Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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I get a feeling this thread is getting really serious right now, but come on guys. I myslef have been a TNA fan since I heard about them back in 04. Since then I've read every weekly IMPACT and PPV recap and watched many online or at a friends place and honestly TNA is in a LUL right now. But that's all it is, they have expanded extremely quickly and I think all of the new directions (House show schedule, videgame etc) have just distracted from the booking somewhat. I have watched every IMPACT and all TNA PPVS this year and I've gotta say, things aren't that bad. Yes there are things I don't like, I for instance am not a fan of AJ styles character, but at least he's developing some (which beforehand he never had), and I may not like the Rock and Rave Infection gimmick, BUT THEY'RE HEELS! That's the whole point, if everyone liked every team there would be no more faces or heels and it'd cause some major booking headaches (Siting Raven's stop cheering me when I'm heel arguement here).

After all the TNA I have consumed this year, I do not regret one minute of watching their product, its a hell of a lot better than America's Next Top Model or Eastenders, oh and btw how is WWE's booking any better? JBL vs Jericho?! OOOH that's money right there.
I think the main difference is that Vince McMahon isnt around to veto the bad ideas when they come around. TNA.......I think Joe has potential, at least with the smart fan base, but I'm unsure of this turn wrestling is taking toward guys the size of kamala working like mysterio. Maybe the injuries are coincidental.

The only thing I'm liking on TNA right now is Shark Boy's austin takeoff.....jeez, how pathetic am i? I can hear Triumph the Insult Comic Dog....

That's a great angle.......for me to poop on!
I stopped taking Disco Inferno seriously when I saw him in Newville, PA in a community center wrestling for 2 rows of people for the HOPWF and shooting basketballs at "intermission"

Glenn is a no name douche and it's hilarious he makes you people so angry you have to sit on your computers and pound the keyboard trying to fight back.
You know, this is the first time I have gotten on Gilberti's thread so I usually don't mess with chat rooms b/c usually I have found that there are alot of blow hards that think they can fix the state of wrestling or that they know what the hell they could have done to fix wrestling in the past. Here's what I know: WCW was waaay on it's way out before Russo came along. I am a 29 year old man and I have been a wrestling fan since about 87. I have always been a fan of WWF/E even during the mid-90's "dumb" gimmick era. I always thought that WCW/NWA (80's WCW) was just a cheaper version of wrestling. It just looked cheap, I always thought. Sure, the NWO stuff was kinda cool, but still the announcing was horrible, sans Bobby Heenan. (Always loved the Brain) I remember when I first joined my fraternity back in '97, there were some guys who were wrestling fans, WCW wrestling fans, mind you. They thought WWF was stupid and didn't really care for it. But I always stuck by them and to this day, they will tell you, I never bailed on them. The writing was on the wall. Russo was just the icing on the cake. I dont even need to go into the whole Arquette thing b/c that would be just wasting good space. It boils down to bad decisions, bad storylines, bad gimmicks, and a slew of suits that just didn't know what wrestling was. Period.

As far as TNA goes, great performers, horrible writing. If Jarrett is the one writing that shit, he needs to give it up and get back in the ring. I have not witnessed a wrestling show since WCW (2000 era) when I can turn on the t.v. one week and turn onthe t.v. the next week, and NOT know what the hell is going on. I tuned in a month or so ago and saw Christian and Rhyno going at each other. A week or so later, Rhyno was on Team Cage. WHAT??

Don't get me started on Kurt Angle. "Oh, I was working too much in WWE, Vince didn't respect my personal time!" Cry me a fucking river!! That's what you signed up for dipshit!! If you can't take the pressure, move to a wrestling show that will never compete. Oh, wait a minute, you did! I rate him right up there with Brock Lesnar. Lesnar was pushed like he was the second Hogan and what does he do? Leaves the company to pursue the NFL! FAILURE! "Well, I will try UFC! FAILURE! Please, how many guys would love to get the chance that Lesnar got or how many guys would give their nutsack to get to be in the spot Angle had?

