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Mr. Kennedy: What's the Big Deal?

This is getting ridiculous. I read alot, and hardly post, but some of these ideas of you guys are critical to the point of being idiotic.

Hate it or love it, Kennedy is not the reason why Cena was injured. Cena executed the hiptoss, he botched his own move. Kennedy was just on the other side of him. Don't take Cena's lack of care that night out on Kennedy. Find another valid reason to believe Ken sucks, not because of Cena..

As far as his current position, he is in an odd place right now.MITb could be a turn around. Booking needs to make up their mind how they want to portray his character. They ahve cut alot of his mic gimmick because the crowd was getting into it, at some point you have to go with what the crowd wants. I think if they made Kennedy an antihero face it would work, much like Austin...

He has potential, is he perfect, hell no. But come to think of it, not many of these guys now a days are. He puts on a descent match most of the time, and keeps me entertained, which is more than what I can say about half of the guys in the ring at the moment.
When Kennedy first came into WWE I thought it was great to have something fresh something new. Instead of having the same old crap that we saw on TV, so I was a Kennedy fan automatically there. But now that has changed I still don't mind him. Like someone said earlier he hasn't done anything to make me like him and he hasn't done anything to make me care either. He does have good mic skills I will give him credit for that. But there is room for improvement. His promos are predictable just the same old thing, of getting mad calling someone a loser and saying they are going to beat the wihtin an inch of there life. There is nothing in his promos that make me think, wow he really hates him. We all know that some of the wrestlers don't hate them in real life. But what makes a good heel promo for me is one that makes the audience believe that they could actually hate that person. It's just same old crap.

In the ring again he is pretty good, but not great and really needs to improve, I don't think yet he is good enough to be World champion. Alot of improvement is needed. And to be honest when he is in the ring it really doesn't seem like his head is in the game there, seems like he doesn't care. And is that what a World champion should be?. He seems to half ass alot of things, normally HBK feuds keep me interested bar a few,. And I thought that Kennedy vs HBK feud would surely be good due to the mic skills of both. But I was wrong I am not blaming it all on Kennedy, but it really didn't do it for me. I didn't believe Kennedys mperfomrance on the mic and in the ring.
I knew from the first smackdown i seen kennedy on this guy has it all, charisma his is unbelivable, wrestling ability did go down when he came to raw but that fued with hbk has got him back on track. Poeple say overrated i disagree ring psychology is great, as a overall performer mr kennedy is a big deal.
Mr. Kennedy is one of the fastest rising stars in the WWE. He's beaten more than ten world champions in his re-debut, and he won the money-in-the-bank ladder match at his Wrestlemania debut. And his mic skills don't matter. If he says "You Suck" and can back it up by pinning you in the ring that's something. Hopefully they give him the title.
There is a reason why Umaga gets pushed and Kennedy doesn't and its because Umaga is amazing in the ring for a near 400 pound man. He has the most devastating and powerful moveset in the WWE and he performs better than the guys so many of you feel are so great like Cena, Orton and so on and so forth. They push Umaga cause he can make guys like Cena who the fans like look good. He carries these guys to watchable matches just like he did with Lashley during their fued. It doesn't matter that fans don't cheer Umaga they aren't supposed to most hate him. Kennedy is just an average wrestler in the ring and average on the mic he is nothing special why push him to be anything. MVP now there is a guy with a promising future he is good all around he deserves a World title reign at some point.
There is a reason why Umaga gets pushed and Kennedy doesn't and its because Umaga is amazing in the ring for a near 400 pound man.

It has NOTHING to do with his ability in the ring but everything to do with he's a monster heel. Something Vince creams over.

Great job completely missing the point, the point was, heels get pushes nowadays despite not drawing much heat, if anyone thinks MVP gets good heel heat than they need their ears checked but yet he continues to be pushed.

He has the most devastating and powerful moveset in the WWE and he performs better than the guys so many of you feel are so great like Cena, Orton and so on and so forth.

Cena = WWE's number 1 superstar. Therefore Cena > Umaga

Orton = WWE's top show's #1 heel. Therefore Orton > Umaga.

Kennedy is just an average wrestler in the ring

Just like every other successful wrestler that made it far in the business.

Great logic :thumbsup:

and average on the mic


Top 5 Material.

he is nothing special why push him to be anything


Kennedy and MVP are the only things worth a shit in the mid card, he'll get his push like he would have already. So you saying why push him is fucking stupid, why? Because they were going to about 3 times already. It's clear WWE likes him, it's just he doesn't stay out of trouble.

MVP now there is a guy with a promising future he is good all around he deserves a World title reign at some point.

