[Official] Mr. Kennedy Thread - Keep it ALL in here!

seriously TRIPLE H just drop the belt u dont need it i wanna see edge vs kennedy thats a great feud already u have the personal issue when edge stole the money in the bank and went on to win the world title i mean u already have the story for the feud! edge vs kennedy has huge potential and seeing as edge is the best heel/performer it would help mr kennedy gain even more popularity and enchance his status feuding with edge! this feud would be priceless!
I really hope they are atleast going to do a feud between kennedy and mvp i just dont get this whole umaga,kennedy shit. i was happy at first with the move back to smackdown but its just going to bury him again with stupid triple h holding everyone down because he thinks hes some god. cant wait for him to retire
There was seriously no reason to have Kennedy job to Umaga, and there was also no reason to have that match in the 1st place. 20 minutes of watching Umaga squeeze on Kennedy's trap muscle..woo. Why does WWE insist on wasting all the potential that this guy has? He's been hovering around so long in the same position and every feud/match practically that he has goes the same way. HBK/Hardy/Batista/Umaga/just about anyone else you can name.. he beats them, then they beat him or vice versa. Kennedy has wins almost everyone but also has losses against everyone..idk, it just seems kinda stupid to put Kennedy over everyone yet at the same time put everyone over him. Oh well..
There was seriously no reason to have Kennedy job to Umaga, and there was also no reason to have that match in the 1st place. 20 minutes of watching Umaga squeeze on Kennedy's trap muscle..woo. Why does WWE insist on wasting all the potential that this guy has? He's been hovering around so long in the same position and every feud/match practically that he has goes the same way. HBK/Hardy/Batista/Umaga/just about anyone else you can name.. he beats them, then they beat him or vice versa. Kennedy has wins almost everyone but also has losses against everyone..idk, it just seems kinda stupid to put Kennedy over everyone yet at the same time put everyone over him. Oh well..

Seriously I see Umaga as a guy he could feud with for a while. I know some people are gonna pounce on that and say Umaga is crap, but I see Umaga as a guy that could seriously put Kennedy more over than he already is.

Even a short feud with the monster could work well for Kennedy. A few losses to him won't hurt his credibility, but one big win over the guy could push him higher. They probably won't, but I see as being a possible good feud to put him more over. He's not going to be main event status anytime soon, as they're pushing Edge/HHH through the fucking roof. (why waste this feud now, i dunno, but that's WWE creative for you) But the way I see it Kennedy will be down in the midcard slots for now, why not feud him with someone like Umaga who's not doing anything else either? You've got Edge and Trips, and possibly Taker (If he comes back to Smackdown. for some reason i see this happening as his deal with edge isn't completely done, i don't think.) in the ME slot.

So, where does that leave our pal Ken? Stuck in the midcard race, with really no where to go? but there are still ways to push the guy up without him having the title. Hell they did an amazing job of it when he debuted, it's possible they could do it again, but we'll see how things turn out. I'm still hoping that it'll be a good move for him, but at this point I'm not optimistic with Trips and Hardy on the same show, too.
Kennedy is a work of art. So is MVP. The thing is, the WWE is going to wait a another year or 2 so they don't push them to quick like they did with Cena and Batista whom iv'e become tired of seeing. This move didn't really benefit him beacuse they have HHH,Edge,Jeff Hardy, Big Show, Umaga. So it will just take a little longer but a great move in my opinion
I'd have no problem with Ken losing to Umaga a few times, only for Ken to pull out a big win in the end. I agree that it would seriously put Ken over. Maybe they're aiming to annoy people by having Umaga beat Ken at every turn, until the end of the feud where Ken finally gets the big win, and the fans feel like it was worth waiting for.

But, I'm having this odd feeling that we're gonna sit through weeks and weeks of Ken jobbing to Umaga and then the feud ends abruptly with no big, final match and it was all for nothing. WWE Creative has killed my optimism. This is their chance to restore it, because I am obviously a HUGE Kennedy fan, and will be quite upset if he is once again misused.
lol... the kennedy fans always gets excited then let down... Kennedy seriously has enough talent to be the new face of the WWE. He debuted in 2005, so he's been in the WWE for almost 3 years and hasn't won a World title yet.... also you have to look at the fact that Kennedy has been in the WWE for almost 3 years and already lost 2 chances to be a main eventer (He got injured when he was about to become champion... then he got busted with steroids on Raw when he was about to get the push of his life). That's got to tell you something about this guy. Not the fact that he lost two chances but that he was even given two chances. Now, 3 years later, he's still stuck in the midcard like he should be if he was an average guy who never stopped improving and will eventually get main event status (like John Cena).

