Oh No. The Return Of Nash

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I just want to say I went to the TNA Bound For Glory last night and witnessed Nash try and get involved in the Angle/Sting match, and I must say it was sad. He couldnt climb in over the ropes to get in the ring like he used to, his moves were VERY VERY weak and sad looking. I must say I was pumped to maybe see Nash return but after what I saw last night, he should stick to the mic and out of the ring. Cause it didnt look good and he looked in very bad shape in the ring.
Active Wrestler Kevin Nash will be a reality. I got the impression dropping Walman and Hall's name tonight is an indication that at least one of them will come on in to TNA and team up with Kevin. I really don't think TNA will be dumb enough to 1) use Nash as a singles act or 2) give him much of a push as a singles.
Even though Nash is a shade of what he was Id like to see him have another run. THe tag match will build the Nash Angle feud, which is a dream match in its own right.
Nash cannot wrestle anymore simple as, I am holding out hope that the match at Genies will be his last stand and TNA do some storyline on him getting crippled or something so he can't return in the ring ever. Technically he shouldnt anyway but that aside. I do enjoy some of nash's mic work, but mic skills are only at most a 1/3 of a wrestle, you can't be a wrestler and not be able to wrestle because of constant fear of injury. Just look at Stone Cold if you need an example.
I can't believe what im hearing from you all about Nash...he was the WWE CHAMP....WCW CHAMP...there is nothing wrong with nash's abilities in the ring, or outside of it...based on the fan reaction on tna, when he came out there, i would say many many people disagree with you guys on whether or not he should be back in the ring...you mean to tell me that when nash was young, he wasn't very good....lol.....thats funny to me....he never hung on shawn michaels coattails in WCW when he was the best in the damn company...Tna is smart by bringing him in....Nash looks like he carries himself better than sting....sting looks like he hasn't been in the gym in years...
I can't believe what im hearing from you all about Nash...he was the WWE CHAMP....WCW CHAMP...there is nothing wrong with nash's abilities in the ring, or outside of it...based on the fan reaction on tna, when he came out there, i would say many many people disagree with you guys on whether or not he should be back in the ring...you mean to tell me that when nash was young, he wasn't very good....lol.....thats funny to me....he never hung on shawn michaels coattails in WCW when he was the best in the damn company...Tna is smart by bringing him in....Nash looks like he carries himself better than sting....sting looks like he hasn't been in the gym in years...

I do agree with most of what you said. In fact all of it about Nash, but not quite what you said about Sting. Since this is a Big Daddy Cool thread, I'll leave my opinion of Sting to the side. That said, based on few STEPS, people are assuming Nash can no longer perform. His shots look weak? 99% of how good a move looks is how the other person SELLS it. I saw nothing from anything he has done recently to tell me that he can't wrestle at all anymore.

Of course all of that is besides the fact that the assumption is ridiculous, after all, you have only seen the man step into the ring and clothesline a person. How can you base whether or not Kevin Nash can wrestle a decent match after that?

In my opinion, the jackknife powerbomb he gave Angle was outstanding. I hope his return is here to stay.
Nash working matches now and then is not bad but Nash working matches each and every week could be bad. He is back in the ring at the following PPV for TNA in a tag as we all know. I get a feeling down the line he may even work matches with Sting & Kurt Angle in single matches.
I've always loved Kevin nash, but my like for him has really stemmed from his tag team runs. I've never really cared for nash as a singles competitor and hope that he doesnt return as one. I love his sense of humore and I'd rather see him stay in that role than return to an unbelievable storyline.
But he's far too injury prone to be a champion. They could give him the belt, and hope to christ that he's not injured a week later.. Or they could give it to Kurt Angle, or Booker T.. Someone who is consistent, and knows what they're doing in the ring. As far as the Outsiders go.. A match every other week in the tag division would be okay. I could watch that.
I thought Nash was a mediocre worker even in his prime. How many times have we seen him butcher attempts at a Jackknife? I enjoyed his run as WWF Champ as Big Daddy Cool, and I think he has great value for TNA outside the ring, but I seriously doubt he'd be able to put in a watchable match no matter who they have try and carry him through it.
Kevin Nash is TNA whether he gets the belts alone or not and now with the addition of Scott Hall they can even be tag team champs and lest not forget Shawn Waltman and possibly Hulk Hogan the nWo will be back in TNA ! lol damn right!
TNA should really push the likes of James Storm, Styles and RObert Roode. These guys are really talented and have the potential to carry the company in the years to come. Baffled by TNA's decision to bring back Scott Hall who has loads of experience and ring presence but who is years past his prime. the same applies to TNA's decision to bring back Rick Steiner. Wonder why some of the guys want to leave the company...
god. they ARE pushing those guys. Those guys dont make money from PPVs for the company. Dont anyone understand this business
Hey Drake, your an idiot wrestling fan. You need to read what you said, key word you said, WAS. He WAS wwe champ. He WAS wcw champ. That was years ago my freind. You need to let it go. Its over. I was live at the Bound for Glory PPV in Atlanta and saw first hand, Nash cant move well in a ring. Nash has trouble getting in the ring. So tell me this, what sense does it make to give him a push over guys like Samoa Joe, Christian, Kaz, Robert Roode, Abyss. Its not fair and its stupid. Many fans problems is that they live in the past. Saying, Nobody can talk like The Rock. Nobody is like Austin. Nash needs to wrestle again because he WAS a champ. Those days are over. Wrestling is going through a phase and until the fans let go of the past, its gonna be a bumpy ride to the future. With guys like Nash, Sting, Hall, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, HHH holding down the young guys like Kaz, Joe, Aj Styles, Robert Roode, Mr. Kennedy, and other young guys.