Dont get me wrong, I have never been a pro-wrestler. But I damn sure know what is entertaining and can usually spot a good storyline or a break-out performer. I love wrestling and always will.

So, as a 20+ year fan let me spell it out for anyone who gives a damn: WCW was dead long before Russo. TNA will never compete with WWE due to horrible writing (and a six-sided ring. BUt that's another discussion for another time. Why do some company's think they can change something like the ring that will never be the norm. That's just stupid!) Jarrett, if you are writing that crap, then you need to give it up. You already have one of TNA's feet already in the ground!!

Ahh...another fellow from Cape Girardeau, MO. Don't see them very often. Great town though. Well, not really. Pretty boring actually, but still cool.

lol notice how inferno defends his credibility but not the fact that TNA is just unbelievably horrible. maybe because deep down he knows that the show is just plain bad but will not admit it. of course not, why would he badmouth his employer? kissass
Gilbertti already defended the product, numerous time.

Just because you didn't read it, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Are you even aware of the latest article he wrote?

Take a step back and look at it this way... ever since Vince Russo came aboard TNA, the loyal TNA fanbase from the IWC have started this backlash due to the stupidity that ensued immediately after.
That's the point. Russo was hired, and everything turned negative. People turned on the product, before anything had even happened, criticizing Russo for things that happened years previous, and that weren't even really his fault (which I'll explain in another thread if someone makes it).

If TNA did the exact same things they do now, and Russo wasn't on the staff, TNA would be getting near universal praise from the IWC.
vince russo is a vastly overrated creative mind. but wcw was dead when he took over and the higher ups expected russo to turn things around in a few weeks when it would have taken several months to a year to fix wcw. still his ideas were horrible and his matchmaking:undertaker2: stupid and insulting to fans. in tna russo has some input but the ultimate final say is with others (like jarrett) so while i don't think russo is anything great not all of the stupid crap that goes on in tna can be laid at his feet.
It's funny when I read the thoughts of THE DISCO INFERNO!! LMFAO. 9-10 years ago, would ANY of you really have cared what he had to day when he was stinkin up WcW? No. All he was, was a comedy routine, that got a T.V. title thrown at him a few times. Oh boy. In case anyone missed it, the WcW T.V. Title, ment nothing when he held it. You look back at other stars who held that belt....Steve Austin, Dustin Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, these guys held it when it mattered. Remember, this is the same promotion that gave a bad actor the World Title...(No, not Hogan!) The Inferno was about as serious a wrestler as Alex Wright, The Renegade, Ernest Miller, Glacier, Mortis, Meng........they were there to fill the cards, and give guys like Sting, Flair, DDP, The Giant, Hogan, Savage, Nash, Hall, Waltman, Malenko, Jericho, Mysterio somebody to look dominate against. Now, some of you gather in here to hear the great words of The Disco Inferno, and spread his words of wisdom about the wrestling business. HAHAHAHA! That's funny, whats next, posts by Gilberg? How about we find Col. DeBeers and ask him about his "wonderful" matches in '88 with Sgt. Slaughter in the old AWA!! LOL! Give me a break Disco Duck. Everyone reading knows that Russo is no good. He will have a few good spots per year, but everything in the middle is nothing but rating loses. He is scum. You guys want good wrestling? Take the product on mold it on old school. Not the '70's and early '80's, but take note on how buildings were sold out in NWA/WCW when it was WRESTLING! Sting, Flair, Anderson, Luger, Windham, Austin, Rhodes, Stieners, Doom, Vader. This was the time, and what people remember when they think of good periods in wrestling. Not the era of The Shark, Big Bubba, Lodi, Kwang, The Yetti!! Fans want wrestling. Not tuning to a 2 hour show, seeing 45 min. of wrestling, looking at announcers reading prescripted notes...(Remember Sting vs. Abyss.....Tenay and West looking at their paper reading, "Oh my god they are leaving the building!!" When Abyss threw Sting out the back door!!) Bring back times of a 2 hour show, where there is 1 hour and 15 min of wrestling and the rest is interviews and commercials, building up something important. Not builing something for that night, that isnt enough time. Just go on Disco. Dance off into the night and take Russo with you. Say hello to Lodi, Sick Boy and Alex Wright for me!
Russo is a Joke and anybody that thinks not is a imbicile how can he continue to work for the company but putting it all on his shoulders is rubbish Jarret and Angle hold power and they make the big Decisions they are the ones that hold Power Russo does Jack Shit worth talking about and before i get some washed up Ex-Wrestler on my back form my past and present in the business ive got friends how are not afraid to tell me how bad Russo and TNA management Sucks
russo is better than anyone on tna creative at the moment for everyone who thinks the younger people are so great who draws. most real fans are from the 1998-2001 boom if they see nash,scott stiener,sting,team 3d and bookert they have better chance to stay who would you think sound more likly to get ratings kaz vs joe or sting vs joe
Disco's argument itself reeks of "I'm better than you", rather than actually addressing the problem of Vince Russo.

