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What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

^In actuality Prax, Cena was REVILED for nearly a year during the better portion of 2005. They had more than enough trouble trying to get him over with anyone outside of Massachusetts. Hence, their re-shuffling of Angle and Christian into other programs as they scooped pops right out from under him. The demand for Cena is due to McMahon's oversaturation of Cena until the standard masses just gave in. When McMahon cuts a promo telling the people that they like what he tells them...he's pretty much right. The Rock is twice the performer on the mic and in the ring, he just had to establish a character first. Cena has had a character in mind for a few years now and only after the WWE marketing machine completely got behind him did it take. Hell, half of the fans were asleep for his first World Title win at WM 21 (I still want my money back for paying for that crap). Besides, it's very sad when your supposed "face" champion gets booed so badly he has to acknowledge it in promos and the best thing that J.R.'s befuddled ass can say is that "some fans don't take a shine to such an unorthodox competitor like Cena." What that really means is that they saddled their hopes on a dud and had to do everything within their power to get him over, even if it meant re-arranging rosters and squelching potential angles.

As for RVD, he is limited these days in terms of his offense, but no worse than Cena is by a longshot. RVD has plenty of skill, when he can get in the ring with some people who can actually work past a three move spot. RVD's supposed to be obnoxious. That's his legit character since 1996. WWE just wanted him to be like Bill and Ted because they didn't know what the hell to do with his character. Just like when Cena and Rock debuted and they had the most bland characters possible and the fans didn't give a rat's ass about either guy. The difference is that the company focused on getting them something better to work with. RVD never really needed that as his character was already established and finely honed in ECW. They tried to fix what wasn't broken, and instead of letting RVD do his thing and get over, they saddled him in wonderful angles like a tag team with Kane.
I have to completely agree with Kasey on that one Prax.

John Cena's supposed "wrestling" style being modeled after the 80's brawlers, thats great and all but its the year 2007! NOBODY wants to see that crap anymore, that's why wrestlers learned to actually wrestle in the 90s. What he does isn't wrestling, he literally has about 10 moves max. Punch, kick, 5 Knuckle Shuffle, Bodyslam, Clothesline, FU, STFU, and thats it. I honestly can't think of one other move I've ever seen him do. His matches are absolute garbage, every one of them, he doesn't even deserve to be in the opening match of Wrestlemania let alone one of the main events. Him being in the main event is just an absolute insult to wrestling fans everywhere, why doesn't Vince just go ahead and spit in guys like Benoit's face who've been working hard as hell for this company for years, and has proved his wrestling ability over the last 20 years. The reason why John Cena gets booed everywhere he goes is because the people booing him are actual WRESTLING fans, not little kids and girls who cheer for Cena because he's the face and a cute guy. That's why when he went to ECW on One Night Stand he got booed out of the damn place, because ECW fans are real WRESTLING fans. They weren't gonna put up with Cena's shit and they didn't, I'm damn proud of them for that.

And for you to even compare Cena to the Rock is an absolute insult. Even when the Rock had the horrible Rocky Maivia gimmick he still showed boat loads of talent in the ring. Cena has never shown any talent. The guy is just another case of the WWE telling us who to like because they'll make money off the guy, rather than having us choose who we like and having them make money because of their talent, i.e. The Rock. Everyone hated that guy when he was a heel, the Rocky Sucks chants never ended for him. But everyone knew he was a damn good performer. When he finally turned face, everyone got right behind him and cheered for him. Hell, even when he was a heel people were cheering like crazy for him.

