What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

I'm just curious about hating wrestlers. There have been some characters that I've hated to the point where if I could personally end their careers, I would

For me it goes AT #1 Bill Goldberg,#2 Jeff Hardy,#3 Rko, #4 After what he did to Matt Edge bro be-4 ho's, #5 In the ring Hogan but love hogan know's best I alwas wished Roddy would have kicked his ass, #6 Back in the day HBK cuz I am the bigest (Hit Man) Mark ever but now as i'm older and now with dx he's ok.#7 Most of the time all most all the time THE Rock
and I'M a HHH Mark to I know how can i be a both. but when your the best it shows and i see it. see as a kid the hit man gave me his sun glass's and i was a fan then and after i was a mark. with hhh he is the best in the bizz, and I can't hate on that.:headbanger:

Let the heat begin. :headbanger:

PS. Now just cuz i hate them don't mean i don't RESPECT them, just the 1st 4i have no respect for. :headbanger:
Definatly forgot Goldberg... He was never good in the ring... And got shoved down our throats in WCW... Plus his finisher was just as bad as the Samoan Spike...
HULK HOGAN. I personally think the guy is like a cancer that won't go away and it make's me sick that fan's cheer him on, knowing what a greedy old bastard he is. If he had any decency he would actually put over talent each time he come's back to collect a paycheck. He should really take note of Ric Flair and Mick Foley. I swear anytime the fans cheer for him it's like the sheep rejoice.
I don't know, But I like Cena- I think the people that boo him really dont have a reason to, but I think people boo him for fun and the audience at home starts unliking him for what other people think of him. I am pro cena.
Anyways, I don't like Vito's gimmick at all, and Batista's character would be better as a heel. I think they should have a new brand draft and switch some stuff around.
At the moment? Batista. Love it when the Hammerstein crowd handed him his ass during the Big Show match. Funniest thing I've seen in a year or two. Even stacked up against things outside of wrestling.
i cant stand john cena....he always either has the title or is after it i liked him b 4 he won the title but now i cant stnad to see him i hate his guts
I can't stand Batista. He is the most over rated piece of garbage in wrestling right now. He comes back and they immediately push his no talent ass right to the belt. When he doesn't deserve it.
Rob Van Dam. He is overated so much and I hate him! People still love him from the getting caught drug incident. I have hated him from day one! He looks like a druggy... Erghh
Good GOD almighty i cannot stand this dipsh*t mike mizzanon or the dam gay miz.... i mean common wat in da hell is a f**kin miz......HOO RAH.......WTF is that..he's one of the biggest reasons i dont watch smackdown anymore..i wish he'd dissapear and is never heard from.....Dam he's annoying and most of all garbage
GaMeOvEr201 said:
Yes, I really hate JBL. I hated him as a wrestler and I thought he might be alright as a announcer but he still sucks.

Agreed with JBL he always sed the crowd with chant his name when they arent...He is annoying but he is a pretty good announcer...
With out a dobt John Cena. when i hear his music i change the channel so i dont injure myself smashing my tv. i usually wait like 10mins and switch the channel back because i know his match is over. hes got no wrestling ability in him. the 5 knuckle B.S. is a rip off of the peoples elboe. plus he's just plain stupid. on top of that he DESTROYED the WWE title. i hate the spinner title to.
Why the fuck does eugene still have a job? and why is rob conway still employed, the man sucks ass, he hasn't won a match in months, MONTHS!
Luther_Hull said:
I hate Cena, his matches are so boring and so is him either having the title or challenging for it. All he does is run into people in his matches, and i'm so bored of JR trying to get the fans behind him all the time and making excuse like 'unorthodox' and 'a brawler', simply put: he can't wrestle.

William Regal, just looking at this guy pisses me off. He's probably the only superstar I've ever really hated. But he sucks, and really serves no purpose in the WWE.
haha i gotta agree......"King" Booker...what the fuck?!?!? i dont wanna be racist but a black king??! and for second yes his accent is retraded....one day hes awesome booker t cocky spinarooni shit and the next hes this unbelieve ******ed pile of horseshit.....for christ sake change his gimmick or retire.....thats the worst gimmick on smackdown...yes i kno about vito and boogeyman..but at least there sorda funny...booker is just plain retared right now
i REALLY hated cena not long ago but now im cool with him, now HATE king booker,JUST DIE ALREADY UR ACCENT IS SOOOOO FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

You have spammed several parts of this forum. Please stop. If you don't know what spamming is pm me and I'll discuss it with you. I'll also give you tips on how to get your point across better because the way your doing it now is not working for anyone. Please don't take that the wrong way.

