What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

I hate John cenas character he is not funny. The wwe origination is trying to make him into a superstar and fans refuse to accept it. He does not deserve to hold on championships that long.
Batista he is overrated he does not have much wrestling ability he is just strong .
Ric Flair the Guy is old and orange and still wrestling somebody stop him.
Khali- I don't undertand why is he in the WWE roster. He can't wrestle, he's too big and disgusting, WWE can do better without him ; who wants to see him anyway? Why in the hell was he champion? I just can't stand him!
I hate most of the divas because they are in WWE for their looks and not wrestling skills (if they have any).
Just one... DA MAN!! GOLDBERG OLDBERG. And half of it wasnt really even his fault. DUBYA C DUBYA just rammed him down our throats, sorta like raws doing with cena now to a lesser extenet. I mean how many times can you beat Rick Fuller and still be taken seriously. By the time he won the US Title and had some decent opponents its like enough already.
I have quite a few that I hate to the point of insanity!!!

Khali- The guy can't even speak english and he can't wrestle for crap!!! He looks like an oversized, mentally ******ed giant!!

Vickie Guerrero- I don't hate her as a person, just as a character. I have so much respect and admiration for Eddie, that I just can't stand to see her go into this storyline romance with Edge. It's horrible!!!

Jimmy Wang Yang- This guy just gets on my nerves in every way possible. An oriental cowboy with a cheesy southern accent...all bad.

Big Daddy V- First of all, this dude needs to lose like 150 lbs. (or at least not wear that body suit.) Second, he needs to learn some actual holds and not rely on splashes all the time.

Batista- What can I say about Batista that's actually nice? I can't think of anything. He's so boring to watch, he can't wrestle, he needs more than 4 moves in his arsenal, and people NEED to stop giving him title shots that he doesn't deserve!!!

Randy Orton- He's too arrogant and he needs a serious attitude adjustment. (altho I have to admit, the guy can wrestle pretty good)

Snitsky- I liked him much better when he had his hair and was funny. He's just really creepy to look at since he has to color his teeth yellow.

Jillian- That whole 'bad singer' gimmick HAS TO GO!!!

Santino Marella- I'll admit, I liked him back in April when he first came to the WWE, but as he evolved, he got really annoying. He needs to actually focus on wrestling rather than focus on being posessive over Maria all the time.

Miz- everything about him gets on my nerves. From his lame attitude to his wrestling style.

MVP- His skills aren't that bad, his personality just bothers me. He's too cocky for my liking.

JBL- His current character is so annoying. Who gives a flying frick that he moved to NYC and is on Fox News! I wish he was still with Ron Simmons and had the long black hair and goatee.

William Regal- Everything about him gives such a bad name to British people! (and I love British people!!)

Matt Striker- To me, he's like the Paul Heyman of today....loud and annoying.

Edge (as a heel)- Edge can't play a heel to save his own life. Whenever he complains about something, he sounds like he's a spoiled, PMSing teenager. I really wish they would make him a face again. Altho, he also has really great wrestling skills.
Randy Orton- He's too arrogant and he needs a serious attitude adjustment. (altho I have to admit, the guy can wrestle pretty good) .

it is apart of his gimmick thing. thats what he is meant to do so the fans will hate him and it looks like it is working.

Edge (as a heel)- Edge can't play a heel to save his own life. Whenever he complains about something, he sounds like he's a spoiled, PMSing teenager. I really wish they would make him a face again. Altho, he also has really great wrestling skills.

edge is one of the best heels in the world and of all time. he is a great heel. when he whines he is meant to sound spoilt because thats what wwe wants. geez dont you no what wwe do.
Gene Snitsky - he isn't a very good wrestler. When He changed his gimmick to rotten teeth and bald head, it just made him seem so boring. Plus his matches are like watching paint dry(i am a die hard Hardy fan).

JBL - First off why the hell did he ever do the Nazi solute in Germany. This guy can't think and always talks a crap load of shit. When he is in the ring, he can't even wrestle.He should also lose some damned weight or at least put a shirt on when he wrestles.

Edge - The fact that he basically ruined any chance of ever becoming a face again by backstabbing his friend Matt Hardy by cheating with Lita is ******ed. He isn't even that great of a heel. But his wrestling is still ok.

John Cena - The WWE has used him in too many title shot storylines, they basically forgot that they have other wrestlers who indeed deserve a title shot. "The Champ Is Here" is also an overplayed gimmick.

