Vince Russo Dragging TNA Down?

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Better Storylines That Are Original And Interesting
Storylines that are original and interesting. How often can you be original when writing a show? It is hard. The second best thing is to come up with a storyline that may have already been used and put a TNA Twist on it.

Better Builds For Rivalrys/Better Rivalrys
Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe isn't a good rivalry to you? Aren't you waiting for the potential Jay Lethal vs Sonjay Dutt rivalry or the eventual Samoa Joe vs Kevin Nash rivalry teased on iMPACT

Push The Young Guys And Prove WWE Doesnt Have The Best Talent
You likely mean homegrown talent. Well we have AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Super Eric, Kaz, Robert Roode, James Storm, Awesome Kong, ODB and Roxxi Laveaux to name countless others. Not only that but I truly believe Rhino, Team 3D, Christian Cage, Tomko and Matt Morgan have all been branded TNA recently

Cut The Dead wood From The Roster
The only dead wood I see on the TNA roster is Kip and BG James. BG could be used as a Promo Coach backstage, so if they got rid of Kip I would be happy. Everyone else has potential to help out TNA.

Create More Compelling Characters For People
TNA has compelling characters. I personally would like TNA to sign Jimmy Jacobs to play his Emo character, the Briscoe Brothers to be a Southern Boy Team and Delirious who would be an awesome character

Pick The X-Division Up Aswell As The Tag Team Division.

Both in my opinion need improvement. While TNA hasn't called themselves an alternative in over a year these divisions as well as the Knockouts Division will set them apart from WWE
Why say someone is blinded by arrogance when you yourself are? I may be a noobie to this forum, but not a noobie to wrestling. Already, I can see from this thread alone, that You are a bit one sided and will only see yourself as being right. One could define that as arrogance.
Did you even read why I said some people may be arrogant? Or did you simply just zero in on the word "arrogance", and completely ignore the context in which is was written?

Either way, until you can actually read and comprehend what I wrote, the last thing you need to do is to try and correct me, or call me a hypocrite.

Get back to me when you actually read what I said, in the context of why I said it.

i invented ultimate x, but you probably wouldn't believe it.
If this is true, then you should be considered a GOD amongst these fans. Because Ultimate X is the pinnacle of euphoria for all the fans of the "160 pound wrestlers" who can do a bunch of flippys.

The ratings speak for themselves.
I agree. From averaging a .3 on FSN on Friday afternoons, to being showcased as the primetime event on the best TV night of the week, drawing ratings that Spike TV is happy to achieve, TNA certainly has done quite well.

Like Glenn blamed ECW's decline on Heyman's booking decisions, the TNA writers should be blamed for the poor showing across all demos.
Would you like to compare TNA wrestling to the other shows put on Spike, and then match the ratings?

Why don't you try that. See what happens.
Was he some kind of great wrestler? Maybe not, but neither was Lance Storm, and yet everyone praises that guy's opinion.
I swear that half the people that respond to posts that regard Storm's opinion column either think he's an idiot or should STFU. I like Storm, but I'm no mark for him. I think he's got some decent points now and then about TNA stuff, but I don't think his suggestions for reforming the company that I saw were anything revolutionary and I'd probably still disagree with him.

TNA critics are bashing TNA, not because of the product, but because who is on the staff. The people who are bashing them, come up with absurd reasons for bashing the product, criticisms that are far more ridiculous than what they supposedly are reviewing.

who rarely gets anything right
What? Rarely? And you think that the people who bash TNA are biased.

is one of the most biased wrestling fans in the world
Biased? He's biased against bad wrestling programming? He praises WWE whenever he finds something with promise and I'm sure he does the same with TNA. I remember listening to an Alvarez thing where Alvarez was bitching about everything on TNA being worth killing yourself over (or at least sounding like that's the case, no one should get THAT wrapped up over a wrestling show to the point that they whine about it every radio show) and whining that Meltzer, when writing reviews, tries to find the single smallest thing to compliment them on and do it even if he disliked the show at large. I don't think Meltzer is biased as far as the quality of the product, so much as it's like Roger Ebert criticizing a movie that is shitty (like, say, Meet The Spartans or Battlefield Earth). It's not because he has some sort of built in bias against the people involved, it's because he thinks the movie is shit.

or believing Glenn Gilbertti, who actually works in TNA
..and who actually has a bias for it, because if he started talking any bit negatively of the product he'd get axed from the company. That should, in the mind of someone who is actually intelligent, cast enough doubt on his credibility to merely take his statements with a grain of salt.

