What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

well i would prefer haning myself to seeing the not so great khali with a title as i fear will happen tonight, course' Khali is the worst i have seen. Hogan is also a close second.
I dont let champions annoy me in a smarkish way. They only annoy me the way they are sposed to annoy me, as a good heel. HBK annoyed the shit out of me when he started DX. Man I loved getting mad watching him. The same goes for JBL.
F*cking King booker is a pain in the ass!! at least the F*cking gimmick SUX, not to mention Queen Sharmell, is the most annoying person on WWE!! He should give up that King Sucker attitude and recover a title.
Maybe with this Kane thang after RR elimination, maybe...
God that pissed me off when booker did that at the RR. I hope kane kicks his ass at wrestlemania so booker can drop the stupid king gimmick because it just looks stupid without the championship.
how bout khali? what a dope this guy is. he comes to the ring and interferes, or fights, and u know he will win or there will be a dq. also, as soon as he starts walking to interfere, u know hes gonna beat the shit outta everyone. its like "mine as well change channels and see what (favorite sports team) is doing". this guy is seriously a moron and sucks
Batista i mean come on the future of the wwe is a guy who is pushing 40. If they let taker lose to him at wrestlemania i would stop watching wrestling completely. I tried to watch tna but that show is all over the place
i dont hate any of them i hate undertaker he is the crapest wrestler in the wwe if he wins any title i will neva watch smackdown again
I also hate Bobby Lashley. Much like Batista, this guy is nothing except for a big entrance with pyro. Both use tired spears and use other moves that have been done to death, and both are so inept on the mic that there's no way they should be carrying a brand. McMahon is nuts to think that Lashley can save the sinking ship that is WWECW. He needs to forget about what he wants to see and think about what the people want. The people want to see someone like RVD, Sandman, Sabu, Dreamer or New Jack as ECW Champ - not some steroid-addled bum like Lashley or Test.
how bout khali? what a dope this guy is. he comes to the ring and interferes, or fights, and u know he will win or there will be a dq. also, as soon as he starts walking to interfere, u know hes gonna beat the shit outta everyone. its like "mine as well change channels and see what (favorite sports team) is doing". this guy is seriously a moron and sucks

well u know you are an idiot and an ignorant fool Great Khali is now your new Intercontinental Champion I hated Jerky boy Hardy he was sucking mcmorons cock all this time to be IC Champ maybe he should have stayedin TNA he sucks Jerky Hardy I mena he has no skills he looks like he is on dope and came out of a rave like he was consumed extcasy and poppers combined fuck
so what do you have to say about Khali being an IC champ moron
He is better the Big Slow I tell you
i might get some heat for this, but batista, the guy can't wrestle but he still gets a push to the moon, no mic skills, no wrestling skills, only good matches were with HHH, cause HHH can carry anyone to a good match

BINGO!!!! I totally agree with this one...he (HHH) can carry anyone...but for some reason...idiot marks like Batista...I think its awesome that Vince is getting mad at him lately..(reading wz quotes).

I actually like Cena over Batista only because of Mic skills...Kennedy is amazing...period...

How about the most useless wrestler of all time? I've got to give it to the Blue Meanie!
Bobby Lashley – look at my muscles everyone, it proves I can wrestle…..not.

Kennedy – That much push for this guy? look at him ! his butt ugly, he cant wrestle, all he does is copy a new move every week from another well-known established wrestler. His mic skills are good? Really? Mrrrrr Keeeenedyyyy… which sounds like he just chocked on a large sized *****.

I will disagree with you on these two parts. Lashley is utter crap in the WWE, but if giving the time and the go ahead to actually work his style, this guy would be a credible champ. He has the look, the speed, and can work. He knows more suplexes than most and can actually mat wrestle...unfortunatley, Vince sees big guy and thinks "CLOTHESLINE!! SPEAR! POWERBOMB! PIN!!! THAT WAS AWESOME!!!"

Kennedy is actually a pretty decent worker. Yes, he isn't very creative, but his main thing is selling. He, like HHH, is an amazing seller. He can make anyone look good.

And as far as Hogan goes, as a wrestler myself, I can understand and appreciate all he has done. However, I would bitch and moan if he got booked to go over me. Undertaker does the right thing by trying to pass the torch. Hogan just needs to give it up. He is a total prick.