Khali - For one thing, what the hell is the point of having a ******ed Giant in the ring? What the FUCK IS THE POINT? He is so slow. He cannot wrestle his way out of a wet paper bag(if there was one made that big).

MVP - the so called most valuable player of the WWE sucks so bad, he makes a jobber look good. He has botched a lot of moves that he has done. Plus why the hell would the WWE hire an Ex-Convict? That phases my mind. The fact that he looks like a power ranger doesn't really convince me that he was ever in jail.

Big Daddy V - Why? Here is why. His in ring abilities are limited to slams and splashes. He desperately needs to lose some weight. The WWE has to stop feeding their cow so much and think about his health. Yes he has been in the WWE for a long time, but its about damn time he does something about it. LOSE SOME WEIGHT FAT TITS!!!

Chuck Paulumbo - He stole Undertaker's American Badass gimmick that I liked a lot and made a disgrace of it. He shows way too much anger in the ring and I am pretty sure that he isn't really comfortable being story lined against Michelle McCool(i know i wouldn't).

Hornswoggle - Its not that I don't like him, having a midget beat the crap out of a giant like Khali is actually funny because he proves that Khali Really does suck. But thats the reason why he shouldn't be in the WWE because of the fact that he may not be able to keep up if they separate him from Finlay.

These wrestlers plus other wrestlers that have ridiculous gimmicks drive me up the wall.
When I was a kid back in the early '90s, I hated Ric Flair. I mean HATED him...

I had always been a WWF mark, and was weined on He-Man like superstars such as Hogan, Warrior and Beefcake. They all wore bright-colored, ripped up clothing and I thought that was what a wrestler should look like.

Then one day I saw WCW on TV for the first time at a friend's house. There was Ric Flair and the Horseman, all dressed in 3-piece suits. The only time I ever wore a suit was when I was going somewhere I didn't like (e.g. church, or a fancy restaurant). On top of that, he was talking smack non-stop about a guy named Sting who seemed to be right up my alley.

I HATED Ric Flair.

Anyway, I'll always remember the episode of Wrestling Challenge that ended with Bobby Heanan showing us the WCW world championship. I audibly said "No... Oh, god, no!" to the TV screen. I could live with him contained in WCW, but now he was coming to MY show!

I made it a hobby to show how much I hated Ric Flair. We were making silkscreen T-shirts at school, and I decided to make Roddy Piper's "I Scare Flair" promo into a slogan... except that I spelled it "I Scare Flare". What a little idiot.

Anyway, this goes to show how great a showman Flair really was. He got a huge reaction out of me, and kept me interested when it wasn't "cool" anymore (despite the fact that I just wanted to see him get his butt kicked).

Today, like most, I recognize him as one of the greats, and have nothing but respect for him. But when I was a kid, I HATED Ric Flair.
A lot, but Cena simple and plan. He can be funny on the stick at times, but that's all I can say positive about him. They left the strap on him WAY too long. First time I stopped watching parts of shows and actually turned off the tv. His punches are some of the worst I've ever seen. He's too stiff (not working hard), but physically stiff like he has trouble moving comfortably at his weight. And his gangster gimmick..............he's from West Newberry, Mass.

"The median income for a household in the town was $92,828, and the median income for a family was $99,050." from wikipedia entry on the town.

I'm from a blink outside of Chicago and have known people who have served time (not many, but a few) who were in the streets, and this guy is a joke in that aspect. They should've lied as to where he was really from. I didn't like the guy before that, but that made me almost hate him lol.

His video with Freddie Foxxx tried to boost his street character, as Foxxx (rapper) really is a street guy, but COME ON!
Jeff Hardy- 1. He is heralded as a user of a high-risk and high-flying offence...last time i checked he only has TWO moves that involve the air. Wisper in the Wind always looks sloppy anyway. 2. If he wants the world championship why does he still have the ic championship, it further devalues the belt.
CM Punk- I dont like his look or his character. For a while his matches were way too repetitive.
1 Punk gets som offence in
2 Punk is beaten down
3 Air Punk!
4 Punk is beaten down(2nd time)
5 Reversal! into a ... G2S oh my god!!
6 Punk wins ... again
They are all the more irritating because they get so much tv time.
1. BATISTA! (Most boring thing ever. Completely overrated, only does shouler blocks and his rivalry with the great khali was a summer nightmare)

