What Superstar Have You Hated to the Point of Insanity

Trips 2004 - 2005 and again in 2008 (now L). When i started watching wrestling Evolution dominated the place, i was anoyed at how he got the belt back from orton at w/e ppv that was. Then finally loosing only to re-win in the elimination chamber (how exciting). So far in 2008, its been the same old shit (the first time i watched hhh even near the ring was a few weeks ago when hhh and mvp made fun of w/e they were making fun of)

Randy Orton 2005 - 2007. Was simpily boring. His Title reign made me more interested though

Rey Rey 2005 - now. Boring, his fued with eddie in 05 bored me, him winning the world title bored me, his chavo fued was boring (shit i remember everything). Injury was good. His few months of nothingness on smackdown at the end of 07 were boring. Start of 08 was actualy good then he go injured and now his boring again.

Mark Henry. Always. "Cost" Batista his title in 06 (Laughing irl now). Fucked his leg up. Came back and bored. Somehow got a boring ECW title reign. Yay

Khali - Do i need to explain

Booker - 04 - till when he started king booker (I laughed at the ALL HAIL KING BOOKER during his entrances L) didnt like the 04 - 06 time because he was just boring.

And im sure theres more i hate. This is all i can think of for now. Big Fattie V aint on the list cause i enjoy his music (I dont watch the matches though)Wait i got some more.

ohh Vladamir Kozlof - russian guy, what a waste of time

The Job Squad - Nunzio, Funaki, Colin Delaney and the rest. They should create there own stable called the Job Squad. Go out in large numbers and get squashed by Main eventers each week. Then they will still be Jobbers.

Y2J - Now, Him being "Mature" as he said this week is boring.

Wow i really dont like alot of people.
I don't know that I hate anyone to the point of insanity, but I know that, since 2005, I would rather stab myself in the face with a fork than listen to Matt Hardy talk. I was the world's biggest Hardy Boyz fan back in the day, and then he started blogging until his fingers turned blue about shit that none of us needed to know about. Now I just feel like screaming 'Shut up' at the screen every time he's on my television.
If we are talking hating to the point of insanity character-wise, it would be Muhammed Hassan. He was such a great heel. I could not stand the guy. He actually had me yelling at the t.v. at times. Whenever I heard his music I got pissed, but I had to hear what he had to say, even though I was going to hate it. He was a very talented performer, too bad he had to leave.

If we are talking performance wise, it would have to be between Mark Henry and The Great Khali. I find both of them boring and extremely annoying. Neither can wrestle and are just kept around to make the smaller guys who beat them look better.
Hassan was great. He may have been controversial, which I thought it made his character so great.(On a side note, you ever notice how the most popular characters created by Vince are also the most controversial? DX, Austin, Godfather, Hassan).

I hated Chris Jericho during his WCW days. His whining character was so annoying. I kind of miss it
How can anyone hate Booker T he is always hilarious and great in the ring, even when he was King Booker (a horrible gimmick) he made it funny. The one guy i cant stand is JBL. He was good when he was in the apa with Ron Simmons, but since he became JBL I can't stand him. He's annoying, his matches aren't good and I just can't stand him
There are many wrestlers i hate and loathe but for this time i'll only name two:

Snitsky: Why? why is he employed, why does he get tv-time, why is he considered a powerhouse? this guy is boring, stale and is a waste of precious wrestling time but vince as senile as he is thinks snitsky is worthy of tv-time *sigh*

Umaga: He is the main event jobber, i just hate it how ross always repeats the same crap ''the dangerous umaga bla bla bla'' nobody cares and i think nobody will
Cena. He's a guy whose being booked as a Superman. He does possess wrestling talent, but WWE don't want to push him as a guy with skills. If I could, I'd work my way into WWE, put him in a legitimately dangerous hold and end his career. I wouldn't care about the lawsuits or the jailtime.

