What's So Great About Mr Kennedy?



I hear a lot of people saying that Mr Kennedy has the potential to be bigger than Stone Cold or The Rock. Call me insane, but I can't really see that potential. Perhaps I'm just being ignorant, but I'm wondering - What leads you guys to believe this guy has so much potential?

well ill just make a list becuz i dont feel like typing all of it

1.his athletic ability is amazing and has barely been shown (im from wisconsin and seen him in littler promoitons without move bans...hes very athletic)
2.cuts promos just as good if not better then stone cold ever did and is almost on the level of the Rock....i mean all stone cold ever said was woopass and what.....seriously duz that appeal to u?
3.YOUNG.....Kennedy not only is doing all of the in ring and out of the ring things right....he is young and dependable....he is in his mid 20's i believe and should b around for many years to come.
He has an amazing amount of charisma. And as everybody know's that's all that really matter's in WWE. He's one of those superstar's that the fan's will end up turning face. He's not the greatest of in ring worker's. But he always give's 100% and it's apparent that he's still learning and trying to better himself.

Maybe he will get to the height's of Austin & The Rock, or maybe he wont. He's going to be very popular in 18 month's to 2 year's. I dont see another Attitude era for a while yet so I doubt he'll ever gain the popularity of Austin or The Rock though.
There will never ever be another like sotne cold or rock. Comparing them to ken kennedy is pressure for him. Rock and steve austin where around the right place and right time. Ken kennedy can be good and charasmatic but he will be like edge and orton in a year or to good main eventers but not great. The only guy in the wwe right now that can be close to rock and austin in cena :( it hates me to say it but its true.
I hear a lot of people saying that Mr Kennedy has the potential to be bigger than Stone Cold or The Rock. Call me insane, but I can't really see that potential. Perhaps I'm just being ignorant, but I'm wondering - What leads you guys to believe this guy has so much potential?


I don't know if he'll bwe as big as The Rock and Stone Cold, but he could be pretty close, what makes him great is the entertainment factor he provides, he cuts some of the best promos today and has a good move set, the one thing he lacks is a clear cut finisher, sure he has the Kenton Bomob, and that rolling fireman carry thing, but he lacks that big signature finisher that all the greats have, for ex. Stone Cold has the Stunner, the Rock has the Rock Bottom & the Peoples Elbow, Triple H has the Pedigree, and HBK has Sweet Chin Music, IMO if Kennedy wants to reach that next level of superstardom he'll need that one signature finisher move that he is currently lacking, I beleive he has everthing else to make him great
Kennedy has been improving since day one with his wrestling skills and as for as I'm concerned, Stone Cold and Rocky were not WRESTLERS. They were guys who would bring in the money. Box office names. In my mind, if you can bring in money as a main-eventer, AND be a great wrestler, you have what it takes to make it as a huge star in the business and that's what Kennedy has shown. He had to carry the whole fued with Batista because Batista could not cut a promo. Kennedy was the only one that made the fued worth watching and if you can get a guy to main event the Royal Rumble after 2 years of being in WWE, he's already on his way. Expect big things from him in the past because he's got the charisma, talent, and skill to do it but like Justinsayne said, he needs a signature move that people will always remember him by. If he can accomplish that, he's good to go.
I think the move he does off the top rope is impressive. I forget the name. Green Bay Plunge? The only problem is he has to set it up. He need's a move like a Stunner or Rock Bottom that can come from out of nowhere. I dont see why he doesnt use the F-5. WWE owe nothing to Lesnar so they may as well steal his finishing move.
Mr. Kennedy is definitely the future of sports-entertainment, if you do not believe he his yet. He is charismatic like no other in the WWE at the moment and can cut awesome promos. He's definitely got the look to be a huge superstar, being cocky, funny and credible. Have you ever heard some of his promos during house shows ? I say look on YouTube and you will see that he gets huge pops.

He is still a great heel, even if he gets huge pops, but he will become an even better face. He is going in the same direction than the Rock and Austin as far as his push is concerned, but he is bigger than they were at that point of their careers.

Add that to the fact that he's an incredible athlete, who produces great all-around matches. Seriously did you see the Royal Rumble match he had this year against Batista ? If you watched the same match as I did, knowing that Batista doesn't not how to work ****, and that you saw that the match still turned out ok, you will see for sure that Mr. Kennedy is great in the ring, and is improving as we speak. He is a hard worker, and is going to be bigger than John Cena for sure, since he is a more skilled in the ring. I definitely see these two growing together in the business, with a feud somewhat apparent to the Rock / Austin feud.

Hope that's enough for you my friend. I think you can compare some of Kennedy's work with Ric Flair's in his prime (don't take this the wrong way). Some of it is similar, but I obviously know that they both are completely different.
I already like Kennedy more than Stone Cold. Inever foudn anythign about Stone Cold intresting, couldnt wrestle and I found his gimic boring.

Kenndys shwon recently that hes got the wrestling and mic skills to go far in the WWE. He really impressed me in his first match against Bobby Lashley with the number of submission moves he used on Lashleys legs. Plus his Green Bay Plunge finishers pretty nice.

I do agree he needs one a finisher can spring from nowhere though and hopefully not the F-5, I thougth that was an awful move.
Before i begin everyone here has said the reasons why Mr. Kennedy is so great right now.