and Dixie Carter, the President of TNA...I'm going to believe Gilbertti and Dixie. And anyone who wants to take Meltzer's word for it is blinded by their own arrogance.
I'm not taking Meltzer's word for it, by the way, you dip. I've taken into consideration things other than his word, even if what he said was a starting point to it. There's Meltzer saying that Russo's writing 90% of TNA television. Then there's the fact that TNA television, for the most part since it was reported Russo joined the company, is following the WCW Russo blueprint. Now Glenn and Dixie say that Jeff's doing the majority of programming? I mean, what, is he taking the Vince McMahon role and filtering what he wants out of Russo's writing? Because that would denote that both him and Russo are responsible for the terrible programming and both are a hurdle to TNA getting any better.
This is actually dead-on. Glenn was never anything big in WCW (though he tried his hardest to catch on with the booking committee) and he clearly isn't doing too well with TNA, since he has to rely on paychecks from Wrestlezone each week. The fact is, Glenn just doesn't have the personality or skills to attract people's attention in the ring or in promos.

He may know all sorts of technical information, but so did guys like Marty Janetty and Tom Zenk, both of which never caught on with the public. A solid performer needs that "it" factor and Glenn doesn't have it, so he tries to make up for it behind the scenes. The problem comes in when he thinks he knows better than the fans and tries to tell people what he thinks they should want to see, instead of listening to what they really want.

There's a reason why some guys have plenty of money to live the rest of their lives on while others have to live in squalor and sell their soul to Indy wrestling. In 10 years, we'll all be watching Glenn make the Indy circuit, talking about how he used to be somebody once. Without a doubt, Glenn is nothing more than a young Barry Horowitz.

yeah, you're right. I'm not doing a wrestling tour of new zealand right now, i'm sitting at home waiting for my wrestlezone check so i can have enough money for a bowl of grits since i'm starving to death. and i'm sure you'd like to provide the long list of guys that have retired from the business at 40.
I swear that half the people that respond to posts that regard Storm's opinion column either think he's an idiot or should STFU. I like Storm, but I'm no mark for him. I think he's got some decent points now and then about TNA stuff, but I don't think his suggestions for reforming the company that I saw were anything revolutionary and I'd probably still disagree with him.
I have yet to see anyone say anything negative about Lance Storm, although they should.

The point was just to try the exact opposite of Disco, and show how people take the opposite opinion as gospel.

Have you read Gilbertti's article? It's right.

What? Rarely? And you think that the people who bash TNA are biased.
Outside of the common sense things that even a monkey could figure out, what does Dave Meltzer get right?

Biased? He's biased against bad wrestling programming? He praises WWE whenever he finds something with promise and I'm sure he does the same with TNA. I remember listening to an Alvarez thing where Alvarez was bitching about everything on TNA being worth killing yourself over (or at least sounding like that's the case, no one should get THAT wrapped up over a wrestling show to the point that they whine about it every radio show) and whining that Meltzer, when writing reviews, tries to find the single smallest thing to compliment them on and do it even if he disliked the show at large. I don't think Meltzer is biased as far as the quality of the product, so much as it's like Roger Ebert criticizing a movie that is shitty (like, say, Meet The Spartans or Battlefield Earth). It's not because he has some sort of built in bias against the people involved, it's because he thinks the movie is shit.
Did you really just say that Meltzer is not a biased wrestling fan?

..and who actually has a bias for it, because if he started talking any bit negatively of the product he'd get axed from the company. That should, in the mind of someone who is actually intelligent, cast enough doubt on his credibility to merely take his statements with a grain of salt.
The only thing he has said is that TNA flies under Jarrett's vision. Why the fuck would he get fired for that? Are you really insinuating that there is this mass hush-hush conspiracy to keep Russo being the head booker a secret, simply to appease a few internet fans who will probably watch the program anyway?

That makes no sense. And, if that really WAS the case, shouldn't have the ultra reporter Dave Meltzer reported that by now? You know, how everyone in TNA keeps it a secret who the REAL booker is?

I can just see Gilbertti now, tucked away in some secret room, twisting his mustache in some diabolical plot to swerve everyone he talks to, about something that has absolutely no effect on the viewership of the product, even though it was already admitted that the same person was doing booking back in his first stint.

Where, oh where, is our shining Silver Knight, Dave Meltzer, to rescue us from this cruel and evil plot? Please, Meltzer, please, save us from being lied to by every fucking member of TNA that has anything to do with the show's production.

There's Meltzer saying that Russo's writing 90% of TNA television.
That's true.

Russo takes the booking, and puts it into a TV script. That's been said numerous times.

