What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

1. HHH- Can't stand the guy. You have young Hunter Hearst Helmsley a slim, trim, talented mid carder with a decent gimmick. Then, he starts sleeping with the bosse's daughter and all of a sudden he's Triple H, the bulky, dominating, 12 time world champion.

2. Jeff Hardy- All Jeff has is his "risk taking" which is basically always a Swanton from a high place. He already has two strikes against him with one more getting him fired, and he still gets a bigger push than his brother who, in my opinion, has much more talent.

3. Hulk Hogan- has become the Brittney Spears of pro wrestling with one fucked up family. Plus it seems like he was an arrogant sob who wouldn't put anyone else over.
As a kid HBK and hulk hogan and Undertaker.....I know I know I am A hit man fan so you can see how now right, I like the all now well not so much Hogan only dew to the show on Vh1 i like him.....lol I respect him and thank him for all he has done but in the ring he sucks big time.

But there are to that top the list more then any one and it is Jeff Hardy and Bill Goldberg I heat them so much.
Never really been sure why, but in 2002, i hated the sight of Jim Ross. He became the most annoying face and voice in the world to me for about two months or so. It was like he was everywhere you looked. At the height of this, he guest hosted Excess one night and replaced Trish, which might've had something to do with it. That was the closest I've ever come to taking a break from wrestling. I'm fine with him now, but back then, I absolutely hated the sight of him.
This is easy. Midway through 2005 to 2007 i almost destroyed my TV several times whenever John Cena retained the WWE Title. I HATE HIM!!! How can WWE push such a queer, no talen piece of garbage like Cena for as long as they have. Everytime he lost the title I literally held a celebration, only for him to always get it back after 2 months, where I would have to be held back from throwing something into the TV. I know he will eventually get the title again, but if he holds it for more than 4 to 6 months I'm done watching whatever show he's on until he loses it for good or dies.

It's funny you never destroyed your TV set when a no talent piece of garbage named Shawn Michaels once again became the champion, I think, back in 2003 at Survivor Series.

The only wrestling moves the man can perform is an Inverted Atomic Drop and a Sweet Chin Music.

While John Cena is definitely not a talent showcase, but he is at least better than HBK. He may not have too many wrestling moves in his arsenal but whatever he has got, he does look like pinning his opponent with those moves.

I still don't get how RVD doesn't get a pinfall with his Super Kick but Shawn Michaels always does. It's like Cody Rhodes getting a pinfall with his DDT.
If you want to see someone with no talent then just watch a Chuck Polumbo match. You can't pay me to watch one of his horrible matches. He has no wrestling skill, no mic ability, and the only reaction he gets from the crowd is a "boring" chant.
It's funny you never destroyed your TV set when a no talent piece of garbage named Shawn Michaels once again became the champion, I think, back in 2003 at Survivor Series.

The only wrestling moves the man can perform is an Inverted Atomic Drop and a Sweet Chin Music.

While John Cena is definitely not a talent showcase, but he is at least better than HBK. He may not have too many wrestling moves in his arsenal but whatever he has got, he does look like pinning his opponent with those moves.

I still don't get how RVD doesn't get a pinfall with his Super Kick but Shawn Michaels always does. It's like Cody Rhodes getting a pinfall with his DDT.

Are you serious? Do you even watch wrestling. Shawn is the one of if not the best damn wrestler in the world. The list of people he has carried to great matches is nothing of extrordinary. People like Diesel,Razor, Sycho Sid, Randy Orton, Vince Mcmahon, John Cena, hell he was even able to carry Khali to a decent match on Raw. RVD got a chance and couldn't put the pipe down.
Are you serious? Do you even watch wrestling. Shawn is the one of if not the best damn wrestler in the world. The list of people he has carried to great matches is nothing of extrordinary. People like Diesel,Razor, Sycho Sid, Randy Orton, Vince Mcmahon, John Cena, hell he was even able to carry Khali to a decent match on Raw. RVD got a chance and couldn't put the pipe down.

Now that I've seen your Signature, maybe I wouldn't like to be serious. But I would still appreciate if someone could answer a post I made in another thread. Here it is...

I think Shawn Michaels need it (Submission Finisher) most of all as he is bad wrestler otherwise. All he knows is how to deliver a Chin Kick and a good for nothing Inverted Atomic Drop. The rest of the match, he absolutely bore people with his headlocks and sleepers.

