What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

Currently i would have to say that i've been hating Cena a lot.. i mean he's been having good matches.. but he wins over and over again.. i mean isn't three wwe title reigns enough?! His mic skills are horribly repetitive and he made that shitty spinner belt that he has been using for like almost 3 years now. He's been the number one man in Vince's book... i mean come on!

Next i would say that Flair has been a person who has really been pissing me off. I respect the man.. but he's a waste of the roster space and he cant do n/ething now. If they don't force him to retire, he's (God forbid) die in the ring. He's old and shouldn't be in the ring at his age.. it's just soo annoying to watch him in the ring doing the same shit. Such as, chop, chop, rake to the eye, grab balls, and fall to the ground.

Next i think i would have to say Triple H, he gets his way and has his big nose so far up Vince's ass and can get a wwe/world/whatever title reign he wants. He's just an asshole plain and simple.

Next i would have to say Shawn Michaels, for being friends with Triple H, he gets whatever he wants, main events and everything... i don't mind him though. he's good in the ring and is pretty funny.
I have always absolutely hated Rey Mysterio. First off, watching him fly around the ring against guys twice his size while they pretend to be stunned is rediculous and totally unbelievable. And second, the 619 move is probably the most idiotic move in history! We are supposed to believe that his giant, powerful opponents are so stunned and weakened that they lay helplessly on the ropes unable to move while Mysterio runs across the ring to flip through the ropes! Give me a break! ANY Mysterio match is a total waste of time. I was really annoyed to see him return.
Second, I HATE the Boogieman for obvious reasons. A stupid, idiotic character. Whoever created this moron should not have a job at WWE.
Before I get started, I just want to say I don't really "hate" the superstars that I'm going to mention, just strongly dislike.

Snitsky- I swear he is the most boring, unoriginial, disgusting wrestler that I have ever seen in the WWE. You know that his matches are never really going to go any where, and neither will his career, not as long as he stays in the current gimmick anyways. At least before he was funny. The dude actually dyes his teeth yellow- who does that? Just because you're a "Monster" v.2000 doesn't mean you can't have good hygiene!!! Not to mention the ACNE! It's everywhere! Proactive, please help!

Ashley- The girl cannot wrestle, plain and simple. She hasn't improve all that much from when she first started in 2005, and I know she never will. Ashley just isn't cut out for wrestling in my opinian, and she grates on my nerves everytime I see her on TV. Thank god Survivor took her away from us for a few months. Let's hope they keep her! :p

Flames Out
JBL. I have no problem with him being a announcer but as a in ring performer and a person, I really cannot stand the man. He actually acts the same way his character is portrayed on TV. He is an elitist, ultra-conservative bigot. Remember when he was in Germany and walked around like he was a Nazi! Not only was that illegal in Germany but just so wrong in many other ways. His in ring style was so terrible to watch. All of these power moves but he was so slow that it seemed the match would go on forever. Though the guy is a great heel, he is just a bad in-ring guy and I'm so happy that he retired.
Ashley- The girl cannot wrestle, plain and simple. She hasn't improve all that much from when she first started in 2005, and I know she never will. Ashley just isn't cut out for wrestling in my opinian, and she grates on my nerves everytime I see her on TV. Thank god Survivor took her away from us for a few months. Let's hope they keep her! :p

Flames Out

I know what you mean, and it was a waste to have her fight Melina at WrestleMania 23. The match was only 3 minutes long, and there was no real fighting. Melina was my favorite women's champion, and I wanted to see her fight someone with skill there, like Victoria. Her match at Backlash with Mickie James was better than at WrestleMania, it really was.
HE WON HIS MATCH AT WM! How can you use that match as an example on how he doesn't let anyone shine. And how he betrayed Cena, that's part of the storyline!

And how you used HHH, i think his last 2 reigns, he was a Heel, and you didn't like him then. Now he is a face, and you say you like him. By that post alone i can conduct you are about 10 years old? Maybe younger?

Look, Cena won, but it should have been even from the very beginning. And of course it was part of the storyline! But if your tag team partner stabbed you in the back, don't you think you would reply in kind? I would.