Oh, the irony.
When Mr. Kennedy first arrived on the scene and cut his own intro I thought, "Hey that's different" (sorta), but as we have all noticed even that wore off. His signature move is a dud. His in-ring skills are suffencient to maintain a ring presence with anyone and he does have a certain charisma. I don't know if he has the "IT" that is needed to be the next big thing, but he does have enough to be an effective competitor in the WWE for some time. He could be the future equvilant of Kane. He's there. He competes. He wins the occasional Tag or mid-singles title when needed, but other than a brief run as WWE or World Champion could continue to support others climbing the ladder.
i am a kennedy fan, i think he has good enough skills all around. Best in the ring? No but was hulk hogan, steve austin, or the rock? his mic skills are the best in the WWE with MVP id like to listen to kennedy cut a promo instead of a john cena promo where he acts like a marine who battled through his torn peck blah blah blah or orton with his annoying monotone voice. Kennedy with some work can be a great on the mic. he needs to come up with a couple catch phrases besides his name, but he has potential. in the ring he needs to bring the storyline into the match more and come up with a solid finishing move for people to remember other than those things he could be a hugggge heel and have a hugggge face turn now and then. im a kennedy fan i ill stand by it
I hate to say this but this is pro wrestling and in ring ability does have something to do with being pushed. Especially when you aren't that good of a heel which Kennedy is not. Cena greater than Umaga yeah and Umaga made Cena look good just like HHH did and multiple other wrestlers have to keep Cena where he is. Don't sit there and belittle me as if you know it all kennedy won't get the push you want cause he simply doesn't stand out at all like it or not that is the truth.

You said it yourself MVP doesn't get a ton of heel heat but in the ring the man can perform which is what from i can see seems to count Who the hell wants a guy holding a title with a ton of heat who sucks in the ring sorry Kennedy can't cut it in the ring MVP can thats why he gets pushed. Umaga doesn't have a lot of Heat but for 400 pounds nobody in Pro Wrestling does moves with the power he does he's amazing in the ring and he is getting pushed. So keep up your wise crack smart remarks but you haven't proved to me that Heel heat gets the push and that in ring ability means nothing i just gave two examples of guys getting pushes who you yourself said have no heel heat or at least MVP for that matter.
wrestling as much as people think it is is NOT about the wrestling itself, most fans out there watch the programming because of the stories and the interviews and the promos, im not saying im one of those fans but thats the way it is. Kids today dont care how good cena wrestles they wanna hear him talk, they wanna hear him on the mic and the last 10 seconds of a match where he pins somebody. If the whole show was about the in ring ability there would be no fun which is why MVP though he does work well in the ring gets pushed, he can bring heat on himself with the mic. Kennedy has the same ability, at house shows if you ever listen to him he rips up the city hes in. Thats entertainment, if you can get 18,000 people to react to something you said, thats entertainment and thats what kennedy can do entertain people..MVP has the same ability but he too has things to work on. Kennedy gets people on thier toes, if u hate his voice and his gimmick and the way he projects his name to the crowd it means hes doing his job, hes getting a reaction from the fans which is all wrestling is about. I dont see 18,000 people cheering or booing when a headlock is applied or when someone hits the lou thez..its entertainment people the in ring work is a small part of it.
Everyone knows in the WWE and in America in general to be a pro wrestler you have to be able to cut a promo and get the crowd to either love you or hate you Cena has managed to do both while being a face and no doubt he has personality which has gotten him where he is. MVP according to some people has no heat what so ever and if that is the case his push would be do to his in ring ability. Kennedy hasn't gotten a push which doesn't bother me cause I don't find anything entertaining about the guy. He did well on Smackdown but since coming to RAW nothing. I just does nothing for me people may say the same about Umaga who I feel is great some may say he sucks to each their own but i feel that even in WWE now you have to show some kind of in ring ability to sustain a push whether you have a ton of heat or not if you stink up the ring ie Mark Henry your pushes won't last long.
I can see this there are a few guys i.e. umaga who got thier push off of in ring abitlity alone, but he has too for a 400 pound man he works so well in the ring, however he will never hold the strap for a serious amount of time because he doesnt cut promos which is a big big big part of it. Kennedy got his push off of his mic skills on smackdown, and he will soon be pushed again, so it can go both ways. However if you can talk to the people you will make it a hell of a lot further in the buisness because it makes up for not having the skills on the mat. Will? Kennedy be the next big thing to hit wrestling? Don't bet on it, but he will recieve a decent push and probly hold the title for a good amount of time. Say umaga could develope an ability to cut a promo then look out b/c he would make things exciting. MVP will blow up over the next 2 years, he is gonna get hugggggeee fan reactions sooner or later because he has skill in both areas. I say make a slight gimmick change for MVP i just dont see the sports star gimmick going to far but he does work it very well. Kennedy vs. MVP is a match everyone can expect for a Wrestlemania in the future, 27, 28 around there they are gonna be the faces of the company sooner than later
Kennedy has got talent... and charisma like a mofugga... he's got great psychology and an amazing ring presence...