Then there's the fact that TNA television, for the most part since it was reported Russo joined the company, is following the WCW Russo blueprint.
And, if the program was exactly the same, and Russo wasn't part of the official staff, would you still say that?

Now Glenn and Dixie say that Jeff's doing the majority of programming? I mean, what, is he taking the Vince McMahon role and filtering what he wants out of Russo's writing?
Yes, it is completely out of the realm of possibility that Jeff Jarrett, the founder of the company, who owns a large stake in the company, would be the one to book it.

Completely unbelievable. :rolleyes:

Because that would denote that both him and Russo are responsible for the terrible programming and both are a hurdle to TNA getting any better.
You say terrible programming, I say programming that has been the cause for TNA's rise from .3 ratings on FSN to 1.1 ratings in primetime on SpikeTV on the best TV night of the week.
what's with all the glenn heat? Seriously, he's doing this because he wants to. the fact is TNA ratings are getting better. not great, but they've to compete against an established company.

given some of what vince russo books are some of the most famous angles, he should get a chance to book. if it doesn't work, TNA aren't going to use it because they're not stupid
people are all crazy... your all attacking disco for nothing... Saying he was a nothing in WCW, TNA all that jazz.... but the deal is he gets paid to do what we all love... He also gets paid to write about what we all love... all of us are just posting on a forum pretending to do what he does... and pretending we can do it better...

TNA is dope... I like the stories... I think they give me better (quality not quanity) wrestling per hour... I'm tired of reading about everyone bitching... Stop watching TNA if you don't wanna watch TNA... real people who watch wrestling like TNA cause its funny its cheesy and the matches are better in my opinion... so if a whole bunch of cheeto fingered IWC members think they can book a Wrestling Promotion and become bigger and better than TNA go on and try... cause it isn't gonna happen...

Just don't watch it if you don't like it... Inferno's not holding your eyelids open while keeping your TV on spike forcing you to watch TNA...

Just don't watch it and please shut your mouth its getting old
Can I ask everyone a question? If this was Kurt Angle making these points, would you guys still argue as much? Or better yet, would you guys (those that are) insult Kurt the way you attempt to insult Glenn?

My only reason for asking is because I don't think you would. And if you wouldn't, I think it's a bit hypocritical. Why?

I'm assuming you wouldn't insult RVD because you'd be too awe-stricken, not to mention you would think he was a more "credible" source than Glenn. You are insulted by what Glenn says and that's understandable - I'm not disagreeing with that part of it - but the best argument you guys have is what he's done in the business. Do you think Rob decided he was going to be a bigger star than Glenn? Do you think Glenn decided that he was going to do what he did?
Making these kind of assertions is kinda dumb, don't you think? I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but I think they're ill advised.

If Kurt Angle were here doing the same thing, he'd get the same shit from people who aren't fans of TNA just based on that he's promoting an unpopular product.

The writers (and owners in many cases) decide how the wrestlers will be used, pushed, etc. You're naive to take any wrestler's word over another. They have ALL been in the business and know more about it than you guys do. That's a FACT!
Just because they have more experience in the business doesn't mean they have more insight on what people, at large, would want to see than the people who have been buying and plugging money down on it for years. Not to mention, the same people who have casual viewer or non-viewer friends who'd probably get turned off by TNA.

The same man that Glenn praises (Vince Russo) - I do too in some cases, by the way - started as a wrestling talk-show host and a WWE magazine columnist! He was then invited by Mr. Watts to the meetings and later promoted to the creative team. Vic Venom wasn't a wrestler, Glenn. He was a no-name radio host and a simple columnist, yet he has your respect now?

I'm assuming he didn't when he first started, right? Otherwise, that would kind of make you a hypocrite.
Jim Cornette and Paul Heyman were fans before they jumped into the business as well, much like us. I think Cornette was a photographer initially and jumped in when he was younger.

Any single one of us on here could be that next Heyman, Cornette or *shudder* Russo. I don't see why the wrestling industry has this insistence on using guys who are played out and have nothing left to contribute to this business. Cornette's still a great mind and is excellent at cultivating young talent. Hell, he's called it before when he said that Cena, Lesnar, Batista and Morgan were the type of talent that could headline a Wrestlemania. Heyman's another guy like Cornette in that he's a machine for this kind of stuff. I've no doubt that if someone started up the promotion, grabbed the talent and threw money at Heyman to book whatever he wanted (so long as it doesn't get them thrown off the network, hah!), then people would have the type of promotion they could buy into and get around.

