[Official] Mr. Kennedy Thread - Keep it ALL in here!

Latest rumour has it that the WWE will drop Ken Kennedy once his contract expires this fall.

Personally, I want him gone. He's nothing special inside the ring, his mic skills are average at best, and his look is forgettable (another "Great White Hope").

Most of all...he's been given the ball several times, and has pulled a T.O. on us and fumbled it.

Your thoughts?

He's not going anywhere folks
This is just another example of lazy internet reporting. He is way too talented to let go, and McMahon knows it. Whoever reported that story needs to back it up.

I mean come on. They just hired back Dlo Brown. He'll never be in the main event matches (IMO), and Kennedy has been in main event matches.

I'm putting myself on the line here. If Mr. Kennedy does not stay in WWE because Vince didn't want him, then I will never post on Wrestlezone ever again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Personally i wouldn't mind. For about two years everyone has been like "OMG! Kennedy is a god! Kennedy is going to be a main eventer in no time!" Well you know what? It's been 3 years since his debut and he still is in the same position. The only things he accompliced were feuds with Taker and HBK, a dud MITB win, and an easily forgettable US title reign. Sure the guy is talented but everyone needs to face the facts: He is not getting anywhere in his career. WWE has been trying to give him chances but look where he is, out of action....again! I do not think he should be released, but i do feel that he should be kept just to put over more deserving talent.
This would be something they would do. Just drop a good talent. He's good on the Mic, good in the ring and should be in the MAIN EVENT. Hell he should've stayed on RAW. He might be in the main event. Maybe RAW wouldn't be so screwed right now.
Lol, Laughable at best. The WWE should drop Kennedy (someone that Vince McMahon mentioned by name at the WM 22 press conference as being a huge star in the future), because of a bad year?

The guys gotten injured, in the ring it, it happens. At least he's not out there wrecking a damn motorcycle. He's doing his job, and getting hurt, it happens in the wrestling business. And if you want to talk about his suspension, then you better damn well include the dozen other guys that have been suspended the last year or so.

The WWE is going to give up arguably a guy that is on the cusp of being a main eventer for what reason exactly? He's injury prone, sure, he got suspend, so have a dozen other main eventers or mid carders. Shit happens, and the WWE is going to give this guy to TNA for free.
I think Mr. Kennedy would also be a good addition to TNA also a fresh new heel good enough for the main event title also with the return of jeff jarret and Mick Foley likely to also go to TNA that would be a lot of fresh new faces and ideas ready for Bound for Glory and so on
I don't think they will let him go. He might have had a bad year, but that shouldn't be the reason to let him go. He is an excellent, is over with the fans, is charismatic and can cut fantastic promos. If he can get himself back on track, I think he could be a real talent of the future
Are you stupid or something?

No way should they drop Mr. Kennedy. This guy is solid in the ring which is more than can be said for some in a higher position, he has a great gimmick which is VERY over with the fans and he is great on the mic.

With this, Kennedy has the potential to be one of the greatest superstars in the history of the WWE, that dosen't come around everyday. If they let him go then they will regret it.
despite all the talk, I don't see Kennedy being dropped anytime soon. Unreliable as Ken Kennedy may be, the fact is that he is solid on the mic - better than the majority of mid-carders like Jeff Hardy and Shelton Benjamin. He's decent enough in the ring that he can get the job done in the ring, and actually has people who like the guy.

To me, that puts him ahead of guys like Super Crazy, Carlito and even Benjamin. Kennedy's solid enough that he's got the potential to make a future main-eventer. Still a little green and lacking direction, but there's no doubt it would be a mistake TNA would love WWE to make.
LOL this won't happen. Kennedy has his share of bad luck with injuries no doubt and had a bogus suspension (which is more or less gotten over with by now) but he's not going anywhere.

Besides WWE has his movie to promote in early 09; Behind Enemy Lines 3. He's not going anywhere, just more buggy W.O. reporting.
I don't think Kennedy is in any danger of being let go anytime soon. He's got all the potential in the world to be a main event talent and I think he could be amazingly marketable, especially if his movie turns out to be any good. That being said, I can understand why people would be speculating as to him leaving. His time in the WWE has been very up and down, for every time he's been entertaining and been involved in a good feud, he's also found ways to bring himself down: injuries, signature pharmacy, steroids, etc.
They wouldn't dare. They shouldn't dare. With many of WWE's biggest names being up in age and on the cusp of retirement within the next five years (you know who they are), it is important to have as many young talent in the making as possible to see who deserves to take their torch. Kennedy is one of these people and to lose him would be a terrible mistake. He's been dealt a couple of bad hands, that doesn't mean you should wash your hands of him.

If he stays clean and healthy he is going to go a lot of places. It'd be best to have him under your banner.
It's unfortunate that he and Umaga were injured. I garuntee you if they weren't, that Kendrick and Benjamin would not be in the scramble. I am dying for Kennedy to jump that final hurdle and hit the main event..

He's got it all.. He really does..

If he were in the scramble, I wouldn't see him winning, but I think he would have pinned Trips. I would have been a happy, happy boy.
If you were to write the story of this guy's Professional Wrestling career I think the cover story should be based off the Little Engine That Could.

Everytime he gets the opportunity to shine, he screws it up by failing a drug test or for the most part always finds himself being injured. "I think I can, I think I can" Kennedy would say to himself.. right before being sidelined (again) for 'x' amount of monthes with yet another unfortunate injury.