I think when he got injured for a few months a couple years ago and his suspension last year soured a lot of people... not having him on T.V. can do much damage to your character in the eyes of the fans...

I agree with what someone said earlier... he's got a dean malenko-ish style...

I'd love to see Kennedy and Orton steal the show but with their character similarities we'll probably never see it....

As far as naming great kennedy matches... His run with CM PUNK in OVW led to some amazing 20 minute matches... Kennedy and Shawn Michaels a little while ago was dope... And what about Kennedy in the Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania 23
Kennedy may be well known for the gimmick of pulling down a mic and screaming his mic, but I find it hard to take him seriously at all. To me, he only looked good during his feud with Undertaker, at the moment he's become a tweener with no direction that can rely on his name to do the work for him. He's made little improvment since losing the MitB to Edge, thanks to that injury he's lost and I don't see much to talk about really, he's just another guy with a limited range of moves that can stomp his way through his match (although he's not the only person in WWE like this) He's quite average really, up there with the likes of Carlito, in fact I prefer Carlito.

MVP in contrast has improved an amazing amount since his debut, his mic skills are unparalleled and he does a good job of getting a vast majority of the crowd to hate him. Also enjoy seeing his work in ring, he plays the dirty wrestler very well although he's not the best he's still managed to become a force to be reckoned with.

Kennedy is currently invisible (I blame his feud with Flair) If he's lucky he'll get somewhere soon.

In conclusion MVP > Kennedy (imo)
In my opinion the reason Kennedy gets so much (IMO deserved) hype is because he is the only wrestler in the entire WWE at the moment who you never know what he's going to do next, or when he will next pop up. He is unpredictable.

Mr Kennedy should have one the ladder match, he deserved it more than Jeff Hardy would have done and deserved it more than CM PUNK does now. I was willing ot bet money on Mr Kennedy winning then cashing it in at the end of the triple threat.

I think he has the IT factor, more so than a lot of other wrestlers, I also see this factor in MVP and John Morrison.

The WWE has alot of potential with Mr Kennedy, we still have seen half of what this guy is capable of, I could even see him turning face and being the next MEGA star, just my personal opinons.
The reason that Kennedy gets so much hype is because sometimes he displays that abiltity to be amazing on the mic. At times he looks like he is going to be the next big star in the WWE and at other times he looks like he will never reach that level. The thing is that he has shown the ability to be great, which is why he gets the hype.

I think that Kennedy deserves the hype he gets, as he is one of the younger guys in WWE that is going to be a main eventer in the future. I also agree that MVP has that it factor too, but Morrison doesn't, he has way too far to go on his mic skills/charisma before I can have him in the future main eventer status.

The fact is that Kennedy probably has the most potential out of all the current young stars in WWE, which is the why he gets so much hype. His hype is deserved and he will prove it within the next year when he gets in the title picture and eventually wins it, probably at Mania 25.
I'd have to disagree with you on Morrison, I think he has plenty of Charisma in his locker, we havent seen it quite as much as Morrison but when he was Jonny Nitro every time he made an entrance he looked good. Morrison has the look of a champion, the chiseld body, original looks and a memorable dress sense. The last two times I have watched him: MITB and Vs CM PUNK he has impressed me greatly, he out shone CM PUNK by far and his moonsault with the ladder was one of the best spots of the night matched only by HBKs flip through the table.

I do agree with you that Mr Kennedy has the most potential out of all the youngsters in WWE. He needs gold around his waste, if he isnt ready for the Main event let him feud with Jericho for the IC title, that is a feud with insane potential and some unforgetable matches... It could be just what he needs to get over.
All I know, is the opinion of non fans is something to be taken with a large amount of weight. And EVERY friend of mine that only watches wrestling sparingly LOVES Mr.Kennedy, and think he is extremely entertaining. Non fnas dont have any of the prejudice, and fake "criteria" a lot of the IWC has to classify someone as "good"

I think Kennedy has experienced a large de-push becuase of the Steroids incident, and is just serving out his time, his punishment. Triple H had a simular situation, in that he was on the verge of stardom, had an incident (When Hall and Nash left) and then was de pushed and dog housed for the next year. And Trips's incident was much less damaging to the WWE, especially publicly, as Kennedys. So that, to me explains his current lack of momentum. And its what may be affecting the momentum, and intensity, and overall quality of his mic work and matches. After all, how many of us can experience something like this, and still preform at optimum level? would YOUR promos and match quality slip if you were in the same situation? chances are they would...
I agree with you about non-fans loving Kennedy. They don't even acknowledge that he's supposed to be a bad guy/heel otherwise they would boo him. I haven't heard him get a bad reception in a while, just neutral or ok reactions. Heck, even my mum loves mr.kennedy, he's like one of the four wrestlers she's heard of! She also like John Cena because ''he's good to children'' (and I suppose he is!)