I believe Meltzer on occasion because he gets the dirt. Not always true, no, but I'm still waiting for the correlation between Meltzer's information and why Vince Russo is making TNA suck. Maybe the Disc' will take a real stab at answering the question one week here for WrestleZone, or maybe he'll pontificate 4 more paragraphs of nonsense that have nothing to do with the subject at hand.

The Disco Inferno character was a total joke, and that "reply" was too.

If you have something viable, intelligible, or *gasp* interesting to say, than by all means toss it out here, but restating for the qua-zillionth time that you don't like internet fans isn't breaking new ground.

Maybe one day the wrestling business will wake up to the reality of the internet, because right now articles like the Disco's reinforce a stagnant, old view of wrestling. I prefer the "good old days" too, when kayfabe ruled supreme and I was legitimately on the edge of my seat wondering who would win. Somehow the fans are ahead of the wrestlers, because we've accepted and then embraced the internet.

With wrestling popularity on a sharp downward spin, WWE spinning its wheels with 3.0 RAW ratings and TNA forever stuck between 1.0 and 1.5, negativity toward the internet is alienating the few diehard fans you have left.

You can talk about the credibility of Dave Meltzer all you like, but articles such as this, which express what is ultimate supposed to be your real world view, hurt the credibility of the industry.

According to pro wrestlers, internet wrestling fans don't know anything, rely on false info and total lies?

Is that the message you're trying to send?

There are folks, like me, who have been fans of wrestling before there was an internet. Disco Inferno makes it seem like one day I logged on to the internet, and suddenly I forgot how to reason, how to use logic, that the internet based wrestling information was taken like the word of God.

It's not the Old Testament. It's WrestleZone. They make mistakes too, but it took a pro wrestler to make the mistake, again, to assume everyone reading WZ took it as gospel.

Anymore articles like this, and I may go elsewhere for wrestling news.


- Dissatisfied WZ User for 3+ years
here Glen has a go talking bout all his Knowledge of the sport he might no a few anecdotes from his Hay Day which was about 10 minutes long,But he knows jack shit about wrestling the thing that matters not some story about how Raven slapped Fricking Michael Jackson
You guys all know that for all intense purposes Vince Russo does NOT have any real power in TNA. For the most part he is just a writer. The two guys on the TNA creative team that are calling all of the overall shots are Dutch Mantel and Jeff Jarrett, so instead of saying that Russo is killing TNA, shouldn't you be pointing the finger at Mantel and Jarrett?

As a writer, Vince Russo is entertaining who just knows the business quite a bit, but as a booker he just can't carry the company on his shoulders, but he does mean well.

Personally I have said this time and again, TNA does not need a big name superstar to get them over. What they truly need is a true wrestle minded booker that knows wrestling and knows characters...

And if they can somehow get him away from Vince McMahon's thumbnail then I truly believe TNA will be so over the top, and influence that he has with all wrestlers in the business will identify this.

