Vote To Legalize Marijuana

Yes they do via respiration. They also pollute ('tis the reason the smokey mountains are smokey). However, during the day they also photosynthesise which does the opposite.
What about how marijuana it saves lifes for some people. I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives all I'm telling is look at the coruptiontion that the war on drugs has caused. Why do we fill up our prisons with people who only had a plant on them. Legalizing marijuana is a very important issue it is good for the people,economy, and enviroment.

But you ignore the fact that William Randolph Hearst started that fake campaign saying that marijuana did all these things thatit did all these false things. He said that blacks and mexicans smoke it and rape white women. He said the blacks who smoke it and play their devil jazz music. Helped make the comedy movie Reefer Madness a movie that said if you smoke pot you will kill people and rape women. He started all these laws to make it illegal for his greed. At the time it actually scared people which I don’t know how that movie can scare you watch it for yourself it’s really silly how they describe marijuana and the things that it makes you do.

Do you really think that this war on cannabis is working? The ban on alcohol failed,and me made that legal. What would you been like during the alcohol prohibition? Would you have supported it? Compare the loss of lives to marijuana smokers to alcohol drinkers. There are zero deaths from marijuana it can't kill you but two of the most deadly and addicting habits in the entire world are legal. How often do you hear about a guy getting too stoned and beating up their wife?

Rayne talked about how he rather take a percocet but thats great for you. Also Percocet has a lot of worse side effects then smoking pot. Why don't you talk to all those sick people who need marijuana to function in everyday life? Those people smoke it because that is the only form of medicine that helps their body feel the pain that they do every day. You think it's OK to take medicine away from sick people?

What about how they tested marijuana by putting gas masks on monkeys and just pumping their bodies willed with pot and no oxygen. Even when Richard Nixon was given proof that marijuana was pretty much harmless he made it illegal anyway? Why? Because this was during the war who were one of the main protesters of the war? The pot smokers. So Nixon went ahead and put marijuana in the same category as heroine, cocaine, and meth.

If your not going to listen to me then watch The Union I posted the link they will tell you all the truth you need to know about the plant. Actually open the links that I post that you don't read before bashing me.
What about how marijuana it saves lifes for some people. I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives all I'm telling is look at the coruptiontion that the war on drugs has caused. Why do we fill up our prisons with people who only had a plant on them. Legalizing marijuana is a very important issue it is good for the people,economy, and enviroment.

But you ignore the fact that William Randolph Hearst started that fake campaign saying that marijuana did all these things thatit did all these false things. He said that blacks and mexicans smoke it and rape white women. He said the blacks who smoke it and play their devil jazz music. Helped make the comedy movie Reefer Madness a movie that said if you smoke pot you will kill people and rape women. He started all these laws to make it illegal for his greed. At the time it actually scared people which I don’t know how that movie can scare you watch it for yourself it’s really silly how they describe marijuana and the things that it makes you do.

Do you really think that this war on cannabis is working? The ban on alcohol failed,and me made that legal. What would you been like during the alcohol prohibition? Would you have supported it? Compare the loss of lives to marijuana smokers to alcohol drinkers. There are zero deaths from marijuana it can't kill you but two of the most deadly and addicting habits in the entire world are legal. How often do you hear about a guy getting too stoned and beating up their wife?

Rayne talked about how he rather take a percocet but thats great for you. Also Percocet has a lot of worse side effects then smoking pot. Why don't you talk to all those sick people who need marijuana to function in everyday life? Those people smoke it because that is the only form of medicine that helps their body feel the pain that they do every day. You think it's OK to take medicine away from sick people?

What about how they tested marijuana by putting gas masks on monkeys and just pumping their bodies willed with pot and no oxygen. Even when Richard Nixon was given proof that marijuana was pretty much harmless he made it illegal anyway? Why? Because this was during the war who were one of the main protesters of the war? The pot smokers. So Nixon went ahead and put marijuana in the same category as heroine, cocaine, and meth.

If your not going to listen to me then watch The Union I posted the link they will tell you all the truth you need to know about the plant. Actually open the links that I post that you don't read before bashing me.

Typical stoner bullshit. William Randolph Hearst didn't "start" any laws, dumbass. He may have lobbied for them, or suggested them to a friend who was a member of one of the Houses of Congress, but that's about it. That friend could have easily disregarded his suggestions.

As for the whole Nixon thing, yeah, he may have made a knee-jerk reaction when he realized that all the filthy hippies were doing was sitting around and smoking their weed, instead of being productive members of society (you know, kind of like what people like you do, to this very day!)

I will not watch your links. Why? Because I don't take my cues from asshole documentary makers who are there solely to push an agenda.
Holy shit, you're an idiot.

Whenever idiots like you get going with your list of dumbass reasons as to why it should be legalised you make all weed smokers look like fucking morons.