It's all down to the catchphrase, people love it and they associate him with it.
His promo slip ups, quality and all of that aren't because of him and the situation, creative wants to keep him away from getting face pops and face it, usually the only pops Kennedy gets is a mixed reaction, he got over by screaming his name, the crowd started doing it along with him, and that's a no no. They popped for his promos and entrance, another no no. So now WWE is just taking away the microphone or cutting his air time to keep it from happening.

As for the average wrestler shit, like I said, who gives a fuck?

IMO, they should just take their heads out of their asses and turn him into a cocky face that trashes the hated heels. Sorta like Rock, Austin and HHH, and when that happens. He'll be big.
All I know, is the opinion of non fans is something to be taken with a large amount of weight. And EVERY friend of mine that only watches wrestling sparingly LOVES Mr.Kennedy, and think he is extremely entertaining. Non fnas dont have any of the prejudice, and fake "criteria" a lot of the IWC has to classify someone as "good"

I think Kennedy has experienced a large de-push becuase of the Steroids incident, and is just serving out his time, his punishment. Triple H had a simular situation, in that he was on the verge of stardom, had an incident (When Hall and Nash left) and then was de pushed and dog housed for the next year. And Trips's incident was much less damaging to the WWE, especially publicly, as Kennedys. So that, to me explains his current lack of momentum. And its what may be affecting the momentum, and intensity, and overall quality of his mic work and matches. After all, how many of us can experience something like this, and still preform at optimum level? would YOUR promos and match quality slip if you were in the same situation? chances are they would...

Well this is a good post, but Kennedy isn't being punished nor is he in the dog house or anything...you have to remember that he did beat shawn michaels clean a couple of months ago, and he hasn't done anything wrong since then.

The reason he doesn't have much momentum right now is simply because he hasn't been on Raw for 3 weeks because he's filming a movie right now (which is why Finlay beat him down with a shillegagh(sp?) in the first place, to explain his absense to come in the following week). Think about it, a jobber doesn't get movie roles. Kennedy's future is secure.
Agree with you Yoko Romo. He should occasionly do the same for the faces that stand in his way. I loved it when Triple H recently (on RAW a few weeks before WM) pointed out that a lot of people hated it when he pedigreed Cena...but that a lot of people also loved it LOL :)
Similar insults to that would work for Kennedy. I can't stand his current theme song, if he's going to be a face it might work well but that's not what they're trying to do at the moment, so it's all a bit mixed up.
IMO, they should just take their heads out of their asses and turn him into a cocky face that trashes the hated heels. Sorta like Rock, Austin and HHH, and when that happens. He'll be big.

I couldn't agree more Kennedy is crying out for a face turn, he is the next Austin figure for WWE, his old entrance, his catch phrase and his drawing power has such SUCH potential.

Shawn Michaels summed this up perfectly at Royal Rumble, when he was talking to Ric Flair about Kennedy... "Can you belive that, a loud mouth, obnoxious, trash talking, platinum blonde hair with a catch phrase!?" << He is just like a young flair...

So whats so great about Kennedy? the fact he is something new, and something we've seen before all rolled into one! He is the future of WWE
Well this is a good post, but Kennedy isn't being punished nor is he in the dog house or anything...you have to remember that he did beat shawn michaels clean a couple of months ago, and he hasn't done anything wrong since then.

The reason he doesn't have much momentum right now is simply because he hasn't been on Raw for 3 weeks because he's filming a movie right now (which is why Finlay beat him down with a shillegagh(sp?) in the first place, to explain his absense to come in the following week). Think about it, a jobber doesn't get movie roles. Kennedy's future is secure.

He went over HBK, AFTER the feud had already run its course, to make him look stronger for the lead in to the flair match that directly followed. HBK won the feud, and the headlining match of the feud, at the PPV.

And someones jobbing status has nothing to do with if they get movie roles or not. Acting ability, on screen charisma, and looks does. Kennedy has all three, in large amounts.

And Wes, you are partially right as well. And I do think this is the rout that will eventually be taken for Kennedy. I just think they are trying not to rush it. Not sure why that matters, really, but thats whats going on.I dont see what the big deal is about "rushing things" and crap like that. when something hits, it hits, and they should grab onto it.

But him being in the doghouse, will allow him to have the time he needs to mature enough in skill and character, and be considered "ready" by WWE.
^ He went over Shawn Michaels in their second match...the feud barely even began.

And movie roles do have to do with star quality, otherwise no WWE fan is going to want to go see it if it features some wrestler who isn't even pushed. Elijah Burke also has all three of those ingredients you listed, but he's jobbing everytime he appears on tv, Kennedy got the role for the movie through WWE, that just shows their faith in him.

He isn't in the doghouse, he's just not on any particular track right now.

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