What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

GREAT KHALI!!! Why is this guy here besides his massive size?! That's all he is...SIZE! The man CAN'T wrestle. Just comes out every Monday and gets a 30 second match against some wrestler that shouldnt be getting squashed as bad as they do. PLEASE WWE...KILL OFF HIS CHARACTER...AGAIN!
Its only 30 seconds though that he comes our for about. His time in the ring is very short, so it dosen't really bother me, I barely notice it.
I hate that stupid Super Crazy. Especially when he says "I'm Super, Im crazy, Im super crazy, He sucks and he always faces Chris Masters or Khali, and theres no point for him to be on Raw, he should be on SD.
Some wrestlers I can't believe are on this list.

King Booker, how many times does it have to be said, we know his acscent is fake, thats why its a gimmick. i find it to be funny as hell.

Undertaker? C'mon now.

Wrestlers/gimmicks i can't stand:

of course john cena, that guy is like 100-5 in his matchs, too predictable. i'd love to see how he works as a heel. The difference between him in and The Rock? The Rock never toned down to G rated crap, the rock was always funny. to be such a big guy, he had crazy energy, and we actually saw the rock lose. seen him get his ass kicked and "busted open". i cant remember the last time cena lost.

Batista, a poor mans ultimate warrior.

Umaga, i can go with the monster thing, but the saomoan spike? gimmie a break.

everyone in wwecw except the originals.

Hogan, i cant stand how he gets cheered when he comes back.

The only gimmick that i just really could not stant was Right To Censor. i thought it was annoying and a waste of time. not b/c they were heels, but i just saw the whole thing pointless.
jeff jarret in wcw, and tna and wwf, just in general jeff! I hate him, he's ok sorta now but uhhhhhhhh!!!
big bossman
jbl, i think he's a decent announcer, decent
vito in a skirt
khali, he sucks
batista, he sucks more than a blonder on her knees
scotty too hottie
and cena needs to lose the damn title already to edge because i am tired of him as a champ, use to like him but starting to hate him!
I always hated X-pac. I'm not aware of what he was like before he returned to WWE as X-pac, but man he sucked.

Not great on the mic, too small and weak, and he kept wearing the DX themed attire for far too long (perhaps not his fault). Also always annoyed me the way JR would talk about his 'educated feet' all the time.

Plus his moves, bronco buster and his finisher were weak. And man, he must have done the DX crotch chop a million times.
Hogan started to really piss me off after the SummerSlam farce against HBK.I'd always known what an egomaniac he was.but that just put me off him forever.I never hated Cena or Batista, because the truth of the matter is that a vast majority of the people who have beef with them are sheep who just followed what the smarks in the crowd where doing and started booing as well.

Oh and to lostsoulfoever:
X-pac used to go by the name of 1-2-3 Kid( and yes,he was lame then as well)
Big Bossman. I always thought he was a boring character and very annoying.

I'm only talking about the Bossman character , not the person Ray Traylor, who I hope rests in peace. So please don't blast me for being disrespectful to the dead :)
rvd:i dispise druggies

RVD is not a druggy, pot-head yeah, dtruggy no, now if he were doing shit like crack, heroin, and acid, then he would be a druggy but he only does weed which really doesn't count as a drug in my mind, at least no more than cigerettes and booze do anyway

back to the subject, MIZ, I can't stand this ass-hole, I actually have to change the channel when he's on, he's that bad in my mind, the only reason he's in WWE is because he was on the Real World for like ten years, which is the fakest reality tv show to ever exist, I hate reality tv, most of the shows are more fake than anything else on tv, they're just garbage
I really wish I had the time to read everyone's responses to this great question and I will one day but for now here it is:


Hands down. No ifs ands or buts about it. I have no respect for his old school roots and his mid 90s time and so on. The guy has to be one of the cheesiest and uncharismatic superstars to ever win a world title, have a decent reign, and get pushed. I would even take Cena over him.

Next up I really can't stand Cena. Believe it or not I couldn't stand Austin when he started his title reign in '97 only because it seems that when WWE has their mind set on someone they try to push them to be the next Hogan. I grew to love Austin and he was great for the business. Three years later with Cena...nope, I still don't like him.
Shawn Michaels, Oh Oh Oh Ohhhh i think i'm cute, i know i'm sexy..... No your not your ugly and your 40 years old now. Time for a gimmick change, most over rated wrestler of all time, why does everyone say he carries people to good matches? He doesn't, he's not even that good.. Sweet Chin Music is a cool finisher? Not really, it's rather lame.. Wow a kick to the chin big deal. Mic skills? He just talks like he's constipated and says the same thing over and over.

