What's So Great About CM Punk?


Dark Match Jobber
I don't understand the love you guys give him. He is decent in ring or on the mic. It's really starting to sicken me.
John Cena is better than him. John Cena is the most hard working wrestler today, I would even consider him in the top 5 hardest workers of all time. That's just me. I think Punk is so overrated in my opinion it's not even funny anymore. Crying and moaning that you're being held down isn't how you become a top guy.Being the best in the world and getting reactions from crowds every single night even when you get booked in a bad storyline is how you get to be top dog.He's simply not on the level of John Cena or Randy Orton.
I don't know what to tell you, so here's a list of things that you can pick and choose from at your leisure. Sit back, relax, maybe eat some strawberries:

  • You don't have to like CM Punk or John Cena. It's perfectly possible to like both.
  • You should probably be grateful that Cena was given Punk to work with, because before that he was stuck in the doldrums with the likes of Miz and Truth, having average matches. Being put with Punk was evidently helpful, not least because it produced one stone cold classic match and then two others which were Mr. Kipling level of exceedingly good, with promos to match.
  • "I don't get why you like CM Punk. He's good on the microphone and in the ring." Kind of answered your own question, no?
  • Moaning you're being held down isn't how you become a top guy? Evidently not.
  • Yeah, Randy Orton's good too.
Riveting tale, old chap. The troll is weak in this one.

Memetastic facepalming aside, Punk is one of the most natural mic workers in the WWE in the past decade, along with his proven ability and talent inside the ropes. Doesn't mean Cena isn't good at what he does, doesn't mean Randy Orton isn't good (ha!) at what he does - it just means that CM Punk is, too.

But I guess rational reasoning is overrated, too.
I don't understand the love you guys give him. He is decent in ring or on the mic. It's really starting to sicken me.
John Cena is better than him. John Cena is the most hard working wrestler today, I would even consider him in the top 5 hardest workers of all time. That's just me. I think Punk is so overrated in my opinion it's not even funny anymore. Crying and moaning that you're being held down isn't how you become a top guy.Being the best in the world and getting reactions from crowds every single night even when you get booked in a bad storyline is how you get to be top dog.He's simply not on the level of John Cena or Randy Orton.

Hard working doesn't really mean good... For example I could become a wrestler and I would give everything I had to make it but at the end of the day I'd still be an unfit guy with no real idea of what to do in the ring. Doesn't mean I wasn't working hard.

Since when was there a designated way to get to the top? If all top guys got there by doing the same thing that would be dull? Plus what you might call crying and moaning other people would call getting off your arse and doing everything possible to get your character over... Something most of the greats have had to do at some point... Plus an example of working hard which you appear to set so much store by.

However at the end of the day if you don't like Punk you don't like Punk your choice yet surely you can accept that since you're in a very small minority you may just have to accept that it's just you?
I am tired of this question being asked. The fact is you could ask the same question about any wrestler is history. Everybody has a wrestler they don't like and it's so easy to come up with reasons why they aren't any good or why they are overrated. There is so much complaining on these threads anymore. I get it, wrestling isn't as good as it was. Nobody knows that better than me. I have been watching for 23 years. I'm not even going to address why Punk is good. The fact is he is the hottest thing going. People rip on Cena but, like it or not, he is the one putting little jimmys in the seats. And with the PG era, that is who the WWE is targeting. I just wish people would stop finding fault in everything and enjoy what is being presented. Don't misunderstand, I agree that wrestling is not as good as it once was. But we have to make the best of what we are given. Constantly complaining isn't going to help.
Well to each his own. Every wrestler no matter how good or bad he is will have detractors and hopeless marks. It's all just a matter of opinion and perspective.

As far as I'm concerned, CM Punk is just an extremely good professional wrestler. I like to see the guy wrestle in matches, I like listening to him talk on the mic and he's able to make me interested in whatever storyline he's involved with. CM Punk does a great job of keeping me entertained and, at the end of the day, that's what I want. Whenever I watch anything, I watch it in the hopes of being entertained first and foremost.
I think people like Punk for a variety of reasons:

- He seems comfortable on the mic
- He wrestles a style that seems more realistic for what could be his strengths
- He's shown a respect for history and past wrestlers (the same reason a lot of us are on this board)
- Some guys have a deeper connection to him through ROH
- He has brought some PG-13 to a PG show
- He has brought up some issues that are common complaints from the IWC
- Some people are really in to his clean living
- He has a dry cynical sense of humor
- He is different than the other cookie cutter steroid athletes but still seems able to realistically compete

For me I like what he does on the mic, his humor, and his ability in the ring. I could do without the whining about Colt Cabana and other released stars but that has been a small fraction of story. Overall he has been overwhelmingly entertaining during this recent run and well above average during his time in WWE.

