What's So Great About Mr Kennedy?

I dont think that losing to Matt Hardy would lose him credibility. Hardy is one hell of a performer and very over with crowds. I hope Kennedy gets the strap at some point this year he is one hell of a worker.
"Kennedy has been improving since day one with his wrestling skills and as for as I'm concerned, Stone Cold and Rocky were not WRESTLERS. They were guys who would bring in the money."

And that's a damn shame,because before he took on the Stone Cold persona,Steve Austin was a hell of a wrestler.
Hinkey... SpacePhantom... Low_Ki.... How in the hell are they going to convince anyone he is capable of defeating any of the current champions (regardless of his wins over 7 world champs in the past) when in almost consecutive weeks he loses to the likes of Finlay and Matt Hardy. It's been often said that "you're only as good as your last match"... and Kennedy's last few matches minus MITB have been quite forgettable for him. Finlay is a decent wrestler but he's past his prime and the best they've been able to come up with is giving him a leprechaun friend? Matt Hardy has been a jobber to the stars for so long it came as a shock to actually see him win a match... win without Jeff as his partner anyway. On top of that Kennedy and Orton lost to Lashley in a handicap match which in my opinion doesn't enhance Lashley's credibility but only diminishes the credibility of Kennedy and Orton.
I've enjoyed Mr. Kennedy (Anderson) since day one when he faced Funaki on Velocity. I knew that he was going to be a big star, because you really never saw anyone do what he did before (at least not that way).

He pulls everything off well and he is as great a wrestler as he is at cutting promos. As long as WWE Creative doesn't screw him over if he turns face...
Kennedy is a damn fine wrestler, and entertainer. The future, not so sure, given his age... But he is great nonetheless. Start giving him the respect he deserves, he is mirroring his character after past greats like the rock/stone cold and that shud be obvious to you all. He has the ability, the charisma, the star power to pull it off... And now he will be a champion sooner or later...
And he will turn face, as I said before. He is already acting like a face (plus a little bravado and arrogance thrown in) anyway... I hope they don't make him a kiss a$$...
^I think at some point the WWE will be forced to turn him face because the crowd already has. There are just as many cheers as boos in any given Kennedy match and there are always tons of supportive signs in the crowd. The crowd determined a face turn for The Rock, Jericho, and Stone Cold and it looks like Kennedy is the next name on that list.
The Trouble is, where are the heels for a face Kennedy to go up against. The wwe is big on pushing faces right now, and simply put, Cena and Lashley aren't going anywhere.

You can't put a face Kennedy against a face Undertaker, Kennedy is getting over, but you don't put him up against the Taker and his followers.

My guess, and it's just a guess, Taker has some weird feuds the next few months, before losing the belt at either Vengeance or GAB in the Cell to a heel Batista, then we see Kennedy against Batista for the belt at Summerslam.

Personel Opinion here.
Kennedy is getting over on his own. I still think he is way too green in the ring to get the strap just yet. I want another year of work out of this guy, and then put the belt on him at WM 24. I just hate the idea of putting this belt on him when hes not ready to carry it. Kennedy is an exceptional talent, and rushing the belt on him may turn him into a Cena or Lashley.
Kennedy will get boring as soon as he properly turns face. Have him as a tweener. It worked for The Outsiders. And Austin was hilarious when he was a heel.
he wont turn face while there is Kane, no-talent-dave, Benoit, taker, and circus-show-rey are all there. The only way it would happen was if he was drafted/moved to RAw which wont happen in the near future im guessing. They need to get Kennedy on the mic more tho thats what turned Stone cold n the rock from good smack talkers, to fantastic mic workers. In ring hes doing ok, id like to see him wrestle a long 20/30 min match tho sometime to see measure how much he has improved in there.
Kennedy is the star that Captain Charisma should've been in WWE...great mic skill, solid in-ring skill. Christian was sorely misused in WWE. Just my opinion
Kennedy has all the potential in the world to be one of the WWE's perennial greats-in-the-making. He's over with the crowd of his own accord and has a gimmick and catchphrase that has completely stuck and is now a fixture on the hearts and minds of the WWE crowds. It all comes down to how he's used. IF, and I mean IF he's given a title run, he needs to be set into a program with exciting wrestlers that can take him to the next level in the ring and keep him there. A glaring problem that gets worse by the year in the WWE is that they book gimmick vs. gimmick. It should be ring chemistry vs. ring chemistry that is the determinate. It doesn't matter how well a match can be talked up on the mic if it blows goats in the ring (Wrestlemania 21/22?). My top guys to have Kennedy feud with on Raw would be Michaels, Edge and Orton. I excluded HHH because he is a cancer to anyone's push post-title win. All three can really push their competition to get better in the ring and all Kenny would have to do is bring his A-game like he did at WM23 and he'd be set. Chances are they'd put him in a feud with a complete dud, though.
^I think at some point the WWE will be forced to turn him face because the crowd already has. There are just as many cheers as boos in any given Kennedy match and there are always tons of supportive signs in the crowd. The crowd determined a face turn for The Rock, Jericho, and Stone Cold and it looks like Kennedy is the next name on that list.
Bingo. This is probably the best way to build him. He doesn't have the likeable, Ward Cleaver quality that endears him as a true face. Instead, have him be a little bit of an anti-hero like the guys you mentioned (and a little like the RVD of old, where he rightfully buys his own hype...because that $hit is cool). He's way over in terms of getting a response with the crowd, but they haven't shifted his push into high gear until just recently, so the next year will really tell just how he'll fare in the long run. For the sake of the company, I hope to high heaven it works out for Kennedy. The three options they went with previously (and are still following to some extent) in Lashley, Batista, and Cena are all lame ducks that can't cut the mustard. Batista and Cena had to have their hands held at this last Wrestlemania (and they still sucked) and Lashley had to have the most pre-scripted match of the night in order to cover up the lack of charisma and in-ring skills. Kennedy won't have to suffer from that because he actually has potential that's worth pissing on.
I for one believe that Kennedy is an excellent talent. He deserved his MITB win, and I do hopw it leads to him being given a top title.