So I don't see why every single one of us have to, apparently, bow to the glory of Glenn Gilbertti's knowledge when he hasn't done even a small modicum of stuff that those two did. Cornette, at one point, booked his own promotion and made it into a success (at least for a time) and Heyman created a cult phenomena whose brand of wrestling stuck with fans long, long after it's death. I would love it if those two joined up and booked a promotion together. I think it'd go over like gangbusters.
Have you read Gilbertti's article? It's right.
I make it a point not to read any articles Glenn does, because they're (like I said) basically Bill O'Reilly esque bullshit that's all about talking other people down while promoting whatever agenda he aligns with.

Outside of the common sense things that even a monkey could figure out, what does Dave Meltzer get right?
Buyrates, certain rumors, plans for a promotion's future, etc. He's a good use for info as far as what people in the back are looking at doing at the current time.

Did you really just say that Meltzer is not a biased wrestling fan?
There's a formula people need to do on the internet that you, nor most other defenders, are not following.

Read >>> Comprehend >>> Post.

Simple for the normal, halfway intelligent internet posters.. yet it's somehow difficult for you. I wasn't saying he was not a biased wrestling fan, I said his bias was against shitty wrestling. I've seen him posting positive things on PPV reports and talking up TNA's PPVs. I think he's even alluded to TNA's PPVs being what their television should aspire to be, since it's action packed with smaller emphasis on the stupidity that usually goes on.

The only thing he has said is that TNA flies under Jarrett's vision. Why the fuck would he get fired for that? Are you really insinuating that there is this mass hush-hush conspiracy to keep Russo being the head booker a secret, simply to appease a few internet fans who will probably watch the program anyway?

That makes no sense. And, if that really WAS the case, shouldn't have the ultra reporter Dave Meltzer reported that by now? You know, how everyone in TNA keeps it a secret who the REAL booker is?

I can just see Gilbertti now, tucked away in some secret room, twisting his mustache in some diabolical plot to swerve everyone he talks to, about something that has absolutely no effect on the viewership of the product, even though it was already admitted that the same person was doing booking back in his first stint.

Where, oh where, is our shining Silver Knight, Dave Meltzer, to rescue us from this cruel and evil plot? Please, Meltzer, please, save us from being lied to by every fucking member of TNA that has anything to do with the show's production.
I'm very close to just asking you not to reply to anymore of my posts so I can do the same to you.

"That makes no sense."

Of course it doesn't, because you're an idiot.

Read >>> Comprehend >>> Post.

You fail to do even the simplest forms of comprehension and then you assert something entirely different than what I'm getting at and embellish on that assertion to the point of ridiculousness. God damn.

That's true.

Russo takes the booking, and puts it into a TV script. That's been said numerous times.
I can't remember his exact context, but I do believe he was referring to that Russo actually DOES the booking of the show. Writing = Booking. Booking = Writing.

And, if the program was exactly the same, and Russo wasn't part of the official staff, would you still say that?
Yes I would and I'd criticize it all the same.

Yes, it is completely out of the realm of possibility that Jeff Jarrett, the founder of the company, who owns a large stake in the company, would be the one to book it.

Completely unbelievable. :rolleyes:
"Completely unbelievable. :rolleyes:"

Exactly what I think of your responses, since they're so piss poor, arrogant and dripping in stupidity.

I was asking for a clarification of what is going on and you reply with your usual dose of idiot, complete with sarcasm and rolleyes. It's really hard to write out a legitimate response to someone when they're being so completely outside the box stupid on every little goddamn point.

Russo books the show, writes it, then Jeff Jarrett edits it to his vision (which isn't that far from WCW Russo-style booking, like I have said).. Jarrett's vision isn't exactly that drastically different from Russo's poor stylings of booking, so they're both roadblocks.

You can say what you want about the ratings, but you lack any comprehension of context or conditions that it makes you sound stupid. FSN isn't really a top tier network, they're not even second tier, or third tier.. they're a bunch of loosely assembled Fox channels, where TNA's programming wasn't really given a solid position or a good timeslot. I didn't even realize that FSN existed until TNA went to that network.

TNA moves to Spike at a late night timeslot at, what? 11pm or some shit like that? From what I recall, the trends were usually that they capitalize on UFC's lead in and then the trend from there to 12 was downwards the later it got. Of course, with the addition of Kurt Angle, they're going to start averaging 1.0's on prime time television regardless of what the content is. Wrestling is generally habitual programming with a core of viewership. The 1.0 to 1.1 are TNA's core viewers, they achieved a 1.2 on a few occasions during a time when fresh, first run programming was at a bare minimum.

So basically, Russo's done fuck all for the promotion.