EDIT: I don't know why I took the time to answer this question. The OP is either trying to get a rise out of people or has not spent any time reading this forum over the past two months.
I don't understand the love you guys give him. He is decent in ring or on the mic. It's really starting to sicken me.
John Cena is better than him. John Cena is the most hard working wrestler today, I would even consider him in the top 5 hardest workers of all time. That's just me. I think Punk is so overrated in my opinion it's not even funny anymore. Crying and moaning that you're being held down isn't how you become a top guy.Being the best in the world and getting reactions from crowds every single night even when you get booked in a bad storyline is how you get to be top dog.He's simply not on the level of John Cena or Randy Orton.

the reason we love him is cause hes different hes not randy orton or john cena who do the same shit every night its sounds like ur a 10 year old saying hes not on the level of orton or cena of course he is do u not listen to the crowd or see hes the hottest thing going and another thing how do u know cena is a harder worker than cmpunk?
I will say this:

Cena is a good wrestler, I will never take that away from him, solid on the mic and say whatever you will about the guy but he obviously has some talent if he can make the likes of Khali look good in the ring. I like Cena, I really do and I respect his work ethic and how much he tries on a daily basis.

Punk however is my favorite wrestler currently and has been since he started his rivalry with Jeff Hardy. CM Punk is more than just a decent wrestler with decent mic skills, Punk is probably one of the top wrestlers in the world right now. CM Punk never disappoints on the mic, in the ring, in promos and with can outshine ANYONE on the roster when he wants.

Cena is a BIGGER draw than Punk I will be the first to admit it but I can't count how many people state HBK as their all time favorite when the truth is he was a shitty draw, sure he had the nWo to compete with but he was just a champ a lot of people couldn't connect with. The hardcore fans love him because he was so great in all facets of wrestling whether it was on the mic, promos or in the ring. Michaels was not only a great wrestler, he was a great storyteller which is what wrestling is truly about, telling a great story. Punk is also a great wrestler and storyteller

Now I'm not comparing Punk to HBK, at this point Punk isn't in HBK's league overall but they have similar comparisons in some aspects. People love Punk because of the same reasons, he may not be a huge draw, he may not have the look but he is very skilled in the ring, on the mic, and not only is he a great wrestler, he can tell a fantastic story in between those ropes. Hardcore fans can respect his raw talent.

Just because Cena draws more money doesn't mean he has more skill than Punk, he just has a lot of things going for him (a build and a look for example) that Punk doesn't.
I'm with you on CM Punk. I dont get all the love? The only thing I can think of is Punk has an indie background which immediately makes him loved by certain members of the IWC. It doesn't matter how good or how bad you are, if you have the words 'Indie' on your CV you are automatically loved.

Punks good, he would be missed if he left WWE but he isnt the best, far from it. The SES were appalling and a failure, as were the new Nexus. That 'promo' from the other week was over rated aswell, some fools calling it the best ever!!!?

Punks over rated, very good but nowhere near the level of the best.
I dont know what show you are watching but he is pretty funny atleast for me..
and what he is not good on the mic?? yeah is you are 8 even if you are 12 I guess you would find him pretty cool unless he is bashing Cena but he is ... so I see where this is coming from.. never the less he is pretty good in the ring too.. see Wrestlemania and Money in the bank I guess you will know which main event is better..
point taken Orton is pretty good I liked his match with christian at Summerslam... It was Awesome!!!

but Cena is only for kids !!!
Well we are all entitled to our own opinions some people likes Punk and some doesn't.
In my case I like CM punk for many reasons first he's a great in ring worker Im not saying he's the best but to me he's more than decent. His Mic skills is one of the best right now there are certainly room for improvements but definitely good. And probably my Favourite (thats right I'm Canadian) part about Punk is that he can work well as a babyface or a Heel and even announcer for a bit. He made the announcing on NXT 3 interesting but again thats my opinion on Punk and why I think he's so great.
Punk is entertaining. No need to go into detail about anything really. The guy is entertaining a lot of people right now and that's a good thing.

I think HBK gets slighted a bit about his drawing ability when the truth is when he got really hot with the DX angle he got hurt and had to sit out for a few years. Austin didn't win the world title and immediately draw, there was a build to it, with plenty of thanks going to Michaels for selling that story and creating the character people wanted to see Austin kick the shit out of.
Sorry, that bullet point was rather boring, wasn't it? Here; I'll try again:

What's so great about CM Punk, huh? What's so great about Van Gogh? What's so great about Brahms? What's so great about Shakespeare? Punk isn't a superstar, nor is he a wrestler - he's an artist. To paraphrase Joey Styles, how fitting it is that Punk plies his craft on a canvas. By so much as touching a microphone, Punk can impregnate all the ladies in the first four rows.