And paleeeeese... if you wish to response to this post, try to post a more technical answer than a personal answer.
I think smackdown27 is half right. Michaels doesn't have many moves, but the moves that he does do are very well done. He is from the 80's remember- and in those days; that's all wrestling was (holds and basic moves). He is still the best performer of all time. He can get the crowd to go crazy from a bearhug if he wanted to. Look at it this way HBK = Undertaker. Undertaker does the exact same thing every single match yet everyone cheers him and complements his wrestling ability.
Okay, well. In response to the above post... Shawn has been around since what, 1984? How long has Cena been around? As a veteran, Shawn is getting older and of course can't do what all he used to back in the day of the green HBK. Cena is quite a bit younger and still has all that vitality.

A lot of Shawn's appeal comes from his character and ability to deliver promos and matches when it matters. His respect comes from his laundry list of accomplishments over the years.

I want to see Cena FU Big Show when he's Shawn's age. Then I can laugh as he pops both hips out of place and his spine breaks.

Cena doesn't deliver promos nearly as well, if you ask me. It's either A) him trying desperately to be funny, or B) he gets all angry and screams at the camera. Top notch stuff there.

I will admit though, that lately, Cena hasn't been getting on my nerves nearly as much. I think it's the fact that he's strapless and not in every damn main event.

Okay. Wrestler I hate to point of insanity... I have a few, and I'll break them into a few categories:

Build: Umaga. Please, dear god, He needs to lose weight. I think 200 pounds of it is his ass.

Promos: La Familia. I'm not a fan of ANY of them (except Edge, who really needs to lose LF), and I do have to say I hate Chavo. Also: Mark Henry, Snitsky, Umaga (I hear he's taking English classes now), and Cena. Also, Triple H can deliver good ones, but often doesn't in my opinion.

In-ring work: Hornswoggle (for obvious reasons, such as the water gun filled with acid). Mark Henry, Snitsky, Santino (he's amusing, but predictable in a match), and JBL (at least now).
Superstars that I hate.....Well the usuals, Kahli, Big Daddy V, Mark Henry,
They all waste so much time doing horrible promos, and then even when they wrestle its horrible.
I hate when they give these giant guys a push, even koslov is already old before he even did anything...

Definatly Hornswoggle, Ive went as far as saying I hope he gets injured, soo many times

I dont like the boogeyman either, I dont even remember a single match with him
Khali and HBK. Khali is because he is so impossible to defeat, supposedly, and has probably less moves then Cena. Give him some moves, English lessons, and maybe we can see a better wrestler.

HBK is my most hated. Why? The stupidest story lines and how unreal (yes that is an odd thing to say) they are. When he and Cena were tag team partners he superkicks him on the Raw before Wrestlemania and nothing happens. Then he betrays him again. Why is it that he can betray someone and not be considered a heel? Or the fact that the person does not go mad and hunt him down. And yet he does it again. Sigh.
Shawn Michaels isn't considered a heel there, because the fans love him anyway. If the fans boo'd him out of the building, then his heel turn would have worked. Instead, he was cheered and Czena was boo'd. But, of course WWE decided the strap needed to stay on Cena instead of the fan-favorite, HBK. *Sniff* And back at Summerslam.. 05 I think.. He faced off against Hogan after turning on him. There is no argument that the casual audience adores Hogan above all else, though I despise him.. (Besides the point, but I do!) Yet, even though HBK superkicked Hogan's brains out, he wasn't fully heel. WWE tried, but he still got cheers.. Albeit, a lot less than Hogan, but still. Once Hogan was gone, it was back to cheering for the Showstopper. Earlier this year, Vince thought Jericho and Batista were over enough with the fans to turn Mr. Wrestlemania heel. WRONG!

Now, onto my most hated superstar. As much as I want to say Hogan, I am going to go with Vince's son-in-law, Triple H. The reason being, he hogs the main event scene. He is in every Main Event, Every title match.. And he doesn't get this on talent, he gets this on backstage politicing. He has become boring, stale, predictable.. Though, he is over with the crowd, I personally don't want to watch him do the same thing every night he has been doing the past eight years. Were he to take a step away from the main event scene for a year.. Maybe two.. We would see the rise of MVP, Umaga, Kennedy, Y2J, Jeff Hardy... Wouldn't that be lovely? =] So, Trips, I hate you.
It's funny you never destroyed your TV set when a no talent piece of garbage named Shawn Michaels once again became the champion, I think, back in 2003 at Survivor Series.