That man that I am talking about is PAUL E. HEYMAN.

Roll your eyes and argue with me all you want but come on, any time when you can sit down with not only a main eventer, but a simple mid or low card and just take the time to talk for hours solely on your character and who you hope to accomplish with them, and then the very next week he goes above and beyond out of his way to make it happen and then some and somehow makes it work then yeah that is what TNA needs.

They need someone that will take the time to sit with and work with not only the top tiered stars but also the lesser knowns.

What do you think that Heyman would do Shark Boy or what direction would he give Eric Young? The sky's the limit for him.

Paul Heyman, bad businessman, but awesome creative mind and knowledge for the business of pro wrestling.

I also think that Paul Heyman, if in charge of the creative team would keep Vince Russo around and use him for what he is...A good writer.

I would also have Heyman bring back Scott D'More who is also a good wrestle minded guy behind the scenes.

But that is just me.

So lay off of the "I Hate Russo" chants, he ain't that bad, There are worse in TNA.
"I hate Russo"

He aint that bad and Hitler was a fricking ledgend he is the worst thing to happen to Wrestling since jobbers like Glen himself he is arrogant self centred and rude,Did you ever watch Russos shoot were he talks him self up and just disses Vince mcmahon for 40 minutes then claims any company he goes to will be great because of one reason

"The Russo Factor"

Bull Shit
I'm kind of new to the whole backstage aspect of wrestling, so I'm not going to bother building up or talking shit about Russo's past, I'm actually not 100% sure on what a "Russo-style" angle or gimmick is, so if I could be talking about something totally different. But I am an annoying college kid with a computer, and some free time so I'm adding my opinion

I don't think TNA is dying, I think it's still very young and trying to take down a giant, so its going look like shit by comparison for a while.
From What I've gathered, "Russo-esque" is synonymous with being really heavy on the gimmick matches(I mean anything without a DQ), stipulations, and ludicrous story lines
So as far as him killing the brand: No, if anything would kill TNA it would be reverting to what WWE does now, and never having a gimmick match. For all intents and purposes they(WWE) have retired any concept of "Hardcore", I can't remember the last time they gave any stipulations to a match...(O wait Cyber Sunday if you can bring yourself to count that.)

I think Gimmick matches play a ludicrously important role in both the variety of entertainment, and the intensity of an angle. There is also a lot you can do with a gimmick or stipulation match that you couldn't do otherwise unless someone knocked out or distracted the ref, which has been done "ad nausem".

PS greatest wrestling match EVER: Kennel From Hell Match,
in case your unfamiliar: Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man, steel cage inside the Hell in a cell with WILD DOBERMANS surrounding the ring first one to escape will be declared the winner.
who the hell is disco inferno??? I have been watching wrestling, wwe, wcw, ecw, some tna for about 13 years. Was he some squash jobber that helped Goldberg go 173-0? I'm going to assume that and be on my way...
This thread has turned into a newbie thread from hell.

The part I like the most is how everyone is coming in and ridiculing Gilbertti, simply because of a character he played ten years ago. The most incredible part is how people are criticizing how stupid the gimmick was, and ignoring that Gilbertti made that "stupid gimmick" get over tremendously with the crowd.

Was he some kind of great wrestler? Maybe not, but neither was Lance Storm, and yet everyone praises that guy's opinion.

The simple fact is this. You can criticize Gilbertti all you want, but what he is saying is the truth. TNA critics are bashing TNA, not because of the product, but because who is on the staff. The people who are bashing them, come up with absurd reasons for bashing the product, criticisms that are far more ridiculous than what they supposedly are reviewing.

Finally, Gilbertti DOES work in TNA, and Dixie Carter is the President of TNA. So, if I had to believe between the lying sack of crap that is Dave Meltzer, who rarely gets anything right, is one of the most biased wrestling fans in the world, and makes his living selling the professional wrestling version of The National Inquirer, or believing Glenn Gilbertti, who actually works in TNA, and Dixie Carter, the President of TNA...I'm going to believe Gilbertti and Dixie. And anyone who wants to take Meltzer's word for it is blinded by their own arrogance.
This thread has turned into a newbie thread from hell.