As for looking at HHH two reigns or so ago, so what? Are you telling me that Big Show, Kane and Goldberg should play second fiddle for HHH?
HHH. Its not the fact that he sometimes just mails in his matches. Or any of the backstage politics. Or the squashing of promising careers (people talk about that a lot but I"ll admit I either haven't noticed it or haven't been watching WWE this time around long enough to have seen it happen). It's none of that......it's the damn stupid horrible, makes-me-want-to-rip-my-ears-off joke promos. If I hear him make one more "Vince loves Cock" joke, I don't know what I'll do. It really is, as the name of this thread says, to the point of driving me insane. I'm scared that I'm gonna watch a HHH promo and then be stuck forever with a dumb smile on my face and drool coming out the side of my mouth.
I have to chime in on this one and I haven't read all the pages of the thread so forgive me if I repeat something that's already been said but I really hate Matt Striker. I know heels are supposed to bother you but this guy really pisses me off. Very limited wrestler imo and the I'm your teacher ploy while I know is the whole reason he got a job is well f'n annoying and boring. I used to hate HHH but as of the last couple years I've become a lot more of a fan, and yes I guess that makes me a DX mark but at least the jokes are better than alot of the shit Vince has shoveled down our throats over the last few years.
For me Zach Gowen ranked pretty damn high. In fact thinking about it he is probably my most hated superstar in WWE history. For the short time he was in the WWE I just couldn't stand him. I couldn't buy into the story of him. Sorry but just because he was handicapped didn't make me want to root for the guy and the fact they began putting him over guys like Big Show... well, as unreal as it was in the first place that he was a one legged wrestler they go and have a one legged wrestler beat a guy that's 7 foot tall. It just wasn't happening for me that whole storyline.

It was a shame really because IMO, 2003 was Smackdown's year. Smackdown was far superior to RAW that year but the Zach Gowen/Mr America storyline being the lowest points of a pretty solid year.
You guys seriously have issues...

If you stopped dissecting every little thing that happens in a wrestling ring maybe you could sit back and enjoy it. I find it hilarious to see that people who LOVED Cena when he was a heel can turn on him like nothing. Or the fact that Kennedy was the person brought up in the second post of this thread, but now everyone is a huge mark. How bout Triple H? When he was champ for the better part of 2 years all anyone could do was whine and cry about how he played backstage games to be the champ and now everyone praises him to the end.

You’ve all really forgot what it’s like to be a fan and that saddens me to no end. I’ve been watching WWE since I was 6 and I’m now 25. I understand some times are better then others, but I LOVE wrestling. If I see someone I think sucks, I understand they are there for a reason. I’m not going to sit online and cry about how much they suck. I’m going to sit in front of my television and cheer against them. THAT’S WRESTLING!! Try to get used to it guys, it’s not going to change for you.

Ok, i know this is was posted awhile ago, but I just gotta point something out... About people turning on Cena, I never liked John Cena, ever. Ok maybe he had some okay mic skills back then, but he still couldn't wrestler. No matter what, wheather he goes back to rapping or even the prototype, I will never, ever like John Cena. He is just to boring for me, and to sloppy in the ring, and he just can't wrestle. And we don't have to sit infront of the televiosn and watch Cena and praise him just because Vince wants us too.. I'm mean seriously, John "Overated" Cena is the reason I don't even watch WWE... but I'll go back to watching once Randy Orton wins the title.​
Cena, I Hate Cena. It has been a long time sinbce i have seen one of his matches, because i can not stand to see him win, for mw ppv end when I hear his horrible entrance music.
Khali, i wish he would just die already. He can't put on a good match with anyone. He can barely walk. His wrestling skill sucks and cannot sell moves. Don't know what the wwe sees in him exception that he is tall. Should never have come close to the WHC.
I'm gonna have to say Randy Orton. I cannot stand him. He looks like crap in the ring, his mic skills suck to say the least, and then you have his backstage antics. He harasses a diva, violates the wellness policy, trashes a hotel room overseas, and they seem to think it's okay to keep him, even though if it were another superstar in that situation they'd be fired. My question is what does Cowboy Bob have on Vince to make him keep his son around?

And what's this about the Undertaker showing up once a month? You must watch once a month if you think like that, and if you even try to use the past few months against him, you must not know very much at all, because he's been out with a torn bicep.
There's a couple

Hulk Hogan- I never ever liked him. I never understood the hype around him. he's not that good of a wrestler and he always seemed like a jerk to me. I read his book and he took credit for so much in wrestling, like entrance music and selling t-shirts and making wrestling more of a show. He is the Gene Simmons of the wrestling world. Randy Savage said on a radio interview a couple years ago he tried to get Hulk to wrestle a charity event and Hulk wanted too much money to do it.

Ric Flair-Again he was never that great. Then when I met him he was being rude to people and not very talkative. I really don't like him as a person.