The only wrestling moves the man can perform is an Inverted Atomic Drop and a Sweet Chin Music.

While John Cena is definitely not a talent showcase, but he is at least better than HBK. He may not have too many wrestling moves in his arsenal but whatever he has got, he does look like pinning his opponent with those moves.

I still don't get how RVD doesn't get a pinfall with his Super Kick but Shawn Michaels always does. It's like Cody Rhodes getting a pinfall with his DDT.

Wow. My drop just fell open there for a little while. Hoe long have you watched wrestling? And why for some reason do I think it's been about 2 minutes?

Did you just say Shawn can only do 2 moves? Have you NEVER watched one of his matches? Go on. I'm begging you to find me one match they're the only 2 moves he's used.

FURTHERMORE, what does the amount of moves a wrestler use matter? I have heard the same argument from blind Cena haters time and time again. It's not the moves they use, it's how they sell them to the audience. How they tell a story in the ring. How they entertain the audience and therefore sell out arenas.

I'm dying to hear your response to this. It's the biggest blind hate fest I have ever seen.
Wow. My drop just fell open there for a little while. Hoe long have you watched wrestling? And why for some reason do I think it's been about 2 minutes?

Did you just say Shawn can only do 2 moves? Have you NEVER watched one of his matches? Go on. I'm begging you to find me one match they're the only 2 moves he's used.

FURTHERMORE, what does the amount of moves a wrestler use matter? I have heard the same argument from blind Cena haters time and time again. It's not the moves they use, it's how they sell them to the audience. How they tell a story in the ring. How they entertain the audience and therefore sell out arenas.

I'm dying to hear your response to this. It's the biggest blind hate fest I have ever seen.

That's about what I would have said. Except, I would have been harder on Cena.

But, seriously. I was ELATED when HBK won that gold back in 2003.. Of course, he dropped it in a month.. I believe I cried.

Shawn is the best in ring worker in the business, right now.. Possbibly ever.. The other names you can argue are Hart and Flair.. How can you argue that? I dare you to watch his match with Jericho at WM 19.. I dare you to watch his match with Angle at WM 21.. I dare you to watch his match with Hart at WM 13.. 13, right? I think so. Anyway, HBK knows many, many more moves than two. Trust me.
Colin Delaney. The guy is completely unrealistic to win a match at his size. It's not even a good gimmick. Plus, with his stupid lisp, he is annoying on the microphone. Everytime he is on TV, I find it more annoying than Hornswoggle's water gun tricks. He does not deserve TV time, and has no talent whatsoever, nor do I believe he has the potential to get better.
My pick is funny cause he also my favorite wrestler ever its Hogan(WCW-NWO days) I swear I wanted Hogan dead for turning heel and if I could have I probaly would have killed him. Right now its Edge personally I don't see him as world champion material IMO I mean they build his up alot from the 4 years I stop watching 2002-July 06. It killed me to see him get the belt at One Night Stand from the Undertaker until I realized Taker was hurt and I could have did backflips when Punk cashed in Money In the Bank of him.
Ok let me Start off by saying this i had pictures of my favorite wrestlers on my wall from wwe.com from there profile i printed out everything all there information and there picture and i think i had John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Triple H and etc etc (can't remember the other)

but anyways i remember watching RAW one day right after SummerSlam 2004 when Randy Orton won the World HeavyWeight Championship and he beat the former World Champion (i know who the former world champion was) on RAW the following night and then Triple H came out and started celebrating with Randy Orton Batista had him on his shoulders Ric Flair was over there Jumping around clapping and then Triple H was giving Thumbs up and then Down and Batista Dropped Randy Orton on his ass and Triple H and the Rest of Evolution i guess you can say dismembered Him and beat him i remember i was so mad that Triple H and Evolution beat Randy Orton i went up to my room and tore down Triple H's Picture Crumbled it up Spit on it threw it away Took Windex and wiped his Spot off and saying F*** Triple H he dosen't deserve to have a spot on my wall

i know it sounds cheesy but i was young and stupid and thought the storylines were real but that goes to show Randy and the rest of em were doing there Job
Randy Orton. I don't only hate him as a wrestler, I hate him as a person.