Bottom Line: Cena couldn't even lace up Rocky's boots, and he's a damn disgrace to wrestling.
Again another thread has turned into the Anti-Cena and no i'm not gonna end it as he has become the one wrestler i can not stand it drives me crazy. ok i get it his gimmick is based of the 80's great but like xfearbefore said its 2007 wrestler can wrestle and do way miuch mor ein teh ring then what some in 80's would even think of doing as that what was in during the 80's. I agree i went to RAW back on the 19th and i swear i could not count how many lilttle kids had Cena shirts on or had Cena signs it was crazy and women oh hes cue and blah blah you make me sick...i mean is this what wrestling has coem down to is ohh lets make the lilte kids happy as they are brain washed and will buy stuff from this guy and the women no offense to some but you like him only cuase you thinks hes cute common!!! Truth was mean from 16-on up booed Cena as they kno wrestling and know it. his mic skills are not that good anyways espically since his more" kid friendly" now and his in ring work please a guy liek Mr. kennedy could out wrestling him with one arm tied behind his back and i still think its a shame how Angle had to job to Cena back in the day i mean Angle was getting cheered so much they had to come up with him joingingup with davairi and being anti USA so he can get booed and not Cena what a bunch of crap!!!!!

and with Cena and Rock least Roick can work a decent match i mean he can hang with the like es Benoit, Jericho, Angle and Cena can not as xfearbeore said:
Bottom Line: Cena couldn't even lace up Rocky's boots, and he's a damn disgrace to wrestling.

VKM makes me sick thinking we like Cena is makes me sick!!
xfear, by that logic Hulk Hogan should've never main evented anything.

And Shawn Michaels should've retired 3 years ago. Have you noticed how lately his matches are punch, punch, reverse atomic drop, scoop slam, elbow, Sweet Chin Music (and usually in that order)? But it's ok, he doesn't need to do anything else, because he's over.

Cena is over as well. You may think that Vince has shoved him down our throats long enough that people have started to like him, but I have to disagree with you. I might be a little wrong because I didn't have full access to smackdown at that point, but wasn't Cena a heel that slowly became a face because people started to cheer for him?

Granted his move set is fairly limited, but see my argument above, he doesn't need a vast repertoire or spot fest kind of match in order to get over. He comes out with a lot of intensity and passion and gets the crowd on his side. and he has more moves than that, btw, one of them being the gut wrench bomb he does (among others).

But anyway, like I said, he doesn't need a vast repertoire to have a good match, just like Hogan, and Hogan has had the same amount of haters over the years but people still love him if you haven't noticed!

I'm not trying to compare Cena to Hogan or to the Rock necessarily, but you have to admit the similarities in certain respects are their. Limited move set (all the rock ever did was punch and kick btw), great mic skills (Cena can get people on his side with a promo as good as anyone).

that's just my opnion (and xfear we started to have this discussion in the Wrestlezone tournament as well, so you know how I feel), but I don't think the amount of spots you can hit like RVD should translate in how good of a pro wrestler you are, there's a lot more to it than that, and Cena has a lot of it.
i realize that he probably has a lot of talent but i dont see it

i hate those stupid faces he makes before he does the spear

his eyeballs pop out of his head and his jaw

overall i just hate him
I don't really hate any superstars, most of the time, it the gimmicks or storylines that plague or hold back a superstar that really pisses me off. Examples: Kane, Eugene, Shelton benjamin, Chris Beniot, and pretty much the entire World Tage Team divison. However, in the last few weeks and months, I have one superstar on my hate list and after wrestlemania their could be another.

Right now, the only superstar I hate is Kelly. I mean the girl has no concept what so ever of wrestling, her problem is that no one even bothered to teach her anything about wrestling and it really shows, especially when she's forced to wrestle a talented ring veteran like Shelly. Then of course wwe tries to forget about about the fact that hiring kelly was probably a mistake because for starters, she too young she has absolutly no training and carries herself horribly in the ring. I mean come on, I really wouldn't care less because kelly isn't alone, no their are at least 10 other divas that are in the same boat as kelly, but from what Ive seen, training or not the other girls at least put forth some kind of effort unlike kelly, and now its really starting to show now that kelly has heat because of this very issue. I think that wwe should just get rid of her, and if Kelly really wants to be a diva so bad, then I think that she should go to wrestling school and in 3 to 5 years reapply for the job because i don't think she's cut out for the job right now.

