What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

RVD- yes i know i will be flamed for this. I feel like lately he has had no motivation or dedication to the industry. He hasnt really had a standout match since in like june 2006 against cena. That was almost three years ago. Also i was really hoping he would knock the living sh*$ out of holly. But he kicks so lightly its rediculous.that brings me to my next point

Holly-Not much for me to say other than hes a bully. He beats people up for no reason and thinks hes the man. The guy has NEVER had a standout match or even accomplished anything remotely good in his career. Why should anyone have to suck up to this prick?
I try to give each guy there day in court and give them the benefit of the doubt, but here's a few that fell short:

The Great Khali- he comes in, Big Show leaves, I say they let the wrong "monster" go, at least show attempted to sell! Khali looks like he's woken up in the wrong century, he constantly seemed confused.

Triple H- now don't get me wrong, I respect the guy for his in ring ability, but when I see his face I jsut get angry nowadays, not since his 2002 return (which got a louder pop than Jericho's) have I liked him. And he's getting so repetetive in the ring, high knee, facbuster, spinebuster, another spinebuster etc....

:robvandam: RVD-
I was so excited about his WWE debut, and his match at Invasion vs Jeff was awesome!!! Since then he's been so disappointing, the odd good match here, but his lack of ring psychology is so frustrating! He finally got a push and he "pulled a Hacksaw" (authours note: how Ironic that therefore Sabu pulled a sheik [Iron Sheik]?)
I really hated Shawn Michaels when he screwed Marty Jannetty over. I hated him more than anything, and I was furious that Jannetty was so rarely on TV after that. He was my absolute favorite. I was 11 at the time (1991), but I remember it as clear as crystal to this day.

I have forgiven him now though.
well the undertaker has to do it for me. i mean he is a great wrestler (at times) when he is in the odd mathc like. hell in the cell (vsing michaels, foley and the amageddon one.) he is a boring wrestler. he has dumb move sets like old school i mean come on. and the tombstone. how come that isn't banned because the pile driver is but the tombstone is just the other way around. i say put him back has the biker gimmick and make him fac mid card when he has the title (e.g. jeff hardy 2002 ladder match) they was entertaining.
I say Bobby Lashley.

Theres nothing about him at all that makes me think he is what ANYONE says he is. No charisma, hardly any in ring ability. Some people have the nerve to knock Cena, At least Cena entertains. He steps it up on big matches, But for Lashley to get even half the credit he gets is beyond me.
I have hated john cena from day one and I still hate him now, mainly over the last two years. It just wasn't right that John Cena got jericho 'fired' on RAW. I took the day off school to watch wrestlemania23 at my friends place, and i would rather go to school than seeing cena win. I hope when Cena comes back (although i dont want him to) that jericho beats the hell out of cena and re-injures him.
Though I wouldn't classify some as "hate to the point of insanity", here's a few people that I'm tired of/dislike:

The ones I don't even need to explain: Snitsky, Khali, Mark Henry.

Big Daddy V - Now, Its not that I don't like any of the big guys, and I think out of all the four (BDV and the 3 above), Nelson's the best. The thing that annoys me is the whole shirtless thing, the Star Trek v-hand thing going on, all that crap.

The Highlanders - They don't impress me in the slightest bit in any way.

Trevor Murdoch - I'm just bored with him. He's an average at best wrestler, has no personality, looks like he should be a fan instead of a performer, etc. He's holding Cade back, too.

Lillian Garcia - Ok, she doesn't count as a wrestler, but I just don't like her lol. She's a terrible announcer in my opinion. To me, she doesn't have the voice to announce (too whiny and generic) and she seems like she flubs way too often. I miss the Fink.

Lashley - I have to agree with Twiztid. He's got no personality and he doesn't impress me any better than a lot of guys who haven't had a push over him. He's IC/US level right now to me, not WWE/WHC, and I really hope when he returns that they don't try pushing him to the main event.

Deuce & Domino - I hate their gimmick, I hate their style, I hate their entrance, I hate everything pretty much lol. I could see Deuce being more impressive on his own, but he needs to drop the 50s shit.

Hornswoggle - I'm just not laughing anymore. It was funny at first but now they're trying to stretch it too far.

Major Brothers - Not impressing me yet and I'm bored with their matches. Give them time and they might get better, but right now, they're a yawn.

Drew McIntyre - I don't see him as any better than someone who should just be in OVW right now.