The part I like the most is how everyone is coming in and ridiculing Gilbertti, simply because of a character he played ten years ago. The most incredible part is how people are criticizing how stupid the gimmick was, and ignoring that Gilbertti made that "stupid gimmick" get over tremendously with the crowd.

Was he some kind of great wrestler? Maybe not, but neither was Lance Storm, and yet everyone praises that guy's opinion.

The simple fact is this. You can criticize Gilbertti all you want, but what he is saying is the truth. TNA critics are bashing TNA, not because of the product, but because who is on the staff. The people who are bashing them, come up with absurd reasons for bashing the product, criticisms that are far more ridiculous than what they supposedly are reviewing.

Finally, Gilbertti DOES work in TNA, and Dixie Carter is the President of TNA. So, if I had to believe between the lying sack of crap that is Dave Meltzer, who rarely gets anything right, is one of the most biased wrestling fans in the world, and makes his living selling the professional wrestling version of The National Inquirer, or believing Glenn Gilbertti, who actually works in TNA, and Dixie Carter, the President of TNA...I'm going to believe Gilbertti and Dixie. And anyone who wants to take Meltzer's word for it is blinded by their own arrogance.

Why say someone is blinded by arrogance when you yourself are? I may be a noobie to this forum, but not a noobie to wrestling. Already, I can see from this thread alone, that You are a bit one sided and will only see yourself as being right. One could define that as arrogance.

I will call it, someone very opinionated. Which is fine. Me personally, someone is screwing up TNA, not sure who that may be, but it is definatly happening. I also loved the Disco Inferno gimmick and see it as one of the stand out gimmicks of wrestling. Unfortunatly for Glen, he will be stuck being known as the Disco Inferno forever as Gary Colman will always be known as Arnold Drummond. Whatcho talking bout willis?

If you look past the gimmick, Glen was a very talented wrestler. Noone should say anything different. Maybe if The Disco Inferno Gimmick was never born, he may have had a better career. Noone will ever know. BUT, Unfortunatly, I have to agree and say working for the company adds personal Bias. Metlzer is a moron and should not be taken seriously, but people do regardless. So who is really winning this arguement?

no one is winning this argument because no one will admit they the otherside might have a point. russo is not the only one responsible for the crappy angles in tna. glen is doing what he is best at and that is getting the fans to hate him. meltzer is a dumbass. tna is going through a rough patch right now just like every company be fore them. that's it.

My point EXACTLY. Thank you.
no one is winning this argument because no one will admit they the otherside might have a point. russo is not the only one responsible for the crappy angles in tna. glen is doing what he is best at and that is getting the fans to hate him. meltzer is a dumbass. tna is going through a rough patch right now just like every company be fore them. that's it.
Leave it to The Disco Inferno (pause and absorb that atrocious moniker for a second... then laugh) to antagonize forum members in his narcissistic nature. So you get paid to come here and be a dick because you were an active wrestler at one time for WCW (albeit a forgetable one) so you're paid to come online and be a complete and total dick. And why? Because members of the internet community, in their infinite right as a consumer criticize said product (TNA) for its faults. Sure, it is your right to defend the product, but take a step back and look at it this way, "gg inferno."

Read JR.'s blog much? It's always a good read. People constantly criticize the WWE for their own faults but does Jim Ross, as a loyal and valued employee of the WWE go out of his way to be a complete and total ******** to the fans who will often criticize the product they spend money on for its sporadic shortcomings? No. Granted the IWC is not exactly the brightest crop out there and more often than not, just shit all over TNA for fuck's sake, it doesn't justify your temper tantrums and attempts to belittle other people's opinions. I wouldn't bank on it but it's highly possible the reason people here often bash TNA is because you so passionately defend their often mediocre booking in a manner with zero class. ...AND YOU'RE NOT EVEN AN IMPORTANT PART OF THE TNA TV PROGRAMMING. When was the last time you were even on Impact? When you embarrassed yourself by playing Shark Boy's dad, a character you'll defend to the grave, apparently, despite how unoriginal and lame it is?