And if Jarrett does decide to get Russo to mold TNA into his vision of more "real" type of programming, then I'll commend him for that. If I like something, I like it and I would compliment it. If he takes it into a direction that eliminates most of the insultingly stupid programming that Impact is at large, then I'll give him props. But it's either not happening or going VERY slow.

In the past, even though most of the TV's booked by Russo with Jarrett's oversight, I've commended the Rough Cut segments. It actually made me want to see a BG/Kip match up until I actually watched it. I begrudgingly commended putting the belt on Joe even if I disagree with how long it took them, and I'm liking the prospect of a Morgan push. I think that TNA has done a decent job, for the most part, making Tomko out to be more than Christian's lackey. They do happen to be capable of doing some good things, but they, at large, don't do much whatsoever.

Even before Russo joined, there were some flaws.. but I felt that they had direction and solid programming enough to counter the flaws. Nowadays they don't really have anything, not one thing, that compels me to want to watch the whole program.
yeah, you're right. I'm not doing a wrestling tour of new zealand right now, i'm sitting at home waiting for my wrestlezone check so i can have enough money for a bowl of grits since i'm starving to death. and i'm sure you'd like to provide the long list of guys that have retired from the business at 40.

Quite an accomplishment, going on tour with Indy wrestling to New Zealand. Can you even call it retireing of you've never really worked?
I make it a point not to read any articles Glenn does, because they're (like I said) basically Bill O'Reilly esque bullshit that's all about talking other people down while promoting whatever agenda he aligns with.
So, you admit you don't know what you are talking about?

Are reported by the WWE.

certain rumors, plans for a promotion's future, etc.
Care to be more vague? Like I said, the only things he's ever right about, with regards to what we see on TV is stuff so obvious a monkey could figure it out.

There's a formula people need to do on the internet that you, nor most other defenders, are not following.

Read >>> Comprehend >>> Post.
Aww, that was pretty. Unfortunately, you bury yourself just one line down.

Simple for the normal, halfway intelligent internet posters.. yet it's somehow difficult for you. I wasn't saying he was not a biased wrestling fan, I said his bias was against shitty wrestling.
Really now?

Then what did this mean?

You said:
I don't think Meltzer is biased as far as the quality of the product
And, Meltzer most definitely is. Meltzer's opinion of what is "quality" differs vastly from what the general wrestling community as a whole views as quality.

I think that's obvious just by looking at his star rating system, and the WON awards.

Both show what side Meltzer takes, with regards to what is considered quality. The awards show what his readers feel is quality, and so Dave Meltzer, in order to sell Newsletters, gives his readers what they want. His star ratings validate that.

I'm very close to just asking you not to reply to anymore of my posts so I can do the same to you.

"That makes no sense."

Of course it doesn't, because you're an idiot.

Read >>> Comprehend >>> Post.

You fail to do even the simplest forms of comprehension and then you assert something entirely different than what I'm getting at and embellish on that assertion to the point of ridiculousness. God damn.
First off, I recommend not openly flaming me like this. It's against the rules. It doesn't bother me really, I just know that you will receive infractions/bannings for it.

Second of all, you have NEVER addressed the point I made. You say that there is this mass conspiracy by everyone in TNA to cover up Russo being the head booker. You say that Meltzer, despite not working in TNA, and being wrong all the time, speaks the truth, even though he has EVERY bit as much of a reason to lie as TNA would, due to the fact his main goal is to sell Newsletters to fans who like to have their opinion stroked. You're saying that TNA is covering all of this up, in order to appease a small group of fans who would watch the program regardless. Finally, you have failed to address why TNA would cover Russo's involvement this time, when openly admitting it last time.

Instead of resorting to flaming tactics, would you care to explain how ANY of that makes sense?

I can't remember his exact context, but I do believe he was referring to that Russo actually DOES the booking of the show. Writing = Booking. Booking = Writing.
Maybe this is where you are getting confused.

Let's refer back to Gilbertti's original statement..."Jeff Jarrett is the executive producer of the show. It's his vision we see every week. Russo, Dutch, and others help Jeff produce his vision, with Russo being the actual script writer."

That means that everything you see, is the result of what Jeff Jarrett wants. The others help come up with ways to achieve what Jarrett wants. Russo then takes the booking, and makes it into an actual TV script.

So, the process goes like this.

Jarrett wants a certain thing to be done.
The creative committee figures out ways to reach that end
Jarrett takes the ideas from creative, and books a show.
Russo takes that booking, and uses it to create the script of the show.

Writing the script for the show, and booking the show are two completely separate things.

