What the fuck is THIS Bullshit?

How Brown holding up? I didn't know thats what they called the community college of Rhode Island nowadays.

1) It's incredibly creepy that you'd look into my background. Pretty stalker-ish honestly.

2) I've taken a grand total of 3 classes at the community college of Rhode Island over the course of the last 5 years, and I haven't taken a class there in well over a year.

Was that supposed to offend me?
Here's the deal.

The sad truth is, I know Becker. This is not him trolling. This is how he really feels about MMA and this was the best subject he could come up with for the contest. So far it has turned out pretty well for him I'd say. The thread has gotten a ton of views and a good amount of replies considering he put the thread up during the middle of Raw. And hopefully more MMA posters come show how wrong he is and completely make a fool out him, because the fact of the matter is his opinions on MMA are foolish. Those are truly his opinions though and he finally decided to express them publicly for this contest.

However, that doesn't mean Becker's credentials in this contest should be overlooked. Just because his opinions on MMA are shit (and I agree with Xfear, so are his opinions on Pro Wrestling), that doesn't mean he's not an intelligent person. Believe it or not... he is. And I think throughout this contest, if he advances, he will surprise you all.
Like I said I don't know Becker whatsoever outside of his posts on this forum, so that's the only thing I can judge the guy by. He could be a great person and very intelligent, I have no clue, but his opinions on wrestling and MMA are foolish at best and I'm not going to pretend like they aren't in a thread discussing those very opinions.
X, Didn't you think a pic of Fedor was Shane Carwin? Just wondering...

Yep. Your point being? I've always been a very casual MMA fan, and have never once pretended otherwise.

Any point here, or are you just going to keep trying to throw half-assed insults at me until something sticks?
Haha, you guys are getting trolled, hard.

He's posting in the MMA section, talking about how much MMA sucks. Is it a full moon tonight? Don't fall for that shit.
Sooo.... I thought trolling was a no-no here and that this place was strict. Seriously, it seems as if nepotism lurks among here.
Sooo.... I thought trolling was a no-no here and that this place was strict. Seriously, it seems as if nepotism lurks among here.

The trolling you are thinking of is someone following another poster around in different threads to be a jerk to them. The kind of trolling Becker is doing is posting a thread with an opinion that has the intention of pissing people off.

Oh, and none of us are related to him, so it's not nepotism you fucking ******.
If the type of trolling Becker did was against the rules, he'd be fucked. Heck, so would I for my Lacey thread of several weeks ago.
Oh, I see. Well, I'm no reg, so I jumped to conclusions...

The trolling you are thinking of is someone following another poster around in different threads to be a jerk to them. The kind of trolling Becker is doing is posting a thread with an opinion that has the intention of pissing people off.

Oh, and none of us are related to him, so it's not nepotism you fucking ******.

You don't have to be related, I believe nepotism also includes friends in its definition. There might be a better word for it, but oh well.

Be right back, I'mma re-read what constitutes as trolling in the rules for this forum. There was a reg who "trolled" a while back and got away scot-free, so it might answer one of my questions.

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