And the five star matches kept on coming.
CM Punk is really good on the Mic. Something they've missed for the longest time. Most guys on the mic sounds like they're forced lines down there throats and sound corny. CM Punk sounds like a natural on the mic like a Ric Flair, Steve Austin, or Jake Roberts. The guy makes you want to watch because you don't know what he'll say next.
The title of this thread should have been Where was the mega love for CM Punk before.

Where were all the CM Punk chants before the Cena angle. Whether he was on Raw or Smackdown face or heel the admiration now for Punk has not been seen before, yes he had his fans since ROH ( I am one of them ) but other than us the rest of the world didn't give a shit about him. There were posts on this site for years claiming he's a career mid carder he'll never be a main event draw even with two MITB and WHC wins some pretty good feuds with Mysterio and Orton even when he joined Nexus the love for him was medium at best and that was against Cena.

So now when you combine the IWC complaints and the IWC #1 Villain together those who couldn't give a shit before are now all on his dick like a $20 ****e looking for her last trick and you all know who you are. Punk knows it Cena knows it and most importantly Vince McMahon knows it.

This just proves how fickle the IWC is and how Vince and co. manipulates the sheep
Well, what is so good about CM PUNK?
1: His many wrestling moves
2: His ability to put over John Cena in my opinion even more over than he was
3: His in ring ability
4: His mic skills
5: The way you want to see what happens next week on RAW mainly because of him.
6: Never seen him botch a move.
CM Punk is an enigma wrapped in a riddle with the IWC because very rarely do they like wrestlers who have personality and usually disregard it entirely in favor of "hard-working" indy wrestlers who have literally zero personality (i.e. Daniel Bryan, etc.). Perhaps the fact that CM Punk was an indy wrestler allows the IWC to drop their routine just this once but I'm not a part of the IWC (and actually contribute a lot of wrestlings lackluster and downfall to them) but in fairness, I can't say for certain why it is. The irony comes into play where a lot of IWC pundits will cite his good mic skills where in previous discussions about others (i.e. Daniel Bryan) they would take the exact opposite stance on the matter.

CM Punk has great mic skills (compared to the majority of today's "superstars") and an above average in-ring ability which thus makes him significantly 'better' or more enjoyable than nearly everybody else. The problem isn't as much with him as it is with the way wrestling is today in general. Today, giant mammoth-like wrestlers are basically viewed as comic relief or mainly used to get all of the infinitely smaller guys over. The problem is that it's become so unrealistic that it's not as enjoyable. What made it entertaining to watch smaller wrestlers in the past beat much larger wrestlers was the fact that it didn't happen a lot. So when one did beat a much bigger and stronger wrestler, it gave it that entertaining "David vs. Goliath" feel. Today, Rey Mysterio is beating the Big Show, Kane, and other goliath's the majority of the time...making it not only unrealistic...but giving off less satisfaction when it does happen. It's literally more surprising these days when a big giant defeats a significantly smaller guy because it doesn't happen all that much if ever.

Guys like John Cena have an advantage because they're not the biggest, but they are still ridiculously big. It's the same thing that gave Hulk Hogan his advantage in his day. He was big enough to seem like a superhero (give off the perception that he's bigger and better than the rest) but still seemed to have his hands tied when he was facing bohemoths like Andre the Giant, King Kong Bundy, Earthquake, etc. It's also why much smaller opponents had to resort to cheating whenever they had to face him.

These guys weren't the best technical wrestlers on the planet or even close...but it was the reality of the situation plus their charisma and personality that made those matches the most exciting matches to this day. Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant is one of the most talked about matches of all time - not because they were great "wrestlers" but because they knew how to put on a show and it all made sense. Today, while you have infinitely better wrestlers, a lot of the storylines are boring, have been done before, or simply don't make much sense. Eddie Guerrero can put on a clinic with Chris Benoit as many times as they want...but it will never be as talked about and remembered as something like Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. Why? Because if history is an indication of anything...it's that "in-ring ability" might actually be the least valuable factor if anything else.
The second I saw you say that CM Punk isn't on the level of Randy Orton I stopped paying attention. It's possible to argue that Cena is better than Punk (eventhough i'm of the opinion that he isn't. I like Cena, I just don't think he's as good as Punk) but it is NOT possible to argue that Orton is. Orton is worse on the mic FACT, worse in the ring FACT. The only thing Orton may have over Punk is his look but even then I think Punk has a better look too. Each to his own though I guess...
Mic skills? Ring skills? The most entertaining character in the wrestling business today? Nothing doing it for you?

I mean common. CM Punk's character is basically a kayfabe breaker.. He's "The voice of the voiceless".. How can you not be entertained by him? You're saying he "cries and moans"? If I remember correctly in his worked shoot promo(the best promo in a long.. Long time) He wasn't crying about anything he was simply speaking his mind.