You can say what you want about the ratings, but you lack any comprehension of context or conditions that it makes you sound stupid. FSN isn't really a top tier network, they're not even second tier, or third tier.. they're a bunch of loosely assembled Fox channels, where TNA's programming wasn't really given a solid position or a good timeslot. I didn't even realize that FSN existed until TNA went to that network.
What does that have to do with a growing fanbase?

Do you even know what ratings represent? Ratings represent the number of people who watch the show, based upon the percentage of people who have the show available to them. Getting a .3 rating on FSN means that very few people actually watched the show. Just because they get moved to primetime, doesn't mean that the show is magically going to get a 1.1 rating. A 1.1 rating means that TNA created new fans to the program.

This isn't rocket science. It's really not, I promise.

I'll recap, in simple terms. TNA on FSN = not very many viewers. TNA on Spike in primetime = a LOT more viewers.

The 1.0 to 1.1 are TNA's core viewers
Then where were those core viewers when TNA was doing .3 ratings on FSN?
Disco Inferno whos that? Oh wait i Know now he MUST be that stupid ass who came up with the idea to put Christopher Daniels in a flaming jump suit and call him curry man! Anyway moving on...... I believe that TNA is really ECWCW. Now stay with me on this for a second it all will soon make perfect sense you take a bunch of wrestlers past their prime and you give them a second chance you throw in some good old ECW names Rhyno and the dudleys or wait team 3D now my bad, and then take what ever WWE kicks out add The hit man oh wait sorry Kurt Angle..... I almost forgot Vince Russo and his we don't need heels or faces ******ation and we get Extream Championship World Class Wrestling, and with the 2 extra letters you get 2 extra sides to your ring!

Now don't get me wrong i really do like the whole 6 sided ring thing its actually pretty cool. Here's what my problem is...... I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!!! AND I'M THE TNA WORLD CHAMPION AND THE NEW STANDERED AROUND HERE AND IM NOT SCARED TO DEFEND MY TITLE!!! (rubs ear at this point) Ok there bud congrats you can scream come back and deliver a promo when you have some god damn energy, and they really need to improve on their writing skills though I must say Eric young is just amazing all around and I like what their doing even though its very "Charle Hass" I believe is what one would say they are at least giving him a push and telling a story with it Hass just looks like he went crazy or wanted to play dress up. The fact remains however that currently TNA is really a combined effort of whats been dead and burried for years and they really need to push the younger talent and come up with something new and fresh otherwise they will always be below WCW and ECW they honestly are not even near ready to be put up against WWE. The one thing I do need to give TNA Creative however, I do need to give you props for saving the earth you guys are great i mean reeeeaaally great at recycleing. Your saving us all by reusing one 80's storyline at a time....ooooo P:S you guys should really keep up the Black machismo, with his valet seeing sonjay i mean thats NEVER EVER EVER been done before try spicing it up if you need an idea you could always run with OMG BLACK MACHISMO I NEVER TOUCHED HER SHES MY SISTER YOU SICK BASTARD!!!! but dont forget now Black machismo's dad has to come out and tell him that he and sonjay are half brothers meaning his valets his sister!!!!! OH NO WHAT JUST HAPPEND HERE!!!! Sad thing is that would still make a more interesting angle than some of the more recent crap thats been pulled in TNA.

Simply put TNA IS Extream Championship World Class Wrestling and until they fix their shit and stop living in the past they will never and i mean Never live up to anything but a ghost of 2 dead companies and in the shadow of the company still dominating Wrestling WWE, like it or not thats just how it going to be and recycled story and talent will not catch them up in any way.

Oh and i almost forgot.... HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! (Bang, Bang) ar15smilie:
Disco Inferno whos that? Oh wait i Know now he MUST be that stupid ass who came up with the idea to put Christopher Daniels in a flaming jump suit and call him curry man! Anyway moving on...... I believe that TNA is really ECWCW. Now stay with me on this for a second it all will soon make perfect sense you take a bunch of wrestlers past their prime and you give them a second chance you throw in some good old ECW names Rhyno and the dudleys or wait team 3D now my bad, and then take what ever WWE kicks out add The hit man oh wait sorry Kurt Angle..... I almost forgot Vince Russo and his we don't need heels or faces ******ation and we get Extream Championship World Class Wrestling, and with the 2 extra letters you get 2 extra sides to your ring!

