What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

There's only 2 ppl I have seriously been pissed about, that suck so much I nearly puke. Goldbricker & C.rappy M.atch Punk. I absolutley hate Punk and can't for the life of me figure out why so many ppl seem to worship him. He sux. As for Goldy by the time he won match 20 I was completely sick of him.
There's only 2 ppl I have seriously been pissed about, that suck so much I nearly puke. Goldbricker & C.rappy M.atch Punk. I absolutley hate Punk and can't for the life of me figure out why so many ppl seem to worship him. He sux. As for Goldy by the time he won match 20 I was completely sick of him.

If you dont like Punk you must be a Sport's Entertainment fan, not a wrestling fan. He's a great wrestler. Maybe your into the whole big, juiced up monster WWE shit that's soooooooooo 80's.Even if you dont like his look or promo's you should still be able to appreciate that he's a great wrestler.
1. John Cena - The guy is crap. I don't care how hard he works. He is annoying and everyone boos him except the people who don't know any better.

2. Khali - Pointless really. Can't work, can't sell.

3. Bobby Lashley - Another guy who was pushed to the top way before he should have been. Horrible on the mic, horrible in the ring. I don't even think a brilliant mind like Flair, Rhodes or Heyman (he tried) could save him.
See this is why I don't like this thread... I've posted my comments in it before but I just dislike comments like this last one where someone lists a wrestler and says everyone else is wrong if they disagree.

And that's the thing with Cena. He doesn't suck. I refuse to admit that someone who gives 110% ever night, which is hard to find (and Lashley is in that boat as well) sucks, because he doesn't. He wrestles a certain style (80s style brawler with a street-like edge), and people these days don't like that because they want to see 180 pound guys flip three times in the air off the top rope (figure of speech).

It's kinda funny really... there are threads in here where they bash wrestlers for not working hard, and there are others where the hardest workers are put down by basically the same people.

Lashley is exactly like Cena... except I don't get why people say he's not a good worker. He wrestles big, he's extremely athletic and his amateur background helps him a lot in the ring. Granted he needs to work on his mic skills..

And I can get why you hate Khali... but you have to realize his role is to not sell anything (and eventually be taken down by someone like Kane or something... in the same fashion Umaga was finally defeated or the masterlock was broken). He doesn't sell because he's not supposed to, do you realize that that's what he supposed to do?
Prax, whatever you're smoking, can you hook me up with some?

Your opinions couldn't be more wrong. To say a guy like Cena gives 110% is absolute horse shit and I don't understand how you could believe such a thing. If Cena were giving 110% than maybe he would've taken it upon himself to learn more than ten or fifteen moves. Seriously, the only match I've ever seen him in where he showed marginal talent at best was his jobber debut against Angle a few years ago. You want to know why people don't like the 80s brawler style? Because it's the year 2007. That shit was okay back than, when people didn't have a choice. When there was no internet to watch indy wrestling on, no ECW, no TNA, no attitude era, that was a day when all you had to do to be a successful wrestler was to train for a few years on how to bodyslam, dropkick, etc (the basics) and that was cool for that era, because it fits it perfectly. That's not to say that there weren't classic matches in the 80s because obviously there were dozens and dozens of them between skilled wrestlers who decided to actually go and learn more than the basic set of moves you learn at three hundred dollar wrestling school. In this day and age, he's garbage. Maybe we would like him better if it was 1987 but the fact is that it isn't. Wrestlers these days actually know how to put on a good match at the drop of a hat, and have trained years and years and years all over the world learning all styles to perfection. It's just another case of evolution, everything evolves. To say Cena is good in the ring is like saying Betamax is just as good as DVD players. Sure, back in the day it was good, but there's a reason why things evolved and thats because the stagnant past was killing the sport and if WWE didn't change in the mid 90s they would've been taken over by WCW.

I'm not even going to get into Lashley, because the argument is the same as above. To say these guys give us their all is an insult to wrestling fan's intelligence. If they gave it their all they wouldn't stink up every single friggin match they appear in, week after week after week after week. Not to mention the incredibly undeserved title reigns of Cena and Lashley, but I won't get into that either. Lashley should've stuck to amateur wrestling where you don't have to perform quality matches for an audience, you just have to pin your opponent in a minute or two. There's a reason why amateur wrestlers don't cut promos, and this man is why.

