BPP is your hookup, now GTS!
Okay, so he got the number one merchandise spot for a week. Cool. I give him credit for that. Again, let's see him keep it up. You're jumping all over this tiny sample size because you want so badly to believe that there is a chance of someone drawing better than Cena. We'll see how he keeps selling merch through the next few weeks and months.
Contrary to what you have been saying, I based my argument on his current popularity, as well as the fact he is the #1 merchandise seller. Not too hard to see why I think it's a good indication of Punk being a top draw for WWE that is on Cena's level. Does that mean he'll always be on top of merchadise sales? No, but as of right now he's the only guy who has beat Cena in 5 years. While that doesn't necessarily mean long term, him even accomplishing that speaks volumes about where he is now. If you DON'T believe he's as popular and a big a draw as Cena, fine, but signs this year say otherwise. I haven't been to any live shows this year, but I can guarantee you alot of fans go to the live shows to see Punk.
Yep, because me taking the time out of my relatively busy day to respond to your points means that I'm ignoring them. Great logic there. Also, when did I dismiss that Punk was reaching new heights? Now you're making shit up. Clearly Punk's bigger right now than he's ever throughout his whole career, I don't think anyone would dispute that. That doesn't mean that he's bigger than Cena.
Sounds like whining to me. It takes just as long for me to respond as it does for you, but I don't complain about it b/c I enjoy debating and conversation. The fact remains you refuse to believe anything other than Cena being the only guy capable of carrying RAW and the WWE. All I have been saying is that Punk has proven he is just as capable. The only difference here is that WWE hasn't attempted to try that yet. So, I guess we can't really say for sure here without more evidence one way or the other.
Okay, so if I missed your point (which I didn't), what "patterns and trends" are you talking about? Because it certainly seems like this report of CM Punk being number one is what you were referring to. And that is not a pattern or a trend. Actually, the pattern and the trend is for Cena to be number one, so if we're going by patterns and trends, that will continue.
By patterns and trends, I mean his current popularity and position as #1 merchandise seller. While I'm sure you'll continue to procliam it's just for one week, we haven't seen any proof either way. If you follow his pattern this year of success, this doesn't seem like a flash in the pan occurance. However, it's clear you don't consider Punk anything more than lucky. Kinda seems laughable to me, since the fans are solidly behind him and that probably isn't gonna change anytime soon. Punk has earned his respect from the fans and coworkers in WWE, and that kind of success doesn't just go away. To suggest it's nothing more than a minor coincidence demostrates you have some bias where this issue is concerned. Otherwise, why would you keep shrugging it off as not a big deal? It may not be huge, but I'd say everything he's done this year is big news for WWE overall.
Nowhere did I say that my opinion was indisputable fact. It's an educated guess based on five years' worth of history. Your guess is as good as mine, but don't start talking about "trends and patterns" unless you're willing to elaborate on what the hell you're talking about.
You have never said that outright, but you tend to heavily imply it in every thread that is Cena related. You're entitled to your opinion and I can respect where you're coming from, but I simply disagree. And for 5 years, Cena has been on top, I admit that with no problem. But, to completely ignore Punk's success and accomplishments this year and dismiss it as luck is laughable. The main point I'm making is that the momentum seems to be changing from Cena to Punk. Cena will always be a mainstay in WWE, but if the pattern continues, Punk keeps reaching new levels of success. I think I've more than elaborated on my views here, so how is that NOT explaining myself?
Actually, I've heard and seen plenty of boos for Punk. Just because male voices are louder doesn't mean he doesn't get booed. Maybe not as much as Cena, but let's not act like 100 percent of the audience is solidly behind him here, especially when established faces like Cena and Triple H have been his main enemies. Also, you again prove that you don't know how to read, because I said Cena's FANS, not his haters. Just because some Cena haters came out of the woodwork over time doesn't mean that any significant percentage of his actual FANS turned on him. Maybe people who jumped on the bandwagon did, but those people were obviously never real fans of his in the first place.
While I'm sure even Punk gets a few boos, to suggest he's getting a mixed reaction is incorrect. For the most part, he receives a strong cheering section no matter where he is these days. Cena still gets a mixed reaction, although in certain instances he is still cheered. And when you say Cena's fans, yeah he does still get cheered, but for every fan, there's a hater to balance out that reaction. I'd say him getting a heavily mixed reaction everywhere he goes tends to suggest alot of fans have turned on him. Hell, he's referenced that in alot of his promos. What more proof would you need?
I do take offense to you claiming I was never a Cena fan. Yes, you didn't mention me by name, but again you heavily imply it. I'm still a Cena fan, but I do acknowledge his character is getting stale and one dimensional. While he has had some better matches this year, he still hasn't tried to reinvent himself. By comparison, ppl also said Hogan would never turn heel, yet look how successful and over he was after he reinvented himself. The point being he could be attempting to make his character more versatile than one dimensional if he didn't cater to a certain demographic.
