomorrow night to see how the belt actually looks on Jeff Hardy since we seen the picture of the belt. Then maybe from there should judge the belt size and if it looks anything related to Jeff Hardy. I hope if somebody else like Anderson or Angle wins the title from Jeff Hardy they would give them the original TNA world title. I am curious would anybody here if ya'll saw online that they were selling the Jeff Hardy TNA's world title replica, would you buy it??
Cool, this shall lead to a great moment with Anderson throwing this belt off a bridge, lulz. I like it, it does well for his character, just like spray painting nWo over it, Cena's customisation of belts, Austin's customisation, Edge's brief custom belt, it works well. Hardy's saying it's his and it suits him. Obviously once Anderson beats him it'll revert to the traditional TNA belt. And for the dumbasses saying it looks like the Divas championship, no it doesn't. It isn't pink, there's no butterfly, it's a face on a belt. A half dark/half light face on a belt does not look like a pink and silver butterfly that says Divas. Idiots.
You cannot predict the future. For all you know they might plan on keeping this travesty. I mean come on- the last TNA Heavyweight Championship wasn't even a full year old. Does TNA plan on dumping their Main title everytime they get an idea in their heads?

Wow. Just Wow. The old belt was around since 2005. The NWA belt was removed for obvious reasons.

Minus Edge, all had their belts swap hands and it not change. Hell do you think WWE changed their belt after Cena lost it? No. Same thing with the "Smoking Skull" Belt. It still hung around and wasn't exclusive to the superstar.

I really hope they keep the original TNA title and only use this...thing to promote Hardy.

Let's talk about logic here. If Immortal takes over Reaction, then takes over Impact, then takes over the Impact Intro. Destroys all of the main event faces within the company.

Having a Immortal Championship gimmick belt makes perfect sense. I don't see how you all could even think this belt is sticking around after this angle is over.

If anything a newer belt would be made and not the tired looking one held by Sting, Foley, Angle, etc. The whole point of this angle is making a legit star out of Anderson, Pope, Morgan. Making people care about the TNA originals also. The ones that cannot draw.

You build and build a heel faction or heel wrestlers up this way. It's called logical booking. Hostile takeovers always result into a new belt or a certain thing being created for the angle.

You don't create a new belt and don't have a real use for it going forward. *Stares at Vince McMahon*
TNA have officially released photos of the new TNA Immortal Championship. Images below:






I still say it's busted, but for a gimmick belt I guess it works.
Reminds me of Batman's logo. Still, I love the thing. Like IDR said, it's a gimmick belt, and not a fugly one either. If you're not okay with it -- no worries, this thing won't be around for long.

Nice addition to the Storyline.
It's fine for what it is, which is obviously a very catered to gimmick belt, but frankly I'd rather they went the Nigel McGuinness v. ROH route with Hardy and the original TNA World Heavyweight Championship if they wanted to establish this type of story line rather than simply debut the new title this quickly.


Having Hardy really milk the idea of wearing the original TNA World Heavyweight Championship backwards, or upside down would have been a little more impacting IMO.
I'm sorry, but that belt is absolutely hideous. I don't mean this to criticize TNA or anyone on its roster, but that thing is downright ugly. Sure it's a catered, gimicky belt, but it looks like a rip-off of the divas belt, and I don't mean this as a compliment.

And of course, Z_Z loves it. Surprise surprise.
If the eyes were cut out, Jeff could wear it as an evil She-Ra mask and be completely assimilated into the Hoarde.. I mean.. Immortal. There can be nasty things lurking in the Whispering Woods, y'know? Darn creatures of the night.. :icon_razz:

The purple is what really throws it off for me. I don't care for the design, but if it wasn't Hubba Bubba purple the faults probably wouldn't stand out so glaringly.
I'm sorry, but that belt is absolutely hideous. I don't mean this to criticize TNA or anyone on its roster, but that thing is downright ugly. Sure it's a catered, gimicky belt, but it looks like a rip-off of the divas belt, and I don't mean this as a compliment.

And of course, Z_Z loves it. Surprise surprise.

Bu-bu-but .. it's purple! You can't possibly tell me that you're surprised I liked something about TNA.

I gotta agree with IDR, though. I like the belt, but I like your idea more. Wearing the belt upside down would be quite symbollic. If the US Flag is turned upside down, that's a sign of distress I believe. Sounds pretty cool to me.

