Police Penis Sucking Goat Fucker
Pre-Show Stalwart
That's not what I'm saying at all. Clearly, Sandusky deserves more than the 30 years. Unfortunately, the courts didn't agree. The only real justice is that the man will (likely) die in a state prison.
As for the "even if he wasn't providing it legally" bit. Yeah, if he weren't doing it legally, he (under law) should be facing some sort of ramification for his actions of dealing in an illegal activity. 80 years is a bit excessive, though. Maybe just 10.....
What if Sandusky was only in his 30s? It still shows that in America it's a worse offense to give sick people medicine than it is to sexually abuse kids. No time in jail is what a person should get for providing medicine for sick people. Not 10! There shouldn't be any one in prison or getting arrested and having to pay a fine for marijuana.