Vote To Legalize Marijuana

Tobacco and Alcohol companies have done more damage to people than Adolf Hitler. Those companies don't care for your race or religion they just care if you got enough money for their deadly products.

Tobacco is whacko Weed is what you need.
Neither do you yet you still are a very close minded individual who separates facts over people he doesn't like who is presenting the facts.

Again, you are mistaking "close-minded" with "not caring."

What makes you think that you are presenting me with information that I do not already know?

That really is the crux of the issue here and with the rest of your crusading threads. I and others here are just not blinkered enough to think that what we believe is the only side of things or "facts" as you like to call them.

If anyone is being close-minded, it is you.

- hemp, while useful, is not the world saving material you think it is
- everyone becoming a vegetarian would not save the world either
- a minute minority of police/soldiers/politicians/teachers/traffic wardens are corrupt; most are not
- not all fast food restaurants, dairies and are guilty of mistreatment
- the government is not out to get you
- breaking the law = not innocent

In short, we live in the real world. You live in a perpetual state of "first week at university/initial social awakening" optimism, in which everything can be changed with ideas that you have either swallowed hook, line and sinker from someone else who gave a talk at your school or that you think no one else has thought of before.
Барбоса;4188853 said:
If anyone is being close-minded, it is you.

- hemp, while useful, is not the world saving material you think it is
- everyone becoming a vegetarian would not save the world either
- a minute minority of police/soldiers/politicians/teachers/traffic wardens are corrupt; most are not
- not all fast food restaurants, dairies and are guilty of mistreatment
- the government is not out to get you
- breaking the law = not innocent.

Yes hemp is a world saving material. The first form of paper was made with hemp hemp help started almost everything that we do today.So many things were started off making with hemp. Hemp changed the world in so many ways. Growing the plant helps the environment the plant you can make just about anything.

I said many many times which every single one of you still ignore. I said I don't think that every should become vegetarian/vegan. I said that the world will never stop eating meat. I said we need to eat less of it which would better for our bodies and put a end to factory farming. The demand for meat is too high that promotes cruelty.

There are a lot more almost every politician is corrupt. We have corrupt jail systems, we even have private jails. Same with the police they are paid off by the government prevent people from exposing their dirty work. Just look at Occupy Wall Street

Like the one above more fast foods do in fact fast foods are the worst ones when it comes to cruelty. We shouldn't be eating that food in first place. Why ignore the cruelty that does go on.

The government is out to get you if you try to put a stop to their dirty work. Look at Marc Emery

There are plenty of innocent people what about people who were falsely accused or framed does that mean they broke the law. If you smoke pot your not a criminal also Vote to make Marijuana legal so you won't be breaking the law if you smoke pot.
Yes hemp is a world saving material. The first form of paper was made with hemp hemp help started almost everything that we do today.So many things were started off making with hemp. Hemp changed the world in so many ways. Growing the plant helps the environment the plant you can make just about anything.

I said many many times which every single one of you still ignore. I said I don't think that every should become vegetarian/vegan. I said that the world will never stop eating meat. I said we need to eat less of it which would better for our bodies and put a end to factory farming. The demand for meat is too high that promotes cruelty.

There are a lot more almost every politician is corrupt. We have corrupt jail systems, we even have private jails. Same with the police they are paid off by the government prevent people from exposing their dirty work. Just look at Occupy Wall Street

Like the one above more fast foods do in fact fast foods are the worst ones when it comes to cruelty. We shouldn't be eating that food in first place. Why ignore the cruelty that does go on.

The government is out to get you if you try to put a stop to their dirty work. Look at Marc Emery

There are plenty of innocent people what about people who were falsely accused or framed does that mean they broke the law. If you smoke pot your not a criminal also Vote to make Marijuana legal so you won't be breaking the law if you smoke pot.

That was just brutal.
Damnit, and here I was thinking you had either grasped the point, or realized that you were so ineffective in what you were trying to do that you went away.
Your asking that now look at this thread I point out many of the pros of marijuana.