Now don't get me wrong i really do like the whole 6 sided ring thing its actually pretty cool. Here's what my problem is...... I'M SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU!!! AND I'M THE TNA WORLD CHAMPION AND THE NEW STANDERED AROUND HERE AND IM NOT SCARED TO DEFEND MY TITLE!!! (rubs ear at this point) Ok there bud congrats you can scream come back and deliver a promo when you have some god damn energy, and they really need to improve on their writing skills though I must say Eric young is just amazing all around and I like what their doing even though its very "Charle Hass" I believe is what one would say they are at least giving him a push and telling a story with it Hass just looks like he went crazy or wanted to play dress up. The fact remains however that currently TNA is really a combined effort of whats been dead and burried for years and they really need to push the younger talent and come up with something new and fresh otherwise they will always be below WCW and ECW they honestly are not even near ready to be put up against WWE. The one thing I do need to give TNA Creative however, I do need to give you props for saving the earth you guys are great i mean reeeeaaally great at recycleing. Your saving us all by reusing one 80's storyline at a time....ooooo P:S you guys should really keep up the Black machismo, with his valet seeing sonjay i mean thats NEVER EVER EVER been done before try spicing it up if you need an idea you could always run with OMG BLACK MACHISMO I NEVER TOUCHED HER SHES MY SISTER YOU SICK BASTARD!!!! but dont forget now Black machismo's dad has to come out and tell him that he and sonjay are half brothers meaning his valets his sister!!!!! OH NO WHAT JUST HAPPEND HERE!!!! Sad thing is that would still make a more interesting angle than some of the more recent crap thats been pulled in TNA.

Simply put TNA IS Extream Championship World Class Wrestling and until they fix their shit and stop living in the past they will never and i mean Never live up to anything but a ghost of 2 dead companies and in the shadow of the company still dominating Wrestling WWE, like it or not thats just how it going to be and recycled story and talent will not catch them up in any way.

Oh and i almost forgot.... HAVE A NICE DAY!!!! (Bang, Bang) ar15smilie:

"Let it be written, and let it be said, that with his ninth, albeit nonsensical and grammatically bankrupt post, that Prince Punk accused myself of being a stupid ass for coming up with the curry man gimmick!"

uh, Prince Punk, curry man is chris daniel's invention. He's been doing it for something like the past eight years in Japan. I think you just outed yourself as being the actual stupid ass.
yeah, you're right. I'm not doing a wrestling tour of new zealand right now, i'm sitting at home waiting for my wrestlezone check so i can have enough money for a bowl of grits since i'm starving to death.

Last I checked you weren't doing a wrestling tour of New Zealand. You were doing two convention appearances in Christchurch and Wellington, and making 2 appearances for IPW AT those conventions. I mean, I could be wrong, but signing Autographs as your main purpose is hardly a wrestling tour.
wrestling is wrestling if its on tv or not. and all these people that have no proof that glen is wrong need to just shut the hell up and quit ragging on his gimmick. i hated it but im not gonna make fun of him for it when he was successful at what he was paid to do and make you hate him. dont bash the man's gimmick from a dead company when you cant make any other type of arguement against him.
thanks glenn, saved me the hassle of a response and was funny in the process.

how can you turn around and say TNA's pushing the dead and buried. Booker's in a feud with RObert Roode and putting him over. Kurt Angle just put over Samoa Joe, and was the one Black Machismo went over to win the X-division title. Scott Steiner's getting Petey Williams over and Sting is building James Storm up as a heel. is that enough or shall I think of more?
TNA's doing a good job building up people who are unknown to outsiders by using big names to do it. how is that not effective when WCW did the opposite
"Let it be written, and let it be said, that with his ninth, albeit nonsensical and grammatically bankrupt post, that Prince Punk accused myself of being a stupid ass for coming up with the curry man gimmick!"

uh, Prince Punk, curry man is chris daniel's invention. He's been doing it for something like the past eight years in Japan. I think you just outed yourself as being the actual stupid ass.

You know it must REEEAAAALLLLLY hurt and I mean this when I say it.... wait never mind you wont understand i'll break it down so that even The Disco Man can understand. You know that red jumper, wait of course you do your actually probably wearing it right now! Now I want you to drag your mouse and find a picture of the outfit that Daniels wears as Curry man, ok? Now if you will notice i was making a comparison to your gimicks and the lack their of, oh and then afterwords i kind of just stopped mentioning you as im pretty sure that your not really that important or relevent in any way shape or form. :schild13: :gasp:
Last I checked you weren't doing a wrestling tour of New Zealand. You were doing two convention appearances in Christchurch and Wellington, and making 2 appearances for IPW AT those conventions. I mean, I could be wrong, but signing Autographs as your main purpose is hardly a wrestling tour.

the shows are done in front of fans. what is so difficult to understand? i'm WRESTLING 4 matches and signing autographs. they weren't just bringing me over here to sign and while i was there said "hey why don't i wrestle?" some of you guys try to get over on me and end up sounding just plain ol' dumb. btw, anytime you go on the road in this business we consider it "touring."
Just out of curiosity, what name do you go by in the ring and who did you wrestle on the tour?