John Cena is a hard worker I'll give you that. But I'm sick of seeing all the hate CM Punk is getting because he's "overrated" just because a lot of people like him it doesn't mean he's overrated. Have you ever stopped to think if he actually is all that? He deserves all this recognition.
That quote right there is part of what I like about CM Punk. As scripted as WWE is Punk is able to convince us that everything he is saying is off the cuff. When Kevin Nash said Punk looked like a Waffle House cook and Punk quickly embraced it and added to his "Everyman" image it was just another small step in making the character work.

Again, I think the only time he does not seem like a real character is when he mentions how he is "a line stepper" or mentions what a rebel he is. He does not need to do that because the character he is creating seems genuine. I also agree that he is bringing the best out of Cena and there may be some Punk fans willing to admit the reverse is true as well.
My thing is Punk will be Punk in my eyes. Sure he gave a good promo a few weeks back and had maybe 3 great matches recently. (excluding the Jeff Hardy matche's.) But I can't say wether I like him or I don't;he is just Punk to me. He isn't over rated nor is he under rated Punk is right where he should be. WWE seems to like talkers more than the actually wrestling. Punk is damn near one of the best in the WWE atm on the mic. He can cut a good promo even before he blew up. He seems more 'natrual' on the mic due to not having to remeber a full script. If he can go off course with his promo of course he is going to be gold on the mic. I'm sure the worse speakers like Heath Slater could come off the mic and be good at it. Less pressure.

As for Punk crying to be a ME player and show off his talents so what. He also has the backing of Cena as I read on this site about that too. Punk did what he had to do with out being a Kiss Ass or a politican, and I respect that about him. He is great to other's and them other's apperciate Punk.

See me personally think Punk is getting better an he is starting to grow on me again. But I would and still prefer Randy Orton over Punk. Wether people think he is boring or not. As I said I like Punk as he is probally 1 of the few guys on the roster I don't change the channle for. But this question to me is like asking who you like better Edge or Christian? Seriously if ya don't like someone thats cool. But quit with the threads on it.
I don't understand the love you guys give him. He is decent in ring or on the mic. It's really starting to sicken me.
John Cena is better than him. John Cena is the most hard working wrestler today, I would even consider him in the top 5 hardest workers of all time. That's just me. I think Punk is so overrated in my opinion it's not even funny anymore. Crying and moaning that you're being held down isn't how you become a top guy.Being the best in the world and getting reactions from crowds every single night even when you get booked in a bad storyline is how you get to be top dog.He's simply not on the level of John Cena or Randy Orton.

Glad to know another Cena fan finally turned old enough that his mommy will let him have an account to talk wrestling on here with the big kids... :lmao:

Now onto the topic. Punk is very talented. Like some of the best throughout the history of this business he has the ability to make who he's working with look good. Need proof? Watch the CM Punk John Cena title match from MitB. Yes, we all know Cena works hard, and I'll be so nice as to say he's improving in the ring. And you mention getting reactions in bad storylines? Look at the SES v. Rey Mysterio. Not so great storyline, yet Punk got reaction. As for Punk being on the level of Cena and Orton, he never will be. They are the poster children for the time period. They will always be known as that. Punk is like a Jericho or a Steamboat or to an extent a Michaels. A talented guy that made whoever he was facing look good, worked hard, learned his craft, and one day will be in the HOF.
Well, CM Punk is one of the most entertainig superstars today in the WWE. He has a huge moveset and each of his matches is different from the others. His mic skills are also really good, not because he has some kind of gimmick that makes him talk like that (see Randy Orton or Cody Rhodes) but because he sounds as a REAL guy. I don't thin Randy talks like that in his real life.

CM Punk has worked really hard in the past years and he deserved the push that he got with the whole "Champion vs Champion" thing. Now that he has lost the title, he's on his own. He holds the ball and he needs to run with it.

A lot of people got really excited when this promo came up, including me, but it's to early to judge him. Wait until his feud with Nash/Triple H is finished and then we can check the results and rate him.

To answer to your question: I like Punk beacuse he is entertaining both in the ring and on the mic, even on commentary! Maybe he doesn't have the look the WWE wants (Hogan, Austin, Rock, Lesnar, Triple H, Cena, Batista) but he is entertaining, and that's what the bussiness is all about.
Honestly, Punk had always been good in the ring, but he didnt really start to shine until his heel turn. His matches with Jeff Hardy were some of the best of 2009. In fact Punk and Jeff went on last instead of Orton vs Cena at Summerslam. Punk may not be what you like and that is totally fine, but i can't stand Cena, but he is still a great athlete. Everyone has people they like and hate, thats what is great about being a fan. I used to hate CM Punk's character, but then he turned heel and showed just how talented he really is.

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