I also have issues with Ashley involving the whole playboy push and the potenial title run. Normally the playboy covergirls, though they get pushed, never recieve a title run. Im not counting Sable because she was already a champ before posing, same with chyna. The only time when a covergirl recieved such a push was with Christy and even though her match with Trish wasn't bad, it still had flaws, showing that Christy wasn't yet ready for the title. Christy IMO was miles ahead of Ashley when she challenged for the title. Christy began training seriously, both on camera and off, we saw less of the sexy cheerful Christy and a more dedictaed and agressive christy. Ashley has been training too, only not as much, at least IMO. Winning week after week to a continuously watered down Jillian doesn't help Ashley, but it also does't help that the only diva there is to help train Ashley is Jillian. IMO her match with Melina will undoubtedly be the low point of Wrestlemaina, that's if wwe has Ashley win, otherwise, it should be an equivalent of the Trish vs Christy match as far as seeing the playboy cover girl getting a title match push then losing. IMO WWE will bury the womens if they decide to push Ashley as a legitament main event tilte competitor, she's not ready, and if the fans don't realize this come wrestlemania then it just further proves that WWE has each and every fan brainwashed through the power of their manipulation. If Ashley does win, then I hope either she loses the title ASAP or WWE strips her of it because their are other women better suited to be champ, now that doesn't mean that ashley can't rise to occasion and someday win the title win she's ready, but for now I don't think she is and I'll stick to that and if wwe ends up screwing the womens over this decision, don't expect me to feel sory for them.
y would you hate jeff hardy
hes the most entertaining wrestler on RAW

He's a spot monkey who lacks the strong technical wrestling skills that his brother has. On top of that, most of the time he's not as daring as some of the Cruiserweights in WWE (which could be due to Vince McMahon and all of his restrictions. And he's not much on the mic, so he leaves you wanting more on the "entertainment" end of things. I think, like Cena, he doesn't have many Male fans for some reason - note the very high-pitched cheering you hear whenever he comes out.

Despite all that, I like Jeff. I wouldn't call him the most entertaining on Raw (for me, it's Shelton Benjamin), but he still puts on good matches and has one of the bigger, flashier entrances on the brand. I think he should be reunited with his brother full-time because the WWE needs to emphasize the importance of tag-team wrestling once again - it's going to take more than The Highlanders, Deuce & Domino and the re-formed La Resistance for that to happen.

he's so overated it's crazy...the only reason he's a star now is his look and his association with HHH and Flair Orton is by far the better star overall...and the batista looks sloppy and stiff in the ring his mic skills aren't great his angles get boring way to fast he can't put on a lengthy match and worst of all WWE is pushing this guy like he's the next HHH or something batista is nothing but a modern version of The Ulitmate Warrior mark my words everyone will notice the mistake of this guy in about 3 or 4 years
I'm not trying to compare Cena to Hogan or to the Rock necessarily, but you have to admit the similarities in certain respects are their. Limited move set (all the rock ever did was punch and kick btw), great mic skills (Cena can get people on his side with a promo as good as anyone).

Dude, are you crazy? The Rock only kicks and punches? Have you ever seen a match with The Rock? The guys got one of the largest movesets in the biz. His matches will routinely show him kicking and punching, sure, as do all matches, but he does so much more. DDTs, Suplexes, Samoan drops, elbows, chops, piledrivers, clotheslines, bodyslams, neckbreakers, etc etc etc(I could go on for pages listing his moves).

xfear, by that logic Hulk Hogan should've never main evented anything.

And Shawn Michaels should've retired 3 years ago. Have you noticed how lately his matches are punch, punch, reverse atomic drop, scoop slam, elbow, Sweet Chin Music (and usually in that order)? But it's ok, he doesn't need to do anything else, because he's over.

Granted, I'll be the first to admit although HBK is my favorite wrestler, that he really should've stayed in retirement. He has put on some fantastic matches however in that time, not to mention just last year at Wrestlemania he had a great match with Vince. And with Hogan, I respect everything he's done for the business, and I thoroughly enjoy his old matches (and a couple more recent ones, like vs. The Rock) but he needs to stay out of wrestling. He doesn't have much of any moves either, and his price per show is absolutely ludicrous.