I don't like the Mordecai/Kevin Thorn gimmick, he needs to try something else. It just seems like an Undertaker rip off.
Hogan- horrible moves, slow and tired down. Glad the wwe didnt bring him back, just awful now. He was awful in his prime, now he's pathetic. How old is he? 59? I hope we dont see him tear something sid-style he's so old and brittle now.

Cena- ahh cena, now this guy i cant stand. I cant stand to see him win time after time, ppv after ppv, wrestlemania after wrestlemania. Its just frustrating to see. His 3 style move set, his tired gimmick, his wannabe marine. I really dont see what anyone likes in this guy. He got over with the word life character which was ok. But now, why? how? i dont see it.
Carlito. For some reason as soon as his annoying music hits I want to cringe. I have never gotten into this guy. To me he has an annoying gimmick, an annoying hair-cut, and just an annoying presence. Why he hasn't been shit-canned is beyond me.

I may get flamed for this..but his in-ring work isn't that good either.
Uh lets see there's Cena, Spirit Squad I couldn't stand, the Miz (he should be called the Misses cause he's a fookin girl) I hate Triple H when he has the belt forever, I'm tired of Batista (way to push people for being big) Michael Cole cant stand his ass either that guy is just captain obvious every show(yes I know he's not a superstar). I know there's gotta be more people I cant stand I just cant think of them right now. Oh Vince Mcmahon when he's in his my sh*t dont stank character and that "you're fired" crap hope that bastard loses his voice. Oh and Matt Hardy when he whined about Edge porkin Lita like get over it ffs sh*t happens.
This is thread for me. I hate both the Hardys so much it makes me sick. Honestly, unless they are killing themselves in a ladder match or TLC or whatever, i couldn't care less about them. Now that they are both getting a huge push it makes me go nuts. Come on. HHH, Kane, Batista, or whatever other heavyweight maineventer wouldn't take 5 minutes to embarrass these two. I hate them so much that I will sucker punch either one if I ever get the chance.
I cant stand Mark Henry. This guy has been around forever and still sux. His matches are boring. He's injured a ton of people, and never deserves the push he gets. He is a big guy so we all know that Vince prob loves him but he sucks. He's highly immobile, and lacks any kind of personality
Several people come to mind in this thread:

1) For starters, how about all the divas? I mean, I know the WWE is trying to bring some sex appeal so they can get more men to watch the program but out of all the divas, there are only two or three that actually look good. Also, what about their gimmicks? They are boring and stale and it is almost at the point where I stop watching the WWE for 10 minutes because of their matches. I don't get why they continue to do the diva searches, what is the point? Don't they think that they have enough divas that the fans seem to get tired of? Point being is, I think the WWE needs to put a end to the diva crap and continue using them for ring managers.

2) The Great Khali.. Why the hell did they give him a main event spot, let alone the world title? He is a mid-carder at best but come on, for someone whose gimmick is to have someone speak for him because he "cannot speak english" should not be a main eventer. So he is 7 foot tall, big freakin' deal! Let him be with the mid-carders where he belongs

3) Umega.. Another guy who I feel should be a mid-carder but yet gets put up there with the big boys.. No wonder WWE does so poorly in ratings...

4) Finally, John Cena... I would put him and Batista in the same boat. Personally, I feel the only reason both has become so successful was because of Brock Lesnar's success. Think about this before singling me out, Lesnar's WWE career started in OVW, as soon as he got the call to the WWE, WWE wanted to see how far to take his gimmick. Then came an array of stars from OVW and followed the same success. Personally, John Cena has the mic presence but his in-ring ability is what makes me pissed that WWE has him in the main-event status. On top of that, his title reign was prolonged and fans were getting really uptight over this. Point being, if Cena comes back and wins the title before HHH, Jericho, or some other big name face who hasn't had a chance then I will stop watching WWE.
4) Finally, John Cena... I would put him and Batista in the same boat. Personally, I feel the only reason both has become so successful was because of Brock Lesnar's success. Think about this before singling me out, Lesnar's WWE career started in OVW, as soon as he got the call to the WWE, WWE wanted to see how far to take his gimmick. Then came an array of stars from OVW and followed the same success. Personally, John Cena has the mic presence but his in-ring ability is what makes me pissed that WWE has him in the main-event status. On top of that, his title reign was prolonged and fans were getting really uptight over this. Point being, if Cena comes back and wins the title before HHH, Jericho, or some other big name face who hasn't had a chance then I will stop watching WWE.