Nunzio - I haven't seen him win a single match, so every time he comes out, I know it has to be a loss.
i'm going to have to say big daddy v. just put the pj's back on man! I have never seen a match in his new gimmick that has lasted longer than 3 minutes even the one against cm punk and that was on a ppv. i just damn hate the guy. no wrestling skills, no charisma just big!
John Cena - While he was fueding with Randy Orton, making him a "heroe" just made wrestling even more fake than it already is!
Edge - When he was fueding with Cena (it's when I liked Cena) Edge annoyed me.
Shawn Michaels - He's odd and thinks he is the best thing ever.
The Undertaker - Seriously, he's a pile of shit now.
I'd have to say The Great Khali. He doesn't have any wrestling skills, hasn't done a good storyline sense he debuted, and he can't even do a promo because he doesn't speak english. Atleast he's not getting as much TV time anymore...
The One Whom My Hate Boils Over For Is The The Assassin Bret Hearts. He Doesn't Not Have The Passion Which Necessitates In The Industrial Of Professional Combat.

Instead He Wishes To Blame The Child Who Breaks The Hearts And The Screwdriver In Quebec Canada. It Is As If It Is Adult Male In Body Of Young Infant.
John Bradshaw Layfield.
The worst most annoying commentator i have ever heard i can not stand him he thinks hes the greatest i mean seriously WWE needa fire him
I might get major heat for this but: Rey Mysterio.
I've had a passion against this man since... hmm.. I guess since he joined SmackDown. I can't stand his voice, lol.
I can't even watch a match with him with him in it. The way he talks just irritates me, it makes me cringe and my teeth start grinding together. Rey Mysterio just needs to be silent; a silent, little, lucha libre guy.
Just the thought of his voice irritates me.
He just sounds like he's whining through his nose.. ugh...
I probably answered this way back in the thread, but if I have to pick one person I would have to pick "big daddy v." This guy has had ridiculous gimmick changes and no ability whatesoever. If i see him on tv I will change the channel immediately. Theres just nothing interesting about him at all, and he also happens to make me sick to my stomach with the way he looks. It's just boring and disgusting.
John Cena. I've said this soo many times...
His matches are boring. They are ALL the same! There's only so many times you can watch something without getting bored of it.
He didn't deserve the WWE title. Which annoyed me about him even more. Women fancied him. Children laughed at him. Therefore a bigger WWE fan base, therefore more money.
John Cena - While he was fueding with Randy Orton, making him a "heroe" just made wrestling even more fake than it already is!
Edge - When he was fueding with Cena (it's when I liked Cena) Edge annoyed me.
Shawn Michaels - He's odd and thinks he is the best thing ever.
The Undertaker - Seriously, he's a pile of shit now.

Haha, ah I get it
Are you a WWE 'fan' because of the fact you fancy Orton and fellow wrestlers?
I mean, you liked Cena, until he fueded with Orton. You most likely liked Edge until the feud with Cena. You're one of the people the WWE love lol.

Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker are probably 2 of the best wrestlers ever to set foot in that ring. Look at their accomplishments. Undertaker - 15-0 at Wm I believe currently. Shawn Michaels - Grand Slam champion. I could go on forever with the 2. Also they still have more energy and passion then most of the newer wrestlers.

You dont seem to judge them on their wrestling skill. Maybe looks? Or the fact they have beaten someone you fancy?
I absolutely hate Randy Orton, I hate him professionally and personally, I hate his gimmick, he looks like a ****** whenever he does his gay little pose, he has no respect for this business, and hes just a prick. Also i hate him for going through with the Eddie Guerrero lowrider angle after Eddie died Eddie=My Favortie Wrestler, i thought it was tasteless, and Vince or Steph. or whoever shouldnt have forced it upon him and Taker. Personally, I hate him b/c one time my friends and I were at a house show in Reno, it was after the show, I had bought a Jeff Hardy t-shirt, and a Cena shirt for my sister, i was wearing my Jeff shirt, and i car honks at me, i look over, its an SUV, the window rolls down, and its Orton and hes flipping me and my friends off as he drives away, another time in Reno, we saw him driving away again, this time though, he was stuck at a red light, and he got mad and ran into the car in front of him, my friend Timmy went up to his car and flipped him off, Randy threw a drink at us, so i have some personal problems with Orton lol
John Cena-never really liked his matches or his gimicks.
Hornswoggle-just plain dumb,cmon vince what do you think we are 12!?
Hogan and shawn michales-for never wanting to put anyone over, they need to stop living in the past and let some new talent come to life.
Big Show-there is nothing good about him
Bid Daddy V-need i say more?
- I hate people who complain about cena im not a fan of his but the mans just doing his job