I hope I'm not being too hard on you, but I just can't understand how anyone could interpret what these two men do as anything more than drivel.
The Great khali without a doubt. He is the WORST. he can't wrestle to save his life and can't even speak a word of English. What a waste of time and space.
I really hate anyone who is pushed as unstoppable right now, as in Umaga, Lashley, Kahli, ECT. It just makes the matches unbarable to watch and just predicable. I hate Kahli and Umaga even more because they need someone to do the promos for them. At least Lashley can talk on his own.
You guys seriously have issues...

If you stopped dissecting every little thing that happens in a wrestling ring maybe you could sit back and enjoy it. I find it hilarious to see that people who LOVED Cena when he was a heel can turn on him like nothing. Or the fact that Kennedy was the person brought up in the second post of this thread, but now everyone is a huge mark. How bout Triple H? When he was champ for the better part of 2 years all anyone could do was whine and cry about how he played backstage games to be the champ and now everyone praises him to the end.

You’ve all really forgot what it’s like to be a fan and that saddens me to no end. I’ve been watching WWE since I was 6 and I’m now 25. I understand some times are better then others, but I LOVE wrestling. If I see someone I think sucks, I understand they are there for a reason. I’m not going to sit online and cry about how much they suck. I’m going to sit in front of my television and cheer against them. THAT’S WRESTLING!! Try to get used to it guys, it’s not going to change for you.
i hate cena. the only ppl that cheer for him are 10 year olds and young women. WWE should be doing the right thing and giving the title to HBK, Edge, Orton Etc. because idc who cena loses it to, as long as he loses it. at WM23 the finally did the right thing for once and gave 'Taker HIS world heavyweight championship instead of batista, but that isnt the subject. anyways, at backlash, i hope cena loses his title to whoever he goes against, i dont care.
Batista: he has no skills in the ring and mic work. he really pisses me off. i feel like just walking up to him and cracking him in the jaw. but thats stupid cause he is so damn big.

King Booker: i hate his gimmick right now so much. King of the world my ass. he is a great competitor as Booker T but king booker. thats an insult to him so much.

Great Khali: should i just skip to the next person with all the problems he has had. i agree with everyone who says something bad about Great Khali. I also agree that he is good to keep people in India off the street. but he is so bad in the ring that he killed a guy. it might have been by accident but it still shows how bad he is.

Triple H: honestly i used to think he was so stupid because all he did was use Evolution and screw people that i thought were awesome like goldberg out of titles. but thats all in the heel part. now that ive seen him as a face i really like him and even if he turns heel i will still like him. except if he feuds with jeff hardy. but he has great in ring ability

the spirit squad: when i saw them debut i went...now WWE have batty male cheerleaders. this sucks. i hated their gimmick. and there entrance music. it started with all of them saying their names and 1 of them (cant remember who) said there names like they were in an orgasm. really really pissed me off and when i saw flair and piper take the titles i was like. HALLUEH THERE IS A GOD.

Ric Flair: i appreciate everything he has done for the business. he is a great mic worker and is good at chop blocks, chops and the figure four leglock. but there is a reason 4 being good at those. all he ever does is chop blocks, chops and figure fours. how the hell can he be a 16 time world champ when thats all he can do. that really gets me pissed off. when he was younger people say he was better. i dont know that and i aint gonna know cause i hated the older matches.

Scott Steiner: man he shows some potential. maybe i wont hate him IF HE STAYED OFF THE ROIDS. and now all he can do is a t-bone suplex, belly to belly suplex, reverse STO and a camel clutch. when he was younger i loved him cause he could do alot of stuff and he was buff and i didnt know that he took roids.

HOGAN: i hate his guts BROTHER...how the hell do people like him. he sucks so much. he thinks he deserves all this money when all he can do is a big boot and a leg drop. he better eat his vitamins, say his prayers and train real hard cause somebody needs to open a can of whoop ass on him then get a long metal pole, turn that sumbitch sideways, shine it up real nice and shove it straight up his candy ass. yes i do realise i just quoted stone cold and the rock and i dont care. the point is, that despite how much people like him, in my eyes he is going to be the worst in the business. past, present and future.
You guys seriously have issues...

