What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

i think miz jimmy wang ang john morrison carlito santino adn cena but if i had to choose i would say miz he is gay i mean he runed extreme expose adn made brooke leave adn i think it is gay how john morrison and his werid entrence adn the chick magent miz are tag team champions
If I had a moments notice to rapidly premediate on an individual who brings me to the extremity of insanity and disdain, it would be the stiff, muscled-defined, good-for-nothing, 7 foot 3, piece of street garbage, The Great Khali.

Allow me to vent my frustrations here. This physical rubbish can't even run rope let alone even pull of a freggin wrestling manuever besides a chop, kick, punch, headbutt or that stupid Vice Grip but due to Mr.McMahons admiration in bulked up tall muscular men, we've been stuck with this big pile of vomit in which disgusts me, for quite some time now. Why they bother to push him when he demonstrates zero talent, I just explained the reason.

Khali is gigantic garbage and he will always be (In the ring only). Andre The Giant is better every and anyday. Khali wrestling anyone makes for a boring match. They need to rid him. He's done what they've set out for him to do. He's won the WWE Championship, the World Championship, he's been a force of nature and now... why have him linger, pitting him in competition against ones like Hornswoggle and Finlay.

Khali vs Anyone... boring. Khali on the mic... can't speak English...boring. Khali's wrestling skills, well, it's equal to none. I utterly despise the Khali character.
Cena- hate the gimmick, cant wrestle, blah blah youve probably heard it all before but mainly I hate the fact hes been givin these long dominant title reigns and goes over so many people more talented than he is.

Come on, do you think that guys get titles because they are more talented than others???? Rarely has ever worked that way. Cena gets reaction, and Vince loves it. Let's face it, 50% of the fans hate him, 50% love him, that's 100%, there is no better draw for the WWE than that my friend is how you put buts in the seats (or PPV buys). It's rare that a performer gets 100% reaction, and for Cena, he is that rarity. There is no care at whether he can out perform HBK, HHH, Taker, because he can't. All he has to do is drive reaction, and that is why he is still at the top and will stay there for WWE management.
I cannot stand The Great Khali. This guy can't wrestle at all. Hell, he can barely walk. His moveset is a complete joke. I actually stopped watching WWE the moment they put the belt on Khali.

John Cena is also really annoying. He cannot wrestle at all and long title reigns and bland matches are boring. I'll give him credit, he does have awesome mic skills but he is incredibly overrated in the ring. He is like the modern day Hulk Hogan.

I despised Triple H from 2003-2007, when he returned at SummerSlam. He was basically nothing more than a talent burier. He always had the Championship and rarely jobbed to anyone. At least he seems to be stepping down these days and letting younger talent move up the ladder. Although I don't really like Triple H, I think he is one of the best Heel characters in the industry.

And lastly, I can't stand Big Daddy V. He should put his shirt back on :p
vader simple fact the guy is a shell of his former self, the guy cant even stand on two feet anymore and still thinks that he can get a contract from the wwe, he just needs to retire before he collapses in the ring under his own weight,

the one match that made me loose respect for him was cyber sunday being coaches team my lord what crap was it they where just over glorified jobbers who should of never been in the ring with a main eventer in the first place
HBK in his case he can't let anyone to shine it seems. Look at Wrestlemania and how in the opening segment he avoided Cena's punches. And the fact that he is a backstabber (look on how he betrayed Cena).

Wait. One of the reasons you hate HBK is because he turned on Cena in a written STORYLINE in order to build necessary heat for a Wrestlemania match!?

Are you freaking serious? That's all it takes to get on your hate list? A scripted fued?
I absolutely can not stand Finlay he does nothing he does the same moves then he uses his little wooden stick while the ref isnt looking i know its his gimmick but let it go.

I also hate Matt Hardy i feel like he is the only superstar they give scripts to that they want him 2 get pitty little bitch.

most hatted is John Cena
He shouldnt go near a title for the next two years i stopped watching all wwe for atlest 4 months cos he pissed me off sooo much alls he did was 3 moves pin win yyaayaayy fkin he was good for nothing and they only people that like him r chicks nd 6 year olds wat a disgrace he should go back to a heel lyk he was on Smackdown after he started nd beat the crap out of everyone im sick of him as a good guy!!