Yet, he is really whatwe in teh IWC wnat a guy who has wrestling skills, charismatic, and one of the best promo guys in the bussiness to day i belive. And i can go on and one about this but everyone here so far has made that point all i can add is look how he worked with Taker. From past experience guys who normally work with Taker the young ones espically it ruins them, yet with Mr. Kennedy he worked well Taker and it didnt ruin his charcter it made him look like a main-eventer and can carry a load.

I do agree his does need a real finsher i see him more using like an Angleslam yet at the last second turn it in into a brain buster and he can still use the Kenton bomb which is the swaton bomb yet i thinkhe will still use as that Jeff Hardy finsher.
I don't know about the Idea of Kennedy useing the F-5 as his finisher, that move should be used by a power guy like Lashley, for Kennedy I think that something like a Tiger Bomb would be good, that or some kind of variation of a Neckbreaker, I also liked the idea of him useing the Angle Slam
I think a really agressive submission hold is alway's good. I'm not talking about something like a Boston Crab. The Crossface look's like it legitimatley hurt's and nobody hardly ever escape's it. Kennedy need's a really good submission hold, The Ring's Of Saturn is a good one.
I think the Texas Cloverleaf is a good submission, he could use the tigerbomb to set it up then lock it in, of course if they are already on the ground then all he has to do is just lock it in, then just sit down on their lower back and put the pressure on
I i think he's gonna be a big time heel for a while (like the rock) Kennedy is also a big time talker(like the Rock) Lots of things in common
I i think he's gonna be a big time heel for a while (like the rock) Kennedy is also a big time talker(like the Rock) Lots of things in common

yeah true he does have alot in common with the Rock but he seems to rimind more of Jericho, and I think that he will follow a simillar path as Jericho did though his WWE carreer, I would love to see a Jericho vs. Kennedy match at WM 24, and think it is possiable, hopefully Jerich comes back and it does happen it could help both guys out and would probably steal the show, but that's a year away
I was one of those extremely skeptical people the first time I saw Kennedy. I really wasn't impressed and I didn't get why everyone thought he was so great. But, he is so charismatic that it drew me in. This guy has got that "it" factor that only comes around every couple of years. I think the more you see this guy perform the better he gets.
i support Kennedy too, even when i first look one of his matches, i thought that he was another Job guy, but OMG, those matches with Taker, specially the First Blood match, were awesome, that was the time when Taker needed a good push for the road to HWC and Kennedy not only did the Job extremely well, but he also won title shots, main events... hell, the man beat the hell up that piece of CRAP Batista (anybody can do it, but he made it look cool) in the RR, but i expect to see Kennedy Champ this year (maybe in SummerSlam vs Taker, that would kinda suck, tough, cause Taker rules).

Damn, im worried about myself: im hating Batista too much...even more than Cena! :lol2:
the simalarities between kennedy austin & the rock are close.
but the one thing that they all have is a catchprase that the crowd love to chant along to. you could feel the energy sitting at home watching the rock go '' if ya smmmmeeelllll what the rock ..... is coockin!''

after austin would give a big speech and a few stunners here and there he would then give a '' and thats the bottom line cos stone cold says so.''

and i dont need to imitate kennedys catchphrase, you should all know the crowd reaction he gets, whether its booing or cheering its all good cos thats when you know youv got that 'it' factor

+ the fact people love his work ethic in the ring

Thats because your a jumped up little kid who thinks they know what their talking about but really your just in love with Vince's storylines, which is fair enough i suppose. You love face's, your meant to. But you seriously talk about Cena not deserving the abuse he gets, and lay into possibly the only person with the potential to be big, and actualy perform in the ring it makes me sick. Common grow up! Mr kennedy is one of the best smack talkers in the WWe, Mr Kennedy is one of the most athletic performers in the WWE, Mr Kennedy looks great in the ring. Then you have the nerve to call Cena a good wrestler, your talking out your arse mate, "oh yey John Cena, oh yey Stone Cold they are average in the ring but ill cheer for them and buy their merchandise because im stupid enough to think that been a good guy and 'winning' matches makes you a good wrestler", it doesnt! Im a fan of Wrestling, but mate the storylines are not real, and just because someone wins a match it doesnt make them a good wrestler, its scripted so stop using these are arguments for a who is a good in ring performer and look at whats actualy going on rather than who your told to like/dislike
3.YOUNG.....Kennedy not only is doing all of the in ring and out of the ring things right....he is young and dependable....he is in his mid 20's i believe and should b around for many years to come.

He is 31 as of yesterday. I don't know that he will be big or can be big. But I do find him entertaining. However, I've been disappointed lately. I think his character is becoming to cheesy.
i read all this stuff about him going to be pushed this year, and he got beat by matt hardy who has been jobbing lots lately.
WWE needs to make up their damn mind about what they are trying to do with him. I'm sorry but you can't have him lose to the likes of Matt Hardy and Finlay leading up to Wrestlemania... and then turn around and have him win Money in the Bank ensuring a future title shot. You would think they would have wanted to build up his credibility leading into that match but then again that would make too much damn sense I guess.
The reason he lost is so no one would suspect him of winning...Don't u guys know that? And his credibility? He beat how many ex-champs? He even beat the current sd champ Undertaker....He's GREAT on the mic...what more do u want?

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