2. John Cena (I'd fill out a list of reasons but there's no point, I don't want to sound like one of those idiots that rambles on about ''5 moves of doom'' Cena works very hard but I still have plenty of reasons to hate him, same as most people really tbh)

3. Snitsky (Pumphandle slams and big boots, quite easily the worst move set ever. He had no purpose after his rivalry with Kane, we're all tired of the freak monster heels, ok?Snitsky is the worst at least the others provide huge size or feats of strength/athletic ability. Snitsky has nothing, he only kept winning for a year because he was put against jobbers and he deserves to stay on Heat)

4. DH Smith (What an idiot for taking steroids two weeks after his debut. Dull as dishwater and the greenest person on any WWE roster, will need a gimmick to go anywhere which is quite sad)

5. Hurricane (The character, not the person, because we didn't get to see Gregory Helms true potential for so many years. I don't hate the Hurricane really actually, but Gregory Helms is such an improvment)

6. Big Daddy V (err first Mabel, then Viscera now this?! He held back CM Punk for two months, he's holding back Strikers true mic skills and he needs to wear a top!)

7. Rey Mysterio (newly found hatriot. He only appeals to kids, his range of moves are actually limited and it irritates me when people go mad over the gimmicky 619. I don't see what's so extremely appealing about a wrestler who uses basic kicks, hurracanaranas and roll ups to win matches. He has no mic skills and is doing very little for the business. I've never seen a wrestler who works by a formula more than this guy. Also stop getting injured! Worthy of boos imo)

8. Chuck Palumbo (Makes the former RoH champion Jamie Noble look small, he's just an overhyped musclehead who needs a motorbike to get attention, and I find his character genuinely hateable, it annoys me when some of the crowd cheers him when he beats up Jamie Noble, what stupid rednecks. I guess WWE succeeded in getting me to hate him more but I've despised since his debut. Jamie Noble could wrestle circles around Chuck Palumbo, just because he's smaller doesn't mean he had to keep getting squashed.)

9. Jillian Hall (She's used to get Lillians albums over, enough already!)

10. JBL (Yeah, thanks for ruining Chris Jerichos comeback. He really is an afterthough and it fills me with rage when he acts arrogant, I know it's his character but unlike two years ago he has no reason to be like this, it just makes me mad that he didn't wait to improve his ability before returning, reflects alot on what he's like outside of the ring.
Guys I hate huh there are a few that really stick out

Edge: This guys has nothing going for him. He isn't good on a mic he is garbage in the ring. He has the worst Spear I have ever seen and people talk about goldberg at least his spear looked good as bad as he was. Edge is shit and he shouldnt be a world champion.

Orton: Another guy who just isn't good in the ring it european uppercut after european uppercut then dropkick RKO modified backbreaker and the cycle continues. He to me is RAWs Edge just shit shouldn't be champion. People complain about cena who isn't good but he is better than Orton,

JBL: Its not so much his in ring ability cause that isn't bad but his character on TV i just hate with his I am a wrestling God yeah right far from it.

Those are the guys i hate I on the other hand think Umaga is great this man is more agile than our champions and he is damn near 400 pounds and has the hardest most devastating moves in the company. I think the Samoan Monster gimmick is fresh compared to the Undertaker monster gimmick or kane or the Goldberg/Lesnar/ Lashley monster gimmicks. Umaga is the best thing the WWE has right now just go back to the NO Way Out PPV a month or so ago and watch the Elimination chamber match for the Raw guys. Umaga made that match what it was.
The superstar I hated the most was Hulk Hogan. I know he helped push wrestling into a bigger thing. He just seems to repetitive to me with his moves. And his finishing move: A LEG DROP?!?! It just doesn't look like it would hurt. He could cut a good promo at some times. Another thing that probably didn't help is my brother is a "Hulk-A-Maniac." He won't play a wrestling game with me unless he can be Hogan. A close second is Cena. Same reasons as above but he can't cut a good promo to me and he held the title for WAY too long.
Guys I hate huh there are a few that really stick out

Edge: This guys has nothing going for him. He isn't good on a mic he is garbage in the ring. He has the worst Spear I have ever seen and people talk about goldberg at least his spear looked good as bad as he was. Edge is shit and he shouldnt be a world champion.