Jeff Hardy is gay atm he comes out and doin orton wen orton has finally got his push hes has been waitin for! Jeff Hardy shouldnt b a big title contender i lyked him in those TLC matchs or jst matches wiff ladders
JBL and A-train aka Albert are the two superstars i have hated albert had the worst gimmick and JBL is a great heel character and that is hard to pull off but he is just so annoying and his ego is quiet frankly a joke, but only my opinion :)
Trever Murdoch is really dull to watch/ I love his finisher mind.
Likewise Hardcore Holly is really dull / I also love his finisher / And his hardcore matches.

I also can't stand watching The Highlanders. They are really boring.

Also Carlito has become major stale

Sniskity is one of the worst monster heels.

He was great when he was into feet but i don't think their is a place for him in mondern wrestling

Basically all the lower-card Raw people bore me to sleep.
I told myself I would avoid this thread at all costs because I have been doing mostly bitching on this site in the last few days but here we go.

Batista brings my piss to a boil. Here the two formulas for a Batista match; one, he dominates then hits a spear or spinebuster, his opponent rolls out of the ring grabs a belt/bell/chair and gets DQed, two, he dominates and wins.

The reason I finally had to come vent is that even though Edge is the best wrestler the WWE has right now, Batista dominates him week after week. He beat Edge and the Majors in a 3 on 1 match, what a way to book your World Champ. When you have someone constantly beat your World Champ in non title matches or get screwed after beating him, it tells the fans he could beat the champ anytime and makes your Champion, Edge, look unworthy. He makes nearly everyone on the roster look weak. He has done nothing that even suggests he has an ounce of charisma, yet he kills the most charismatic superstar on Smackdown.

I'm sick of seeing THE ANIMAL dominating but somehow getting screwed out of the title.
I told myself I would avoid this thread at all costs because I have been doing mostly bitching on this site in the last few days but here we go.

Batista brings my piss to a boil. Here the two formulas for a Batista match; one, he dominates then hits a spear or spinebuster, his opponent rolls out of the ring grabs a belt/bell/chair and gets DQed, two, he dominates and wins.

The reason I finally had to come vent is that even though Edge is the best wrestler the WWE has right now, Batista dominates him week after week. He beat Edge and the Majors in a 3 on 1 match, what a way to book your World Champ. When you have someone constantly beat your World Champ in non title matches or get screwed after beating him, it tells the fans he could beat the champ anytime and makes your Champion, Edge, look unworthy. He makes nearly everyone on the roster look weak. He has done nothing that even suggests he has an ounce of charisma, yet he kills the most charismatic superstar on Smackdown.

I'm sick of seeing THE ANIMAL dominating but somehow getting screwed out of the title.

I could not agree with you any more than that. Batista has barely any wrestling talent, and zero charisma on the microphone. The only reason some fans even cheer for him is because the idiots on the wwe writing team keep him winning/dominating his matches. Its udderly ridiculous.
Well, when I was still younger and wasn't really sure whether wrestling was real or not I really hated Edge and Christian. Their gimmick was just perfect, two crybabies that somehow always won.

Apart from that I don't really think I've hated any wrestler that much especially when I was a hundred percent sure that the storylines are not real, of course there have been some that I didn't like, but all in all I have respect for anyone who steps in that ring and even if some seem to get more than they deserve, that's not a reason for me to hate them.

I'm pretty similar to J.R. when it comes to that, the wrestlers are just men who want to provide for their family and it's usually not their decision if they get pushed or not, so why hate them?
Easy, the Great Khali. He has no ring talent whatsoever, can't speak English, and can't even be carried in a match unlike Batista. Batista can be carried by the Undertaker or Edge, Khali couldn't do shit. He would just stand there like a fly hit him. I hate Khali more then anyone I can think of.
Umaga because all he does is speak soman and nobody can understand him and his wrapped hand should be a weapon that is the only good part of him and he also took drugs
Man quite a few wrestlers I really hate, for instance back when I was 13 or so and when the Right to Censor were about, I hated Stevie Richards in that faction really disliked them they were so annoying and kept censoring all the decent things in wrestling, but of course I was 13 and that was all a work! Right at that moment the two wrestlers I hate the most is The Great Khali, he has no talent, no mic skills, no charisma and is dull really really dull! and second one I hate at the moment is Trevor Murdoch, seriously why is this guy in the WWE or wrestling full stop? Once again no talent, no looks, and no mic sklls! And its a disgrace they even gave him the tag champs with Lance Cade! As well as Snitzky man get rid of these before I do go insane!
I have to admit most of the guys that i hate happen to be main eventers

Edge i dont see the hype in this man hes a decent heel but he dont get me to hate them for that he gets me to hate him for making me fall asleep far earlier than planned.