I've not been near the stuff in over 8 years (and I'm 50/50 abut legalising it) but you make every proponent for legalisation of marijuana look like a fool.

Stop it.
Typical stoner bullshit. William Randolph Hearst didn't "start" any laws, dumbass. He may have lobbied for them, or suggested them to a friend who was a member of one of the Houses of Congress, but that's about it. That friend could have easily disregarded his suggestions.

As for the whole Nixon thing, yeah, he may have made a knee-jerk reaction when he realized that all the filthy hippies were doing was sitting around and smoking their weed, instead of being productive members of society (you know, kind of like what people like you do, to this very day!)

I will not watch your links. Why? Because I don't take my cues from asshole documentary makers who are there solely to push an agenda.

Your point your trying to make on Hearts means nothing Also any other of the points you were trying to think are false and mean nothing

William Randolph Hearst started all the campaigns His friend was a member of congress so off course he was going to help out his buddy.

The people that you are talking about during the Nixon era were being productive. They were protesting a pointless war. Being a brainwashed solder doing what your told to kill in a useless war is more productive?

You should watch my links before leaving responses like you do. If you were to read and watch my links I posted maybe you wouldn't leave the dumb comments that you do.
Your point your trying to make on Hearts means nothing Also any other of the points you were trying to think are false and mean nothing

William Randolph Hearst started all the campaigns His friend was a member of congress so off course he was going to help out his buddy.

The people that you are talking about during the Nixon era were being productive. They were protesting a pointless war. Being a brainwashed solder doing what your told to kill in a useless war is more productive?

You should watch my links before leaving responses like you do. If you were to read and watch my links I posted maybe you wouldn't leave the dumb comments that you do.
Serving ones nation is most certainly more productive than sitting in a fucking circle on the grass or on the sidewalk, smoking a MIND ALTERING SUBSTANCE, and participating in a drum circle or whatever-the-fuck-they-did. Tell me, which is more productive, and honorable, son: My uncle who served three tours of Vietnam and still suffers from the occasional flashback/bout of PTSD, but still got a job and contributed to society upon the aforementioned return from war? Or, is it the kid living on the street corner, getting high, and not holding a job/doing anything of merit?

Listen, I'm not gonna say "pot is bad." I don't think it necessarily is. But, I also think it shouldn't be legalized. I mean, if it were, I'd have to contend with more idiots than I already do in my personal life. I don't want to have to do that. Fuck that.
We are not going to have more idiots running around if pot is legal. Yeah we will have a few bad people, but it's OK to have a nation of drunk people who do nohting productive. I'd rather be around a stoner than a drunk any day.

Also let me first say that plenty of solders in the war were smoking weed in Vietnam. The people who were smoking weed and protesting the Vietnam war a war that shouldn't have happened in the first place. These people were trying to safe people like your uncle, I'm sure a lot of his friends died in that war?

How many people died in the Vietnam war and how many people died from smoking pot?
We are not going to have more idiots running around if pot is legal. Yeah we will have a few bad people, but it's OK to have a nation of drunk people who do nohting productive. I'd rather be around a stoner than a drunk any day.

Also let me first say that plenty of solders in the war were smoking weed in Vietnam. The people who were smoking weed and protesting the Vietnam war a war that shouldn't have happened in the first place. These people were trying to safe people like your uncle, I'm sure a lot of his friends died in that war?

How many people died in the Vietnam war and how many people died from smoking pot?

I have no words for the idiocy. My mind simply cannot wrap itself around the notion that the hippies were doing anything remotely productive. They were trying to save my uncle? He didn't need their salvation, kid. He was over there putting his ass on the line, so they could sit comfortably in San Francisco, and kill their fucking brain cells.
I have no words for the idiocy. My mind simply cannot wrap itself around the notion that the hippies were doing anything remotely productive. They were trying to save my uncle? He didn't need their salvation, kid. He was over there putting his ass on the line, so they could sit comfortably in San Francisco, and kill their fucking brain cells.

You still never told me how many people died in the war you uncle fought in and how many people died from cannabis

More people died in the pointless war in a place that your uncle and everyone else shouldn't have been than the pot smokers.
Tell me if this makes sense Mark Emery who doesn't even live in America got 5 years in prison for only selling seeds. Michael Vick who deserves to never see the light of day again only got 21 months a sentence that isn't even a slap on the wrist for torturing animals for years. How is that fair justice?
Marijuana doesn't make you productive.

Steve Jobs
Bill Gates
Bob Marley
Michael Phelps
Paul Mccartney
Seth Rogan
Jimi Hendrix
William Shakespeare
Stephen King
Willie Nelson
Montel Williams
Richard Branson
Woodey Harrelson
Ted Turner

All people who smoke marijuana and have become very successful.Some of the most successful people in the world were pot heads. Those are just the famous ones there are a lot more too. Lots of other people who have done great things who are still very productive to society.

