Is Vince Russo Racist?

Whether you believe Pope is over enough for a title or not... wasn't he injured by the time of Lockdown? I thought that was the reason why he didn't get the title (Assuming he was supposed to get it in the first place)

A few people have brought up the credibility of that site and yeah... I don't think this story is very believable. I think one person on here mentioned Lashley, and that's a good example. Lashley was not put in a ridiculous angle or gimmick, and he was not underpushed. They made him out to be a top guy, and the only people he was met with hostility by were the fans themselves. He probably would have eventually held the title if he did not leave for MMA.

I don't think Russo is racist, or if he is then he at least does not let that affect the main event scene.
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Hey did you even READ what other people said? especially the guy who pointed out that website posts alot of really think one man could do that? when carter and hogan has more pull than him?..jeez ppl are so quick to believe everything.

Screw you, I really dont care what you think. You are hardly addressing the point in hand.

I responded to the OP after I sifted through some average responses on the first page.

If it isn't entirely true then it would explain why Russo still has a job. I am a huge fan of the Pope and i thought he would be the one to end AJ's reign. The fact is TNA shot their load on RVD when Pope may have been a smarter long term choice.
This thread is ridiculous and stupid. Believe Booker T was main eventing in WCW and winning the title under Russo's watch. Their aint many great African American characters right now. Pope is ok. But with TNA trying to gain mainstream attention. They gave the belt to RVD who is an established superstar in wrestling and veteran. Just how the cookie crumbles my friend. This is a stupid thread.
This post makes as much sense as me stating that the Chinese are being discriminated since I don't recall ANY Chinese wrestlers ever in the WWE / NWA / AWA / WCW and they are the largest country in the world let alone any world champion wrestlers from China. I doubt Vince Russo is racist and I do remember him pushing Booker T to the moon in WCW under his reign. Also Mark Henry had that bad storyline because he sucked and was lost in the shuffle.
That is exactly my point. Wherever Russo goes, Usually the African Americans Get stuck with the shitty storylines. Mark henry gets the tranny, Ron simmons is watered down to just "damn!" And everyone one of the black people that walk in to a company he has get THE WORST GIMMICK possible. Black machismo? Consequences creed? Everytime a African comes in, he gets shitted on. I HOPE he doesnt do anything to Benjamin except put him in team angle again.

I think that you are being entirely too judgmental and taking this out of context. Sure The Pope is not the TNA world champion, but at least his potential has been given light and he was brought out of the X-Division to shine on his own merits and to build up his popularity for the future. It's not Russo's fault that Pope is legitimately hurt. I mean what would you rather happen. another one of those Undertake "one and done" title runs where he beats the champ and then has to drop the title the next ppv or week due to being injured? So you're reading too much into the whole "Pope is not champ" thing.

And as far how black wrestlers have been treated everywhere he has gone, let's take a look at that.

1. Mark Henry was the WSM and the world's worst wrestler at the same time. He was brought in for shock value and for a quick pop. Thing is, he sucked. And while he has learned to work with his limitations, Russo pretty much did the only thing he could do to keep the guy interesting and talked about, made a joke out of him. At the time, Henry deserved no less. And trust me, it was at least more dramatic and charismatic than the whole hand raising thing that he does now.

2. Wait a minute, are you seriously sitting here telling me that you are going to blame Russo for the whole "Damn" thing? The SAME Russo who came up with the Nation of Domination? The same Russo who came up with the APA? The same Russo who hasn't been in the WWE's area code for the past decade? The same Russo who wasn't anywhere even near a WWE ring, event, or television program when hey started doing the whole " Damn" thing? Are you sure you read up on your history before you started making that remark? Because, and everybody knows this, Vince Russo was not involved with, affiliated with, or socializing with the WWE since he left the WCW. So I'm not sure where you get your facts because that is completely wrong. If anything, he salvaged Simmons career after the whole "Modern Day Gladiator" fiasco. And he even found something to build Simmons back up to after The Rock took over the Nation.

