

Team Finnley Baylor
Mr. Kennedy has been rather quite the past few weeks. I don't watch a lot of Smackdown, due to living in an area that doesn't have MyNetworkTV and the replay I DO have is on when I work.

Remember Kennedy? My last memory of Kennedy was him losing his MITB to Edge. Seriously. Everyone had Kennedy pegged to be the next big thing due to his mic work and his wrestling skills. But that hasn't panned out. He's been making a bad movie and recovering from a torn lat muscle the past few months, and he was making fun of MVP during his losing streak, which only was because he was promoting that gawd awful movie.

The reason for this thread is to discuss where the future lies for Mr. Kennedy. It's past Wrestlemania, so where can Kennedy go from here? Where could he be drafted and if drafted to that brand, who would he feud with and is there a chance he gets a crack at a title down the line?

Personally, I think he's drafted to ECW, and could get a shot at Swagger's ECW title. If not, he goes to Raw and possibly feuds with Rey Mysterio for the IC title. Thoughts? Comments?
Hey thats a good question. Now, no wrestling fan would be happier than me for Mr Kennedy to get a world title run in the next 2 years. If WWE gives him a push like Orton or Batista received, I have no doubt he would succeed. If you listen to his "wrestlecast" interview available on Itunes, he says his goal is to headline Wrestlemania

BUT!!! He lost a lot of steam in 2007 with his injury & suspension. I thought he did a great program when he feuded w/ Regal, but then he was drafted to SD.

Since WWE used him in a movie, they obviously see star potential in him, so a World title is in his future. When and Where?, I have no idea
this guy is injury prone and if he can not get passed this he will fail and be let go. this guy has all the charisma and talent in the world but he has to start being more of a worker to get what he wants he will go to ECW for his last shot at a push and job for that matter.
I agree with Supersayian 100% - Kennedy needs to get past all the injuries (although its really not his fault that he gets injuried a ton) and work himself into the champion that he should be. Like I said in the thread about if you were GM of a show - he'd be great as an ECW champion - and Im talking a genius run of 8 or so months. Even having surprising talent challenge for the title and Kennedy going over - I think him and Rey Mysterio would work an awesome match - even him & Jeff Hardy - this would build his championship backround - pushing him to a main title like WHC or the WWE.
I wouldn't mind him staying on Smackdown for another year. I think he should use this time to build himself back up like when he first started. Do his amazing entrances and go after the U.S. and the tag titles(whatever they're gonna be called) with hints of WWE title potential. Or if he is drafted to ECW then a nice tenure as ECW Champion would be cool too. Either way I think he has gone down some since last year or so. When he was drafted to Raw he didn't really accomplish all that much. So I don't think I'd ever like to see him on Raw much. Or if he does ever end up with the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships I don't think it would be for that long, maybe for two months at the most.
I Hope Kennedy Can make it 2 the main event scene. Ive Always found him 2 be hilarious. One Of my fave moments was when he missed the mic den said "I Meant 2 do that". Hopefully he can stay injury free and turn heel again den he may be on his way 2 the Main event Aha.
Personaly, I think Mr. Kennedy is getting injured to get all his injuries out the way now so he could fully dedicate his life to the main event spot. Look at Cena. Most of his injuries happend when he was in the main event spot. I think Mr. Kennedy body is telling him something. Obvious the guy got what it takes. He out perform and almost beat Batista at a PPV, (I forgot which one) for the World title. So my thing is, if Batista can be in the main event with half the talent Mr. Kennedy has then Mr. Kennedy deserves to be in the main event spot..
ECW seems to be the place to send people to start getting big now, i think the ECW title is more like the IC title and the US title, but on ecw it is the main belt, so thats why when people win it, they go big, so Kennedy should go to ECW, feud with swagger for about like 3 or 4 months, (if they can put on a good feud), then win the belt around Summerslam time, and then from there on he hold the title til Armagedon, goes into the Rumble, wins it, and from Rumble til Maina 26, he has a big feud with the WWE or World Champion, and wins the BIG one at mania 26...that will make Kennedy the guy WWE was trying to promote him as...from there he will get bigger...(in my opinion that is)
I say that they leave Mr. Kennedy on Smackdown. He was already drafted in 2007 and 2008, so there's no need to draft him again. He didn't get much of a chance to shine on Smackdown, due to his injury and I think he will return stronger than ever. If Kennedy can try to stay away from injury, then I can definitely see him moving towards the main event and eventually winning the World Championship.
I want Kennedy Kennedy stays on SD. Maybe we see him go up against Shelton or MVP. If he does happen to switch brands it will be ECW. And that is what I see happening. Kennedy hasn't been seen on TV in awhile. So what better way to put him back in our minds than have him get drafted. His name comes on the tron and he gets a pop and he comes out and then we see him just appear on ECW then after Backlash he can start to feud with Swagger for the title and take it off him at One Night Stand or something.
Personaly, I think Mr. Kennedy is getting injured to get all his injuries out the way .