However, the main difference between Hogan & HBK against Cena, is that Hogan and HBK are LEGENDS. They've earned their way to the point where they don't really ever need to have a single great match again, and they'll be over like all hell. Those guys put 20(HBK) and 30(Hogan) years into this business, producing a repertoire of some of the greatest matches in wrestling history.

Cena, however, has not produced even one great match to this date. I've seen probably over hundred or so of his matches I'd say, and have yet to enjoy one of them. The only one I thought was half way decent was against Edge at Unforgiven, and that was only because Edge carried his ass throughout the whole thing.

Granted, Cena is over like hell, but since when did that make you a deserving champion? If that were the logic we'd still have Hogan and Austin as champs. My bottom line on this one is that Cena, although being incredibly over(albeit with little kids and women) does not now or has he ever had the moves to compare with the greats. I don't think he ever will, and every time I see him on Raw I become more and more of a TNA fan.
A lot of HBK and his matches now, is because he is worn down. He was only supposed to be part time, but he's workign full time, simply because the WWE has no one else.
We can get into the entire Cena debate, but msot people have already chosen sides of that. I agree that the only matches Cena is half way good in are the ones that his ass is getting carried through. He and Batista will have good matches at WM, simply because of the men they are facing.

I would definetly put Cena on top of the I hate list. Its for him alone that I haven't watched a Raw Live since September. He won the belt back and Raw is TiVo'd for me. Skip past the Divas, and lame interviews, and bad matches, and Raw is over for me in about 10 minutes, truly sad.

We've Cena Nuff.
I used to really hate Triple H around 2000 during the McMahon-Helmsley Era. Then again I was a kid back then, but I mean Triple H really knew how to draw huge heat, and was great at it. Now I am able to appreciate it.

The wrestler I really hate now is Batista. Why ? Cause I have no respect at all for him. He is an awful wrestler, and even worse at cutting promos. Even his look and his attitude are horrible. Plus he is hated by most of the locker room... What's the point in keeping him in main event status ? It's not the gimmick, it's the wrestler that I hate :/.
y would you hate jeff hardy
hes the most entertaining wrestler on RAW

The only Hardy match I've ever witnessed that I actually really enjoyed was RVD/Hardy at the Invasion PPV in 2001.

It has nothing to do with his in-ring ability, I just cant stand to even look at him.

1) Grown men should not have long colorful hair.
2) Grown men playing with body paint is mad suspect.
3) I hate that little dance he does coming to the ring.

I just with the guy would have never come back after he left to chase butterflys and paint totally significant pictures.
J Diddy is nothin but a punk bitch whose an online tough guy who thinks hes bad ass because he can give out infractions what a fuckin homo

Congratulations, you've undoubtedly just been banned!

There is one other superstar who I forgot to mention and that my friend's is Kanyon. Kanyon, Kanyon, Kanyon. Where to start with this guy? Horrible gimmick, horrible mic skills, horrible wrestling ability, horrible look, horrible everything. Tagging with DDP didn't do him any favors either (DDP is without a doubt the most overrated waste of space in wrestling) in my book. Who better than Kanyon? EVERYONE. Funaki is higher on the respect chart for me, hell even Vito the guy in the dress has more respect for me than Kanyon. I don't know why, I just loathe that guy.
X-Pac. I just hated him as a person. Regardless of whether or not he was good at wrestling. He just makes me mad to look at him.
Umaga bores me to tears. He should really dissappear.

Mike Knox (before being demoted) stinks it up big time.

Hogan, for being a political doushbag.

Matt Striker needs to dissappear.

Snitsky sucks. Lashley sucks. Undertaker and Kane suck (even tho you can still get a good match outta Taker once and awhile). Most of the big men suck.
i seriously hate the great khali.he hasnt done anything good.he has absolutely no talent at all.even undertaker couldn't makee him look good. he absolutely sucks.i also hate batista.he sucks.he is boring.his matches aren't good.really bad mic skills.all around crappy.i dont like the guy.
Warrior is way overrated, he was all flash and no substance. He had no in-ring ability, and couldn't put on a good match. In some cases, Warrior's entrance was longer than his match. In able for his matches to look good, they made his matches extremely short, I'm talking about 30 seconds to a minute. And the main events, that Warrior had, his opponent had to carry him through the match, in able for the match to be good. A perfect example of a crappy Warrior match, was Hogan Vs. Warrior at Halloween Havoc '98. I saw that match live, and it was the worst shit ever.
But, it wasn't only the fact that Warrior had no ring ability, he was also an asshole to work with, and didn't have a good work ethic.
The main reason why Warrior got over was his gimmick, and his promos. He had to have the right gimmick, or else he wouldn't have gotten anywhere in wrestling.
1. I can not stand Hulk Hogan..he is just highly overrated.