Now here is how I look at it. On Smackdown, there are tons of feuds for him... I'll just put them in ppv order so you can get what I'm saying. The first 4 feuds are matches with kennedy and random heels and is actually build up to the epic Kennedy/MVP feud with MVP keep butting into Kennedy's business and finally they feud going into Survivor Series.

Kennedy vs. Vladimir Kozlov (Summerslam) *Kennedy Wins*
Kennedy vs. Gregory Helms (Unforgiven) *Kennedy loses but not cleanly*
Kennedy vs. Gregory Helms (No Mercy) *Kennedy wins*
Kennedy vs. Shelton Benjamin (Cyber Sunday) *Kennedy wins on a DQ*
Kennedy vs. MVP (Survivor Series) *Kennedy loses*
Kennedy vs. MVP (Armageddon) *Kennedy loses again*
Kennedy vs. MVP (Royal Rumble) *Kennedy beat the shit out of MVP*
Kennedy win some kind of gimmick match like elimination chamber, battle royale, or beats the big show in a #1 contender's match at No Way Out, then he enters the main event picture at wrestlemania 25.

After WM25 he should be feuding with Edge, HHH, Big Show, the Great Khali.. all them. Right now, we just have the two regular guys (Edge and HHH) and two big men (Big Show and Khali) who could be main eventing future smackdowns, needless to say there needs to be new Main Eventers and I hope that honor doesn't go to Jeff Hardy.
I think kennedy was better off as a heel because he will never get pushed as a face on smackdown with hhh and jeff getting the spotlight on the brand. he will probably be used as a upper-midcard guy who feuds shelton,umaga and mvp. At best wwe wil let him have a run with the us title for a couple of months.
I really wish HHH didn't get drafted to Smackdown. Edge and Kennedy could have had a great feud over the MiTB that Edge stole from him. They could have recreated the Regal/Kennedy storyline (from the looks of it, Kennedy was inline to feud with Regal before he got suspended) with Vickie, who was getting more heat than Regal was.

Either way, I think Kennedy is going to be the new face of WWE. Like the above poster said, the fact that he has been given 2 chances (or 3 if you count the potential Regal feud) to main event shows that WWE has big plans for him in the future. He's quite entertaining in the ring, has great mic skills, and he has that anti-hero character like Stone Cold does.

From the looks of things, Kennedy will feud with Youmanga for a bit and then transition into a feud with MVP. I hope that'll be the case since Smackdown seriously lacks any good upper mid-card feuds.
Everybody's predictions that Kennedy will be having big time feuds against the likes of HHH and Edge on SmackDown was just thrown out the window now. He lost to Umaga in a dark match and lost to him again on SmackDown this past Friday, I guess the reports are true, Vince has given up hope for Kennedy. I think the main reason why Umaga is receiving the push instead of Kennedy is because they are going to have him feud with The Undertaker, a lot of people were speculating that these two were going to go at it sooner or later, and SummerSlam may be the PPV to do it, unless Taker continues his feud with Edge at SummerSlam and his feud with Umaga will be pushed a bit further.

Kennedy was a wildcard in the WWE for the past three years, some nights he will make you believe that he should be a Main Event star, and other times he would make you think that he doesn't deserve shit all(Maybe that's why Vince is afraid to pull the trigger on making Kennedy a Main Event player, he isn't consistently good enough). When he first debuted, most people(myself included) thought that Kennedy was going to be a future World/WWE champion, but now I am having doubts about that, I am starting to think that Kennedy is the modern day Roddy Piper, good, but not good enough to be a World Champion.
I'm dissapointed with what's been happening with Kennedy. I was one of the last to get on his bandwagon, but the night that he redebuted and interrupted Regal, I marked out like a bitch for him. There was just something about him. He had the swagger, he had the confidence, he had that IT factor. He had it up until he was sent to SD, and he's been jobbed out like no other since then, and I have no idea as to why. He's decent in the ring, but it's his charisma and mic skills that carry him. He was ready for Raw, and now SD doesn't look like the better show as it was screamed that it was after the draft. Kennedy is stuck in neutral over there, and needs to either be pushed as a mega face, or sent back to Raw.
From my understanding Wrestlezone.com said that kennedy was not going to get any more of a push on Smackdown. Only thing i can think of is because he blew his big chance( being Vinces illigitimate son) from taking steroids. Which makes the company afraid to "pull the trigger" as someone said earlier. But when you think about Jeff Hardy has messed up TWICE and i guarantee he will still get his push. It just pisses me Off that WWE is scared to push new talent i.e. MVP,Kennedy,Carlito,Shelton,Morrison,Miz. The time will come when Shawn,Hunter,Jericho,Batista(he is 40 years old),Taker,Mysterio, and Kane are gone. Then who the hell will be on the top? WWE need to get kennedy and MVP ready for that mainevent spot are when the time comes we will see alot of scared stale new talent in the mainevent. Vince needs to grow some hair on those McNuggets and take the belt of Hunter and put it on new fresher talent
I think they should have Umaga get tired of beating Kennedy for MVP. Then Umaga turns on MVP and sets up a triple threat for SS featuring Umaga vs. Kennedy vs. MVP. This getting MVP and Kennedy ready for being the company's future.
If Vince is really keeping Kennedy in neutral position for the steroid thing, then I'm going to be super pissed.