If you couldn't tell by now i am a huge Cena fan, i've never liked Michaels and Cena/Michaels fued has made me dislike Michaels even more, sick of people saying Michaels is so good, John Cena carried Michaels at wrestlemania and made him look good then on Raw the wrestlemania rematch Cena proved he can wrestle. They went for 51 minutes and again Cena made Michaels look good
^your not going to last long, Cena is by far the most overhyped underskilled piece of Crap that has come through the WWE since the Days of the Ultimate Warrior. You claim that Cena carried HBK through Wrestlemania, what match were you watching, Cena forgot to Sell an Injury that should have been sold like you would sell bread to someone that wanted to buy Bread for a sandwhich. Has Cena ever gone that long in a non-gimmicked match, HBK carried Cena through that one, How many 5* matches from Dave Meltzer has Cena gotten, Cena isn't even that good on the Mic anymore, HBK can change it up and do funny stuff and then do a serious promo, where have you seen Cena do that, NOWHERE. Sweet Chin Music is a good finisher, have you ever been kicked in the Chin, I doubt it, it hurts if it is hit like that on the underside of the chin. I can'teven begin to understand how stupidly blind and idiotic your claims are.
I hated Beniot when he was WHC.He had(and still does) the worst promos.After the first month of his reign in 2004,I was praying daily for HHH to beat him and regain the title.In my opinion Chris is one of the most overrrated showmen in the business.The truth about pro-wrestling(especially in the western world) is that nomatter how good a "wrestler" you are,if you cant cut decent promos and dont have an interesting gimmick,you dont really deserve to be World Champ.The best you can hopefor is to be a transitional champion as Chris was in 2004.
As for the debate on HBK,I have to agree with
"TheShowzOver" Shawn is like 42 now,and I dont think you can technically be calling your self the HeartBreakKid at that age.I respect him, and may not necessarily hate him to the point of insanity,but his thinning hair& bald spots are embarrassing.
rvd:i dispise druggies

My friend,prior to the Wellness Program a alot of wrestlers(I'm sure even your favourite) were abusing everything from steriods to prescription painkillers.Why do you you think so many guys dropped like between 10-30 pounds since December 2005
Shawn Michaels, Oh Oh Oh Ohhhh i think i'm cute, i know i'm sexy..... No your not your ugly and your 40 years old now. Time for a gimmick change, most over rated wrestler of all time, why does everyone say he carries people to good matches? He doesn't, he's not even that good.. Sweet Chin Music is a cool finisher? Not really, it's rather lame.. Wow a kick to the chin big deal. Mic skills? He just talks like he's constipated and says the same thing over and over.

If you couldn't tell by now i am a huge Cena fan, i've never liked Michaels and Cena/Michaels fued has made me dislike Michaels even more, sick of people saying Michaels is so good, John Cena carried Michaels at wrestlemania and made him look good then on Raw the wrestlemania rematch Cena proved he can wrestle. They went for 51 minutes and again Cena made Michaels look good

That is by far the supidest fucking thing I've ever heard from a wrestling fan, aside from someone yesterday on YouTube saying Great Khali was better then Bryan Danielson.

Seriously, have you ever watched a Shawn Michaels match? You're obviously incredibly biased towards Cena. Did you honestly just say Cena carried Michaels? Yeah, thats why every exciting spot in all of their matches was executed by HBK, that's why HBK worked on Cena's leg for ten minutes and then Cena just jumped up like Superman and nothing was wrong with him, a HUGE break in kayfabe(I doubt you even know what that means).

Seriously, what is your reasoning behind your stupid idea that Cena carried Michaels? Let's see--Cena: six years experience. HBK: 30 years experience...hmmm I wonder who carried who.

I can't even help the flaming guys, this guy is just ******ed.
Shawn Michaels, Oh Oh Oh Ohhhh i think i'm cute, i know i'm sexy..... No your not your ugly and your 40 years old now. Time for a gimmick change, most over rated wrestler of all time, why does everyone say he carries people to good matches? He doesn't, he's not even that good.. Sweet Chin Music is a cool finisher? Not really, it's rather lame.. Wow a kick to the chin big deal. Mic skills? He just talks like he's constipated and says the same thing over and over.