2. I can't stand the modern day version of "Hulk Hogan" known as our WWE Champion John Cena. I know we've all heard how many things are wrong with this guy so I'll just leave it at that.

3. I really hate Paul London & Kendrick, they just look like a couple of jackasses out there on Smackdown! every Friday. Not 1 of my favorite tag teams at all.

4. I thought it was pretty funny when Turkay got fired but why did they keep his partner Elijah Burke? Some people seem to be impressed with this chump as a heel on ECW but he just really needs to get a haircut and a new job because he's just making Thorn, Ariel, Striker, & Monty Brown(forgot the name WWE gave him) look bad by being lead by him

5. Speaking of ECW, I don't know how he's champion over there but then again this is VINCE's ECW so I'll let it pass but Bobby Lashley has got to be the biggest idiot of a heavyweight champion I have seen since Cena became champ. He's worst than Tyson on the mic and just seems to be a big stupid clumsy moron to me.

6. I'm not saying she's ugly or anything but I just hate Mickie James, she's got to be the crappiest Women's Champion to date. I'm happy that Melina dropped her on a bubble head this past Monday. Maybe now she'll think twice before trying to copy Victoria's gimmick when we all know that Victoria should be Women's Champion now, especially since Trish, Jacqueline, Molly Holly, and Jazz are now gone. +her girlfriend Kenny Dickstroke sucks too.

7. The Boogeyman is also getting pretty friggen annoying too, the little guy he has running around with him is just rediculous.

8. Hey she's hot and all but I really don't see any point in keeping KellyKelly on ECW unless they get someone like J. Lo or Usher to teach her how to keep up with Layla & Brooke when they're "dancing".

9. Someone should just give Charlie Haas his pinkslip and plane ticket to Orlando Florida already.

10. Last but not least..The Sandman, he comes out through the crowd with that stick and beats up randon men & women. Wow, I'm not impressed by this guy.

P.S. Also Matt Hardy is just making Balls Mahoney look better and better. Hardy just doesn't have that feel he had in the old days. Even without Jeff he seemed pretty good as a wrestler/entertainer but now he's just getting beat up ever time I see him. Now he's in the M.I.T.B. match for WM23? Must we see Edge kill him again? Oh well....this version of DX sucks too.
Just a point, I hate The Great Khali as a wrestler, but I really think Dalip Singh (The Person) is doing a great job trying to get kids off the streets of India.
Who gives a rat's ass about India?

Let's see, me, Misty Ninja, Indians, the UN, charities, people with a soul you know, the normal people. I give a rats ass about India douschebag, theres no need to come in here and spam some negativity about a guy whos doing better things in his life than you will ever, ever accomplish.

As for hated superstars, another one just popped up into my head.

And that, my friends, is the Blue Meanie. I loved him in the BWO, but as soon as he came to the WWF things became garbage. The guy was never good in the ring, he took part in some of the strangest and most incest oriented storylines I've ever seen in wrestling, not to mention the guy somehow, don't ask me or any other logical thinking person, but this guy SOMEHOW was able to bag Jasmin St. Claire as his girlfriend.