Other than that, I agree with everything...
well u know you are an idiot and an ignorant fool Great Khali is now your new Intercontinental Champion I hated Jerky boy Hardy he was sucking mcmorons cock all this time to be IC Champ maybe he should have stayedin TNA he sucks Jerky Hardy I mena he has no skills he looks like he is on dope and came out of a rave like he was consumed extcasy and poppers combined fuck
so what do you have to say about Khali being an IC champ moron
He is better the Big Slow I tell you

And btw...did you actually watch Raw tonight? I barely paid attention and realized that Kahli did not win the title. He won the match by count out, which means nothing. Kind of stupid too...knowing a title is on the line and instead of getting out of the ring and putting the guy back in to actually WIN THE TITLE you just stand there looking like a big dope, then celebrating the win that acheived you nothing....
i really truly hate kevin thorn why do they have him he is pointless
the vampire act to me is dumb
i also really hate the deuce guy and stuff on smackdown
I agree that King booker really looks like an asshole without a championship.The whole king gimmick has always pissed me off.He should go back to being just booker t.And Sharmell pisses me off even more.Hearing "all hail king booker" 30 times with her annoying voice tends to get pretty annoying.
I hated Jack Victory with a passion back in the day, Hate the Big Show, Lashley seems like a really nice guy but I hate him as a wrestler, I really hate Test and the Great Khali and Umagu is so annoying that I want to pull my eyelashes out during his matches
I now Shawn Michaels is a changed man, and that's good for him. But I can't stand him for being a prick, telling Bret Hart to get the "F" out of the ring at WM12 after he would, for not wanting to put Bret over at WM13, and for the Montreal Screwjob. I also hate Big Show too, he's a total ass in person.
Batista... I can't stand the guy, and all the stories I've heard about him being an asshole in real life don't really help him.
Hulk Hogan, Hulk Hogan, and Hulk Hogan!! The man might be one of the best enterainers, but has he ever wrestled over 30 minutes. He is not a wrestler, and to hear himself call himself the greatest wrestler is a joke.
When is the last time you heard another wrestler refer to him as the greatest. Whereas Flair has been called the greatest by HHH, Shawn Michaels and others who are considered one the greats in our business.
honestly, i hate "King" Booker, too fake. MNM...who came up with a paparazzi angle...dumbing down good wrestlers. Lastly, Test...don't know why but he reminds me of a cheap brock with no ring skills.
He is easily the most hatable gimmick in my eyes. For one, he is basically making of fun of mental ******ation, and he absolutely sucks at it. He plays the character over the top....instead of being semi believable. It is the worst character Vince has ever came up with, and yes, I mean that, over the "Repo Man", "Brooklyn Brawler", "Abe Knuckleball Schwartz", "Skinner", "Berzerker", "Doink", and whoever else you want to throw into the mix. I can't stand whenever Eugene is on TV! It makes me sick. He is horrible! Other then that, I would have to say I am sick and tired of Cena....how does he go from gangsta rapping and hip hop music (which was a cool gimmick at first), coming out of the entrance rapping to some fake marine character that nobody is buying. He is forced down our throats because the little kids like him, but they only make up around 20% of wrestling fans. I would rather see a guy like HHH, Edge, or Orton have the title over him anyday. I hope Shawn Michaels beats his A$$ at Wrestlemania so the gold will actually go around someone's waist that deserves it.
No doubt its Finley for me. I dont think he could ever win a good match unless he has that stupid Leprachaun! He is 40 years old and NOW he comes into the WWE and expects to have a big role!! He sucks!
Triple H - I know some of you think he's great, but I hate his doing's backstage. I find it funny he calls Hogan out on the same shit he does backstage. I guess one of those H's stands for hypocrite.

John Cena - Meet the man who made me discover there's a great show called 24 on Monday nights, and it's more entertaining than We Won't Entertain can ever dream of being. The guy can't wrestle to save his life.

HBK - Three words: "YOU! SCREWED! BRET!"
Sabu Sandman and Mr Stoner himself RVD never got the fasincation with a guy that hits people with Kendo Sticks and drinks beer. The other who dresses like a member of the Taliban points to the Sky for seemengly no apparant reson and looks like the Macho Man. RVD who just saw his big push in the WWE go up like a puff of pot smoke now hes nothing but a curtain jerker.

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