News flash, it's a bit ironic that you demean anyone as a "follower." Aren't you a mark for TNA programming? Aren't you dangling off the preverbial balls of Jeff Jarrett and Vince Russo by defending this sometimes mediocre programming, often citing ratings as the almighty gospel that indicates what is compelling booking or not? You're not exactly a leader, Glenn. You're a follower so it's about time you dismounted the high horse. Maybe if you were less of a dick in your defenses, you'd actually garner some respect around here but instead, in your infinite attempt to be the cool heel or asshole you can be, you do things the hard way and hope, in what your own mind consider the brainless drones, will succumb to your infinite knowledge and admit they were wrong.

Take a step back and look at it this way... ever since Vince Russo came aboard TNA, the loyal TNA fanbase from the IWC have started this backlash due to the stupidity that ensued immediately after. Keep in mind this is the same fanbase that would pop for TNA and the great booking it had, from heel Jarrett Champion, to Christian's coming and the unforgetable X-Division feuds involving Joe, Styles and Daniels. Sure, the ratings increased but not by much and wouldn't they have inevitably as the company hired more known stars (former WWE talent), was advertised by Spike TV and ultimately got a second hour? Who's to say if Vince Russo (a terrible writer if left unchecked, look at the Attitude Era then look at his horrible stint in WCW, a company that couldn't control The Warrior, nor him) wasn't hired, the TNA product today would not be much better? Can you? If you do, please pull the crystal ball out of your ass, I'd like to take a peak.

Sure, that's a double-edged sword reasoning, you'll probably say "ERM, I DUNNO, HOW DO YOU KNOW IT WOULDN'T BE MUCH WORSE THAN SHARK BOY STEVE AUSTIN AND UNMASKED ABYSS WITH A FAMILY DRAMA REMINISCENT OF KANE/UNDERTAKER HUR HUR." With or without Russo, the rating would have reached 1.1 or whatever the hell they average now because wrestling fans would have tuned in for this fresh new company regardless of the comedic shtick that would go on. I know I did, while overlooking the horrible storylines. I enjoy watching the young new talent I can only see in TNA, but I can't for one second stomach the storylines with more plotholes than Terminator 3.

It is 2008, let's look at the current affairs in TNA; The Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels is playing Curry Man. Samoa Joe is two years too late in his World title reign after Kurt "Paul Laveque II" Angle came in and broke his undefeated streak (anybody remember when Joe was a force to be reckoned with ala Goldberg or Lesnar before Angle came in?), A.J Styles is Impact's Doink The Clown (without the make-up), a jobber is emulating the biggest wrestler of the attitude era, Petey Williams is now known as "Lil' Petey Pump", Eric Young is The Hurricane II (because we know how well the superhero gimmick worked in the WWE. oh wait, Gregory Helms doesn't wear a mask!), Abyss will return (unmasked, this is TNA repeating WWE's mistake by unmasking Kane so not only do they make their own mistakes, they like to repeat WWE's as well), and finally... who could forget? VKM's attempt to wage war on the WWE, only to be ignored because they are in an inferior company.

That's the product you're defending. Sure, there are pros I can count.

James Storm is getting over as a singles competitor, Bobby Roode has morphed into a great young heel, the women's division is thriving and... Joe is finally champion, that counts for something I suppose, even if it's all late.

This is actually dead-on. Glenn was never anything big in WCW (though he tried his hardest to catch on with the booking committee) and he clearly isn't doing too well with TNA, since he has to rely on paychecks from Wrestlezone each week. The fact is, Glenn just doesn't have the personality or skills to attract people's attention in the ring or in promos.