If you couldn't tell by now i am a huge Cena fan, i've never liked Michaels and Cena/Michaels fued has made me dislike Michaels even more, sick of people saying Michaels is so good, John Cena carried Michaels at wrestlemania and made him look good then on Raw the wrestlemania rematch Cena proved he can wrestle. They went for 51 minutes and again Cena made Michaels look good

Ha Honestly like you said he is 40 so why in the hell would the change his gimmik now? and the fans seem to like the sweet chin music i like it its exciting.john cena's fu thats not exciting its a firemans carry yes fans like it but its a lame move compared to the sweet chin musiand honestly another thing exciting was when cena got sweet chin musiced i laughed a lil bit ha. but hey cena won good job but i find it funny when cena comes to town like philly he gets boed because hes a fake gangsta ahahe made his rep by rappin on smackdown ha
the 1 wrestler i cant stand is mr.mcmahan. he is a god damn joke i mean come on hes the ecw world champ and hes afraid to defend the title unless its a 3 on 1 handicap match against the challenger.

also if vince doesnt count as wrestler than it would be either daivari or chavo guerrero
I'd go with Rey Mysterio, i just cant stand him, i have never liked him so i guess it makes me one sided but yer, i personally believe there are so many others (superstars) that could be pushed and go up the ranks... but nooo we have Rey Mysterio he is a 3 move wonder
Three move wonder? You serious? Have you ever seen Rey Mysterio wrestle? He's got one of the largest movesets in wrestling, go onto YouTube and look up any of his work in WCW, ECW, Mexico, or Japan, and even some of his early WWE stuff, and you'll see the guy not only deserves the spot he's gotten, but is one of the most amazing wrestlers, lucha or otherwise, of the last few decades.
I Can't Stand RVD. I'm not saying he isnt talented but hes not a good wrestler. All he does are spots thats all his fucking matches consist of are a few kicks a couple of high spots and then a finger point and he wins. WOW now that was an entertaining match. He is also a screw-up. I mean who else would finally go out and win the WWE title and then get busted for possession i mean that was completely ******ed.

I also cant stand Hulk Hogan for the fact that everyone else know about him already.
I'd go for Shawn Michaels too...nothing but respect for everything hes done in the industry. But he just over exaggerates every single reaction and that flip onto the top turn buckle EVERY match annoys me.

As for actual character.Mark Henry...nuff said about that one. Hes just a big man bear as he so rightly said
the group that really made me want to smash my t.v. was the right to censor they took all the fun out of the entertainment but fair play to them they played thier roles well to make me and others hate them so much.
I have to retract my statement earlier about RVD as i had my head up my ass and had not seen some of his old Stuff where he was actually allowed to wrestle.

But i will have to say that the Hardy Boyz irritate me because all the do are spots. Although they have had some entertaining matches with Edge and christian and the Dudley boyz they were clearly just a part of those matches and the other two teams carried them the whole match. The Hardy'z never cut good promos and like I mentioned before they are Just Spot Monkey's.
I have to retract my statement earlier about RVD as i had my head up my ass and had not seen some of his old Stuff where he was actually allowed to wrestle.

But i will have to say that the Hardy Boyz irritate me because all the do are spots. Although they have had some entertaining matches with Edge and christian and the Dudley boyz they were clearly just a part of those matches and the other two teams carried them the whole match. The Hardy'z never cut good promos and like I mentioned before they are Just Spot Monkey's.

Jeff may be a spot monkey cause that's all he's good at. However Matt can put on a good match. Recently he's had very good matches with MVP and Mr Kennedy on SD. Matt hardly does any spots compared to Jeff IMO.
I HATE Shawn Michaels.. im gonna get some heat for this one but I hate him, he's so corny, little and over sells moves to hte point at which i want to turn off the TV, I also find him annoying as hell.
As far as hating a certain wrestler... none. But not liking the character where I'm close to hating them... John Cena and Booker T.(current King Booker). They're annoying. Cena is looking as if he's trying to have better matches (i.e: his new move where he does a leg drop off the top rope while the opponent is kneeling over) and I like Booker T. but I want him to either go back to his Harlem Heat days or even when it was him and Rob Van Dam.

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