It will only prove to me that not all the guys in the WWE are created equal and that's bull. Like someone said, Jeff has been suspended twice, but of course, he has seniority, so he gets a suspension, comes back, and picks up right where he left off. It's crap.

And another thing! Vince wants to waste pushes on boring, stale employees that were awful to begin with, are jerks (Batista), and can't cut a promo worth 2 yen. Has he learned nothing from that drop in ratings? We're sick of seeing people with no wrestling ability constantly shoved down our throats in main events, when you've got fresh, natural talent like Kennedy just wasting away on the mid-card. He's golden, Vince, and you're making a mistake by making him job to pieces of garbage like Umaga.

I guess you'll realize the error of your ways, when he's sitting pretty over at TNA, and your ratings are in the toilet. Guess Cena's ass-kissing won't make as much of a difference then, will it?
Mr. Kennedy is WAAY over in the WWE
Its possible that he's the hottest guy in the company not in the main spotlight.

Just take a look at his entrance from the last 2 Smackdown shows. Not only does he get a huge pop from the crowd, but nearly the entire crowd is saying MRRRRR KENNEDYYYY!!!!!!!! right along with him. This is exactly the kind of face the company needs. One that can
1. talk on the mic
2. work well in the ring
3. AND Get BIG crowd reactions (in favor of them of course)

Rock and Austin had all three of these qualities as well, and look at how they benefited.

Jeff Hardy is great, but he'll never be the best on the mic. Kennedy not only has all the tools, but he now has all three things you need to be the top star: talking, working, crowd reaction. Triple H, get out of the way. Kennedy's time has come.
Mr. Kennedy is WAAY over in the WWE
Its possible that he's the hottest guy in the company not in the main spotlight.

Just take a look at his entrance from the last 2 Smackdown shows. Not only does he get a huge pop from the crowd, but nearly the entire crowd is saying MRRRRR KENNEDYYYY!!!!!!!! right along with him. This is exactly the kind of face the company needs. One that can
1. talk on the mic
2. work well in the ring
3. AND Get BIG crowd reactions (in favor of them of course)

Rock and Austin had all three of these qualities as well, and look at how they benefited.

Jeff Hardy is great, but he'll never be the best on the mic. Kennedy not only has all the tools, but he now has all three things you need to be the top star: talking, working, crowd reaction. Triple H, get out of the way. Kennedy's time has come.

Way over, huh? That’s not the Kennedy I’ve seen since he debuted on Smackdown. The most “over” he’s been since early 2007 was when he turned face and had the Regal storyline on Raw a few months back. On SD!, he’s been getting decent pops but nothing approaching BIG. (For a big reaction, see Jeff Hardy.)

Saying his name wasn’t getting the same reaction as before so that’s why he’s been shaking it up the last few weeks. He’s good on the mic but so far all they’ve let him do is pop the city they’re in and say his name. He needs to do more than that. His character needs depth. We don't know anything about him. Also he’s started shouting his name at the beginning of his matches, which is annoying and reeks of desperation in terms of trying to get over. He’s been putting on solid matches, but during them the audience has been quiet for the most part.

So far on SD!, Kennedy is just there. He’s not really standing out. And just this week, it was reported he suffered a dislocated shoulder Monday night. So now he’s out with injury; it’s unknown for how long just yet. This is yet another tough break for Kennedy. He put on a great match with Shelton Benjamin last week and looked to be starting a program for the US title.

