What if Kennedy ends up with Legacy?

Joker ' Ferreira

Next Cristiano Ronaldo (w/ brains)
We all know that Mr. Kennedy was supposed to be the illegitimate son of Mr. McMahon (kayfabe) but it turned out to be Hornswoggle.

So if they change it soon enough, Kennedy could be a 4th or 3th generation wrestler (kayfabe obviously) and with that he could turn out to be a guy that could be added to Legacy.

Mr. Kennedy needs a huge push after he gets back, he could be the "second guy" at Legacy just like Batista and Orton were at Evolution, and he is definitely better than Cody Rhodes and diBiase (I'm not talking about potential) in current ability...
This doesn't make any sense to me... the guys in Legacy are not story line relatives of past wrestlers (wink wink), think about what the Legacy name means. IMO Kennedy is one of the few wrestlers (maybe MVP, Jericho) who wouldn't benefit from being part of a stable, and could just continue to rise on their own merit. I mean, this guy is magic on the microphone, looks really comfortable in the ring, sells a match... if he could just stay healthy. In a few years, this is a guy they will be building a stable AROUND. C'mon man, we're talking about... MRrrrrrrrr Kennneedddddyyyyy............Kennedy!

Macho Man for WM25!
That isn't going to happen. The only wrestlers I can see joining Legacy is DH Smith(most and likely) or Tyson Kidd(even though he is a friend of the Hart family). It would be nice to see DH and Tyson team up.
i completely agree with you, i think it would be a great push for Kennedy to team up with Legacy, but i think he was "babyface" last we saw him on WWE, so i dont think they will have him return as a "heel"
but it would be nice, and he does have much better wrestling ability than DiBease and Rhodes, i think them four would be a great "Future" team as in, they will be MAJOR stars in the future, like Orton is now
This is an awful idea, because it makes the Legacy a joke. You can have Hornswaggle in it for being the "legacy" for Finlay! Natalya should definitely be moved over to Raw during the draft (she's a waste of talent as a manager, since she's the only actual female WRESTLER). I guess the plan wasn't to have an nWo-size stable, otherwise they wouldn't have ended the careers of Manu and Sim Snuka, so for now they should stick with Priceless and add Natalya, and if anything get a mid-card guy to be part of the IC picture. If the stable grows big enough they should get all the gold on Raw.
This is an awful idea, because it makes the Legacy a joke. You can have Hornswaggle in it for being the "legacy" for Finlay! Natalya should definitely be moved over to Raw during the draft (she's a waste of talent as a manager, since she's the only actual female WRESTLER). I guess the plan wasn't to have an nWo-size stable, otherwise they wouldn't have ended the careers of Manu and Sim Snuka, so for now they should stick with Priceless and add Natalya, and if anything get a mid-card guy to be part of the IC picture. If the stable grows big enough they should get all the gold on Raw.

Agreed. Terrible idea. Kennedy as a Legacy member? That's about as good an idea as Chyna being the IC champion awhile back. Since they're not doing the new Hart Foundation, I think adding Natalya on to Raw is a great idea. The only problem I have with that is even though she is a heel talent, she's not a manipulative, cheating heel like the members of Legacy now. But maybe they'd changed her or something. I dunno. I personally enjoy the idea of adding her to Raw, even turning Beth Pheonix face, and having them feud for the women's title for a few months. That would actually be a women's match I'd kinda look forward to.
why not clean up jesse and bring up the fact that he's actually the son of a "legend" in terry gordy. maybe that name doesn't rank up there with dusty rhoads or ted dibiase, but realistically neither does cowboy bob orton.
There is no point to this at all.