If you ask me, Kennedy is well over with the fans, for not being in the business as much as he's out of it. That alone shows you the type of overall greatness he could seriously hold IF he could manage to stay in the company for a straight year or two. I fully had this guy as the next W.W.E. Champion, by Wrestlemania. It's still a slight possibility, but to be honest with as injury prone as he is.. I doubt it.
mr. kennedy will be out 4 to 6 months for surgery to his labrum(shoulder). i like him better as a heel than a face. it was too bad that his feud with william regal ended prematurely.
Its a shame that Kennedy got hurt. Not sure if he was in line for a push soon but he seemed so lost in the shuffle. Hopefully he and the WWE can take a step back whiel he is out and figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.
Let's hope WWE doesn't decide to let him go because of his recent surgery. 4-6 months rehab time, that puts his return at about Jan/Feb, right around the rumble, which is normally a good time to make a return except with Cena also injuried and returning about the same time Kennedy's return might be overshadowed and he may not be given much of a push at all. Since I currently have Jeff picked to win MITB and I don't think they'll rush a HHH/Kennedy WWE title match for WM especially if he returns closer to 6 months, I hope that the U.S title will be left out of the MITB match and Kennedy goes over whoever the champ is and has a strong title run. At this point in his career the man needs something to start going right for him soon.
Yeah I expect Triple H to retain at Unforgiven so he can finish his feud with Khali. Which means Jeff won't be WWE champ for awhile. Which means he will win MITB. I hope Shelton is still US cHampion at Mania it would be a strong run for the Gold Standard then Kennedy could go over Shelton at Mania. But I don't wanna see Kennedy and Benjamin left out of MITB. Kennedy has won this match before and Shelton always delivers. But we'll see Kennedy has all the talent in the world. The problem is he is injury prone and that could hurt his future with the company.
Will pointed out something very true. For the amount of time Kennedy has been out, he still has a huge fan base. I mean Kennedy seriously has been a constant target of misfortune. Wether or not it's been his own fault. The wellness violation obviously was his fault there's no way around that, I mean he easily could have double checked with the doc to make sure he wouldn't violate the policy, but the injuries really are not his fault. The guy should be a huge part of the future of the WWE. Everyone's said it. He's got talent and mad mic skills. Rumors going around of WWE not resigning him I think is ridiculous. WWE would be really stupid not to sign a guy who has a huge fan base, a lot of talent, and the capablility to someday main event. I mean if WWE really wanted to when he gets back in Dec/Jan, they could push him in the Rumble to possibly win it, or have him become the Smackdown number 1 contender should a Raw guy win it. Either way there is so much the guy can still do for the WWE, and like I said. He is a part of the future of that buisiness. Wether or not WWE will realize it or not is besides me. Hopefully they do otherwise we'll see Keneddy on TNA.
The drug test obviously was his fault there's no way around that

Drug test? What drug test?

Kennedy didn't fail a drug test. That wasn't why he was suspended. He was suspended because his doctor prescribed some things for him and the WWE was fully aware of this.

The reason he was suspended was because his doctor was ordering it for him from Signature Pharmacy online which is illegal. Kennedy wasn't in the know and the WWE had no choice but to suspend him since his name appeared on that list.

So that too, was just bad luck on Kennedy's part. He wasn't 'roiding up' while telling the media that he doesn't.
I do not believe thoes rumors about them not re-signing Kennedy. #1 it's WZ, and they are not always the best source for news(Jeff Hardy-Broken Neck, John Cena-Moving to Smackdown, ect)Also it doesn't make sense for them to let Kennedy go. They don;t cut Carlito loose, even though he bashes the company to no end, and isn't doing anything just so he won't go to TNA, yet they will cut Kennedy? I like both guys but Kennedy is the more popular of the two and he has the better overall skills. They are not willing to let Carlito jump ship, but they don;t mind Kennedy...I smell B/S. Anyways I like Kennedy, I'm not as big on him as others, he is really good on the mic and has charisma which is great, but I perfer him as a heel.
Well, first of all, saying that "he" fucks up his pushes is fucking stupid. He has missed out primarily due to injuries. I guess he controls how his bones break yea??? Um, no. The steroids thing was a fuck up yes, but for all ive heard he was unaware of the substance being banned, and was prescribed the drugs to help with rehab of his deltoid. So please, get off the nuts if you are uninformed.

And well, this fuckin sucks. As has been said, he has been not even around for so much time, and is still very very over. Just a sighn of al he can accomplish if gievn the vehicle. Hopefully they dont loose faith, and try to utilize him when he returns. Sadly though, I can see this possibly going the way of so many other wasted talents who never accomplished anything due to injury.
there's hope for Mr Kennedy. even if he has been in a bad luck streak (besides the roid scandal, which was dumb of him), WWE wont let him go. I know he could be labeled as "injury prone", but look at Cena: 2 important injuries in less than a year? Undertaker: the same story, Rey Mysterio: the same story, and what happened? They came back to the top.
Now, these guys (with the exception of Cena) are on their way out. So, this is where Mr Kennedy comes into play. He is clearly the future of the company, he has all the tools to succeed and make history.

What Kennedy needs now is polish a little more his mat skills; learning new moves, holds and tricks that allow him to perform an interesting program without abusing of his superb mic skills.

That time should happen as soon as Kennedy returns. he needs a big program, maybe a feud with Edge seeking revenge for the MITB match last year. NOW, That would be awesome!

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