He may know all sorts of technical information, but so did guys like Marty Janetty and Tom Zenk, both of which never caught on with the public. A solid performer needs that "it" factor and Glenn doesn't have it, so he tries to make up for it behind the scenes. The problem comes in when he thinks he knows better than the fans and tries to tell people what he thinks they should want to see, instead of listening to what they really want.

There's a reason why some guys have plenty of money to live the rest of their lives on while others have to live in squalor and sell their soul to Indy wrestling. In 10 years, we'll all be watching Glenn make the Indy circuit, talking about how he used to be somebody once. Without a doubt, Glenn is nothing more than a young Barry Horowitz.
Look people we can bitch ALL we want. ALL WE WANT. But fact is, we are still gonna watch TNA and bitch about it. Just like we bitched about the shitty ass new blood vs. billionairs club angle in wcw. We still watched. WE ARE WRESTLING FANS!! TNA can't please us all. They can't suprise us every damn IMPACT. Yes i agree that they have the talent to have the best matches of ANY promotion. There for the SHOULD put on great matches. TNA has alot of improvement. I for one HATE the announcers.. HATE them. Mike tenay reminds me too much of wcw and this isn't wcw it's tna. Get a new original announcer. but even tho i hate the announcers i'm gonna watch this thursday regardless of if ive read spoilers or not. I'm a TNA FAN. GLENN IS RIGHT he's an asshole but he's RIGHT. I wish there wasn't internet wrestling because then i wouldn't read spoilers and get inside info. Then i could be surprised just like everyone else. I think internet ruins the business.
I honestly don't know why Wrestlezone pays Glenn to say anything on this site. He may be on the booking committee in TNA, and has appeared on WCW Monday Nitro...but for him to rant and rave about the fans who tune in to watch his program is stupid. I'm trying my best to not come off as a mark...because he could just as easily be playing ALL of us...seeing as he's the 'heel' of the Wrestlezone columnists. Any wrestling fan with basic knowledge knows that the TNA product has decreased in value over the course of several weeks. To blame Vince Russo for that is to blame Russo for the downfall of WCW. The bottom line is TNA doesn't have the star power and the money to be competitive with the WWE. However, the writing can be much better. I mean, Glenn can say the ratings are up, bla bla bla, but the fact is that a 1.0 is nothing to brag about. TNA has been around since 2002 and the best they can muster for a two hour program is a little bit over a 1.0? Really? Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe, and Sting are the flagships of TNA at the moment. Kevin Nash isn't what he used to be and he'll tell you that himself. Neither is Scott Steiner. Christian Cage and Booker T haven't made the 'Impact' they were supposed to. What TNA has to do is to push it's homegrown talent. Having Samoa Joe with the TNA belt is great. Petey Williams as an X-Division champ is great, also. But having a world class athlete like AJ Styles act stupid isn't what this company needs. He's a character of his own. He doesn't need a gimmick to get over with the fans. He's "Phenominal". And the same goes for Christopher Daniels. He needs to be a darker character...back to where he was.

What makes me the maddest is that now is the time to try to compete with the WWE. They're ratings are dying by the week...and TNA is standing there...doing the same thing. I just have a couple of suggestions for TNA...and this is strictly from a fan's point of view.

1). Get rid of the six-sided ring. It's not's an inconvenience for the wrestlers who have been in a four sided ring all of their careers.
2). More blood. See...TNA can use SPIKE TV for what it is... a man's network. More bloodshed gets people's attention...and can be a useful way to get someone over as a tough guy or someone who can take a lot of punishment. It's a shame that you have an ALL CAGE PPV and only one match has some blood. Please.
3). Better storylines. There are many ways to make storylines more compelling. The Angle/Joe storyline is great. It's compelling and I look forward to their rematch. But the Roode/Booker story went bland real fast. And other than those two angles, I don't know what's really going on.
4). More controversy. The 'breaking the fourth wall' complex is a great way to stir attention. Whether it's real or fake, it makes for good TV. There's ways to 'break a fourth wall' and still keep to a script and look professional. WCW did a bad job of that and just didn't care after a while. TNA can use that element to create some controversy and create a higher viewership.