3. Black Machismo and Consequences Creed? Well first and foremost, Black Machismo is actually and entertaining gimmick. Not just because he imitates The Macho Man but because it gives Jay Lethal a chance to flex his mind. Now I bet you are sitting there wondering what the bloody hell I mean by that statement right? Well it's simple. Now when you see Jay Lethal, do you sit and just watch and shake your head or do you actually listen to some of the things that come out of his mouth? The guy actually does his homework for the part and it can be heard with alot of the references that he makes with former angles that the Macho Man was involved in or wrestlers who fit the description of the current angle who were from the past. I can only hope that they let Lethal do his Flair impression again.

Consequences Creed? Well I'll give you that one. The guy didn't have talent. he had the look, but just not the seasoning to be legit yet. I bet you that they will keep an eye on him for the next few years and, if he shows improvement with his in ring presence, he will get another chance. Other than that, he sucked. And, other than the color of his tights, that was his gimmick from before he came to TNA.

4. I think the only people who might be racist are the people who harp on this crap constantly. I mean how can they not be? THey sit and want every black wrestler or mexican wrestler or japanese wrestler in each and every company to get pushed to the top, and yet they don't care that only one of every 20 white wrestlers is actually getting used decently in each company. So why should the same statistics not be applied with other races?

I mean instead of pointing out that Booker T was just used as enhancement talent before Russo gave him a big push to the title, you sit and look at the fact that Stevie Ray wasn't heavyweight champion. Instead of looking at the fact that before Russo came along and showed you Elix Skipper's full potential, nobody knew that a black man could be a cruiserweight, you gripe that Hard Work Bobby Walker wasn't given a run with the TV title. Instead of looking at the fact that he took K-Krush and made him The Truth and gave him the only world titles that he will ever see in his life, you complain because TNA didn't make "What's Up" a household song. And let's not even get into the fact that Russo was pushing Ahmed Johnson to the WWF world title before injuries and weight issues took him down for the count.

So take it from a black man who has been watching wrestling since back in the days when every black man or mexican or islander in the WWF was crazy, dancing, or a pimp and Ric Flair was allowed to run angles where a black up and coming wrestler would be called "Boy" or told to carry his bags in the middle of the ring for cheap heat. Oh yeah, I have seen legit racism in wrestling. And trust me, Vince Russo is far from being even minutely labeled as such. He has actually done alot of good for minority wrestlers as he studies their potential over their color.

And that is the take of a 34 year old black man. Love or hate it, it still needed to be said.
I think this is a huge crock of shit. I highly doubt that in a compnay full of individuals with their own beliefs not to mention the public relations nightmare they could be facing, that Russo could get away with that. He'd be fired, blackballed and it would be ALL OVER the internet including TNA's website. I don't for one second believe a word of it.

Plus I would like to add something. Is the Pope ready for the World Title? I think so and I do believe that he will get his shot to run with the belt, but people are complaining he didn't get it and I have two big things to make comments about it with. 1: If he won the title the first shot people would be complaining there is no chase and that there is no story to his win. 2) He may have had his chance at LockDown and that MAY have been the night to win it, but remember he hurt his shoulder in the match. There is a point when he hurt it that he and AJ are laying on the mat and he is clearly saying something to AJ and the ref. The match ended not much after that so who knows they may have had to change on the fly. We will just have to see until he gets better.
I think this is a huge crock of shit. I highly doubt that in a compnay full of individuals with their own beliefs not to mention the public relations nightmare they could be facing, that Russo could get away with that. He'd be fired, blackballed and it would be ALL OVER the internet including TNA's website. I don't for one second believe a word of it.

Plus I would like to add something. Is the Pope ready for the World Title? I think so and I do believe that he will get his shot to run with the belt, but people are complaining he didn't get it and I have two big things to make comments about it with. 1: If he won the title the first shot people would be complaining there is no chase and that there is no story to his win. 2) He may have had his chance at LockDown and that MAY have been the night to win it, but remember he hurt his shoulder in the match. There is a point when he hurt it that he and AJ are laying on the mat and he is clearly saying something to AJ and the ref. The match ended not much after that so who knows they may have had to change on the fly. We will just have to see until he gets better.