Khali-no need to explain.

JBL - VERY BORING!! and to top it off his finisher is a clothesline WTF?!?

HHH his entrance first its long and boring and he could be shooting stds through the air! its not theatrical like takers. He runs wwe pretty much also.

Chavo sure hes a guerrero so wat he can STFU ya i know its scripted but is he really championship material?his uncle maybe a legend but i look at chavito like horace hogan (hulks nephew)

Cena- overhyped white boy

Jillian Hall-STFU seriously
And pretty much anyone with a pointless finisher like cody rhodes, cade,murdoch,
Umaga because all he does is speak soman and nobody can understand him and his wrapped hand should be a weapon that is the only good part of him and he also took drugs

Umaga doesn't need the mic skills to show he is a good wrestler. I know that this is going to be the reason he'll never be WWE champion or close to it, because he wouldn't be able to have a good exciting feud.

However for a man his size, he has some great in ring ability. Look at him compared to Khali, who I hate. Khali just moves around like a zombie, no skill whatsoever. He isn't good for the WWE, and I doubt he's drawing in fans. I went to see One flew over the cuckoos nest with school, and their was a man that looked just like him in it. Made me laugh how he probably had more skill than Khali.

Umaga not only uses size to his advantage, he also relies on other moves and skill rather than just his weight, which shows to me he is going to be here for a while.
the superstar i hate the most right now is the way Edge wins, i don't think i've ever seen him actually win a Title Match every time he's won it was money in the back or he'd use people or hit somebody with the title and it was a no DQ Triple Threat, what happened to him going into a match and actually winning? so its not really edge just the way he's shown right now

bottom line is i hate Edge
One that really annoys me is Santino. I actually liked him when they first brought him into WWE, but I hate this new gimmick they've got going with him. The heel turn was definitely necessary, but teaming him with Carlito just doesn't make any sense to me, let alone the fact that Maria's still with him, but she's one of the most popular Divas around.
I hated the Don Muraco character because of how he use to beat up fan favorites Jimmy Snuka and Rocky Johnson. Even if they managed to beat him back then they wouldn't win the Intercontinental Title that he had. Eventually he dropped the strap to the much more boring Tito Santana after holding off both Snuka and Rocky Johnson.

Don Muraco was the best intercontinental champion and not the Honky Tonk Man. At least that's how I see it. Muraco was a great heel that made me see red when I was a kid.

Muraco on Canadian Football / Wrestlers:

Oi.. Long list here.

John Cena: I am so SICK of seeing him win all the time. It's too predictable.

Khali: Do I seriously need to explain?

Spirit Squad: All of them. Male cheer leaders.. What a horrible gimmick.


X-Pac: If not for any other reason.. just the way he looks and talks makes my skin crawl.

Jimmy Wang Yang: ... Again.. what.. the.. heck..
Chavo Guerrero makes me want to stab my eyes everytime he appears in tv. He looks sleezy, he has next to no charisma, he leeching off his name, boring, least deserving world champion - rather have Khali as ECW champ. Hated him as a good guy, hate him now. :smashfreakB:
John Cena it is. His gimmick (rappin white boy) is total garbage. Overrated. All he does is sidewalk slam, clothesline, and the 2 finishers. And as if 5 knuckle shuffle is supposed to hurt. Most people like it!
Throwback, Release Fishermans Suplex, 5-Knuckle Shuffle, FU, STFU, Exploder Clothesline, Throwing Hands - CENA CAN DO IT ALL!!

You say overrated but the majority hate him - Overused would be a better term.

Linda McMahon and her constipated face drove me to dispare - I'd stun myself if it meant not looking at her face never...eeeeeeeeeeever...again. Where did Steph get her looks?

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