It's not stupid because what alot of you guys fail to realize is indirectly, Nash would be putting over younger guys. I barely watched TNA before some of the bigger names came in. I started watching because of them, but I KEEP watching because I like seeing the younger talent. I do like to see some of the "older" guys because I've been watching wrestling since I was 3 years old on my grandfathers living room floor, so I will always want to see more of the "classics". But the young talent will benefit from Nash's draw power because they will get some much needed exposure.
god. they ARE pushing those guys. Those guys dont make money from PPVs for the company. Dont anyone understand this business

I agree with this to a degree. AJ Styles will probably never be a big money maker.. Same with James Storm. Chris Harris, on the other hand.. I believe he has the potential to be TNA's alternative to Edge. He's got talent, love for the business, and a moderate amount of charisma.

But I do agree with you on the point of using Nash, Hall, Sting, etc. to draw buys, and ratings. If you don't have a name.. You don't draw. It's reality people. Get used to it. If you wanna' see AJ Styles in the Main Event.. Buy some old ROH tapes. Unfortunately.. That's why ROH will not likely make it in the PPV world either.

That's my opinion though. Take it for what it's worth.
Sorry to go off topic, but did someone just say that possibly Hulk Hogan is going to go to TNA? If you did, then it might be safe for you to look for money in the middle of a highway.
Now that was a great reponse jackhammer, I could not agree more... We all know that Kevin Nash is well past his prime, BUT he still has the draw appeal to the average wrestling fan, just like Kevin Hall or the Steiners. They may not put on the show they used to, but they will attract alot of WWE fans, and allow them to appreciate TNA's core cast of wrestlers that most average wrestling fans have never seen wrestle. I'm sure Kevin Nash won't live up to his glory days in the late 90's, because if he could he would still be a main eventer in the WWE, not where he's at now. Give him a chance, he might suprise everybody and put on a good show. I'd love to see NWO get back together for a short run on TNA
IF NASH can barely move its understandable If they Bring in SID VICIOUS people will watch it more and lets not forget Hulk Hogan now TNA is goin through the same metamorphosis as WCW did and wrestling fans tuned into it more when the older wrestling stars came in so thats exactly what TNA is doing now to increase viewership so thecrock0984 you don t know what your talking about noone is going to follow guys alone like Samoa Joe,KAZ,Christian and Abyss without the other stars like Nash,Hall STing and Booker T putting them over get it! Trust me with Hogan there and possibly teh Rock it will boost ratings and destory WWE circus once and for all and we speculate that Wrestlemania 25 will be the last one when congress steps in we all know now Cena did steroid no doubt about it and McMoron likes to favor and hide HHH and Cena to his disposal but the thing is WWE has no action anymore its more talking like 80% and 20% action while T NA is 90% action and 10% talk
LOL McMoron that made me laugh.

Anyway the main thing here is like Jackhammer said the large names will always draw in more fans. I have friends who didn't know what TNA was untill Kurt Angle signed with them and now they watch TNA every week and own Motor City Machineguns T-Shirts. If Kurt Angle's signing hadn't brought them to TNA they never would have known about the MCMG. So I agree with jackhammer. As long as big names draw fans WWE & TNA will continue to use them.
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