It would be intriguing to see what they would do with him as a face, but considering the title holders are both face at the moment and it will stay that way if HBK takes the title, I see Kennedy staying heel through cashing in his MITB against one of the current babyfaces.
I love Kennedy. He is has the best new gimmick and he is the best heel on Smackdown with Booker out now. I don't care who he beats for the title, but I see a title win Between Summerslam and Survivor Series. I am counting the days til he cashes in that Breifcase, cause I'll be jumping for joy when he does.
I hear a lot of people saying that Mr Kennedy has the potential to be bigger than Stone Cold or The Rock. Call me insane, but I can't really see that potential. Perhaps I'm just being ignorant, but I'm wondering - What leads you guys to believe this guy has so much potential?


Have you gone blind?

Kennedy is just as good as The Rock on the microphone. Hell, he has the charisma that the Rock had, in a quarter of the time it took the Rock to get it.

The SKY IS THE FUCKING LIMIT for Kennedy. Hell, Batista's boring ass shouldnt even be in the main event picture. Its just because he is a big guy. Thats all. Taker is better because of his mystique and character. Batista, he is just a mexican version of the Ultimate Warrior.

Cena, he is the homeboy version of Hulk Hogan. So... what is great about Cena? Nothing. He used to rap, and he was only okay at then. He was likeable, but now he is used to put me to sleep.

Orton, Lashley, Kennedy, King Book-ah, and Finlay are doing great right now. Fuck everyone who likes Jeff Hardy and shit. Jeff Hardy is liked because he can jump off the fucking empire state building and land on his ass. So can I. Rey Mysterio is like 590548903 times better.

Anyways, Kennedy is the WWE future of this era. Much like how The Rock was in the attitude era. Mark my words, Kennedy... KENNEDY will be the best World Champ or WWE Champ in this era. Bank on it.
...Batista is Mexican? Dude you gotta calm down, the guy was asking a reasonable question for politely, no need to attack him. And theres also no need to say fuck everyone who likes Jeff Hardy. Hardy as proven countless times his worth, so you can't say anything against him, especially when you said that Lashley is doing great. I'll ask you the same question you asked him.


Lashley is worse then friggin Cena for christ sakes, the guy has no wrestling ability, no mic skills, no character, nothing. The guy couldn't put on an entertaining match with Ricky Steamboat.

And Kennedy being already at the level of the Rock? No sir, now you are just talking horseshit. Kennedy does have good mic skills, and they are promising, but they are nowhere near the Rock's skills on the mic. The Rock would just demolish his opponents on the mic before he even got to the ring, all Kennedy does is talk in a soft voice and then scream his name. He's got promise, but just that-promise. He has to do alot to get there. I do believe though that Kennedy will be one of the big names of the next generation of wrestlers.
As my first post :O im going to have to agree with the above post.

Kennedy while I agree has immense potential, far beyond the likes of Cena and Batista, but njmtitan, dude, he is damn sure no Rock yet. To be honest the fact that you just said Lashley and great in the same sentence made me close too vomitting and disregard the rest of what you had to say..

