So he has to stay face forever because of charity organizations. Are you guys kidding me, its a freakin show, what kid who hasn't watched pro wrestling for more than a month dosen't know its fake. His character should have no bearing on there person he is outside the ring, it should be two different worlds. Kane is supposed to be some big freak monster and he's out and about promoting his political views and giving interviews, so whats the difference ?
This is exactly why the WWE is in the shape it is in, because it dosent reflect what real fans feel. Vince is so set on forcing us to accept his programming when he should be shaping the show around what we want. If you see your ratings declining Vince and your main star is Cena, put the math together. Things have got to change. The guy has been doing the same routine for nearly EIGHT YEARS. The last time he was a heel was in 2003 !
Imagine how ground breaking it would be to Cena snap just like Hogan in 96 after all those years as a face. Wasnt Batista the other major face of WWE for several years, but during his last few months they TOOK A CHANCE, and let the dull animal Batista turn heel, and it worked. Batista was actually a damn good heel. We know Cena can be one. WWE ratings are so mediocre right now, any major change, especially this kind would instantaneously boost them much higher. You are telling me less people would watch if WWE changed a character that has been the same for years, especially the biggest of them all. Come on, open up the playbook WWE, you guys limit your own success by playing out the same formulas over and over again. There are all these restrictions now that fix the show into a small box, and all the talent are being fed this overtly scripted nonsense that dosen't allow for character grow.
Just because Cena goes heel for a while dosent mean he cant go back, duh right. Isnt that wrestling is all about. You got to change you ways sometimes. Its just unbelievable to me that people can sit here and keep towing the WWE line, just accepting that we have to accept what they give us. I think Cena is good talent, but never should a talent who booed as immensly as he was, have been shoved down the throats of fans until he was accepted. Thats not how it works, you didnt build an empire by ignoring and blowing off your fanbase. Its just an insult and what makes it even more emberassing is that instead of putting effort into making the show better for the long run, Vince is perfectly okay with putting out a mediocre product as long as Cena is helping them sell merchandise.