Aside from that, I don't think Russo is bringing the product down. As Gilbertti said, the final product is Jarrett's. The company isn't what it could be, but it could be far worse. Based on what I've seen, and I could be very wrong on this, the main thing that Russo is doing to hurt the product are the gimmick matches with insanely complicated rules. This may be him, may not be, but to me they're just annoying. He doesn't have control of who wrestles or whos on the roster, so that can't be blamed on him. I don't think that minus him the show would be perfect or awful. Russo contributes, but any success or problems the company is having, he's a minor part of it.
You know it must REEEAAAALLLLLY hurt and I mean this when I say it.... wait never mind you wont understand i'll break it down so that even The Disco Man can understand. You know that red jumper, wait of course you do your actually probably wearing it right now! Now I want you to drag your mouse and find a picture of the outfit that Daniels wears as Curry man, ok? Now if you will notice i was making a comparison to your gimicks and the lack their of, oh and then afterwords i kind of just stopped mentioning you as im pretty sure that your not really that important or relevent in any way shape or form. :schild13: :gasp:

posting while you're stoned on ecstasy isn't that bright. you sound ridiculous. or maybe i'm just misinterpreting what you're saying, which i don't even think YOU know.
posting while you're stoned on ecstasy isn't that bright. you sound ridiculous. or maybe i'm just misinterpreting what you're saying, which i don't even think YOU know.

Did the washed up wrestler (if thats what you really want to call it) turned host of Michael Vick's Dog fights just tell me that im stoned on ecstasy! :smashfreakB: coming from a man who spends his time acting like he is a John Travolta look alike makes me wonder if in fact your not the one on ecstasy especialy with your constant rant on how TNA (ECWCW) is going to become bigger than the WWE! MY GOD LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!! That man is ON the TNA (ECWCW) PAYROLE!!!!! It's Ironic that a man who claims that IWF's are soooooo stupid and cant understand anything but what they get told by "THE SHEETS" when you cant even grasp that someones taking a crack at how "DISCO INFERNO" and "CURRY MAN" both dress damn near the same way and how you have no impact on the buisness when you were in the ring and somehow manage to have even less of an impact now that your "buddies" with workers from TNA and have the "REAL" inside scoop even though your more like a whipping boy that everyone just LOVES to poke fun at for trying SOOOOO hard to be the HEEL of a WRESTLING FORUM!! Congrats on after all the time you have been in the business managing to actually "know" more about wrestling than those who only read about it and watch it REALLY CONGRATS. :yousuck:
Did the washed up wrestler (if thats what you really want to call it) turned host of Michael Vick's Dog fights just tell me that im stoned on ecstasy! :smashfreakB: coming from a man who spends his time acting like he is a John Travolta look alike makes me wonder if in fact your not the one on ecstasy especialy with your constant rant on how TNA (ECWCW) is going to become bigger than the WWE! MY GOD LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!!! That man is ON the TNA (ECWCW) PAYROLE!!!!! It's Ironic that a man who claims that IWF's are soooooo stupid and cant understand anything but what they get told by "THE SHEETS" when you cant even grasp that someones taking a crack at how "DISCO INFERNO" and "CURRY MAN" both dress damn near the same way and how you have no impact on the buisness when you were in the ring and somehow manage to have even less of an impact now that your "buddies" with workers from TNA and have the "REAL" inside scoop even though your more like a whipping boy that everyone just LOVES to poke fun at for trying SOOOOO hard to be the HEEL of a WRESTLING FORUM!! Congrats on after all the time you have been in the business managing to actually "know" more about wrestling than those who only read about it and watch it REALLY CONGRATS. :yousuck:

i'm going to elect you the leader of the disco inferno hater club. you represent your followers well.
disco inferno, and i wrestled some local the first night and Raven the second night. got two more locals this weekend.

Who are the Locals as I live in New Zealand and would like to know who you are against since it would be interesting to see what you think of these guys. I know that for the most part these guys are Weekend Warriors since there isn't enough of a Wrestling scene in New Zealand for it to function as a viable form of Employment.

As for the topic at Hand. I thought Russo only wrote the script these days with the main booking being done by Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Mantell. Personally I feel He should take a look at his style of writing and see what he can do to improve it and update it for a more modern audience than the Attitude Era Audience that he is used to. And seems to still function based on that style.
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