I definitly agree that Kennedy needs a change in finisher. The Kenton bomb, im sorry, but thats nothing but a Jeff hardy rip-off you certainly cant have Jeff doing the Swanton on Raw and Kennedy with the Kenton on smackdown its just stupid. The Green Bay Plunge I like because its a bit different. However as it stands he has 2 finishers that need to be set up. He needs somethingelse.

With that being said in answer to the thread question. Answers simple. Brilliant mic skills, cool catchphrase and unlimited potential.
Belive it or not Mr Kennedy came up pretty fast.He came outta no where.Faced the Undertaker.Facing greats.Before you know it he won M.I.T.B ladder match.Now he has an oppurtunity to face any WWE/ECW champion he wants.Thats one of the reason Vince thinks hes so great.Other than that alot of people hate him.
Omais, I am going to have to disagree with you. Kennedy was not thrown into the spotlight (the way Lashley was). Kennedy paid his dues on the Independent circuit and spent plenty of time in OVW developing his character. I'm not sure what you meant by stating "alot of people hate him", but if you are referring to the fans, that it just not true. The fans will turn Kennedy face sooner than later. It is evident when watching Smackdown each week. Just this past week the crowd actually had a "Kennedy" chant going. I am not a fan of Vince McMahon, but I think he finally got this one right. Vince thinks Kennedy is great simply because he is.
lashley and cena both suck for starters

Kennedy has loads of potential and i believe that he will win the world heavyweight title at some stage even if he didnt have the mitb breif case plus he is awesome on the mike
...Batista is Mexican? Dude you gotta calm down, the guy was asking a reasonable question for politely, no need to attack him. And theres also no need to say fuck everyone who likes Jeff Hardy. Hardy as proven countless times his worth, so you can't say anything against him, especially when you said that Lashley is doing great. I'll ask you the same question you asked him.


Lashley is worse then friggin Cena for christ sakes, the guy has no wrestling ability, no mic skills, no character, nothing. The guy couldn't put on an entertaining match with Ricky Steamboat.

And Kennedy being already at the level of the Rock? No sir, now you are just talking horseshit. Kennedy does have good mic skills, and they are promising, but they are nowhere near the Rock's skills on the mic. The Rock would just demolish his opponents on the mic before he even got to the ring, all Kennedy does is talk in a soft voice and then scream his name. He's got promise, but just that-promise. He has to do alot to get there. I do believe though that Kennedy will be one of the big names of the next generation of wrestlers.

You sound like your suprised when it was said that Batista was a mexican. Lol, you completely missed the point of what was said.

Cena is getting a Hulk Hogan sized push because he is popular with the fans who dont know crap about wrestling, but are either teenage women, like rap, or just came into the world of wrestling and saw he was the champion.

Batista put on one good match throughout his entire title reign. He faced Taker at WM23 and that was his best match. Hell, the best part of that match was when Taker pinned Batista so the match was over.

Lashley on the other hand is better than Cena, I dont give a crap what is said. They both have the same in ring ablility, and you know its true. Sure, Cena is better on the microphone, but Lashley is definately better where it counts, and that is in the ring.

Either way, Kennedy is better than every World Champion out there right now. Batista is exactly what was said before "a mexican version of the Ultimate Warrior."

Cena is exactly what was said above, the homeboy version of Hulk Hogan, and its because the WWE cant find new people to carry their federation.

Lashley, he is a "black Brock Lesnar" in my opinion. But, I like Lashley the best. Batista is just too plain. Cena is played out, and I would like him if he went back to how he was originally, as the rapper. Having this whole "the champ is here" gimmick is stupid. Guess what? When Cena lost the title to Edge, the champ wasnt there no more!

Kennedy has better in ring skills and mic skills than them all. Case and Point. The WWE has made a step to become a little better by making Taker the champ, but Cena is a suck ass champion made to look good, and Lashley just got the title too early.
I'm not up to speed on Kennedy's past before making it into the WWE, but he seems like he knows his stuff. What's not to like about this guy? He has great mic skills, good size to where he can wrestle almost anywhere on a card, and sound skills in the ring. He really reminds me a bit of Jericho and the Rock together (not to go off this guy before me), but he has the arrogance of a young Jericho, and the in-your-face brazeness(sp?) of the Rock. It looks to me like WWE isn't pushing him to fast, and he could really work as a heel or a face champion. IMO he is one of the WWE's future top stars, maybe not on the same level as a Stone Cold or a Hogan, but right up there.

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