Another is Chuck Palumbo. This guy has no intensity, no charisma, no nothing. When he was in the FBI, at least he was a little entertaining. But you just can't try to build up a pseudo-American Bad Ass gimmick after the whole Billy & Chuck thing. Sorry, but that's plain career suicide. WWE will never be able to build him to any sort of contender, and if they do, I'll seriously question their judgement. I don't hate him that much that I'd want to end his career, but seeing a guy with no talent squashing a talented guy like Jamie Noble is just...demeaning to me as a wrestling fan.
I saw someone mention this earlier in the thread but I'm going to go with Shawn Stasiak - particularly during his initial run with the WWF/E as Meat. I just thought the entire P.M.S. gimmick was completely pointless and boring - but Meat was the absolute lowest of that low.

His later gimmicks in WCW and his return to WWE were almost as dumb but the whole Meat thing was one of the few during the Attitude era that I'd switch off the channel for.
At the moment I hate CM Punk above all others.

The guy does the same three moves in every match, and the fans eat him up with a spoon. Not only does he do the exact same match every time he steps into the ring, but none of his stuff is inventive. His old finisher: Anaconda Vice = Stolen Hold and his newer finisher GTS = Stolen Hold. He's boring, and he's got a damn Pepsi tattoo. There are some who stand on my side of this fence, but we're outnumbered by many.

CM Punk isn't ready for a main event. In fact he doesn't have much of an identity. The guy claims to be a straight edge/hard core punk rocker, but I ain't buyin' it.

His old entrance music from his indie days was some AFI lipstick tranny radio punk bullshit, and for that I'll never forgive him.

These are more than sufficient reasons for me to dislike CM Punk...
I agree with many in the Khali and Hornswoggle really have no other purpose in the ring other than comic relief and/or squash matches to further other conflicts.

I don't hate this wrestler but I hate how they're used. Jeff Hardy.
Drug abuse, gone for 4 years. Comes back...instant IC champ...year later-main eventer.
Just about to get a World Title....and....
Suspended for some sort of illegal use. Comes back, seeminly no punishment other than forcing him to cut promos about his mistakes...blah blah.
He'll eventually become a world champ...maybe even get his third strike and the WWE will pull wool over their own eyes and pretend nothing happened (possibly happens now with steroids and their big stars. The guys that get suspended come back with loss of muscle, yet the titans that don't get caught stay HUGE consistently...which seems unhuman)

I wish Jeff would take his career and his body more seriously, maybe he will. But it will forever erk me that he is adored and idolized by children...yet he has a long past of corrupt things that children should never look up to. And meanwhile, his big bro is working his ass off to get a mid push, only to have WWE do nothing with it.

On to Matt Hardy. Used to be my favorite...but he is slacking lately and its part his fault, part WWE. Give him a chance! ECW is not for him. seriously. Have him go back to his 2002-2005 mentality. Either heel...Mattitude. Or face...WILL NOT DIE!
his last promo was pathetic...'you will never bweak my speewit!' Fuck that. WWE has made one of the most well rounded and primed for a big title wrestlers into a ....well....a pu$$y. I'll still cheer for him, but not much longer with his stale performaces and horrible trash talk.

Love the Hardy's. Just wish WWE would use them properly. aka, rewarding the hard work with a credible push...matt. And a slap on the wrist, and a decrease in a push when they do something wrong...jeff.