And to tell you the truth I think Kennedy is 1 of the most overrated guys out there right now. The guy is more injury prone than Mysterio. I wouldnt be surprised if Kennedy isnt even around in a few years.
Unless something happens soon with Kennedy, he's a bust. I used to think he could break through but come on, it's been YEARS since he's done anything on a consistent basis. He's always injured or away. Is he even on Raw or SmackDown? Because I don't see him. Is he so underutilized that if I switch the channel I constantly miss him? At this point he's almost like a rookie and would have to be built up completely from the ground up. I know there are many Kennedy supporters around still, and I'd love to see him succeed, but at this point he's nothing special.

As for him joining Legacy, I agree with the 50% of people that say he should not. I don't really like creating father/son relationships that don't exist, and Legacy is born out of the fact that these guys are legit from well known wrestlers from the past. It simply wouldn't make sense for him to join. Even if they did have him join somehow, they'd have to make him so badass to get him over and he'd have to turn on Orton and take over...which I don't think would be a good storyline/interesting.
why not clean up jesse and bring up the fact that he's actually the son of a "legend" in terry gordy. maybe that name doesn't rank up there with dusty rhoads or ted dibiase, but realistically neither does cowboy bob orton.

bob orton was involved in the 1st wrestlemania main event and faced hogan in the very 1st snme! i would say that gives him sum legendary status. if i remember correctly terry gordy had a forgetable run as the executioner in late 96.....

all that aside i dnt think legacy should b any bigger than it is. the more guys there are the more that get lost in the shuffle and as they are the only stable in the entire company they out number every1 with 3 members anyhow
I don't like the idea of Kennedy being in legacy. Kennedy is better as his own man, whether heel or face. Plus since now they're going with the angle as the legacy of second/third generation superstars, he wouldnt fit with the angle. Kennedy too me seemed like a prototype of austin when he was coming up and getting big. Just the way he put over his characted and was on the mic. And was not a bad in ring performer(i loved that plunging drop finisher he used to do from the top). But too many injuries and other circumstance have just really made him overshadowed. Hopefully Kennedy and the WWE will get things together before his career is in a rut.
Kennedy being in Legacy is pointless. The whole McMahon illegitimate son angle is so far gone now even if they could say Kennedy is Vince's son it wouldn't make much of a difference.
I know we all want something for Ken to do, but come on...this is possibly the WORST thing that they could do with Ken. Let Ken be himself and not be some kind of puppet for Orton the way they are making Rhodes and DiBiase out to be because they don't have anything to do with them. And besides, what kind of sense would it make for them to JUST NOW start talking about Kennedy's family history with wrestling instead of from the opening moments we saw him, like with Rhodes and DiBiase? And besides, who would they get to play his dad for the eventual stable ending punt kicks that Orton will deliver to both fathers and sons to kill Legacy?
Kennedy in Legacy is an interesting idea, but it doesn't make sense for a few reasons:

1. Kennedy has been injury plagued over the past couple of years, but he is an already established talent. Randy Orton is the obvious leader of Legacy while Rhodes and Dibiase are nothing more than lackeys at this point. Kennedy would not have any logical fit into that group. He is not on Orton's level and he certainly is not in the position to be anyone's lackey.

2. It is a known fact that Rhodes, Orton and Dibiase are the biological sons of wrestling legends. Kennedy is not. Bringing a kayfabe character into the mix would tarnish the idea of Legacy. It would be a huge stretch of the imagination to make this work. There is just no logic to it.
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Don't see it happening. For one, Kennedy is not 2nd generation, nor any generation from a past wrestler notable in the WWE. I know you mentioned kayfabe, but most of the audience know he's not Vince's son, so why bother? It would be hard to pull off, and to be honest Kennedy is a big enough name to go out by himself and do this thing. He doesn't need to be a lower down member of Legacy.
Kennedy is quality. Love him on the mic. Real shame he's injured at the moment, could have seen him facing a fairly similar character type in Jericho at Mania 25. Not to be though I suppose, but that will happen sometime when he returns I imagine.