1.John Cena
2.Bobby Lashley
3.Jeff Hardy

1.John cena he stole top spot of Brock Lesnar on Smackdown then he stole Randy Orton and HHH is spoton Raw and he cant wrestle for fuck sakes he wins against all ods for like 3 years which is pathetick. He is a Kiddies is star not a fan to most men Vince shoves him in every chance he getts hthe dam man holds 2 titles and he is shit.He has that dont try this at home jthing which makes me want to punch a hole through the TV.And that thiing a few weeks back when he wrestled Orton Orton carried the hole dam match Orton wrestled Brilliantley he hit all theas killer moves and out of now wer after orton hit huge move cena punches orton a b oyt 3 times givs hgim that pathetick suplex and then the 5 nuckle suffle and lastley the FU which he stole most of it from Lesnar and he beats orton when orton rocked in that match.And the STFU a guy who cant wrestle is alloud to gett people to tapp out is rong only good wrestlers should be alloud to do that a submission makes a wrestler look even better and cena dosnt desorv it.

2.Bobby Lashley because he is a crapy verson of Brock Lesnar Lesnar was a brilliant wrestler had some mick skills and had a brilliant future in the WWE the next big thing then Cena steels his spot on smackdown as top dog and then this terribl wwe star Lashley comes in and cant do a dam thing rigt and is a wwe champion he makes me ill.

3.Jeff Hardy he came out of knower and and won the fuckin IC Champion ship he should have had to work for a whil to get wher he is.He dos that shit dance he looks like a dick he should return to tag team wrestling where he can do somthing right.Pleas send him back to TNA he is getting shoved down our throughts and is plain boring
3.Jeff Hardy he came out of knower and and won the fuckin IC Champion ship he should have had to work for a whil to get wher he is.He dos that shit dance he looks like a dick he should return to tag team wrestling where he can do somthing right.Pleas send him back to TNA he is getting shoved down our throughts and is plain boring

Come on man that's definately not true. Jeff Hardy worked his f'n ass off for the WWF for a good four or five years before he ever held the IC title, and he won it because he deserved it. He hasn't been pushed down our throats, he's an incredible performer who does some stuff in the ring that no one else can, something you rarely see in wrestling in the WWE. He does seek out a lot of spots, true, but who the hell doesn't? That's what every wrestler does, including the greats like Funk, Foley, Austin, Benoit, HBK, etc, etc.

IMO, Hardy should win this upcoming MITB match and finally get the world title run he deserves. He's always been like the second coming of HBK to me, and considering HBK is the best wrestler of all time, that's gotta be doin' somethin' right.
Come on man that's definately not true. Jeff Hardy worked his f'n ass off for the WWF for a good four or five years before he ever held the IC title, and he won it because he deserved it. He hasn't been pushed down our throats, he's an incredible performer who does some stuff in the ring that no one else can, something you rarely see in wrestling in the WWE. He does seek out a lot of spots, true, but who the hell doesn't? That's what every wrestler does, including the greats like Funk, Foley, Austin, Benoit, HBK, etc, etc.

IMO, Hardy should win this upcoming MITB match and finally get the world title run he deserves. He's always been like the second coming of HBK to me, and considering HBK is the best wrestler of all time, that's gotta be doin' somethin' right.

Hardy is not the next Michaels by any stretch. I really don't think a guy with rainbow hair and nylons on his arms will ever carry the strap.
Hardy is not the next Michaels by any stretch. I really don't think a guy with rainbow hair and nylons on his arms will ever carry the strap.

A lot of people didn't think a guy with long hair, studded leather chaps and girly glasses would become WWF champ, but yet Shawn Michaels did didn't he? Your appearance should never be a factor in your wrestling skill. Hardy isn't nearly even one fourth as good as Michaels, but I think he has the potential to be just as good.
The one superstar I hated had to be Curt Henning (R.I.P.)

I hated him because I was a big WCW fan and he shocked the hell out of me when he turned on the 4 Horsemen and joined the nWo. He slammed Flair's head in between the cage door and I was pissed. Then the footage they showed of Flair the next day all beaten up made me mad. It was however a great storyline and I never really hated Henning as a person (Mr. Perfect is one of my favs) but that was the one storyline that made me hate a superstar.

IMO, Hardy should win this upcoming MITB match and finally get the world title run he deserves.

Oh and only one person should win the MITB, and that person is the lord and ruler of the Smackdown world, he is the great King Booker! LOL ALL HAIL KING BOOKA! (I love that gimmick)

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