I fear Kennedy’s career is going to be remembered as wasted potential. He once looked to have the makings of a future world champion. The question used to be “when” it would happen. These days it’s the “what if” game with him…what if he hadn’t gotten injured, what if he hadn’t gotten suspended, what if he’d been revealed as McMahon’s son, what if Regal hadn’t gotten suspended. The question now is not “when” but “if” he’ll ever make it to the main-event.
I love the Kennedy character, and the way he hams up with the crowd big time. A pity shame it came about a year too late. He wouldve been a fucking Juggernaught with this type of character when he had the MITB momentum. He has shown good improvement in the ring, and does well to mock his opponets during the matches. Its working well, but not as well as it COULDVE. I hope the momentum can keep going, and build. A good US title run, and/or feud will do well for him. I think a future USA VS Kozlov feud would be good for him, his hometown, Green Bay Wis. Is a very "american" City, I think something like that could help hugely. I read he may have a brand new serious shoulder injury, which would be hugely disappointing, as he seems like one big push away from being huge now. Have to wait for an update on that.
WZ is reporting that his contract is up sometime this fall. We could be looking at the end of Mr. Kennedy. The Carl Pavano of wrestling has had too many chances and has run into some bad luck/stupid mistakes. He was in line to open SS against Benjamin but failed to stay healthy and is on the sidelines again. I like Kennedy and I once saw him as a future star, but the guy simply cannot stay healthy. It's entirely possible that the WWE allows him to walk.

Latest rumour has it that the WWE will drop Ken Kennedy once his contract expires this fall.

Personally, I want him gone. He's nothing special inside the ring, his mic skills are average at best, and his look is forgettable (another "Great White Hope").

Most of all...he's been given the ball several times, and has pulled a T.O. on us and fumbled it.

Your thoughts?
No, they shouldn't just drop him. He happens to be a solid wrestler and a great mid-carder who is just a little below average at the main card level. Kennedy has a good fan-base and would be perfect for the US Championship and ECW Championship. Then while he gets older and more popular become a heel/face and take the WWE title. Why would they just drop a fairly popular wrestler. Yes, he has some beef with WWE management but I don't see a reason for them to just cut ties with him. He can feud with Shelton/Jeff/MVP or whoever but to release him doesent make any sence to me.
I don't think the WWE should just drop Mr. Kennedy. He is a solid midcard with a fan base(more than I can say about some). Kennedy has been deemed unreliable, because of his injury's and suspension. First Hardy/Umaga/Orton have all gone through suspensions but are still given second and third chances. Mr. Kennedy also has a habit of getting injured, alot. Every wrestler gets hurt but in the last two years alone he's had 3 major injury's that have hindered his push. Some say Kennedy should be trained more, so he is able to avoid injury, but even the most trained still can get hurt. I do think while Kennedy is out now he should probably train some(when he's injury is better) so he is able to take a bump without recieving an injury that takes him out of action. Also I really doubt the WWE would just realese him because he would go to TNA. Look at Carlito he has bad mouthed the company so much but the WWE are unwilling to let him go because they dont want him in TNA, and the same is for Kennedy probably too, since he does have a pretty solid fanbase.
The fact of the matter is this, Mr. Kennedy can wrestle rings around Triple H and several "main event" talent found today. "Dropping" Kennedy could be the worst ever executive move WWE could do, if they want their product to gain more popularity and bring in more money.

He's had lots of bad luck, sure, but so have many others, and you don't see them being dropped, do ya? If WWE care on whit about the future of their company, they will not "drop" Mr. Kennedy. And this is not the Kennedy mark within me speaking. This is sound moral sense.
No chance in hell. They never would, and they never should. Kennedy is great. He has a good following, good mic skills, good in ring skills, and uber amounts of potential. What the WWE need to do is get him into some good storylines. People are complaining about him simply because the WWe aren't using him as they should, whether that's his own fault or the writers. The angle where he was to be McMahons son would have put him over as a major heel, which would have been great for him. Due to circumstances that couldn't happen, however something like that is what's needed.
first off i think the wwe should keep mr kennedy.he has very good mic skills & he can wrestle.if the wwe were to drop him it would be very stupid because tna would then pick him up most likely & he would probably get some pretty good draws for the tv rating. and to all those people saying he's deemed expendable because of injuries what about somebdoy liek rey mysterio? mr kennedy is a lot healthier than he is & can wrestle a lot better.so if i were vince mcmahon id keep him.
How can WWE release a guy that they was going to make a World champion (but he got injured) and a WWE champion (but he got suspended). That would be the dumbest thing that WWE has ever thought about doing. If WWE id dumb enough to let Kennedy go i gurantee that TNA will sign him ASAP and treat him like a big star. If that happened i gurantee he'd be TNA world champion within 3 months

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