Marijuana can be used to help Crohn’s disease
Marijuana can be used to prevent alzheimer's
Marijuana is helps create critical thinking
Marijuana can make someone more creative
Marijuana could be used to calm someone down after a stressful day
Marijuana can be used for helping depression
Marijuana makes people more peaceful
Marijuana can make you more aware
Marijuana can help people concentrate
Marijuana can prevent cancer
Marijuana helps people with multiple sclerosis
Marijuana helps people with AIDS
Marijuana helps people with cancer
Marijuana helps out people with glaucoma
and the best pro of them all is that Marijuana hasn't killed a single person or there hasn't been a case of lung cancer that has been caused by only smoking marijuana

Sorry I gave more than 5 pros and there’s a lot more than I posted


Most of the cons of marijuana are mostly due to it being illegal
You may have some short term memory loss
If you smoke too much it can get you a little sleepy and may fall asleep while watching a movie
Marijuana can cause schizophrenia and also help it at the same time depending on who the person is.
A lot of the cons it can be depending on who you are like driving. Some people shouldn’t drive when there high and then there are people that drive great when they are high. Regardless if you drive good or bad under the influence of marijuana it is nothing even close to the dangers of driving drunk.

If you have too much of anything it may result in with negative side effects if you don’t abuse it. As long as you smoke marijuana responsibly nothing can go wrong.
For the love of all that is divine, get off the Internet and join your local NORML chapter. You have a better chance at convincing people in real life (where it really matter) than on the Internet because - SPOILER ALERT - online MJ reform activism NEVER works. It accomplishes nothing for the movement, you need to understand that.
You can't shut me up or anyone else but a power outage due to Hurricane Sandy can for a few days.
I don't want you to shut up permanently. I want you to shut up until you can present your arguments without looking like a damned fool. Since I think that's years of study away for you, it may seem like I am trying to shut you up on a permanent basis, but I assure you that's not the case.
Wouldnt it make more sense to make alcohol and whatever else the fuck youre talking about illegal, if theyre more harmful, than to make something else legal?

We tried that. It didn't work so well.

I think marijuana should be decriminalized. Fighting against its use is a losing battle, and there are better ways for our police to be spending their time and resources than busting hippies, but there should be numerous punishable offenses for, say, owning a pound of weed, selling it to minors, or smoking it in a public place where there would be people who don't want to be exposed to the smoke.
We tried that. It didn't work so well.

I think marijuana should be decriminalized. Fighting against its use is a losing battle, and there are better ways for our police to be spending their time and resources than busting hippies, but there should be numerous punishable offenses for, say, owning a pound of weed, selling it to minors, or smoking it in a public place where there would be people who don't want to be exposed to the smoke.
This was the argument that got marijuana decriminalized in my state. It wasn't a bunch of preaching about how great marijuana was for the soul or body, it wasn't a list about all the things hemp can be used for, it was the statement that pot really isn't worth being a police priority.

Sale is still illegal, and I'm fine with that. The cops aren't after people selling dime bags, they're after people moving pounds. Smoking marijuana is a habit I have that I'm not proud of; I don't think it should be entirely approved on a governmental level, if it can still be acquired by the people who wish to use it on a personal basis.

Decriminalization has been working pretty good out here. I see no need to go to the store to buy a pack of generic Marlboro Danks.
Rayne what state do you live in?

I've been saying the same thing all along. If marijuana has all these benefits and it's not as harmful as people say then it shouldn't be a cops priority. They can be trying arrest real criminals not a guy who has a little bit of pot on him.

I believe that decriminalizing marijuana is a big step to making it completely legal. I don't think that you should get arrested for having any amount of pot. You should be able to grow as many plants as you want. I don't believe that any guy on the street should be able to sell it either. Make it like selling alcohol and getting a license to sell make it hard to get and easy to loose. Make it legal put a age limit on it.
I've been saying the same thing all along. If marijuana has all these benefits and it's not as harmful as people say then it shouldn't be a cops priority. They can be trying arrest real criminals not a guy who has a little bit of pot on him.
No, what you've been saying all along is that marijuana should be legalized because it is secretly this miracle drug which cures your cancer, reverses blindness, and turns you into Rico Suave. Instead of simply saying, "hey, I like to smoke pot, and what business of it is yours if I do privately?", you've been trying to sell people on this bill of goods that marijuana should be legalized because it's good for them.