What are you talking about Edge is one of the greatest things about the WWE right now. Edge is great on the micand he should be champion he is better than cena will ever be. I don't think the spear should be his finisher but at least he can utilize it. Edge is anything but sucky.
The Great Khali is someone as a superstar I CANNOT stand. He is just unbelievably stale and there is nothing interesting about him, except the fact he is big. He can't be an interest because he is so slow, and unbelievably annoying when he doesn moves that, although may hurt if he actually did them, either dont look painful or are totally bothced.

Another star is JBL, sure he may be great on the mic., but I cannot stand him when he wrestles, it is totally somewhat slobby, and is pretty repetative. Not to mention his finisher is a clothesline (which btw he doesnt even seem to use anymore.)
Once upon a time I hated The Canadian Earthquake more than just about anything. I also hated the Rock a great deal. I never smelled the cookin' I guess.
These days Miz bores me. Batista really bores me. I hate Edge but I think that's just because he's doing his job as a heel.
Triple H is stale...I can't stand him!!!!

Ok, we get it.....You are banging the bosses daughter and you are in charge!!! So what?
I hope he tears his quad for the umpteenth time and stays off camera.

Besides Flair, all of Evolution suck!!! Orton is unbearable and Batista is poop.
Right now what is driving me crazy, not a particular wrestler, but it's kind of the way they are treating the women! Let me explain. Everytime there is a womans match there is some stipulation to use them merely as sex objects, for example on Smackdown this week they were using water baloons and squirt guns for their match...? WTF? I think it has something to do with the fact that a lot of the women on the current roster arent that telented. I watched a match with Kelly Kelly and Layla not to long ago and calling it Indy Sloppy would be a compliment! Then you have the likes of Maria, Ashley, Torrie Wilson, Cherry, and Jillian weighing down the womens division! I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being attractive but it seems like the WWE is doing nothing for the WD except hiring eye candy who cant wrestle worth a damn. Just something for the guys to look at. However they do have a few talented ladies such as Beth, Melina, and Victoria. What happened to the likes of Lita, Jazz, Luna, Miss Jackie, Ivory, Trish, Gail Kim, and Tori? They kicked ass, end of story. And what about Vickie Gurrero? That bitch sure took full advantage of Eddie's death didnt she? I wonder what it's like to throw away all human decency in exchange for fame at the expense of your husbands death...? She is the worst, hands down, out of all of em male or female. And thats not up for debate!!!!!
How is Vicky a bad person? She is just providing for her kids after the death of her husband. She simply does what WWE tells her to do, she follows the storylines that the WWE created for her. Otherwise if she didn't, she wouldn't have a job with WWE, as they want competent employees who will follow their demands. I'm sure, to Vicky, if doing a Love storyline with Edge means that WWE will pay her the money to provide for her family, then she's going to do it.
I have to say the one wrestler I cant stand is Randy Orton. I would like maybe a little if he went out and wrestled for once. I am sick and tired of seeing him run out and kick people, HE IS NOT RIC FLAIR, PIPER, JERRY LAWLER, or any of the other great dirty players, at least they tried to make it look good. Eddie G... made it look good I remember him grabing a chair while the ref wasnt looking and throwing it to his opponent before the ref turned around eddie would drop to the grond like he was hit with the chair and the ref would disqulify the other guy BEUTIFUL exicution. If your going to be a heel champion at least do it right.
Definitely JBL, im not just saying that coz hes a heel because ma fave wrestler is Edge but he is just so up himself and i dunno all i can say is that i think he should stick 2 commentating
Superstars I've hated in the past, present and future: (and not cos they're doing a good job as heel, but because I really can't stand the sight of them on my TV)...

Goldberg - Well, enough has been said in this thread about him already. Although I will say I can't believe the WWE gave him the World Heavyweight Title..

Brock Lesnar - Ok ok a great athlete -BUT- I always knew he was using the WWE and it's fans. He just didn't come across as very passionate. A 3-Time WWE Champion and a HUGE spit in the face.

John Cena - What can I say that hasn't been mentioned already all over wrestlezone forum??

The Great Khali - Are you kidding me?! They gave him the World Heavyweight Title while Kane still sits on the side lines. - I still can't believe that one!!

Shawn Stasiak - What a guy..Hmmm

Hornswoggle - Never in the whole time I've been watching wrestling has there been such a waste of TV time..30 minute angles on a weekly basis revolving around this guy? What?! - Get off my TV!!