Still, let Hardy run with the Liberace belt and eat grapes with his brother. Plus, think of all the jokes we can make about it.
Everyone who said its the dive belt was absolutely correct, if jeff is cool with that fine but man its stupid looking. Plus Jeff if ur not a pimp u should never wear a purple suit:).

As far a gimmick belt goes its ok i guess.
Looks like a pharoah mask. Cool, still waiting for the dumbshits saying a purple belt looks like a silver and pink butterfly to explain that one. Gimmick belt used to further a story, good usage.
while the belt fits hardy and i guess works as a gimmick belt, this thing it terrible. i mean wut the fuck is this?!?!?! it doesnt even look like a wrestling belt. look im a fan of hardy in terms of wrestling, his stuff outside of the wrestling world not so much. he is not an "artist" and this is not "art". its a piece of trash. they should have thrown this belt in the trash can instead of the real tna heavyweight title. i liked the old version. it actually looked like a wresling championship belt. this is just another feather in the cap of the "anitchrist of wrestling". does this mean that hardy will forever kill the wrestling business? i hope he's proud of himself. he went from the top of the world, the face of the wwe, a title he worked 10 years to get and threw it away. i like tna but it just isnt the same level of popularity and money that the wwe is.
You cannot predict the future. For all you know they might plan on keeping this travesty. I mean come on- the last TNA Heavyweight Championship wasn't even a full year old. Does TNA plan on dumping their Main title everytime they get an idea in their heads?

Minus Edge, all had their belts swap hands and it not change. Hell do you think WWE changed their belt after Cena lost it? No. Same thing with the "Smoking Skull" Belt. It still hung around and wasn't exclusive to the superstar.

I really hope they keep the original TNA title and only use this...thing to promote Hardy.

And neither can anyone on this site. So me saying it is not a long term thing is just as ridiculous as people thinking it is the new belt. BTW Austins and Edge are not around anymore. They didn't have a very long time on TV with them anyway. It is obvious why Cena's is still used. Kids are buying them because it is still Cenas belt.
It's weird and it's a bit qyerky, just like hardy. it kind of suits him.
As for me i dont know if i like it or not
but it's good for tna getting rid of the old belt and having a new one simbolising the age of immortal and a new start

So i will see if i like it in the coming weeks
You cannot predict the future. For all you know they might plan on keeping this travesty. I mean come on- the last TNA Heavyweight Championship wasn't even a full year old. Does TNA plan on dumping their Main title everytime they get an idea in their heads?

Not true. The TNA World Heavyweight Championship was unveiled and awarded to Kurt Angle on iMPACT! in place of the old NWA Heavyweight Championship back on May 14, 2007.

I really hope they keep the original TNA title and only use this...thing to promote Hardy.

Same here.
The belt is ugly as hell, IMO. The purple is the biggest turnoff for me. The leather of a championship should not stray from black, brown or white.

That being said, of course the belt won't stick around.

If you look closely, the smaller plates have Hardy's face of them.
After tossing the TNA title in the garbage last night on Impact, a new belt designed for Jeff Hardy was unveiled. Now I will give them points for originality, but damn that is an ugly ass belt.

It's purple, has a face on it and it is the closest thing I have seen to the Shiny Butterfly divas title in WWE. This is purely about the belt's look, not shitting on the actual company or Immortal storyline etc.

The smoking skull title Austin had, was pretty cool and Cena's US and WWE titles were cool at first but have since looked tacky and silly. (Especially since other guys have held the belt).

So my question is simple, what do you all think of the aesthetics of this belt?
State your reasons why you are for or against.
I'd just like to note that there is a thread about Jeff Hardy's new belt already up. Don't see any significant differences between yours and the other one but ..

I think it looks good. I like Hardy's style overall. I like his paintings, I like his look, so chances are -- I'll like his belt which I'm sure he designed himself. Most people think it's ugly as fuck, and I'm sure they're right, but I love it. It's artistic, it's different. Not a permanent thingy anyway. It's got Hardy's face all over it for Christ's sake. We don't want Mr.Anderson to be called "The New Jeff Hardy Show Champion!" do we now?

It's a great addition to the storyline. This ain't a fashion show.

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