For what it's worth, I'm quite familiar with every state on the East Coast that got hit by Sandy. Unless you live in Prince George County, Maryland, cops just do not care about marijuana unless you happen to be smoking it in public or while driving. All the change in law to decriminalization did in my state was codify police practice that had existed for years. I suspect you're tilting at windmills here, rather than up in arms about any issue that actually impacts you significantly.
Yes, lets legalize marijuana, let the proud pot smoking citizens of the United States buy their weed without persecution from a nations fine police force that spends all of its time taking them to jail just so they will do it again.

let them smoke to their hearts content without needing a prescription for glaucoma. Then we can use all that nice weed profit to pay off are nations debt, of course the amount of people with lung cancer will increase significantly but i don't mind, they'll die with a joint in their hand, a smile on their face, and a distinct wheezing sound in their cough.
Marijuana is good for you and that's why police shouldn't be bothered with people who smoke marijuana. The DEA are some of the worst people on the planet with there drug raids. The drug raids themselves cause more harm then marijuana. The DEA has a no knock policy where they just randomly bust inside there house with guns telling everybody to get down. They will shoot their dogs they will shoot and kill the people if they have to. Even more proof how more people are affected by marijuana being illegal.
Dicussingthe harm from The DEA's No Knock Policy

$31 dollars worth of pot gets you 10 years in prison. and Michael Vick is free. Another act of unfair justice.

Marijuana won't kill you but a cop will kill you if you have a little bit of pot on you.

Cops detroying the evidence showing their dirty work when they raid

Cops will raid the houses and take a women's babies away from with a gun in her face because she is LEGALLY able to smoke weed.

Here is a botch drug raid where the mayors 2 dogs get shot

Here is a video of the cops busting in someone's house killing the family dog in front of the kids. All the did the was bark, you have to be a complete idiot is you don't think that I dog is going to break after a group of men in fatigue and guns break your door in and storm into your house.

This is should not be accepted under any circumstance what the cops and DEA do when they raid houses and dispensaries. When those are there only people committing the crime.

Marijuana needs to be legal, So things like this can never happen.
By making marijuana legal in Oregon,Washington,and Colorado. Is the first step to making marijuana legal and we can finally proof how good it will be for the people and economy my making it legal then we legalize it in the rest of the states. They only way we do that by voting.
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'


Good things that enough people came out to vote and help put the start to end the prohibition on marijuana. This is great news for everyone and now it's time to work on legalizing marijuana everywhere. Also Massachusetts made medical marijuana legal. Last night's election was great news for pot smokers. I give a thumbs up to anyone on here who lives in Colorado and Washington and helped vote to make marijuana legal.

Even though Rayne has to always deny me credit for what I'm trying to say and the message I'm trying to give. What I've been saying all along now people in Colorado and Washington can smoke a plant with so many good benefits and be called a criminal. Now these people can smoke in the privacy in their own home and not wasting the cops time on arresting innocent people.

Even though Rayne has to always deny me credit for what I'm trying to say and the message I'm trying to give. What I've been saying all along now people in Colorado and Washington can smoke a plant with so many good benefits and be called a criminal. Now these people can smoke in the privacy in their own home and not wasting the cops time on arresting innocent people.
Like most self-avowed activists, you're more concerned with getting credit for yourself and personal respect than you are the actual cause you're promoting.

I'd give you credit if you deserved any, but I'm pretty sure that the lone whack job on the internet claiming that marijuana is healthy wasn't a major factor voters were considering.
Like most self-avowed activists, you're more concerned with getting credit for yourself and personal respect than you are the actual cause you're promoting.

I'd give you credit if you deserved any, but I'm pretty sure that the lone whack job on the internet claiming that marijuana is healthy wasn't a major factor voters were considering.

I'm not asking any one for credit I didn't do anything to get marijuana legal in Washington and Colorado. It's the people that live there who voted yes that deserves the credit and if I would have lived there I would have with out a doubt voted YES. I just said that because no matter how many posts,facts,and sources that I post you still knock me down.

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