Will Vince Ever Consider CM Punk To Be The Face Of The Company?

It's a good start. Nobody really wanted Cena/Rock to be for the title anyways, it gives away the ending so easily. Now you can set Wrestlemania around Cena/Rock and Punk/Del Rio, so you still get your huge draw, but you can also see how CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio do without the polarizing elephant of John Cena being there alongside them to draw them more reactions. If that championship feud goes well, we suddenly have 4 guys who the WWE sees as main-eventers between Cena, Miz, Punk, and Del Rio. If you want Attitude Era-memories, you need multiple top tier guys.
It took CM Punk overrating himself to get all this attention he has gotten. And ratings still did not improve too much under his push. I think it would be a mistake to make this guy top guy.
Vince may not understand Punk's appeal, but he does understand $$$. Cena has been the number 1 guy because of the amount of merchandise he moves and the tickets he sells. That Cena gets booed by half the crowd doesn't matter to Vince. When Punk, or anyone else for that matter, shows that he can consistently bring in as much as or more $$$ than Cena, then that's when we might see a change at the top.
As much of a Punk mark as I am, having Punk as the undisputed face of the WWE seems to be a bit of a stretch for me. He just recently topped Cena as the top merchandise seller but we don't know if he'll still have that spot say six months from now. It's a little too soon to tell. I wouldn't say Punk will be THE face of the company so much as A face. As long as Punk can continue to get consistent reactions from the crowd and continue his high merchandise sales, even Vince McMahon will have to consider Punk to be a tremendous asset, even on par with Cena if he doesn't already and a permanent main eventer.
Vince Really Doesn't Have A Choice But To Give CM Punk His Props. If Vince Goes By The Fans Chioce Like He Says He Does...Then He Won't Have Problem With CM Punk Being "The Man". Stone Cold Steve Austin Was The Man With His Beer Drinking On TV, His "Hell Yaeah" & "Austin 3:16 Just Said I Just Whopped Your Ass"...I'm Quite Sure Vince Has Room For A WiseCracking Smart Ass Like CM Punk.
wow despite being bigger then cena.... cm punk will never be the face of the company as far as vkm is concerned. hopefully after WM 28 when HHH is really in charge (im pretty sure that was the story behind that or whatever), punk will get proper recognition and get that major push he both deserves and longs for. given after reading that article i expect to see r truth as the wwe champion at some point since vince is so high on him. as well i guess the miz still will play a big role in the wwe as well..... (bad idea, but im just a hater of him for life). hopefully vince can put his stubbornness aside and see the light.
Punk on the other hand Vince just doesn't understand. He's not big and jacked up. He's not an over the top character. He's a grown man who doesn't even have a beer every once in a while... and in Vince's mind, since Vince doesn't understand Punk, no one else will either. sadly it will take a lot more than a few months of good merch sales to change Vince's mind about Punk
I don't think this "vince likes big guys" statement is true. Look at guys like Mick Foley, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Micheals, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, and even Punk himself.

None of them are big/jacked up, but off all them are considered some of WWE biggest stars. They weren't jacked up, but they're legends. This makes half your point invalid.
Enough of this crap. At the end Punk is the one who lost. I see it that they try to build up HHH as the ultimate boss. But I blame HHH for killing his momentum, making him from a rebel to some kind of internettroll. That is what they did, because the whole Kevin Nash involvement didn't lead to anything either. It's all about the game again. Kicking out of finishers or getting screwed all the time isn't the way how you build talent. And having a 42 y old semiretired wrestler owning anyone isn't helping either.

^You Have A Very Percise And Poigniant Point. This Could Kill Any Momentum CM Punk Could Have...How Do You Finish The Kevin Nash Angle? Part Of Me Feels The Same Way You Do. But I Do Thin HHH Needs To Get Out Of The Way, Be The COO And Not Get Involved In Any More Matches.

BTW, I Think Stephanie Is Behind The Conspiracy...Just My Opinion...
I don't think this "vince likes big guys" statement is true. Look at guys like Mick Foley, Eddie Guerrero, Shawn Micheals, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, and even Punk himself.

None of them are big/jacked up, but off all them are considered some of WWE biggest stars. They weren't jacked up, but they're legends. This makes half your point invalid.

It's clear if you have talent, Vince will push you regardless of size. However, the smaller wrestlers tend to be overlooked for longer than the bigger guys. Quite often, larger guys who are less talented get better pushes than the guys lacking size. The problem is, in many instances, the bigger guys prove they have no great in ring or mic work, so then WWE pushes the smaller guys out of necessity. I'd say for most of the guys you listed above, they were used mainly to shock the fans. Sure, they were probably pushed as a reward for their hard work, but WWE does have bias when it comes to size.

I'm just glad Vince's hangup about size seems to be going away with the recent de-emphasized weight announcements. Height and weight should mean nothing if you are talented enough to entertain the fans consistently.
Remember, WZ along with all other spoiler sites do not get it right all of the time. CM Punk's efforts speak for themselves, his reactions always get the loudest pop, he is clearly favoured in the eyes of the fans, they want to hear him speak"shhot" style more often. Thus why the fans have turned him face, and in turn Vince has destroyed yet another top shelf quality angle that had money written all over it. How the CM Punk angle ended up being based all around HHH yet again is mystifying, but it has shown on the ppv buy rates that it was a poor move by Vince once again. Now they want to bring Taker and Austin back at Survivor Series. Silly silly move, the ppv needs to work with the current talent, not broken down near 50 year olds. Austin has said he would return for a match if the details and angle were all perfect, not gonna happen whilst Punk is a face.
^You Have A Very Percise And Poigniant Point. This Could Kill Any Momentum CM Punk Could Have...How Do You Finish The Kevin Nash Angle? Part Of Me Feels The Same Way You Do. But I Do Thin HHH Needs To Get Out Of The Way, Be The COO And Not Get Involved In Any More Matches.

BTW, I Think Stephanie Is Behind The Conspiracy...Just My Opinion...


The only problem I have with the WWE over the past year or so is the constant use of former stars and putting them over younger talent just to get a pop from the fans. Triple H needs to stay away from the ring and just be a catalyst for this storyline as a suit. But I doubt VKM will do that because there always seems to be a need for someone in the McMahon family to be directly involved in a major storyline and enter the ring themselves.

Again, though, if the reports about a Punk/Del Rio feud for the title are true, then it just means that Punk/Nash/HHH was just a temporary thing to help get the ball rolling on that feud, meanwhile Punk can enter a legitimate singles feud with a belt on the line so that the WWE can see just how much of a draw Punk can be hwen he is the definitive face in a feud which he had not been against Cena and Triple H.

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