-triple h he cant ever be to far away from the title picture selfish prick. Also when he was heel he'd get clean victorys over top faces

-HBK i hate him cause of the montreal incident and how he lost his smile :)
hogan. i'm sorry if some people view that as irreverent to a legend... but really, it's the same thing every time. ass kicked... hulk up, punch, whip, boot, leg drop. that's all he can do and it bores me mindless. flair to a lesser extent for the same reason lately.

all i ask is for some good technical, skilled wrestling. think it's a bit unfair to give cena such a hard time. yeah he's not a great wrestler, but at least he's willing to step it up a gear and take the bumps and losses when needed and hasnt the ego some others have
most of the useless talent that is still employed by the wwe, but to name a few:

Snitsky-I don't care how much vince likes him....he is horrific. No skills in acting or wrestling and has yet to get over with the fans. There will only be one kane and that man is kane.

The Not so great Khali- really if this guy could even attempt to move when he wrestles i would like him because he would be like an mid east andre. But this guy CAN'T move and it makes the people he is wrestling look awful because they have to slow down by half to just put on a show.
i tend to hate triple h he is nothing more than a selfish prick

How the fuck is Triple H a selfish prick?, is he not currently putting over Jeff Hardy?, Trips is not selfish, he puts people over and does what Vince tells him, I'm so sick of everybody hating on Triple H and not having a good reason for it, other than he's married to Steph, and is successful, Trips dominates because he is just that damn good, hell the guy was successful before he got married to Steph, he goes out and preforms better than most current superstars and has been with the company long enough and paid his dues, that now he has the power backstage to make things happen for himself and others, he is not a selfish prick, if he were than wouldn't he not be Champion right now?, would not have beaten Cena at WM 22?, and would he not be keeping guys like Hardy from ever getting a chance at the spotlight?, hell if he was selfish he would have just completely dominated Umaga in their feud, but he's not selfish and he let Umaga wrestle and dominate most of those matches, what the fuck do you all want?, for him to come back and just start jobbing to everyone he gets in the ring with?, does that not sound completely ******ed?
One of the superstars who I despise is Big Daddy V. He is not only the Colossus of Cellulite, but his gimmick also sucks! I don't even think he has physically spoken on a microphone since his gimmick became what it is. I liked him better as the World's Largest Love Machine. Then he was at least speaking instead of physically dominating everyone. All he does is walk to the ring with all of his sides reverberating like waves. Big whoop! Get rid of this stupid gimmick, it's not impressing anyone, and it is damn sure not grabbing ratings!
Super Crazy - Because when I watch his matches I feel like I'm being given a lobotomy. I know in my mind that he is one of the most talented lucha's to be successful in north america yet my eyes tell me HE'S A BIG LOAD OF SHIT!


The Great Khali - I really don't have to explain myself here but it makes wrestling like an attraction, a real circus sideshow. Maybe if Khali had some athleticsm and could bust a drop kick or something like that it'd be fine. But no nothing, just lethargy...and they give him the title!? Crazy. At least Kane moves around and performs a move off of the top rope.

The Miz - This guy being push just heavily reitterates the inconsequential nature of the new and improved, ECW. If the Miz has three ho's than I should've been a Sultan in Saudi Arabia. He doesn't seem to be improving to me all that much and his pace and timing suggest to me that he doesn't really respect wrestling more than the fame attributed to it.

Kennedy - Because he's become a Raw jobber when he should be heavyweight champion on smackdown. And they were going to have Booker T on Raw too? Wow he was right to leave.

Hornswoggle - Yeah I know that WWE is for kids and to push merchandise but I feel like this is a grand MacMahon mushroom slap in the face to anyone over 13 still watching his product. Like when family channel big ups its back to school shopping or some shit. Just feels wrong now. Like beating the sun in a turtle pool.
its a tye for me between EDGE and the KING BOOKER character i know wrestling is scripted and all that and its pure entertainment but i seriously was at some points where i wanted to put my foot through the TV at some of the king bookah sketches :cuss2:

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