and mark henry is the worst everything ever.
and ashley cannot pull off any move correctly. thank goodness she's gone.
i really cant stand michael cole announcing, everytime hes on i want to mute my t.v
every match he says the same crap over and over and he is really boring
the wrestler i hate is khali because of his stupid vice grip and brain chops that beat everyone
I'd have to say the most hated person on WWE to me has to be John Bradshaw Layfield. His whole gimmick is just rediculous. It's not even in a good way cause he's a heel. He just annoys the crap outta me. Everytime he comes on tv, I change the channel. I don't want to see him and John Cena wrestle for the 400th time..RAW needs new charecters and CM punk ain't it lol. The only other wrestler I really despise is Vickie Guerrero but I guess she's not to bad now that her and edge aren't together..lol
I can't stand Randy Orton. He's so arrogant I hate it i enjoy when he's injured or when he gets suspended because it means i dont have to see him for a while. Then there's the kick to the head..sickening just sickening
Sorry to say this but i got to go with RAndy Orton. The guy is a very talented wrestler but the fact is that he does have charisma. The guy pretty much does all is promo in the same tone of voice and sometimes i just want to kill myself. He's one of the most boring wrestler on the entire WWE roster and even Khali is more interesting on promos than Orton and the reason Orton was on top for so long is that when he cut is first promo after winning the WWE championship, the creative team fell asleep and the woke up around the time orton lose the belt. So for me Randy Orton is the wrestler that i hate to the point of insanity because the guy just doesn't belong to be in the main event picture and let's hope that he get a set back on his recovery and doesn'T come back for at less another 6 months.
I remember being 10 years old and absolutely hating the corporate champion Rock. I really just hated the corporation in general, looking back now I realize why they would have a stable like the corporation. But I remember watching the 1999 royal rumble and getting so angry when the Rock cost Stone Cold him the rumble, and mcmahon of all people winning it. Besides that there has never really been a wrestler that I've absolutely hated to the point of insanity.
Sorry to say this but i got to go with RAndy Orton. The guy is a very talented wrestler but the fact is that he does have charisma. The guy pretty much does all is promo in the same tone of voice and sometimes i just want to kill myself. He's one of the most boring wrestler on the entire WWE roster and even Khali is more interesting on promos than Orton and the reason Orton was on top for so long is that when he cut is first promo after winning the WWE championship, the creative team fell asleep and the woke up around the time orton lose the belt. So for me Randy Orton is the wrestler that i hate to the point of insanity because the guy just doesn't belong to be in the main event picture and let's hope that he get a set back on his recovery and doesn'T come back for at less another 6 months.

:headscratch: It kind of disturbs me that you wish for someone to be injured and remain injured...just a bit. Especially one who you don't know and is only doing his job in entertaining you. But I guess he's doing something right if you hate him that much, that's kinda the point. That's why he plays a bit of a psychopathic heel, that's why he walks to the ring so slowly and speaks in a monotone. It's part of his gimmick, can you remember when Randy was a cocky heel? A bit of a difference from his current gimmick don't you think which should show you that he has charisma, but whatever, not the point of this thread.

Superstar I've actually hated, well I don't think there's any one currently, but I used to buy alot into the Cena hate last year, hated his guts until I wised up. Didn't much appreciate the long reign and his constant overcoming of the odds. However at this moment, I don't think who I hate with such a passion.
my superstar/s that really got on my nerves has to off been too cool (brian christopher an scott taylor) way before they got with rikishi or became tag champs. brian christophers laugh (cudnt he do another laugh) an scotty 2 hottys jumping on the ropes just too plain annoying
There is only one wrestler I can think of who I have hated to a point of insanity. Triple H. I can't think of a time I ever liked him... as DX leader I loved the new age outlaws and X-pac but couldn't stand Triple H, as head of the McMahon-Helmsley faction I couldn't stoumach him and now on his 100th title run I hate hm more than ever... compare him to another vetran like the Undertaker, neither needs a belt to be over so Undertaker allows it to go to whoever, he rarely has lengthy title runs...Triple H on the other hand can't put the thing down.

Appearance wise he annoys me aswell, his nose is just distracting, his hair is terrible and the whole intense stare thing is just drivel, I could do that.... What's worse is his entrance, he take literraly 5 minutes to get to the ring, even if his match is going to be squashing someone. IMO he needs to pass down the tourch, I am sick of the man.
There is only one wrestler I can think of who I have hated to a point of insanity. Triple H. I can't think of a time I ever liked him... as DX leader I loved the new age outlaws and X-pac but couldn't stand Triple H, as head of the McMahon-Helmsley faction I couldn't stoumach him and now on his 100th title run I hate hm more than ever... compare him to another vetran like the Undertaker, neither needs a belt to be over so Undertaker allows it to go to whoever, he rarely has lengthy title runs...Triple H on the other hand can't put the thing down.

Appearance wise he annoys me aswell, his nose is just distracting, his hair is terrible and the whole intense stare thing is just drivel, I could do that.... What's worse is his entrance, he take literraly 5 minutes to get to the ring, even if his match is going to be squashing someone. IMO he needs to pass down the tourch, I am sick of the man.