Yes, they have influence when it's given to them. Guess what? They work for a boss. If that boss tells Cena to turn heel, then he turns heel. Problem is, that boss won't tell Cena to turn heel, because he's smart and he knows what's best for his company.
Who's to say Cena remaining face is what's best for the company? B/c Vince is in love with Cena and can't view this issue objectively? It's clear all top names have alot of influence over what they do on screen, and Cena is no exception. If Cena said, "Look Vince, I'm getting a mixed reaction, so I think it's the right time to turn", Vince would listen. Austin confirmed in his book that he alone called in the ring whether or not he turned against the Rock at WM. So, to suggest Cena can't control his character or is censored by Vince is laughable. WWE tends to listen to their top stars and Cena is instrumental in whether he remains face. I'd say it's obvious he doesn't want to do it, since he isn't a "mean" guy or feel the need to address his mixed reactions. Instead, he and WWE ignores it and acts as if ppl love him the way he is. Which doesn't seem to be the case IMO.
I think he's on a hot streak that could potentially put him on that level in time. I don't think he's there yet.
I do admit he hasn't quite reached the Cena-type of almost legendary status, but he's coming very close of being his equal with each new accomplishment he has. For my money, he's the closest current guy WWE has on the roster to being on Cena's level. Definately the guy I'd choose to replace Cena.
Cena has won seven world championships in the last three years, as opposed to Punk's three in the same span of time. Not trying to discredit Punk there, but it's pretty clear that Cena's still the one who's been booked better recently.
I'm not denying that Cena hasn't been booked stronger, as he's the man in WWE now. So obviously his booking is alot stronger and more consistent than Punk's. That's pretty much to be expect unless WWE starts giving Punk a better booked character. Right now, Punk is popular, but WWE has botched his booking ever since his return from "vacarion".
Getting over is getting a reaction. Cena gets stronger reactions than Punk. There, now you know the meaning of a basic wrestling term, so you can stop using it incorrectly.
If by, getting over more strongly than Punk, you mean he's not cheered as heavily. WWE would have us believe Cena is "controversial" when in fact the fans are growing tired of his stale routine. He's getting mixed reactions, where Punk overall is more cheered than booed. Pretty big difference there to me.
They both gets cheers mixed in with a few boos. Cena gets more cheers, and he gets more boos. So Cena is more over.
That's precisely what WWE wants us to believe. The announcers even try to put Cena over as getting a warm reception. Unfortunately, in most instances, Cena is getting a heavily mixed reaction, whereas Punk gets a few boos with mostly cheers. So, I'd say Punk is more over, Cena may still get strong reactions, but they aren't all cheers. And definately not a completely cheered reaction as WWE tries to tell us.
Cena doesn't need a heel to be on his level. Heels don't need to be as credible as faces, because many of their wins come by cheating anyway. I'm not sure why we suddenly need a megastar heel.
We could debate this all day and the opinions wouldn't change here. Having a clearly defined heel and face has been the fundamental premise of wrestling since it's inception. I can't see that changing, though there have been shades of gray. Fueds are predicated on having a strong face and a strong heel. The whole good vs. evil idea isn't gonna magically change b/c Cena came along.
Out of the two options, Cena has a longer and more reliable history of making money, so he is not a logical choice to turn
Cena does have a longer history of making money, but Punk has shown he is just as capable of carrying RAW as the top face. In this case, he's receiving alot more cheers than Cena, so having the two biggest names of RAW fued makes sense to me. And if WWE were to make a choice on who to turn, I'd say Cena based on his mixed reactions and stale character. Punk is so popular and over at this point, it goes against logic to turn him heel b/c Cena doesn't wanna turn. It certainly won't lose money for WWE, like you are claiming.
Why turn Cena? Because of Cena haters repeatedly denying his success over the last five and a half years?
You can't deny Cena's success, whether you hate or love the guy. I'm one of the few that's somewhere in the middle. Which I think makes me not heavily as biased one way or the other. I can see both sides of the argument, though I think it's time for a change for Cena. Punk should have an opportunity to achieve Cena' type of success, so having him carry RAW and be the face of WWE would do that.
So there's no logical reason to turn Cena. Glad we can agree.
Again, sarcastically taken out of context. Not really that shocking though. The only agreeing we can do here is agree to disagree. It's a compelling debate, but opinions and views aren't gonna change, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Yeah, getting booed against a wrestler in his hometown is a clear indication that a heel turn is desperately needed.![]()
A natural part of wrestling, whether you're heel or face. Wrestlers in their hometowns tend to be cheered. However, Cena getting a heavily mixed reaction does imply to me it's time for him to turn. It's not like WWE would go bankrupt if they tried something different with his character. In the long term I think it would do wonders for him.