Couldnt agree more

however rey mysterio is fast coming up on hating to the insane level, for one i havent forgiven wwe for his 'do it for eddie' push he had going a while ago just because first of all its completely disrepectful to the memory of gurerro and not only that bt we know should guerrero have still been alive that rey would still be up against the 'high flyers' of the cruiserweight division. another thing though is how much they try and push rey as 'the most talented high flyer in sports entertainment today', so being able to do a springboard and a tiger feint kick makes you the most amazing high flyer, jesus that must mean any lower card indy guy is god in comparison to mysterio, seriously i cannot stand how much they push him, the most athletic thing ive seen him do so far is hit a moonsault, zach gowen could hit a moonsault on one leg, hell vader can hit a moonsault
however rey mysterio is fast coming up on hating to the insane level, for one i havent forgiven wwe for his 'do it for eddie' push he had going a while ago just because first of all its completely disrepectful to the memory of gurerro and not only that bt we know should guerrero have still been alive that rey would still be up against the 'high flyers' of the cruiserweight division. another thing though is how much they try and push rey as 'the most talented high flyer in sports entertainment today', so being able to do a springboard and a tiger feint kick makes you the most amazing high flyer, jesus that must mean any lower card indy guy is god in comparison to mysterio, seriously i cannot stand how much they push him, the most athletic thing ive seen him do so far is hit a moonsault, zach gowen could hit a moonsault on one leg, hell vader can hit a moonsault

I could not disagree more. Rey Mysterio is a GREAT athlete, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with his 'For Eddie' gimmick. He and Eddie were close, and it cannot be disrespectful for that reason. If it truly were disrespectful, Rey would not have participated in it, in my opinion. I love Rey-Rey! He is an amazing athlete, and there is almost nobody better athletically.
In my opinion, he is one of the most passionate men in the industry today!
Not to mention, he is a huge draw for the company. Especially for the kids and the Latino/Hispanic demographics, which brings in a lot of money/ratings.
I really hate Batista I hated him from the start and I hate him now. when he first debuet in the WWE on monday night RAW he really annoyed me but I dont know why, Until I decided he resembled a "weiner" (hey I was young)
then as i grew older and saw him wrestle some more I really thought to myself "this guy is plain shit" his matches really suck unless he has a good opponent then there not bad eg, Triple H, Undertaker, Edge ect. but other wise he is crap. Also his backdtage attitude apparently is horrible he has know respect for his fellow Superstars and the only reason he is pushed is because he's friends with Triple H. so now I have a new name for Batista I like to call him "the Local Joke"
I could not disagree more. Rey Mysterio is a GREAT athlete, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with his 'For Eddie' gimmick. He and Eddie were close, and it cannot be disrespectful for that reason. If it truly were disrespectful, Rey would not have participated in it, in my opinion. I love Rey-Rey! He is an amazing athlete, and there is almost nobody better athletically.
In my opinion, he is one of the most passionate men in the industry today!
Not to mention, he is a huge draw for the company. Especially for the kids and the Latino/Hispanic demographics, which brings in a lot of money/ratings.

no there was nothing wrong with the 'for eddie' push to start with, but when he did it after every little match, it gets repetitive and it gets to the point where they are using it as an opportunity to make money of a dead mans name, which is a complete lack of respect,

and i dont think hes a great as an athlete as hes made out to be, i mean seriously so he can do a tiger feint kick and a springboard, anyone whos seen an indy match or some spot fest, hell even a jack evans match, will know at the end of the day its not that impressive, even in his prime days in wcw thats all mysterio could do, look at say aj styles (not meant as a jab that tna is better than wwe but jsut as an example of a high flyer) but he can do a springboard 450, i dont think ive ever seen mysterio do anything more than a senton to the outside, but whatever you think, im just not prepared to buy into the wwe's over selling of someones ability. look at rey mysterio the apparently 'most amazing athlete in wrestling today' then look at john morrison, i dont see rey mysterio doing a split legged corkscrew moonsault or a standing SSP,

that and the kids mark out for him, i cant stand it, honestly it drives me insane, there on par with the cena fans for annoyance levels.
I liked him at first when he was a heel, and even when he turned face on SD. Then when he was the U.S champ and had squash match after squash match, I was a little effy. Then when he beat JBL I was suprised and was ok with him again, right up until the point where went to Raw. I was happy to see him on Raw, but the second he started fueding with The Instant Classic and beat him, it went down hill. The he beats Jericho, I start getting pissed. Then he continually beats Angle, and HBK, I get really pissed. Then he beats Edge, ending his 3 week title ran, and i'm just fed up. And I just hated him ever since. Boy im happy he's out.

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