Okay that makes no sense at all.
Kennedy has potential, and thats all he will ever have.This guy is more injury prone than Mysterio and Nash combined.
I predict a run in ECW, another injury and being wished well on his future endeavors.
I would prefer if Kennedy gets switched to ECW. From there he can feud with Swagger for a while with the result being Kennedy winning the ECW Title. Once Kennedy holds the ECW Title for about a good 4 months then he can get elevated back to SD(I prefer Smackdown cause it would be easier to have a bigger impact than RAW) so he can regain the US Title or elevate himself to becoming a main event player after a few mid card feuds.
i think when mr kenndey comes back he will be better then before and i reckon he should stay on smackdown and feud over the us title with mvp because i can see mvp and mr kenndey battling for the WHC or WWE title at wrestlemania at some point i think them 2 together will be the new hogan and warrior, austin and rock of this era for
1.they both have great mic skills proberly one of the best on the mic in buisness today .
2.they can work a great match and both are great wrestlers in the ring
so have them feud over the us title at wrestlemania to see what they can do with each other then if they work well together in a year or 2 without wrestling each other and pushing them both on seperate brands have them meet for the WHC or WWE title at wrestlemania.
but back to the point i think mr kenndey will be the face of the company when cena finally gets turned heel because as soon as he goes heel thairs no bringing him back as the face of the company again plus i would rather watch mr kenndey in big main event feuds then batista,cena,triple h just watch the undertaker and mr kenndey feud off the hook so yes i can see mr kenndey being really big when he comes back from injury
Draft him to raw, Kennedy/Jericho feud. He would also be a huge draw as ECW champ, but that may be bringing him down too much.
Whats with everyone wanting him to be ECW champ? That would waste his time building up to his real potential. thats really nothing compared to what he's already accomplished, he is above the ECW belt. That belt to me is for a long term midcarder that isnt World Champ material or a rising star not yet ready to be World champ. I rank that on the same level or lower than IC or US title.
I think alot of us are right in saying that Kennedy is the right man to lead ECW into a new era - we haven't really seen him do anything else besides a US title run which wasn't much either. So something like the ECW title would be a good way to get him more over - much like Matt Hardy - he can be featured on all three shows well being the main head on the ECW show. I mean it is a world title afterall (haha sorta) - it'd really shape him up for a major world title like the WHC or WWE. ECW needs someone with great mic skills like Kennedy - if anything he could make the ECW title alot more valuable than it is now. Definitely needs names like his under the history.
Again a "oh mr. Kennedy is so great, he needs a huge push when he returns because he is the future" thread? Really???

Please get over it... the guy is injury prone... has done little to nothing in his whole WWE career (besides having a passable feud with the undertaker).

Awesome mic skills you say??? pfttttttt... He is for sure better than, let's say Shelton Benjamin... but he is not that great... the proof of this is that he was cutting promos while promoting his movie (in what was a suposed to be a feud or something with MVP???), and not even one of them were memorable... or funny... or worth a watch... If he's so good at the mic, why this stuff wasn't even entertaining?

Great in ring work?? Really??? the guy has wrestled like 3 matches during the last 2 years (one really boring with reagal, one really boring with burchill, and I think a couple of meh matches with HBK when he was a heel...)

HE IS NOT WORLD CHAMP MATERIAL!!! not at this time, and not for the next 12 months for sure!!! the ECW belt seem suitable for him... before he injures himself again...