That's just my opinon though. As far as 'Disqo' is concerened. No one takes you seriously...period.
Dont Mess With Disco. I Mean Were Talking About A Guy Who Has Held Multiple World Titles, Countless Other Singles Titles And Who Could Forget All Those Tag Title Runs. He's Done Everything A Person Could Ask For In The Wrestling Bussiness. Wait Sorry I Couldnt Keep A Straight Face Writing That So I'll Stop. He Hasnt Done Shit. Well, Sorry He Did Do One Thing Right And That Was Run WCW Into The Ground,Look Out TNA.

Ya Did Huh, Well Thats Dandy
Can I ask everyone a question? If this was Kurt Angle making these points, would you guys still argue as much? Or better yet, would you guys (those that are) insult Kurt the way you attempt to insult Glenn?

My only reason for asking is because I don't think you would. And if you wouldn't, I think it's a bit hypocritical. Why?

I'm assuming you wouldn't insult RVD because you'd be too awe-stricken, not to mention you would think he was a more "credible" source than Glenn. You are insulted by what Glenn says and that's understandable - I'm not disagreeing with that part of it - but the best argument you guys have is what he's done in the business. Do you think Rob decided he was going to be a bigger star than Glenn? Do you think Glenn decided that he was going to do what he did?

The writers (and owners in many cases) decide how the wrestlers will be used, pushed, etc. You're naive to take any wrestler's word over another. They have ALL been in the business and know more about it than you guys do. That's a FACT!

However, let me state the fact also that although I do believe Glenn knows more from an "in-ring wrestling" standpoint (and as far as this discussion goes - who is writing the Impact shows since he's actually there) than any of us do, I don't think he necessarily knows more about what makes an entertaining wrestling show.

TNA is loved by many and hated my many. I watch their product and enjoy pieces of it while I literally can't stand the rest. If I were writing the shows, I would do tons different, as would everyone in this forum. Whether those ideas would work better or worse than what TNA is doing currently will never be known. However, I don't think Glenn can tell me that just because I haven't been inside the business the same way he has or for as long, that my ideas wouldn't be successful.

The same man that Glenn praises (Vince Russo) - I do too in some cases, by the way - started as a wrestling talk-show host and a WWE magazine columnist! He was then invited by Mr. Watts to the meetings and later promoted to the creative team. Vic Venom wasn't a wrestler, Glenn. He was a no-name radio host and a simple columnist, yet he has your respect now?

I'm assuming he didn't when he first started, right? Otherwise, that would kind of make you a hypocrite.
This Is Indeed A Heated Debate. Maybe RVD And Kurt Angle Didnt Choose To Be Bigger Stars, They Were Just Better Suited For The Bussiness and Had More Talent And A Better Look. Also You Are Right That The Only Argument We Have Is Insulting His Career, But Its Just So Easy.
My gripes aren't with Glenn or anyone involved in TNA in particular. I don't know what goes on backstage, nor do I claim to know. I do know that there is a damn good bit of talent in TNA. When the matches are great, they are f**king great. I mean these guys do some crazy ass moves that you don't see and won't see in WWE. They are awesome athletes. My main concern is the storylines. They need a lot of improvement. That's why I can't watch the whole program. There are storylines that I would do different, but could I sit down and write an entire episode of Impact that would please everyone and nobody would bitch and gripe about? Hell no! I don't think 99.999999% of us could.I don't know what Glenn does behind the scenes at TNA, but I'm sure he knows a damn good bit about the business. Even if he does act like an asshole! LOL
Better Storylines That Are Original And Interesting, Better Builds For Rivalrys/Better Rivalrys, Push The Young Guys And Prove WWE Doesnt Have The Best Talent, Cut The Deadwood From The Roster, Create More Compelling Characters For People, Pick The X-Division Up Aswell As The Tag Team Division. Im Sure Theres More But I Think Ive Got The Main Points.
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