If you stopped dissecting every little thing that happens in a wrestling ring maybe you could sit back and enjoy it.

That's kinda the purpose of the forum. If people say negative thing's maybe it's because they hope the show will get better. Maybe some of it's nitpicking put that's just the way it is.

I find it hilarious to see that people who LOVED Cena when he was a heel can turn on him like nothing.

When Cena was a heel his promo's were far more intresting. He was having match's with Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit & Kurt Angle. Which is what originally made him look like a star. He also wasnt a main event player. There was no danger of Cena being the whole focus of a show, like there is now.

Or the fact that Kennedy was the person brought up in the second post of this thread, but now everyone is a huge mark.

Kennedy has improved load's over the past few month's. His promo's in his feud with Taker were flawless. He's still not a great wrestler but he's improving each week. The Rock was'nt a great wrestler but he got along just fine.

How bout Triple H? When he was champ for the better part of 2 years all anyone could do was whine and cry about how he played backstage games to be the champ and now everyone praises him to the end.

Maybe that's because he hasnt been champ for two year's. The same thing will happen with Cena. As soon as he drop's the title for a while and step's out of the main spot. The majority of the bashing will stop. Also HHH is a far superior worker to Cena.

You’ve all really forgot what it’s like to be a fan and that saddens me to no end.

Yeah we all hate wrestling. I'm on this forum for social reasons only.

I’ve been watching WWE since I was 6 and I’m now 25. I understand some times are better then others, but I LOVE wrestling. If I see someone I think sucks, I understand they are there for a reason.

You have got to take the good with the bad with wrestling. There's plenty of other type's of wrestling. WWE & TNA get bitched about the most because there the two most popular companys on this site. There also not very good creativley at this point. ROH on the other had never get's bitched about. Why's that? Because they constantly put on brilliant card's of wrestling. And that's what the majority of fan's want to see. WWE & TNA never have a full card of decent wrestling. Yes there is usually one stellar match on the card and if there is people on this site praise it.

I’m not going to sit online and cry about how much they suck. I’m going to sit in front of my television and cheer against them. THAT’S WRESTLING!! Try to get used to it guys, it’s not going to change for you.

No your going to sit behind your computer and praise wrestling that doesnt deserve praised.
Ric Flair: i appreciate everything he has done for the business. he is a great mic worker and is good at chop blocks, chops and the figure four leglock. but there is a reason 4 being good at those. all he ever does is chop blocks, chops and figure fours. how the hell can he be a 16 time world champ when thats all he can do. that really gets me pissed off. when he was younger people say he was better. i dont know that and i aint gonna know cause i hated the older matches.

Flair is almost 60. He's in pretty good shape for an OAP but do you honestly expect Ric to do suplexes, scoop slams, swanton bombs etc at his age. Flair is mainly there to teach young superstars to improve their In ring psychology, selling moves etc. Also he knows how to work a crowd. Anyway he works better than most superstars on the roster.
I absolutely hate The Great Khali. While I realize that big men aren't exactly going to wrestle like Lou Thesz, I expect to know more than 2 moves. Kane-Khali is definitely up there on worst wrestlemania matches of all-time. They couldn't find room for Carlito-Flair but they could make time for Khali? Someone in booking needs to be fired.
JBL and HBK. First JBL talks with raising the volume of his voice practically every other sentence! He annoyed me as a wrestler (I did not mind him part of APA).

As for HBK, he thinks that he is the most important person here in the WWE. Take the previous Raw before Wrestlemania, why in good sense would you betray your own tag team member before going into Wrestlemania? After that match if I was Cena I would have beaten some sense into that good for nothing HBK.
i absolutely hate cena hes a poof and cant wrestle a good match he is overated and doesnt deserve to be wwe champion on raw he should go to ecw thtas where he belongs
John Cena.....I just don't understand why he is continually pushed as a face. For one thing, having face champions for a long time doesn't work anymore....the quest for a face to get the title from a heel is always more entertaining.

there are so many people that hate john cena, i just think it would work so much better to make him a heel. he can't wrestle...but he would get a great crowd reaction as a heel.
As for HBK, he thinks that he is the most important person here in the WWE. Take the previous Raw before Wrestlemania, why in good sense would you betray your own tag team member before going into Wrestlemania? After that match if I was Cena I would have beaten some sense into that good for nothing HBK.