Ever since his comments on Eddie Guerrero, I've wanted to hunt him down and beat the crap out of him.

Also, I don't like John Cena or Batista...I get that they're in the title picture constantly because they can draw crowds, but I have no idea how they manage that feat, because they have no wrestling ability.

I hate how they push the big guys into the main event, and make everyone else job and stay on the mid-card. There are so many talented workers in the WWE, but they are constantly put on the back burner to make room for the 'roid heads.

People like Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, and the other legendary people of the biz should be in the main event slot more than they are.
Khali and HBK.
HBK is my most hated. Why? The stupidest story lines and how unreal (yes that is an odd thing to say) they are. When he and Cena were tag team partners he superkicks him on the Raw before Wrestlemania and nothing happens. Then he betrays him again. Why is it that he can betray someone and not be considered a heel? Or the fact that the person does not go mad and hunt him down. And yet he does it again. Sigh.

I bet $100 your from Canada. I also bet your a huge Bret Hart fan. Correct. Shawn has been an amazing story teller and even. About the whole Cena thing i believe they were kinda tryin to turn him heel but the guy is a legend. You but him up against "god" and people will still cheer for him. Im sorry that Shawn screwed Bret but come on, That was almost 11 years ago. Get over it.
Without doubt its mark henry! what in the blue hell has that tub of goo ever done for the sport? he gets taken on with a stupidly long contract with more money than he deserves and busts his ankle. then he comes back gets given push after push to zero reaction from the fans. its dose not matter if he is a heel or a face the moment he hits the ring the fans go to the loo. he is pants! well at least thats what i think
Triple H - his politically influenced dominance infuriates me - I can't remember the last time he was made to look weak or vulnerable, especially throughout his last 2 feuds with Cena and Edge - and if a face doesn't look weak or vulnerable in any way, then how are we supposed to believe that the 'evil heel' stands a chance of getting one over on him? For me, it really takes the excitement out of any HHH match because he is too powerful.
I'd hafta say Triple H when he was leading Evolution. Even though I really like Evolution I couldn't stand Triple H never putting anyone over not named Shelton Benjamin of all people. The sooner Taker gets back and takes the WWE Title off of him the better.
It's funny you never destroyed your TV set when a no talent piece of garbage named Shawn Michaels once again became the champion, I think, back in 2003 at Survivor Series.

The only wrestling moves the man can perform is an Inverted Atomic Drop and a Sweet Chin Music.

While John Cena is definitely not a talent showcase, but he is at least better than HBK. He may not have too many wrestling moves in his arsenal but whatever he has got, he does look like pinning his opponent with those moves.

I still don't get how RVD doesn't get a pinfall with his Super Kick but Shawn Michaels always does. It's like Cody Rhodes getting a pinfall with his DDT.

Shawn Michaels: Moonsault, Inverted Figure 4, Crossface, Inverted Atomic Drop, Elbow from the top rope, SCM. Thats what he has done recently. Moonsault at WMXXIV, Inverted Figure 4 to win his RR spot, Crossface at some PPV, Inverted Atomic Drop is fairly standard, Elbow is standard, SCM happens often. Thats the major ones I can think of from recent years.

According to Wikipedia, this is his moveset.

* Jumping piledriver – Used as a finisher from 1993–1995; used as a regular move from 1995-present
* Modified figure four leglock - 2007-present
* Sweet Chin Music[2] (Superkick, often preceding the move with a series of foot stomps, called "tuning up the band" by announcers)
* Teardrop Suplex[1] (Leg hook Saito suplex) – 1992–1993
* Arm trap crossface – 2007–present
* Asai moonsault
* Backhand chop
* Diving elbow drop, with theatrics[1]
* Diving splash
* Figure four leglock
* Flying forearm smash followed by a kip-up[1]
* Inverted atomic drop[1]
* Leg feed enzuigiri
* Lou Thesz press followed by multiple punches
* Moonsault[1]
* Scoop slam
* Skin the cat
* Slingshot crossbody
* Swinging neckbreaker

So yeah, I don't know where you are getting your information from.
The person I hate most is Mike Knox.Last ECW they shwed a promo of him for NOTHING.The fans show no reaction whatsoever and his moveset is limited whereas to the point makes me wonder-is that it.From the matches I've seen,they last for about 3 minutes until he hits a lariat and then the Knox Out.Right there is a complete embaressment to the whole world of wrestling.

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