I hate Cena to the point of insanity and before when I was a mark I hated Triple H. Cena because he screwed Edge out of two long WWE Title reigns. Also I hate how he has destroyed the credibility of Edge, Umaga, HHH and many others. He is shoved down our throats and is displayed as superman. His gimmick is even more annoying because it's a way for him to leech of the marines who do more hard work than any WWE superstar. Cena leeches of them just for a pop. It's pathetic that's how far they must go just to get him that over as a face. Just turn him heel and give him a different move set.

Triple H when I was a mark for any mark reasons hating a heel. He just played the role so good. I hate when he put JR is a wrist lock and stole a win from Mankind to win back the WWE Championship. I hated how he always cheated in some way to retain the title. He'd always find a way even though you thought he wouldn't. Like the HIAC match with him and Cactus jack and the street fight with him and Cactus Jack. But I was a mark back then.
deuce and fuckin domino, the boogeyman, king booker, sometimes john cena, eugene, matt striker, pretty much a lot of people
The only one that comes to mind currently is Shawn Michaels after he returned from being "retired". His matches were all exactly the same, his mic work was unbelievably bland, and topping it off with his new found love for God it just made him all sorts of annoying. Eventually he took some time off then came back much better than he had been, but up until that point it was unbearable to watch him.

And on a side note, I can't help but LOL at everyone saying King Booker. "OMG HIS ACCENT IS SO FAKE AND THE GIMMICK DOESN'T MAKE SENSE SO I HATE HIM!" Hey guyz, THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT! His gimmick is being a belligerently, over the top, blatantly unrealistic "King". Way to show that the gimmick has gone completely over your heads.
No superstar has ever risen my ire more than Brock Lesnar. They pushed him and pushed him, and sacraficed star after start to get him over just so he could get an inflated ego and quit. Biggest waste of space, and that's saying something when the company had to put up with people like Luger and Warrior.
I hate Batista. They have made this guy look invincible for the past 2 or 3 years, and for what? His ring arsenal is crap, he has pathetic mic skills. In my opinion, he is completely worthless and should be nothing more than a curtain jerker. I fail to understand why the WWE fans love him so much.

The Great Khali and Umaga suck as well. While Raw's two best heels are competing as a tag team, that means these two losers who are also crap in the ring and on the mic are getting the big push. It's bad for business because these characters who the fans have absolutely no interest in are main eventing on Raw. I say that they should be moved over to other brands while heels who actually have some talent, like Elijah Burke or Mr. Kennedy, take their spot on Raw. Either that, or take the titles off of Rated RKO and split them up.
CENA & BATISTA. neither one of them can wrestle. for god sake batista gets hurt all the fucking time. im waiting for him to get hurt just walking to the ring. they both need to go.
I’m actually shocked at some of the names being mentioned here.....

Hulk Hogan? - His gimmick put pro wrestling on the map well over; if I was a wrestler (new generation) I’d consider it a privilege to job/loose to him as even loosing to him would make you noticeable.

Undertaker? - The guy's done more for the business then anyone could have ever imagined, and still his class.

Finlay ? - Do you guys actually watch 'wrestling' or cool looking outfits?, the guy can wrestle

William Regal ? – He can ‘wrestle’ better then 50% of wwe / tna, only reason they don’t push him is because his not American & he does not try to be American, typical…

My point being, none of the above are bad gimmicks or bad full stop.... Now for my most hated gimmicks / wrestlers:-

Cena - biggest pile of donkey crap I’ve seen in 22 years of watching wrestling, I could actually write an essay of reasons, but most have already been mentioned.

MVP – another pile of horse crap, the gimmicks pathetic, player? of what ? His got man-boobs, and the power ranger outfit, I despise him on screen, absolutely awful.

Khali – one reason only his racist angle gimmick, look at the size of the guy, and his in good shape unlike the other ‘big’ piles of skin….. big show ? pathetic. His not asian, nor is he from Punjab, ignorant Americans with their absurd pride, they don’t have a clue. If he had a better gimmick he would and could exceed andre the giant.

Batista – aging muscle, boring wrestler, new age Sid Justice wannabe that doesn’t even come close.

Bobby Lashley – look at my muscles everyone, it proves I can wrestle…..not.

MNM – Forsaken gimmick

I have a few more but they are not even worth me writing… last of all that I will write about:-

Kennedy – That much push for this guy? look at him ! his butt ugly, he cant wrestle, all he does is copy a new move every week from another well-known established wrestler. His mic skills are good? Really? Mrrrrr Keeeenedyyyy… which sounds like he just chocked on a large sized *****.
It's a fourway tie between Cena, Batista, Hogan, and The Rock. Back when The Rock was an unstoppable force, I hated the shit outta him. Cena, and Batista are just like he was back in the day (with less wrestling and mic skills). And Hogan is the most untalented of all these guys. His mic skills were terrible (only Batista is worse), his finisher was shit (A FUCKING LEGDROP!), and he's just a greedy old bastard that won't put anyone more talented than him over. TO SHAME!

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