When and if he ever returns, he has to work his ass in the midcard for a while, and build himself up (by having good lenghty matches and cutting some decent promos) to deserve the push everybody talks about. he's accomplished nothing so far...
While I think the guy is very good on the mic, he hasn't shown me anything. He's been in WWE for three and a half years and hasn't done a damn thing with the exception of a forgetable 42 day United States Championship reign during the summer of '06.

I think that Kennedy needs to find something else to do with his time, or possibly WWE could put him behind the mic as a commentator. Personally, I think he's proven to be much too fragile to work as a full time wrestler. He's simply too injury prone.

However, since he's probably going to stay a full time wrestler, he shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a championship, especially a world championship, at anytime in the forseeable future. He has to prove himself and, despite the extremely generous and somewhat undeserving praise that's been heaped upon him, he certainly hasn't done it. He might've been hot stuff 2 years back, but he's on the verge of becoming completely irrelevant. Another injury and the WWE's better off letting him go.
Okay that makes no sense at all.
Kennedy has potential, and thats all he will ever have.This guy is more injury prone than Mysterio and Nash combined.
I predict a run in ECW, another injury and being wished well on his future endeavors.

I think he was being a little sarcastic with that comment to be honest.

Geez, the last thing i remember about Kennedy was him feuding with Burchill and getting drafted to Smackdown. And the only reason i remember that is that guy tommy Fierro who came up with those horrible storyline ideas (besides the cm punk getting forced fed booze, that was golden) had predicted that.

I love Kennedy i think he has the best mic work and personality that fits with this generation. I can't explain it something about him just works. Ideally, having him come back build some momentum he had lost and challenge and beating punk for the briefcase would be sweet. then have him cash it in at wrestlemania like he had planned on doing when he won the case a few years ago.
Kennedy used to be the next big thing hands down. Besides a few he could ACTUALLY talk (if you consider what orton does on a mic a promo then kennedy was 10/10 with the stick). He has sooo many trouble shooting affairs and the still never slowed him down. First he couldn't came up with a finisher, then when he finally did he got injured again and again and again. After a dirt poor attemp at a face turn he got injured AGAIN! The only place for him to go is ECW. Rebuild in a breif feud with Jack Swagger or Evan Bourne. Depending what he comes back as. If he stays on SD! M.V.P is the only REAL feud he can have. Jeff Hardy, Umaga, Sisco(benjamine) all been done before.
I have never understood why everyone in the IWC has such a hard one for Kennedy! Even now, he has not wrestled in close to a year and you are all still loving him. He went on Larry King and denied his use of steroids then got suspended for the whole mail order thing. Since then he has done nothing!!!!!! OR I"M SORRY AM ISPAMMING???????? My bad. I'm proving a point. Kennedy is 33, if he hasn't gotten to the main event status he never will. Serriously, he hasn't been in a main event match in almost 3 years at least. He never will again!!! Guys, its over!!!
Kennedy will not get the green light again considering how dumb the guy has been when he's talked about the wellness policy. He was stupid enough to talk about it ,whilst being a substance abuser, after the Benoit tragedy. The guy has rammed his foot in his mouth and there were two opportunities to elevate him to main event status. One was with the Money In The Bank match which he lost out on due to injury and the other was with the whole Vince's son thing which he lost out on because of a violation of the wellness policy.

I really don't know why people think he's good on the mic too. During his feud with HBK all he did was sit and whisper into the camera about how he was going to beat HBK. Oh and he has a catchphrase which apparently gets people to get a raging hard on over him.

His in ring skills are below average. Even after feuding with guys like The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels i can't think of a good match involving Mr Kennedy. He had a decent Last Ride match but that doesn't make him the future of pro wrestling.

Kennedy is done. They had a guy who looked promising then threw him a bone and realised he wasn't all that great. The End
Well, it's not all good news for him. Kennedy recently did an interview with the Miami Herald and said he may NEVER be 100 percent after his injury. I say what was once a promising career is in jeopardy of being a 'what might have been' kind of career.

I hope he takes the necessary time off to heal, and come back as close to 100 percent as he can, because no one wants another Candice Michelle. Gets pushed, then gets injured.

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