Anyone remember russo was the one that put the NWAstrap on Ron Killings in the early days of TNA, back when they used to do the wed night PPV's before he was even a name guy. Russo took a shot on a nobody at the time, all he was known for was being cut by WWE
Is Vince Russo racist? I can't answer this for sure, but there is evidence that he doesn't mind working with those that differ in race from his own. The gimmicks you site as evidence of his distaste for black people pale in comparison to some of the other ridiculously terrible angle's he's pushed out like Val Venis having his cock cut off. He works in a business that is predominately filled with white/non-black wrestlers and I see no reason to give the title to someone black just because they are black.

This and the fact that TNA is suing Cornette over a tiny bit of information he leaked, meaning were Russo to divulge any inside information he would be sued into oblivion, makes me doubt the authenticity of this report.

Had Pope won the title, what good would it have served the company as a whole? He doesn't draw. He's only over in the Impact zone and a tiny bit with the IWC. He isn't as marketable as RVD and when you're trying to boost ratings, the ability to sell the audience your champion is paramount. I don't think the Pope would have (nor should have) won regardless of whether or not Russo was still in TNA.
how can vince russo be racist
i totally cosign with afro-ameri-spawn
but i want to add onto it

when eric bischoff was in charge of wcw, there were barely any black stars in the company period,let alone getting any major pushes. aside from konnan in the wolfpack, hispanics were only in the cruiserweight division & had very little to no character whatsoever

along comes vince russo
when he has full control of wcw
booker t was basically his hand picked champion, he had ernest miller as commisioner, he made the filthy animals a major stable in the company & gave them title runs, he took elix skipper out the power plant & immediately gave him the cruiserweight title, he took 2 black & one hispanic nitro girls (sharmell,tygress & miss jones) & made them valets to major stars in his tenure, he had stevie ray as the only black play by play announcer on tv. hell he even took ice train & made him a regular tv personality as MI Smooth

during his first tna tenure
he made ron killings the champion multiple times, brought d'lo brown & elix skipper to tna,& gave monty brown a monster push

if you really think of it, vince russo has had more of a hand in creating more black stars than any other major booker or promoter

pope is talented but pope was a glorified jobber in wwe
how does it make tna look to have someone who was a jobber a year ago as their champion during the monday night wars

think about it
what the.... is this op serious? i havent read all of the posts, but it seems to me once again that someone is rearranging events to suit their agenda. am i right in thinking booker t was given his biggest push under russo at wcw? samoa joe, monty brown, ron killings and several others have been given titles, pushes and credibility under russo. was russo also in charge of writing when ahmed johnson seemed to be getting a big push in wwf? thats before i start on the rock.

sure. i want the pope to win the title. but there are many reasons why it wasnt the time to pull the trigger at lockdown. injury being the main one.

if we are throwing around racist accusations shall we look to vinnie mac and his writing team?
kung fu-naki or whatever name he goes by (kaientai aswell!), cryme tyme (money,bling,theiving), eddy and chavo(lie, cheat, steal.) the mexicools (lawnmowers) and then there is r-truth - the former world champion under russo. now the white glove (a reference to the black and white minstrels?) wearing pg rapper. overloaded with lazy stereotyping he seems truly be the victim of out and out racism.
And WCW really wasn't that much better. Besides Booker T can anyone really give me another example of African American talent who was Main Eventing after the Attitude Era and Pre-WWE buy out? (1998-2000). I can't name another.

Don't forget that Russo put himself over Booker T for the WCW title.

Fact is we don't know for sure if this is true but someone must have been holding The Pope back. The RVD title change the next night didn't do much for Styles or the Pope. Stupid swerves, could be Russo.
I don't think race has anything to with The Pope not being champion. I think the reason he's not has more to do with Hogan not Russo. Hogan likes putting people that are affiliated with him on top. In this case I don't blame Hogan it makes more sense having RVD as champion he's a bigger name. I believe Pope will be champion sooner than later.
in response to wtfhappened

that match was booked for russo & booker t to exit the cage at the same time
goldberg fucked up & speared russo prematurely, booker had the belt back the next week

but yeah pope will get the title soon, he has too, he is the hottest wrestler they got
i just couldnt see him getting the title so suddenly.

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