Really, so you know HBK and have talked to him personally, and he told you he's the most important person in WWE? Why would he betray his own tag partner? Umm....because they were building up for a feud and they had a match the next week at Wrestlemania! Duh man, thats the stupidest question I've ever heard. Cena beating sense into "good for nothing" HBK? Dude are you high? Can you sell me some of that stuff you're smoking because I'd like to get a bit ******ed tonight too. First of all, Cena is a joke who couldn't wrestle his way out of a paper bag. Second of all, did you just call HBK good for nothing? Sure if by good for nothing you mean good for continuously having the Match of the Year every single year he's been active since 1994.

Is this a joke? Really am I not getting something here, this is a joke right?
Over all the years I've followed wrestling I don't think I've hated any wrestler or wrestlers as much as the Spirit Squad!!! I don't see any talent in any of them and what a lame gimmick!
Flair is almost 60. He's in pretty good shape for an OAP but do you honestly expect Ric to do suplexes, scoop slams, swanton bombs etc at his age. Flair is mainly there to teach young superstars to improve their In ring psychology, selling moves etc. Also he knows how to work a crowd. Anyway he works better than most superstars on the roster.

I could not have said it better myself :flair: Given a choice to see Flair or someone like Khali,Cryme Tyme & Duce & Domino I know who I'd want to watch. Naitch wins hands down Woooooooooo!
Lashley... the guy is boring, dull, in-ring he bores me to death, he sucks n he was pushed 2 years 2 early...
I would have to say Matt Striker and John Cena.

Why Matt Striker? He's pointless. In my opinion, he can't wrestle worth s**t, he does'nt entertain me in the least, and he did a piss poor job at Wrestlemania. There are guys like Matt Hardy, who i think deserves a better push than what he's been getting. I usually like heels, but Striker is not entertaining at all, he doesn't have a good "look" to him, and when people boo him its not because he's a heel, its because no one wants him there.

Why John Cena?? Cuz this guy just cannot lose. It pisses me off that he is getting put over by so many other deserving superstars. WM22 he beats HHH then WM23 he beats HBK?? Royal Rumble he just had to be the one to end Umaga's undeafeated streek, Edge had to job him god knows how many times. I would really love to see Edge get an actually title run, he's one of my favorites going back to him "Brood" days. Does anybody realize that out of the last 24 months Cena has held that tile for 21 of those months?? I think its time for a new champ. Once that title comes off his waist theres not going to be much for him, he can't wrestle, his matches are sh*tty, he's so damn predictable, he does and says the same thing every single week. He has that stupid "5 knockle shuffle" which we all know is a people's elbow knock off. I mean literlly, when HBK tapped to Cena at WM23 I threw my remote across the room cuz I was so pissed, im just so tired of this guy they could give the WWE title to The Miz and I would'nt care (BTW I can't stand his ass either). I just hope at Backlash that HBK, Orton, or Edge pins him.
WGTT (Worlds Greatest Tag Team)

I like them when they are apart though. Charlie Haas is definately a future star in the business and so is Shelton. They're just not likable as a tag team. I HATED it when were Tag Champs and I really didn't like the whole Team Angle gimmick. That was lame as hell.
^Dude post more or it is considered SPAM. And come up with a proper way to argue. Hulk Hogan is hated for a number of Reasons, hes a cancer to any promotion he works for, He can't wrestle anymore and should retire. There are whole range of reasons to hate his inring work and eve Terry Bollea for what he has done to the Wrestling industry in the last few years.
GREAT KHALI!!! Why is this guy here besides his massive size?! That's all he is...SIZE! The man CAN'T wrestle. Just comes out every Monday and gets a 30 second match against some wrestler that shouldnt be getting squashed as bad as they do. PLEASE WWE...KILL OFF HIS CHARACTER...AGAIN!
I never understood why a lot of people hated X-Pac, even when the guy was supposed to be face, he still got boo'd, lol.

For the wrestlers I dont like, I gotta go with; Khali, Cena, Umaga, Boogeyman and Eugene. Maybe Umaga is the best who can wrestle outa that bunch, but I still dont like him.

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