LOL so true

I also have a hatred for triple H. As carlito says he busts his ass while triple h pretty much walks in and out with the title. Everyone complains about ahrdy taking drugs. Maybe if triple h actually done a few more houseshows and actually wrestled a match on smackdown then i bet he would be on drugs. His whole gimmick whatever it is sucks down to the core. As the guy ^^^^ said. 5 minutes to the ring new record to compete with the undertaker maybe?. He never puts anyone over ever in a legit way. Jeff hardy got him with a roll up. WOW big deal.
My pick would have to be Vickie Guerrero personally. As soon as she comes on screen, my heart sinks.

The thing that drives me crazy the most is the wheelchair. She's actually done a promo in the last month where she said she'd be confined to the chair for the rest of her life, yet she jumps out of it frequently and even the announcers say nothing about it.

When Vince McMahon and Kurt Angle did the wheelchair angle, neither of them were ever seen out of the chair until the point where they revealed they were faking, and then they sure as hell didn't get back in the chair afterward.

That on top of everything else just makes her unbearable to watch imo.
Last year I hated Cena with a passion. His ridiculous title run and superman gimmick just pissed me off to no end. I was so sick of the guy winning every match that I wanted even Khali (who I will get to in a moment) to take the title off him! I still don't like him, but the fact that he's actually descended down to the mortal plane this year has made me ease off him a bit.

Now, back to Khali. This guy just bores the shit out of me every time he is on the air. No matter what he's doing I just say to myself "ok, Khali is on, let's go see what I can do to pass the time of his match and/or segment." If the big idea is to draw interest in your product, this guy has the effect of a viewer repellent.
Alright Moon Knight, you want me to expand on JBL and John Cena?

JBL: JBL was a good commentator and should never have come out of retirement. He is out of shape and is a waste of space in main event matches. He has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard and he sometimes makes me want to not watch RAW. His reign which I think was the exact same amount of days as John Cenas first reign I found to be unbearable and I would turn SmackDown off when he would come on. JBL got defeated by CM Punk on the same RAW that CM Punk won the title, so why should he have had a match at Summer Slam?

John 'Superman' Cena: As I said before when you must have deleted my post that I am a massive Jerichoholic and have been for a long time and I hate him for being the one to get Jericho 'fired'. Also like JBL, his title reigns are unbearable and look at what he done to the WWE Championship, he turned it into a little kiddies toy and it should be changed back since he isn't even on the same brand as the WWE Championship. Hatred of him grew even more when he took the title from Edge at RR 06. John Cena has also wasted my time and money with WrestleMania 23 when we ordered it and took the day off.

That is why I hate JBL and John Cena.
JBL: JBL was a good commentator and should never have come out of retirement. He is out of shape and is a waste of space in main event matches. He has one of the most annoying voices I have ever heard and he sometimes makes me want to not watch RAW. His reign which I think was the exact same amount of days as John Cenas first reign I found to be unbearable and I would turn SmackDown off when he would come on. JBL got defeated by CM Punk on the same RAW that CM Punk won the title, so why should he have had a match at Summer Slam?

This is ironic because you say he as a very annoying voice, but was a good commentator.

But that aside, I'd agree here. JBL should never have come out of retirement. He was boring as WWE champ 4 years ago and he still is a boring main eventer. He always says the same thing, is out of shape, and just never has good matches. I don't understand why he is put in every main event. At least Punk feuding with Jericho or Batista would be entertaining and have decent, if not good matches. JBL hasn't had a good match in years and that isn't going t change. It's time to hang the boots up and try to make a career of announcing, cuz he's not half bad at that at least.
Are we taling currently are for all time, Because back in the day for some reason I really really hated Marc Mero. I couldnt stand him and still cant really even tho he doesnt wrestle anymore hes still a bag O douche. As for now I think I really hate Hornswoggle. I wouldnt wanna hurt the dude cause thats just wrong but I wish too god he would be released and the write off for the chacter would be awsome, you could do almost anything and it would kinda funny like like Mark Henry doin a verson of Midget tossin into a dumpster or something
I don't hate him to the "point of insanity", but he irritates me. I'm talking about JBL. I don't see anything special about him. I hate his theme music, his constantly pissed off face..i don't know why he is in the main event.

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