This is the man who is in prison for 5 years labeled one of the worst threats to America and only sold seeds. Michael Vick is now back in the NFL making millions. You people have such a nerve to say that he paid for his crime. That man should never see the light of day again. Those are the people that need to be locked in prison Michael Vick not Marc Emery.

What’s your take of this act of unfair justice?
There is no such thing as a gateway drug

Are you experimenting with Crack cocaine? You surely cant be this stupid.

People naturally chase the high, not all but a bit chunk of them. Once the high from Marijuana starts to lessen with each "session", some will look on and search for something that will equal or exceed the high and in turn will find harder drugs.

I'd rather see war legalized than cannabis at least cannabis doesn’t kil

What the fuck does this even mean?
What about alcohol people usually drink alcohol before they smoke pot?
Does that make alcohol a gateway drug?
Tobacco doesn’t get you high but there addicting you smoke tobacco all the time chasing for that high. So you smoking things that get you high. Is tobacco a gateway drug?
What about where countries that have marijuana legalized has less people who move on other drugs?

Like I said before to wonder why a person moves on to real dangerous drugs,it is not because the person started off smoking pot. You have to look into the persons past because most drug users have already had a rough past.

You keep talking bout this but I mentioned it before

Me going around saying chocolate s a gate way drug because I ate all this chocolate but was chasing a real high so I smoked pot and then I did heroine is just as silly as you trying to convince me that marijuana is a gateway drug.

The only thing I think marijuana can be is gateway to is success if you smoke it responsibly.
Look at the list I posted before

To answer your question War is more deadlier to people then pot. Compare the total deaths in the history of war and the deaths of pot. Even just compare this war to than to the total of deaths because of smoking pot. People are dyeing right now in a pointless war we are in a country that we shouldn't be in so many troops have died in action and ZERO people died from marijuana. War is worse than cannabis and the War on drugs is one of the worlds biggest failures today.

You still never answered my question on my post about unfair justice
What about how marijuana it saves lifes for some people. I'm not telling anyone how to live their lives all I'm telling is look at the coruptiontion that the war on drugs has caused. Why do we fill up our prisons with people who only had a plant on them. Legalizing marijuana is a very important issue it is good for the people,economy, and enviroment.

But you ignore the fact that William Randolph Hearst started that fake campaign saying that marijuana did all these things thatit did all these false things. He said that blacks and mexicans smoke it and rape white women. He said the blacks who smoke it and play their devil jazz music. Helped make the comedy movie Reefer Madness a movie that said if you smoke pot you will kill people and rape women. He started all these laws to make it illegal for his greed. At the time it actually scared people which I don’t know how that movie can scare you watch it for yourself it’s really silly how they describe marijuana and the things that it makes you do.

Do you really think that this war on cannabis is working? The ban on alcohol failed,and me made that legal. What would you been like during the alcohol prohibition? Would you have supported it? Compare the loss of lives to marijuana smokers to alcohol drinkers. There are zero deaths from marijuana it can't kill you but two of the most deadly and addicting habits in the entire world are legal. How often do you hear about a guy getting too stoned and beating up their wife?

Rayne talked about how he rather take a percocet but thats great for you. Also Percocet has a lot of worse side effects then smoking pot. Why don't you talk to all those sick people who need marijuana to function in everyday life? Those people smoke it because that is the only form of medicine that helps their body feel the pain that they do every day. You think it's OK to take medicine away from sick people?

What about how they tested marijuana by putting gas masks on monkeys and just pumping their bodies willed with pot and no oxygen. Even when Richard Nixon was given proof that marijuana was pretty much harmless he made it illegal anyway? Why? Because this was during the war who were one of the main protesters of the war? The pot smokers. So Nixon went ahead and put marijuana in the same category as heroine, cocaine, and meth.

If your not going to listen to me then watch The Union I posted the link they will tell you all the truth you need to know about the plant. Actually open the links that I post that you don't read before bashing me.
The comparison was between Percoset and hemp oil, idiot.

You think my position is anti-marijauna. You are mistaken. My position is anti-you making a public position on any issue I support, because you make the rest of us look like idiots. People bash you not because of your positions, but because the only form of deductive reasoning you understand is "go watch this online video". People like you are the reason why "Triumph of the Will" (look it up) was such a problem.

I also won't be judged morally by someone who completely ignores mass carrot torture for the convenient sake of his selfish vegetarianism.
All people who smoke marijuana and have become very successful.Some of the most successful people in the world were pot heads. Those are just the famous ones there are a lot more too. Lots of other people who have done great things who are still very productive to society.

A lot of successful people are school-dropouts. Maybe we should promote that too :shrug:
If legalizing marijuana is something you're really concerned with, you're an idiot. It means nothing. The people who smoke will continue to do so, in their homes, with a bag of chips, doing not much of anything else.

It is such a small and insignificant issue. I'm sure someone can make a solid case when you take the drug war into consideration, but we all know Todd isn't that guy.

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