Hardcore Holly - Just flat out bores me to death, why so many talented guys have been released over the years while he's remianed employed is beyond me.
I hate how people talk about Vickie Guerrero. She's just getting involved in a storyline, and doing a damn good job of it. It in no way reflects he real personality because it's all kayfabe!
I never really liked Ultimate Warrior. I was a huge Savage fan as a kid, so when I thought Warrior "retired" Savage I was pissed! But, Warrior was a waste....5 moves max..WTF, and then everyone likes him,BS!

Now and days I really dislike HHH for some reason. I don't really know why, I just can't stand him, which is weird. Him and Batista. Batista is like Warrior. I use the bath room everytime he is on.....I was so happy when HHH lost to Orton at Mania..and I was happy when I thought Batista was going to lose to Umanga. Really only those 3.
John Cena: I understand that in today's world hes one of the easiest guys to hate for more or less doing what his character is being directed to do. However, allow me to point out even further in-depth reasons for why I hate him.

While creative is who should be hated for his undeniable onslaught in the undefeated era, and constant Main Event spot.. the fact that the guy has "one of those faces" where you just feel the need to punch him. I can't help it. He seems like the real life type of person, to just simply be a prick because he knows he has a big spot.

I don't give a shit how many people love or hate this guy. If I ever met him personally, he'd have to do a world of difference to make me NOT want to just punch him in the face to satisfy an urge I've had for well over 3 years.

Furthermore, his rapping gimmick was his own idea, NOT creatives. And it pisses me off more than anything, when people try to play off something they aren't. Did anyone else catch Wrestlemania? The guy's more f*cking pale than "I" am! If he walked into a "hood" I guarantee he'd be gunned down within a minute. Maybe ten, since everyone would want an autograph.

Undertaker: I'm sorry, Wrestlemania finally pushed me over the edge (no pun intended) with this guy. Everyone complains that his streak needs to stay intact because its one of the last remaining pure things in the W.W.E. -- news flash, NO, its not. Its just another storyline. They have a million of them throughout a year. Most don't get used, some do. Just because the guy has went undefeated for 16 matches at Wrestlemania, doesn't mean he needs to go another 4 or more, to remain perfect.

The thing that pisses me off even further about this guy, is stuff like Raw. Everyone broke character to pay tribute to Ric Flair. Except, Undertaker. Why? Because he feels people aren't smart enough to realize hes NOT f*cking immortal?! Because it'd destroy any rep. that he might have with the "deadman" gimmick.. I just have one song to refer everyone to, that single-handedly destroyed the "deadman" gimmick... "Rollin'" -- enough said.

The guy is on top of the business, and given a Championship run. Why? He barely shows up each week for television tapings. He doesn't do hardly ANY house shows. Why not give guys like Shawn Michaels a title run? A guy that goes out and actually amazes the fans with more than just a 10 minute entrance walk to the ring.
Undertaker: I'm sorry, Wrestlemania finally pushed me over the edge (no pun intended) with this guy. Everyone complains that his streak needs to stay intact because its one of the last remaining pure things in the W.W.E. -- news flash, NO, its not. Its just another storyline. They have a million of them throughout a year. Most don't get used, some do. Just because the guy has went undefeated for 16 matches at Wrestlemania, doesn't mean he needs to go another 4 or more, to remain perfect.

The thing that pisses me off even further about this guy, is stuff like Raw. Everyone broke character to pay tribute to Ric Flair. Except, Undertaker. Why? Because he feels people aren't smart enough to realize hes NOT f*cking immortal?! Because it'd destroy any rep. that he might have with the "deadman" gimmick.. I just have one song to refer everyone to, that single-handedly destroyed the "deadman" gimmick... "Rollin'" -- enough said.

The guy is on top of the business, and given a Championship run. Why? He barely shows up each week for television tapings. He doesn't do hardly ANY house shows. Why not give guys like Shawn Michaels a title run? A guy that goes out and actually amazes the fans with more than just a 10 minute entrance walk to the ring.

Oh for fuck sake are you serious?, so your pissed cause Taker didn't lose to Edge at WM, big whoopidy fucking doo, and he did pay tribute to Flair, he came out after RAW went off the air, same with Vince, it's not his fault they didn't have enough time to get him on the air, blame the people who put the show together, and yeah he's on top of the buisness, so HBK, yet you don't want Taker to be Champion and do want HBK to be, WTF!?!?, Dude seriously between this and your bitching about Morrison not winning the MITB...:disappointed:

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