By the way, what is his injury and how much longer is he out for? Stopped watching for a while from the American Bash 'till about the Royal Rumble, so need filling in!
I truly doubt Kennedy will ever be IN Legacy. Why? Because he isn't from a generation of wrestlers. He doesn't have the ability like Rhodes and TD Jr. He may be a good wrestler, but he doesn't have the wrestling background like they do. They grew up watching their father's in the industry. With that, they learned from them. I enjoy Legacy as it is. If Kennedy were to ever be added, Legacy would be ruined.
So, let me try to understand this. You want to take a group that is mainly only formed to help elevate Randy Orton as a dominate Main Eventer, who can lead a group of his own.. and then warp the legitimate-ness of how each current member is actually a 2nd Generation Superstar.. by putting in a guy that was meant to be part of a kayfabe storyline that massively failed?

Mr. Kennedy is the worst thing to happen to this business in quite some time, and it has nothing to do with his talent at all. It has everything to do with the fact that he's injury prone and as a result likely shouldn't be involved in any "remotely big" storylines, because he's simply too much of a risk to take anymore.

Kennedy hasn't truly paid off in any manner, even when he was in the company. His one shining moment came against the Undertaker, and over half of the current Wrestling fans out there, don't likely even recall that feud.
Yeah Kennedy would have been a great addition to the legacy as he can work and he can use the mic but when the suspension took place WWE took the comedy route with the Hornswoggle storyline

Just imagine how good of a push Kennedy would have had if he hadnt got suspended
it would be great to see kennedy in legacy but the big problem is that he isnt a 2nd generation superstar so unless legacy gets changed to something else type group there will be no MRRRRRRRRRRR KENNEDY but it be great though.
I don't understand why a few times now on these forums I've seen someone suggesting that a wrestler without a family background in the WWE should be in Legacy. Look at their last names and fathers. ORTON. DIBIASE. RHODES. Their fathers were all successful in the business. There is absolutely no reason to include him in the stable. I mean, if they wanted to add anyone else right now they could have added Sim or Manu. But both of them are SHIT. At least Manu was, Sim wasn't that bad just not good enough to be in what they're gonna make the biggest stable in the WWE. If they were to add anyone to the stable I personally think it should be Shane. I read somewhere else on here someone saying that they should add Vince as a veteran. That would work I guess, since his father was in the business. But Shane would be a lot better of a choice. At least his father is still present on TV sometimes, and he could definitely fuck them over. Stephanie could even work as a female type manager, in a non wrestling role. And for people saying that they could (kayfabe) bring back the illegitimate child angle, wrestling writers tend to drop shit from that long ago, especially an angle that didn't change the company or anything. I mean, the DX-McMahon fued was just a little while before this and now look. They act like that never happened and show Trips and Shane and Vince fighting alongside each other on TV. Wrestling writers have done stupider things in past, and I wouldn't put it that far past them to write an angle like that, but I really doubt they would and most people would think it was pure shit.
Kennedy doesn't need to be in Legacy, keeping it as a group of 2nd or 3rd generation wrestlers is a must. It's a good idea, just WWE is focusing more on Orton instead of the whole group. There is so many things they can do, one of which I mentioned before saying a huge feud with another faction of 2nd or 3rd generation wrestlers and add the fathers so its fathers and sons of one faction vs fathers and sons of Legacy. Although it would be kind of hard with DH Smith, but if Reid Flair would start wrestling soon they could do Cody Rhodes and Dusty Rhodes vs Reid and Ric Flair stuff like that. The only problem is Dusty is more of a fan fav. But you could also do old school vs new school too. But Kennedy isn't a Legacy guy. That would hurt him more than help him. Since Legacy is more focused on Orton. Even if they took the focus off of Orton and put it more on the team I still think Kennedy in there is a bad idea.
Mr. kennedy?............... kennedy? yea right...that guys too known already....hes been wrestling main eventers and trying to cement a status in WWE for nearly 4 years now and failed due to injuries...him being in legacy would not make sense...its fine the way it is as of now.

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