Why Aren't You Going To Vote For Dagger?

Why aren't you voting for Dagger

  • He takes things too personally

  • He's not very smart

  • He's stubborn

  • He's not a great poster

  • He doesn't understand the rules

  • Nobody in the Board Room supports him

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Perhaps this is based on a misunderstanding on my part on what mods can or cannot do in sections they are not specifically assigned to, maybe one of them can correct me on this. Can a mod from a specific section handle issues in an unmodded section such as the spam friendly sections, or does an unmodded section require G-mod or higher level to deal with trouble? I was under the assumption that if the section was unmodded, a mod could take care of it, just that they couldn't step on another mod's toes in an already modded section. If that is wrong, and only G-mod or higher can do it, then I will of course reconsider my objection to Coco's platform based on the correction of faulty information I was going by. I still may not support Coco, but if my assumption about mod power is incorrect it would certainly help to negate my criticisms of his platform.
I feel a mod needs to clear this up and am quoting it so it's not lost in the shuffle. My understand on this is not the same as Davi's, and I'd like to see what those in the know have to say.
I think they can still hand out infractions & warnings in an section, but can only close, delete, etc. threads in their own section unless they're a G-mod or Admin, or at least that's how I remember it being years ago when I was mod.
A mod clarifying that would be greatly appreciated, because I have absolutely no problems saying "I don't know" in regards to this. I fully acknowledge that my understanding on this could have been completely wrong.

In fact, if my previous understanding of mod power is based on faulty assumptions, your platform of being a spam mod gets enhanced in my view, Coco. My first priority in this election has been need over reinforcement.
A mod can infract and warn anywhere, but they can't remove the offending post unless it is in their section. As a result, the eradication of the public effect of a dodgy post requires the secton's mod or a G-Mod.
"The public effect" of course being continued responses to the offending post, knee-jerk responses to prejudiced language derailing the thread, etc.
Well, in that case,

Coco +1.

That information gives me something to think about, doesn't it? Personal feelings as to how you have handled your campaign aside, I will give the idea of changing my support an honest internal debate, Coco.
Any mod who may have issues with me such as JGlass or Tasty can be dealt with in private messages. If I win and get modded the other staff members can either work with me or resign. All of them are smart enough to realize those options. I have no major dislike towards anyone on the current staff and do not plan to let any issues spill out into the public. I see it as this.... the vast majority of them would see my true determination by not quitting despite all the hate going on.

FOR FUCKIN' REALZ!? And people still try to defend him as "the good guy"? So tempted to change my sig again now.
DirtyJosé;3634606 said:
FOR FUCKIN' REALZ!? And people still try to defend him as "the good guy"? So tempted to change my sig again now.

They're really running out of real estate, and there really are no more arguments for Dagger. How long until they start trying to convince us that he's the lesser of three evils?

It's becoming quite apparent that the people who are supporting Dagger have come to realize that they picked the wrong pony, but they realize that pulling out their support now would make them look silly, so they're going to go down with the ship. Whether that's noble of foolish is up to the individual.
So...Dagger would feel uncomfortable if his son was gay and he thinks that being gay is a "lifestyle choice?"

As someone who is actually openly gay, let me be the first to tell you, that's extremely disrespectful and probably one of the most ignorant things I've ever read. I didn't think lowly of you before Dagger, but now I can see why people think you're an idiot. If being gay was a lifestyle choice, don't you think I would choose to follow a "straight lifestyle" since it's all a choice after all? Don't you think I'd choose being straight just so that people wouldn't feel uncomfortable around me or so that people wouldn't be disgusted at me because of my sexuality? Yeah, lifestyle choice my ass. Go take that shit somewhere else and shove it up where the sun don't shine. Jackass.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we have another Sid.
I've been sayin' that shit for weeks.

So...Dagger would feel uncomfortable if his son was gay and he thinks that being gay is a "lifestyle choice?"

As someone who is actually openly gay, let me be the first to tell you, that's extremely disrespectful and probably one of the most ignorant things I've ever read. I didn't think lowly of you before Dagger, but now I can see why people think you're an idiot. If being gay was a lifestyle choice, don't you think I would choose to follow a "straight lifestyle" since it's all a choice after all? Don't you think I'd choose being straight just so that people wouldn't feel uncomfortable around me or so that people wouldn't be disgusted at me because of my sexuality? Yeah, lifestyle choice my ass. Go take that shit somewhere else and shove it up where the sun don't shine. Jackass.

Can I ask you a few decent questions about homosexuality?
Thread of the Year?

A little early to tell to be honest, but I will say that it sets the bar pretty fucking high.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have another Sid.

A lot of people throw out the "here comes another Sidious!" comments. However, when it comes from klunderbunker it has MUCH more weight to it than from really anyone else.

Countdown towards loud and repetitive complaints about electoral bias in 5...

Hmmm...blaming the guys in charge instead of taking life on the chin like a manly man? Sounds like his style.

Can I ask you a few decent questions about homosexuality?

Take it to The Bar Room or something. I sense that nothing good can come of this.
DirtyJosé;3636126 said:
A lot of people throw out the "here comes another Sidious!" comments. However, when it comes from klunderbunker it has MUCH more weight to it than from really anyone else.

Sid's attitude basically came down to "I've been here a week and I know how this place should be run, I know how I want my section to be run, I'm going to do it my way, I don't care what anyone says, I'm going to make fun of the system in place because it doesn't work like I want it to, I'm going to tell you that you don't deserve your job and that's all there is to it, and if you want to argue with me I'm going to spend the next hour telling you why you're wrong because you are and that's that."
I think KB has more or less guaranteed that if Dagger wins, he will get smacked down as a mod.

Which will actually probably be the most goddamn hilarious thing to ever happen.

Everybody, vote for Dagger.
I think KB has more or less guaranteed that if Dagger wins, he will get smacked down as a mod.

Which will actually probably be the most goddamn hilarious thing to ever happen.

Everybody, vote for Dagger.

All this hulabaloo and name calling and I forgot that KB and Sly get last say.

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